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极区是研究各种高空大气物理现象和日地关系的理想场所,通过GPS获取的电离层TEC信息具有高精度、全天候、大范围等优势,所以利用GPS研究极区电离层有重要意义。本文所设计的极区电离层信息监测和发布系统,包含数据回传、数据处理、数据发布三个部分。数据回传包括卫星网络回传和格式转换。数据处理是利用每天回传的GPS双频数据,解算单站VTEC,解决了硬件延迟的求解问题,并用二次建模获得测站上空的VTEC,计算结果表明该方法能较好地给出电离层TEC的大小及变化规律。数据发布是通过中国极地科学考察管理信息系统提供实时的查询服务。  相似文献   

基于南极中山站数字式电离层测高仪DPS-4D和GPS-TEC电离层闪烁监测仪的观测数据,比较研究了两者在2013年所得电离层总电子含量(TEC)随太阳辐射和地磁活动的日变化和季节变化特征。比较结果表明,南极中山站上空电离层TEC存在明显的极区电离层变化特性,这种变化特性大体与太阳辐射成正相关关系,而与地磁活动成负相关。尽管电离层TEC变化具有明显的晨昏不对称性,但都能有效地被DPS-4D和GPS TEC监测仪的数据计算获得,且两者相关系数达到0.86。结合中山站所处的极区电离层位置,考虑太阳辐射电离和地磁活动影响下的极区电离层对流以及中性大气成分改变,初步分析了DPS和GPS所得TEC结果有所差异的原因。  相似文献   

井中三分量磁法测量时用来解决寻找深埋隐伏的金属矿床。但由于三分量磁测探管本身的原因需要采取点测,而这种测量方式会增加测量时间,对仪器造成损害甚至出现事故。所以本文主要在欧盘预测区的其中一个钻孔进行数字测井及数据整理的基础上通过不同速度的连续测量,将每种测量数据与按规范点测的数据进行比较,用公式△=|X_测-X_标|来计算出各种参数的绝对误差,在规范允许的误差范围内选择较快的连续测量方式来减少测井的时间从而降低发生事故的概率。  相似文献   

南极中山站极区空间环境观测系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
中国南极中山站位于极隙区纬度,可以观测到丰富的日地能量传输过程的电离层征兆和极光现象,非常适合开展极区空间环境观测研究。自1989年开始建设以来,中山站极区空间环境观测系统经历了观测设备的不断完善和发展,现已建立了涵盖地面极光、电离层和地磁观测多要素、多手段的自主观测体系,实现了极区空间环境的连续监测并建立了数据库。所有观测设备的运行状态可实时监控,地磁、宇宙噪声吸收等数据实现了准实时远程传输。最后展望中国极区空间环境观测研究的发展前景。  相似文献   

MODIS极区遥感应用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
鄂栋臣  张辛 《极地研究》2010,22(1):69-78
卫星遥感技术在极地区域的应用日益广泛,中分辨率成像光谱仪(Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer,即MODIS)则是遥感领域的重要卫星传感器之一。MODIS传感器,包括它的搭载平台、系统构成、硬件特征、波段范围及一般性应用都在文章中进行了全面性地描述。着重介绍了MODIS在极区遥感应用研究的进展,具体阐述了MODIS在极区地貌、极区大气和极区海洋方面的应用。在每个方面都列举分析了国内外的相关研究实例,充分说明了MODIS在极地区域的广泛应用现状。  相似文献   

<正>《极地研究》是集中反映南北极多学科考察研究成果的综合性学术刊物。它是极地科学工作者发表最新研究成果的园地,也是进行国际国内极地考察研究学术交流的窗口。本刊主要刊登以极地为研究对象或以极地为探测平台的基础研究、应用研究和高技术研究成果,反映该领域的新发现、新创造、新理论和新方法。具体报道范围包括极地冰川学、极地海洋科学、极地大气科学、极区空间物理学、极地地质学、极地地球物理学、极地地球化学、极地生物与  相似文献   

极地海域作为海洋中极具战略地位和影响力的关键地区之一,越来越受国内外科学研究的关注。拖曳作业是开展海洋调查的重要手段之一,但在极地冰区开展拖曳作业往往受天气、海冰、调查装备类型等因素的影响,此外还面临各种突发问题,可能影响考察任务的顺利实施。我国极地考察在开展冰区拖曳作业中经历了从冰区边缘试探到密集浮冰区实践,从结构简单的拖网采样到系统复杂的地球物理综合调查,通过不断的探索试验,积累了丰富的极地冰区考察实践经验。本文总结了我国在极地冰区开展拖曳作业中遇到的主要风险,开展了深入的分析与探讨,同时对比和借鉴国外的相关考察作业经验,并针对性地提出改进措施和建议,以期为今后在极地冰区开展相关调查作业提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

<正>《极地研究》是集中反映南北极多学科考察研究成果的综合性学术刊物。它是极地科学工作者发表最新研究成果的园地,也是进行国际国内极地考察研究学术交流的窗口。本刊主要刊登以极地为研究对象或以极地为探测平台的基础研究、应用研究和高技术研究成果,反映该领域的新发现、新创造、新理论和新方法。具体报道范围包括极地冰川学、极地海洋科学、极地大气科学、极区空间物理学、极地地质学、极地地球物理学、极地地球化学、极地生物与生态学、极地医学、南极天文学,极  相似文献   

<正>《极地研究》是集中反映南北极多学科考察研究成果的综合性学术刊物。它是极地科学工作者发表最新研究成果的园地,也是进行国际国内极地考察研究学术交流的窗口。本刊主要刊登以极地为研究对象或以极地为探测平台的基础研究、应用研究和高技术研究成果,反映该领域的新发现、新创造、新理论和新方法。具体报道范围包括极地冰川学、极地海洋科学、极地大气科学、极区空间物理学、极地地质学、  相似文献   

南北极冬季F2层电离层特性对比研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用南极中山站和北极Tromso站1996、1997、1998及2002年的测高仪观测数据,对中山站(6月份)和Tromso站(12月份)上空冬季foF2的日变化特性进行了对比研究,结合数值模拟结果,分析了中山站和Tromso站F2层电离层的极区特征,进一步揭示了极区电离层特征的形成机理。结果表明,中山站和Tromso站虽然地理纬度接近,foF2日变化形成机理不完全相同。由于地磁纬度的差异,极区对流与日侧光致电离的相互作用造成了两站日侧电离层的不同变化形态,中山站foF2日变化主峰出现在磁地方时中午附近,而Tromso站foF2日变化主峰出现在地方时正午附近;两站日侧foF2受太阳辐射流量影响较大,极光沉降粒子电离在太阳活动低年对中山站foF2日变化形态影响显著。  相似文献   

Satellite magnetometers sometimes pass through regions of plasma, such as the terrestrial ionosphere, where the ionization is large enough that some of the original ambient field is excluded from the plasma. This reduction of field inside the plasma region comes from the 'diamagnetic' effect of the charged particles in their helical trajectory around the magnetic field lines. The (container of the) magnetometer will exclude the plasma, and a simple-minded approach, treating the ionosphere in the same way as for a conventional diamagnetic fluid, predicts that the field seen by the magnetometer will be somewhat larger than the (reduced) field in the plasma. However, the 'diamagnetic' properties of the ionosphere are quite different from those of a conventional diamagnetic. In particular, there is a 'reflection' of the ionospheric charged particles at the surface of the magnetometer, and the overall effect is that the magnetometer does actually measure the field present in the plasma before the magnetometer is inserted. Similarly, any leakage fields from the magnetometer have no effect in the magnetosphere.  相似文献   

Summary. The magnetic remanence of some rock specimens, when measured in mu-metal shielded magnetometers, appear to include a rapidly acquired (<3-5 s), but slow decaying (> 100 s) component that has a characteristic direction for each magnetometer, which seems to be related to the sequence of specimen positions during measurement. This spurious remanence can be mistaken for a stable, linear, geologically meaningful magnetic vector. The effect can be partially reduced by passing a small current through a coil wound around the mu-metal opening, and largely, but not completely, eliminated by placing the magnetometer in field-free space.  相似文献   

Low-temperature rock magnetic measurements have distinct diagnostic value. However, in most bulk marine sediments the concentration of ferrimagnetic and antiferromagnetic minerals is extremely low, so even sensitive instrumentation often responds to the paramagnetic contribution of the silicate matrix in the residual field of the magnetometer. Analysis of magnetic extracts is usually performed to solve the problems raised by low magnetic concentrations. Additionally magnetic extracts can be used for several other analyses, for example electron microscopy or X-ray diffraction. The magnetic extraction technique is generally sufficient for sediments dominated by magnetite. In this study however, we show that high-coercivity components are rather underrepresented in magnetic extracts of sediments with a more complex magnetic mineralogy. We test heavy liquid separation, using hydrophilic sodium polytungstenate solution Na6[H2W12O40], to demonstrate the efficiencies of both concentration techniques. Low-temperature cycling of zero-field-cooled, field-cooled and saturation isothermal remanent magnetization acquired at room temperature was performed on dry bulk sediments, magnetic extracts, and heavy liquid separates of clay-rich pelagic sediments originating from the Equatorial Atlantic. The results of the thermomagnetic measurements clarify that magnetic extraction favours components with high spontaneous magnetization, such as magnetite and titanomagnetite. The heavy liquid separation is unbiased with respect to high- and low-coercive minerals, thus it represents the entire magnetic assemblage.  相似文献   

2000年7月重大太阳事件的极隙区纬度观测研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
20 0 0年 7月 ,太阳表面发生了一系列的耀斑与日冕物质抛射事件 ,最大耀斑能级达X5 .7/3 B。地球表面发生相应特大磁暴 ,Dst指数最大负偏达 - 3 0 0 n T。中国南极中山站地处极隙区纬度 ,白天位于磁层极隙区 ,夜间位于极盖区 ,以多种高空大气物理观测设备详细记录了该磁暴过程。对有关数据的分析表明 ,高能粒子引起电离层吸收急剧增加 ,测高仪数据两天多信号空白 ,宇宙噪声吸收显著增加 ;地磁 Pc3 /5脉动增加与行星际磁场南向分量密切对应 ,显示行星际磁流体波对激发磁层脉动的贡献 ;磁暴主相期间 ,Pc3 /5脉动大幅度增加 ;极区地磁水平分量随南向行星际磁场变化 ,但滞后近 8小时 ;Dst指数与南向行星际磁场密切相关 ,磁暴受控于高度负偏的南向行星际磁场  相似文献   

A series of solar flare and coronal mass ejection (CME) event occurred in July 2000, particularly the largest flare (X5.7/3B) with CME on 14th of July since 1989, which stimulated a great geomagnetic storm with D st index reaching -300 nT. A number of data have been obtained from the Chinese Antarctic Zhongshan Station (ZHS, INT Lat. 74.5°, L≈14), which is located at cusp latitude, and from the ACE satellite. After analyzing these data we have got the results as follows: a lot of solar high energy particles penetrated into the polar ionosphere and ionized it, which significantly increased the cosmic noise absorption (CNA) and blanked the DPS-4 data for more than two days. The magnetic pulsation in Pc 3/5 frequency band on the ground has a high relation with the fluctuation of interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) B z, which shows the contribution of interplanetary magnetohydrodynamical (MHD) waves to the Pc 3/5 pulsation on the ground. The Pc 3/5 pulsation was intensified much during the great magnetic storm. The H component of the magnetic field at ZHS varied with the southern value of IMF B z but lagged behind for about 8 10 h. While D st index responded to the variation of the IMF B z very quickly, which suggested that the magnetic storm occurred at low latitude firstly and then effected the ionospheric current at high latitude.  相似文献   

The relation between magnetic range values and spectral power   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Spectral power is shown to be proportional to the square of the range for variables with a normal distribution. Plots of log power versus log range for 3  hr intervals of data from Canadian magnetic observatories show a close fit to a straight line with a slope of 2. The same results are obtained from all sites in the Canadian magnetic observatory network, which extends from the polar cap to auroral and sub-auroral latitudes. This indicates that a square-law relation between spectral power and range is a general property of magnetic field variations.  相似文献   

监测和预测冰盖的行为和演化趋势对于研究未来全球气候及海平面变化具有重要的科学意义。地球物理探测成为极地现场考察中最重要的技术手段并取得巨大成功,而航空地球物理的独特优势成为极地科考最有发展潜力的研究方向。经过多年努力,中国成为第4个拥有极地航空地球物理科学考察能力的国家,并在中国第32次南极考察期间完成东南极伊丽莎白公主地(PEL)数千平方千米的航空地球物理探测任务。对于航空地球物理勘探而言,航空测点定位是首要而基础性的工作,本文针对航空地球物理测量中GPS定位数据后处理工作目标,通过一系列的方法和软件对比试验,评价GPS后处理精度误差和应用效果,在试验基础上开发相应的软件完成GPS数据和各地球物理方法数据的匹配连接,进而总结极地航空地球物理GPS数据后处理工作流程,形成实用化的极地航空地球物理GPS数据后处理方案,对后续工作具有指导意义。  相似文献   

Summary. Magnetic variations at high latitudes represent the combination of magnetic perturbations from several different current systems. The relative effects of each of the contributory current systems vary from event to event, resulting in changes in magnetic perturbation patterns in a given local time sector which are a function of several variables, e.g. level of magnetospheric activity, spectrum of precipitating particles responsible for ionospheric conductivity, configuration of interplanetary magnetic field, etc. In this paper we extend the work of Hughes & Rostoker in which the steady state perturbation pattern in each local time sector was established from ground-based meridian line magnetometer data. We shall define the various current systems which contribute to the high-latitude magnetic perturbation pattern and we shall construct the model composite current system which best explains the high-latitude observations in the winter months. We shall discuss changes in this pattern as a function of season and as a function of the configuration of the interplanetary magnetic field. Finally, we shall relate the geometrical configuration of the ionosphere—magnetosphere current flow to the convection of plasma in the magnetosphere.  相似文献   

Summary. New palaeomagnetic results from Australia indicate that throughout the Cenozoic era the continent lay further south than suggested by hot-spot data. Moreover, while hot spots give a uniform rate of drift during most of the Cenozoic, the drift rate obtained from apparent polar wander varies considerably.
The discrepancies between the palaeomagnetic and hot-spot results are analysed by comparing the Australian data with those of Europe and the central Pacific. The analysis suggests that the discrepancies are due to: (1) departures of the Earth's magnetic field from the geocentric axial dipole model, and (2), either true polar wander or a non-axial inclined dipole component. It is found that since the mid-Tertiary the dominant non-dipole component has been a quadrupole, and that during this period both the quadrupolar field and the true polar displacement/non-axial dipole component decreased progressively. During the Quaternary, and also at the earliest Tertiary, the non-dipole components appear to have been moderate or small.
The comparison of data sets demonstrates that considerable errors may be incurred when Cenozoic, and presumably earlier, poles from one geographic region are used to derive those of another, widely separated, region. The results also imply that absolute plate velocities estimated from palaeomagnetic data can contain substantial errors, and that hot-spot data may need significant adjustments for true polar wander to yield correct palaeolatitudes.
Finally, the new early Tertiary pole for Australia is used in conjunction with updated early Tertiary poles from other lithospheric plates to reapply the McKenzie test for true polar wander. The results indicate a small true polar displacement since the beginning of the Tertiary. The amount and direction of the displacement, however, differ from those generally obtained from hot-spot data.  相似文献   

The magnetic north ( H ), magnetic east ( D ) and vertically downward ( Z ) components of the geomagnetic field were monitored at Elazıgˇ, Turkey, with a three-component fluxgate magnetometer during the 1999 August 11 total eclipse of the Sun. The results were compared with those obtained with an identical instrument at Kandilli magnetic observatory, which is at a similar latitude to Elazıgˇ, but clear of the band of totality. An increase of D is found during the eclipse, rising to a maximum close to the time of maximum eclipse. The reality of this effect is confirmed by noting a similar feature, also centred on the time of eclipse, at a number of European observatories.  相似文献   

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