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2017年5月11日新疆塔什库尔干发生MS 5.5地震,该地震的发震构造为塔什库尔干断裂带,属于全新世发震构造,且为浅源型张性中强地震。此地区受欧亚板块和印度洋板块的挤压碰撞,构造活动剧烈。极震区位于地震断裂上方,灾害破坏较集中,地震对震中附近的库孜滚村造成了毁灭性破坏,与同级别地震相比,灾情较重。灾区位于帕米尔高原,自然条件恶劣,资源匮乏,经济落后,自建房屋质量差,抗震能力低,这也是本次地震震级不大、震害较重的重要原因。  相似文献   

李亮  潘蓉  骆鹏  路雨 《震灾防御技术》2021,16(2):398-403
我国是目前世界在建核电机组最多的国家,总装机容量世界第三,是名副其实的核大国,核安全是国家安全的重要内容,被提到了前所未有的高度。同时,我国也是世界上自然灾害最严重的国家之一,包括核电厂在内的重大工程建设高度重视自然灾害防御设计。日本311地震海啸引起福岛核事故后,核电厂设计中增强了对超设计基准自然灾害的考虑。本文对核电厂防御自然灾害的必要性、核电厂设计中需考虑的自然灾害及国内外核电厂关于防御自然灾害存在的问题进行研究,提出我国核电厂防御自然灾害的建议。  相似文献   

无人机遥感技术在新疆皮山地震灾情获取中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
2015年07月03日,新疆维吾尔自治区和田地区皮山县(37.6°N,78.2°E)发生MS6.5级地震,震源深度10km。本文利用高性能无人机数据采集平台获取灾区高分辨率影像数据,结合地震现场震害调查建立建筑物震害遥感解译特征,采用人工目视解译完成了灾区6个0.01°×0.01°格网评估区房屋类型及损毁程度应急遥感调查,获取测区地震灾情信息。结果表明:测区内房屋结构类型主要包括土木、砖木、砖混结构;倒塌房屋主要为土木结构及个别老旧砖木结构房屋,倒塌和局部倒塌的土木结构房屋占评估区土木结构房屋总数的68%,倒塌和局部倒塌的砖木结构房屋占评估区砖木结构房屋总数的12%;测区砖混结构房屋局部倒塌1间,未倒塌228间,砖混结构显示出良好的抗震性能,对避免人员伤亡和减少经济损失起到重要作用。  相似文献   

印度洋大地震与海啸灾害综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004年12月26日8时58分,印尼苏门答腊岛附近海域发生M8.7地震(百年以来第5次大地震),其引发的海啸波及了东南亚和南亚至少10个国家,截至2005年3月5日已造成28万人死亡和重大财产损失.这是自1964年3月以来世界上发生的最强烈地震,此次海啸是1900年以来这一地区发生的最大海啸.叙述了此次地震和海啸的破坏情况以及受灾国的应急救援工作和国际社会的反应.概述了地震海啸灾害及其研究简况.  相似文献   

M TSU : Recovering Seismic Moments from Tsunameter Records   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We define a new magnitude scale, MTSU, allowing the quantification of the seismic moment M0 of an earthquake based on recordings of its tsunami in the far field by ocean-bottom pressure sensors (``tsunameters') deployed in ocean basins, far from continental or island shores which are known to affect profoundly and in a nonlinear fashion the amplitude of the tsunami wave. The formula for MTSU, MTSU = log10 M0 − 20 = log10 X (ω) + CDTSU + CSTSU + C0, where X (ω) is the spectral amplitude of the tsunami, CDTSU a distance correction and CSTSU a source correction, is directly adapted from the mantle magnitude Mm introduced for seismic surface waves by Okal and Talandier. Like Mm, its corrections are fully justified theoretically based on the representation of a tsunami wave as a branch of the Earth's normal modes. Even the locking constant C0, which may depend on the nature of the recording (surface amplitude of the tsunami or overpressure at the ocean floor) and its units, is predicted theoretically. MTSU combines the power of a theoretically developed algorithm, with the robustness of a magnitude measurement that does not take into account such parameters as focal geometry and exact depth, which may not be available under operational conditions in the framework of tsunami warning. We verify the performance of the concept on simulations of the great 1946 Aleutian tsunami at two virtual gauges, and then apply the algorithm to 24 records of 7 tsunamis at DART tsunameters during the years 1994–2003. We find that MTSU generally recovers the seismic moment M0 within 0.2 logarithmic units, even under unfavorable conditions such as excessive focal depth and refraction of the tsunami wave around continental masses. Finally, we apply the algorithm to the JASON satellite trace obtained over the Bay of Bengal during the 2004 Sumatra tsunami, after transforming the trace into a time series through a simple ad hoc procedure. Results are surprisingly good, with most estimates of the moment being over 1029 dyn-cm, and thus identifying the source as an exceptionally large earthquake.  相似文献   

生态系统地震灾害及其深层机制   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
所有地震时空、强度对人及人类破坏的复杂性可以贯穿到各个层次的生态系统中体现出来,这样地震给人类带来的空间和时间的全面灾害即可用生态系统地震灾害来进行描述。以人类为核心,按照构成生态系统的主体和环境因子的不同,可将生态系统由内向外、逐层包容地划分成社会生态系统、环境生态系统和自然生态系统三个层次类型。在社会生态系统震害中,人类的能动作用居于主导的地位,在环境生态系统震害中,人类的能动作用居于协调的位置,在自然生态系统震害中,人类的能动作用处于服从的地位。整体上来看,生态系统震害具有四个一般特征,即连发性、群发性、长程关联性和影响长期性。蕴震体及地球岩石部分本身就具有自组织、自适应和自相似即自复制类生命体特征,因而具有网络性。因而从生态系统角度研究可以发现,地震灾害与多种灾害之间构成了一个整体的联系,这就是生态系统震害的深层机制,称之为网络性机制。地震灾害的宏观过程是地震作用于人类生存的生态环境(天然生态环境和人工生态环境)从而危及人与社会并形成灾害,震害是由多种相互关联的要素所构成的复杂系统。  相似文献   

海啸灾害及其预警系统   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
地震海啸是最严重的自然灾害之一。2004年底印度洋大海啸更是震撼了全世界。本文对海啸的定义、性质、特征,历史上和近代的中国和世界的严重海啸灾害作了简单介绍。指出建立和完善海啸预警系统,可以在一旦海啸发生后,争取几十分钟甚至几小时时间,提前发出海啸警报信息,这就能极大地减轻海啸灾害。本文简单地介绍了海啸预警系统的主要内容。  相似文献   

选取四川阿坝州九寨沟县MS7.0地震、新疆博尔塔拉州精河县MS6.6地震、四川广元市青川县MS5.4地震作为案例分析,绘制活跃Wi Fi数量、无线网络联网设备数量、汇总在线设备数量、活跃基站数量等4种地震灾情指标在地震发生前后数量变化的折线图。根据与地震前1天变化情况的对比分析,验证地震灾情指标的可用性,选取出效果好的指标,这对进一步研究震后快速获取极震区位置、影响场方向等具有重要意义。  相似文献   

随着城镇化水平的快速提高,处于地震灾害高风险区域的城镇数量也不断增加。在城镇防震减灾工作管理体系中,市县地震部门的防震减灾工作是关键。然而,这些基层部门在推进防震减灾工作中面临着公共服务科技含量不高、工作手段缺乏、基础数据缺乏等难题。本文针对城镇地震防灾与应急处置的关键环节和薄弱部位,研究针对性强、操作简便的城镇地震防灾与应急处置一体化服务系统,为市县地震部门平时的震害防御、防震减灾科普宣传、应急准备以及震时应急响应和震后应急处置提供重要依据、工具和手段,全面提高市县防震减灾能力。从而提高为城镇人民的生命财产安全和经济建设保驾护航的能力,为城镇化建设营造安全的抗震环境。  相似文献   

This paper introduces the characteristics of earthquake disasters in the 2013 Urumqi MS5.1 and the 2015 Pishan MS6.5 earthquakes, which are directly beneath the cities. Based on the discussion on regional tectonic background, site conditions, seismic fortification level of buildings, we preliminarily analyzed the causes of earthquake disaster for buildings caused by the two earthquakes.Finally,we give some advice on earthquake resistance for residential buildings and earthquake damage prevention in Xinjiang.  相似文献   

公益广告有效地引导了公益事业的发展,发挥了积极作用,在社会上引起了极大的反响,得到了全社会的支持和参与。但防震减灾公益广告宣传模式研究相对缺失,本文根据防震减灾公益广告的发展现状,调查分析了防震减灾公益广告现阶段存在的问题,给出了防震减灾公益广告宣传模式和对策建议。  相似文献   

将地震灾害等级划分为巨灾、大灾、中灾、小灾、微灾等5个等级,给出每个灾害等级的灾度下限Di。选取地震灾害的死亡人数和直接经济损失相对值作为计算灾度的2个指标,采用“直接经济损失/年人均GDP”处理方法对直接经济损失进行无量纲化,为不同年代、不同地区的地震灾害灾度大小对比奠定基础。采用椭圆方程作为相邻灾害等级之间的分界线,给出相应参数以确定分界线方程表达式,在此基础上给出合理的地震灾度模型计算公式。利用假设值和中国部分实际地震灾例验证了本文给出的地震灾度模型的科学性、适用性和可比性,给出的地震灾害灾度计算模型可以推广到其他灾害。最后,比较唐山地震和汶川地震的计算灾度值,认为唐山地震的灾度大于汶川地震,并对这一结果的合理性进行了讨论。  相似文献   

2015年7月3日新疆皮山MS6.5级地震灾区地处塔里木盆地南缘,该地自然条件恶劣,经济极为落后,灾区农村的民房除了抗震安居工程建设的房屋外,还有大量抗震性能较差的民居,在地震中受损严重,经济损失较大。灾区大部分位于山前溢出带,地下水位浅、地基土层软弱等场地条件对地震动有放大作用,震害影响范围较大。灾后重建中应继续加大安居富民工程的经费投入力度。灾区北部人口密集,地基土层软弱,工程地质条件差,建议在今后的安居富民建设中加强地基处理。  相似文献   

An estimation of tsunami inundation flow velocity is one of the most challenging issues among tsunami research. Based on field data of inundation depth and inundation flow velocity u estimated using Bernoulli's theorem and inundation depth, fundamental characteristics of the relationship between inundation flow velocity and inundation depth are examined. Fundamental characteristics of the velocity coefficient where g is gravitational acceleration, hf and hr are inundation depths at the front and the back of structures such as a rectangular building with vertical walls, respectively) implicitly included in the relationship are examined through hydraulic experiments. As a result, Cv = 0.6 is recommended as its simple and practical value. It is confirmed through these examinations that the Froude number, defined by where , ranges 0.7–2.0, and when Cv = 0.6 is adopted this Froude number ranges 0.42–1.2. By using the relationship and Cv = 0.6, two simple and practical relationships are presented for two cases where inundation flow velocity exerts the largest or the smallest fluid force on structures. These relationships can be used to roughly grasp the practical side of tsunami damage, and estimate fluid force acting on individual structures, moving velocity and collision force of floating objects and sediment transport such as boulder and sand. Fundamental characteristics of the waterline (tsunami trace) distribution around/on the typical object model (square pillar, corn and column) are also examined through steady flow experiments, and it is confirmed that the maximum and the minimum values of hf/h0 in the full type model of the square pillar are almost the same as those of hf/hr obtained by field surveys where h0 is uniform flow depth. It is also confirmed that hr ? h0 when the Froude number, defined by where u0 is uniform flow velocity, is much less than 1.0. Using a newly defined velocity coefficient, tsunami inundation flow velocity on land can be estimated practically and would be useful for checking proposed sediment transport models that are now being developed by tsunami geologists.  相似文献   

Tsunami generated by submarine slumps and slides are investigated in the near-field, using simple source models, which consider the effects of source finiteness and directivity. Five simple two-dimensional kinematic models of submarine slumps and slides are described mathematically as combinations of spreading constant or slopping uplift functions. Tsunami waveforms for these models are computed using linearized shallow water theory for constant water depth and transform method of solution (Laplace in time and Fourier in space). Results for tsunami waveforms and tsunami peak amplitudes are presented for selected model parameters, for a time window of the order of the source duration.The results show that, at the time when the source process is completed, for slides that spread rapidly (cR/cT≥20, where cR is the velocity of predominant spreading), the displacement of the free water surface above the source resembles the displacement of the ocean floor. As the velocity of spreading approaches the long wavelength tsunami velocity the tsunami waveform has progressively larger amplitude, and higher frequency content, in the direction of slide spreading. These large amplitudes are caused by wave focusing. For velocities of spreading smaller than the tsunami long wavelength velocity, the tsunami amplitudes in the direction of source propagation become small, but the high frequency (short) waves continue to be present. The large amplification for cR/cT1 is a near-field phenomenon, and at distances greater than several times the source dimension, the large amplitude and short wavelength pulse becomes dispersed.A comparison of peak tsunami amplitudes for five models plotted versus L/h (where L is characteristic length of the slide and h is the water depth) shows that for similar slide dimensions the peak tsunami amplitude is essentially model independent.  相似文献   

地震应急避难场所在应对灾害事件和提高城市综合防灾能力、减轻灾害影响、增强政府应急管理工作能力等方面发挥着重大的作用。本文运用AHP法,在遵循科学性、优化性和完整性原则的基础上,构建一个包含4个一级指标和24个二级指标的中小学地震应急避难场所减灾能力指标体系;并参照《地震应急避难场所运行管理指南》(GB/T 33744—2017)中对地震应急避难场所的启用、运行和管理等方面的要求,建立中小学地震应急避难场所减灾能力综合评价模型,根据专家问卷调查资料,计算并分析各指标的相对权重及结果,将其应用在宁夏南部高烈度区中小学校进行能力检验。结果表明,宁夏南部中小学地震应急避难场所减灾能力相对较弱,应加强该区域中小学地震应急避难场所的建设,提升防范和应对地震灾害的能力。  相似文献   

对姚安M6.5地震极震区(Ⅷ度)及姚安,大姚,南华和牟定等县城内的建筑物与结构物的震害做了系统的调查。作为系统研究这一,叙述了多层钢筋混凝土框架,多层砌体,底层框架,砖木结构,土木结构各类房层,单层厂房及砖砌塔的地震破坏现象,分析了建筑物的地震震害特征及对建筑物震害加剧的主要影响,讨论了地震区域城镇建设中防震减灾应重视的问题,以及经验和教训。这对今后多震区的城市规划,建筑物设计具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

“5·12”汶川特大地震灾害特点及其防灾启示   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:5  
本文介绍了"5·12"汶川特大地震发生的构造背景、震源与余震分布特点,认为该地震是青藏高原巴颜喀拉块体东向运动并与四川盆地相互长期作用的结果,地震主要能量释放在长330km、宽52km、深20km的块体(震源体)内,能量释放时间长达100多秒.地震在震源体内释放的能量极其不均匀,地面运动在震中区也具有强烈的时间、空间不均匀性.高烈度区沿震源体分布,烈度分布具有明显异常特征.地震造成的人员死亡90%以上位于烈度Ⅸ度以上地区.居民建筑、学校和医院等建筑物遭受严重破坏,交通、水利等生命线也遭受重大破坏.地震引发的崩塌、滑坡和泥石流灾害十分严重.巨大的地震灾害暴露出防震减灾管理、地震科学研究、防震减灾技术研发应用,以及防震减灾宣传等方面的严重不足. 震主要能量释放在长330kin、宽52kin、深20kin的块体(震源体)内,能量释放时间长达100多秒.地震在震源体内释放的能量极其不均匀,地面运动在震中区也具有强烈的时间、空间不均匀性.高烈度区沿震源体分布,烈度分布具有明显异常特征.地震造成的人员死亡90%以上位于烈度Ⅸ度以上地区.居民建筑、学校和医院等建筑物遭受严重破坏,交通、水利等生命线也遭受重大破坏.地震 发的崩塌、滑坡和泥石流灾害十分严重.巨大的地震灾害暴露出防震减灾管理、地震科学研究、防震减灾技术研发应用,以及防震减灾宣传等方面的严重不足. 震主要能量释放在长330kin、宽52kin、深20k  相似文献   

印尼8.7级地震海啸灾害及应急救援   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文介绍了2004年12月26日发生在印度尼西亚苏门答腊岛近海的8.7级地震后引发的大规模海啸对东南亚国家造成的灾难的情况、各受灾国的应急响应、国际救援及中国国际救援队前往印尼班达亚齐开展救援行动的情况。  相似文献   

The Hokkaido-Nansei-Oki earthquake (M w 7.7) of July 12, 1993, is one of the largest tsunamigenic events in the Sea of Japan. The tsunami magnitudeM t is determined to be 8.1 from the maximum amplitudes of the tsunami recorded on tide gauges. This value is larger thanM w by 0.4 units. It is suggested that the tsunami potential of the Nansei-Oki earthquake is large forM w . A number of tsunami runup data are accumulated for a total range of about 1000 km along the coast, and the data are averaged to obtain the local mean heightsH n for 23 segments in intervals of about 40 km each. The geographic variation ofH n is approximately explained in terms of the empirical relationship proposed byAbe (1989, 1993). The height prediction from the available earthquake magnitudes ranges from 5.0–8.4 m, which brackets the observed maximum ofH n , 7.7 m, at Okushiri Island.  相似文献   

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