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深空探测是国家综合国力的集中体现,也是各航天大国科技竞争的制高点。自2007年嫦娥探月工程顺利实施以来,我国已经成为全球第二次探月热潮里的中坚力量。嫦娥五号采样工程的成功,使人类在间隔44年后再一次获得来自月球的珍贵样品,标志着中国探月工程上了更高的台阶。海量探测数据的获取和月球样品的返回,将为月球形成演化等重大科学问题的研究提供新的视角与支撑。放眼未来,我国月球极区探测、载人登月和月球科研站建设已经列入规划,工程探测和科学研究的目标已从“认识月球”逐步向“开发月球”“利用月球”转变。对于月球土壤样品的研究,中国科学院地球化学研究所具有良好的基础,曾对来自Apollo的月壤样晶进行过详细的研究,本次针对嫦娥五号样品,该所承担了月壤特性及其形成演化历史等方面的研究工作。为让广大科技工作者和社会公众了解这一工作进展,本刊特邀地球化学所李阳博士撰文介绍相关情况,后续工作本刊还将进行跟踪报道。  相似文献   

月球磁学观测与研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
月球磁场观测一直是月球研究的重要内容。20世纪六七十年代,通过绕月小卫星、Apollo登月及返回样品等观测实验,月球磁学研究已取得一系列重要进展,九十年代末期Lunar Prospector(LP)获得了月球的全球磁异常分布图。本文主要评述前人已取得的重要进展,重点讨论月球样品的剩磁来源、月球磁场古强度和发电机争论及其月球演化意义。  相似文献   

地球是人类起源和成长的"摇篮",然而人类终将跳出"摇篮",拥抱更广阔的宇宙空间。月球是地球唯一的天然卫星,也是唯一一颗人类已经登陆的地外星球,月球矿产资源开发利用是人类走向太空的必经之路。前苏联Luna计划和美国Apollo计划引领的第一次探月高潮,采回了约382kg样品使人类得以近距离接触和全方位认识月球。当前正是全球探月工程的第二次高潮期,在本次探月高潮期,月球矿产资源的开发利用将成为重要目标。以往的月球资源探测以科学研究为主,而以应用和商业利益为目的的月球资源勘查工作尚未开展。因此,有必要对月球矿产资源进行系统梳理和研究,初步建立月球矿产勘查的规范,指导载人登月和人机互动进行月面资源勘查。本文从国际太空矿产领域的发展趋势、月球矿产资源的需求、潜在的矿产种类、勘查流程等方面进行系统综述,根据可勘查属性将月球各类矿产划分为钛铁矿型、斜长岩型、磷酸盐型、月壤型、水冰型等5种类型,为中国未来的载人探月项目着陆区选址和矿产勘查规范的建立提供初步参考依据。  相似文献   

月球探测的进展与中国的月球探测   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
介绍了月球探测历程、第一次探月高潮中在月球的形状、大小、轨道参数、近月空间环境、月表结构与特征、月球的岩石类型与化学组成、月球的资源与能源、月球的内部结构与演化历史等方面所取得的成果。提出了中国开展月球探测的初步设想,认为近期中国的月球探测应以不载人月球探测为宗旨,分为“绕、落、回”三个发展阶段,即环月探测、月面软着陆器探测与月球车月面巡视勘察、月面软着陆与采样返回。  相似文献   

综述了2008年3月10~14日在美国休斯敦召开的第39届月球与行星科学大会期间交流的与月球科学相关的会议内容,简要回顾了人类探测月球的历史.当前的月球科学研究归纳为6个主题:①月球和其他类地行星的地质演化;②撞击过程的定量化描述和太阳系历史的关系;③月壤的特征、月壤形成的机械过程和演化过程;④采样返回技术和原型机的开发与运用;⑤月球和其他行星体的内生和外来挥发分;⑥月表的大气和尘埃环境对人类登陆的影响.2007~2008年,日本、中国、印度和美国纷纷推出探月计划,将月球探测推向一个新的高潮.深空探测成为各国展示国力和科学技术水平的试验场,也将有力地促进科学技术的发展;独立探测和国际合作相结合已是大势所趋,数据资料共享将成为必然.公众的积极参与将为月球探测注入新的活力,并成为空间探测的基本动力.  相似文献   

利用NASA行星数据系统提供Apollo计划登月点采样线路影像数据,通过与嫦娥二号CCD数据、印度M~3数据空间校正获得采样路线坐标。开展嫦娥二号CCD数据与印度M~3数据MAP(后验概率)融合并选择Apollo 15、Apollo 16-62231的LSCC测得的标准岩石双向反射率光谱与M~3、嫦娥二号进行交叉定标。本文采用月球岩石光谱谱型全特征分析方法,选取涵盖Apollo计划登月获取的36个基站主要岩性87种、285件岩石样品,利用校正后的M~3数据分析月球典型岩石各阶吸收反射特征,建立月球典型岩石标准遥感影像光谱库,此后应用Apollo 623个岩石样品进行对比得到很好结果,同时完成Apollo 16登月点周围领域岩性分布图,并讨论了研究区的岩石成因,Apollo 16区域形成于高地大撞击,在早期的研究中已经被用于划分月球年代,本文方法对于月球岩石类别研究与理解月球的岩浆演化具有重要的研究价值。  相似文献   

刘道飞  陈圣波  路鹏 《地球学报》2015,36(2):245-249
为了研究利用Clementine热红外数据反演月球表面岩石的氧化钙(Ca O)含量,论文选取了两景覆盖Apollo17登月点的Clementine热红外影像,将其覆盖的区域选为研究区。利用月球表面温度物理模型模拟月表温度,结合普朗克函数,完成发射率反演。在此基础上,对LPI中35个除Apollo17登月计划外所采集的样品Ca O含量与其热红外发射率特征做回归统计分析,发现存在很好的线性关系(R2=0.661)。由此,基于Clementine热红外发射率实现了研究区Ca O含量反演。通过利用LPI Apollo17月岩(壤)样品实际Ca O含量分析数据对反演结果进行精度评价,发现8组反演值与实际值的相对误差最小为1.77%,最大为9.29%,均方根误差为0.767。研究结果表明,使用发射率进行Ca O含量反演方法可行,为利用Clementine热红外数据对月表矿物成分含量定量反演提供一种新的思路。  相似文献   

月球探测与人类社会的可持续发展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1959年至1976年的18年是人类第一次月球探测高潮,美国和前苏联共成功发射了45个月球探测器,获取了382kg的月球岩石和月壤样品,这些探测资料和月球样品的系统分析与研究,大大促进了人类对月球、地球和太阳系的认识,并带动了一系列基础科学的创新,促进了一系列应用科学的发展。通过从1976年至1994年近18年浩如烟海的月球探测数据和资料的消化、分析与综合研究后,1994年Clementine环月探测器的发射,标志新的一轮探月高潮的开始。当前,国际探月活动刚进入重返月球、逐步建设月球基地的阶段,而逐步开发利用月球矿产资源、能源和特殊环境,建设月球基地,为人类社会的可持续发展服务,已成为新世纪月球探测的总体目标。本在系统分析已有的探测与研究资料基础上,论述了开发利用月球上具有的巨大能源库、丰富的矿产资源和独特的环境资源将对人类社会可持续发展所具有的深远意义。  相似文献   

周新华  林杨挺 《地球化学》2010,39(2):101-109
我国月球探测一期工程获国家批准立项和“嫦娥一号”卫星成功发射及运行这一历史性事件标志着我国已继人造地球卫星、载人航天阶段之后,开始进入人类航天活动的第三领域——深空探测。无疑此时探讨人类这一伟大社会实践活动的自然科学意义,特别是深空探测对象的科学内涵具有重要的现实意义。随着相关技术的开发、创新和成熟,工作重点将逐渐转移到深空探测对象本身的科学研究上来,即认识地球之外的行星体以及更深刻地重新审视地球。本文讨论了现阶段深空探测对象——月球及类地行星的基本物质属性,回顾美国和前苏联两国探月计划实施历史的启示,Apollo计划的演变.科学内容的纳入及宇航员地学素养的要求,Apollo登月计划的实施对月球科学本身的促进,以及对20世纪地球科学发展、人才队伍建设和分析技术进步等的重大影响,总结了前苏联探月计划的成败及其教训,并对我国月球探测工程立项历史等方面进行了分析。在此基础上,论述了月球科学及类地行星研究的地球科学属性,并强调指出地球科学家应将月球及整个类地行星研究纳入到地球系统科学的框架之中。  相似文献   

钻探技术已成为人类探索宇宙的首批技术之一。以月球钻探为例,论述了外星球钻探的特点和难点;介绍了美国、前苏联钻探专家与航天专家合作研制的轻便、高可靠性、全自动月表取样钻机及其钻进工艺的现状;分析了各种钻进方案的优缺点;结合我国将要实施的“嫦娥3期”工程,就月球自动采样并返回技术提出了设想。  相似文献   

我国低钛月海型模拟月壤初始物质选择的地球化学依据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以Apollo14月壤样品和美国JSC-1模拟月壤的地球化学特征为基础,结合我国低钛玄武岩火山的分布,对我国不同地区新生代玄武岩的化学成分、年龄、储量等方面进行对比分析结果表明,滇西北金沙江地区和吉林辉南红旗林场-四海地区的玄武质火山喷发物的化学成分与Apollo14月壤样品和美国JSC-1模拟月壤相似,比较适合用于我国低钛月海玄武岩模拟月壤研制的初始物质。野外地质调查发现,吉林省辉南县金川镇红旗林场—四海一带产出的玄武质火山渣为距今1600 a的该玄武质火山岩的喷发物,其储量大、质地纯、粒度均匀,而且比滇西北金沙江地区最近一期的玄武质火山渣新鲜,最适合作为我国低钛月海玄武岩模拟月壤研制的初始物质。  相似文献   

月球尘埃研究具有重要的科学和工程价值。目前对月球尘埃运动规律、运动机理等的了解非常有限,对尘埃运动物理参数缺少系统的定量测量,严重制约了月球尘埃的科学研究。阿波罗17号宇航员观察到的月尘扬起及其物理机制迄今为止在科学上仍然是一个谜。中国的嫦娥三号月球探测任务得到了月面上的尘埃沉积数据及尘埃活动高度数据,表明尘埃活动具有显著的地域差异。在嫦娥五号采样返回任务中将研究月尘带电方面的物理特性。探月后续任务中如果能够在高纬度地区首次系统地定量测量月尘运动的物理参数,将会揭示不同经纬度区域、不同太阳光照条件、不同太阳风条件、不同地形条件下的尘埃活动规律及其关键影响因素,对高精度数值模型的建立及其参数选择提供定量限制,必将取得新的重要科学发现。  相似文献   

CAS-1模拟月壤   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
模拟月壤是与月球月壤具有相似的矿物组成、化学成分和物理力学性质的地球物质,是月球样品的地球化学复制品。长白山龙岗火山群金龙顶子火山喷发的四海火山渣具有与阿波罗14号采集的月球样品相似的化学和矿物组成,并含有20%~40%的玻璃物质。以四海火山渣为初始物质,研制成功CAS-1模拟月壤,并测量了CAS-1模拟月壤的主量和微量元素组成、矿物组成、密度、颗粒形态、粒度分布、抗剪性和复介电常数等参数。结果表明,CAS-1模拟月壤与Apollo 14号采集的月球样品具有相似的化学成分、矿物组成和物理力学性质,是一种理想的低钛玄武岩质模拟月壤。  相似文献   

Two new lunar mare soil simulants, NAO-2 and NAO-3, have been created in National Astronomical Observatories (NAO), Chinese Academy of Sciences. These two simulants were produced from low-titanium basalt and high-titanium basalt respectively. The chemical composition, mineralogy, particle size distribution, density, angle of internal friction, and cohesion of both simulants have been analyzed, indicating that some characteristics of NAO-2 and NAO-3 are similar to those of Apollo 14 and Apollo 11 landing site soils. NAO-2 and NAO-3 will be of great benefit to the scientific and engineering research on lunar soil.  相似文献   

The Clementine spacecraft orbited the Moon and acquired science data for 10 weeks in the Spring of 1994. During this time it collected global 11-band multispectral images and near global altimetry. Select areas of the Moon were imaged at 25 m/pixel in visible light and 60 m/pixel in thermal wavelengths. From these datasets a new paradigm for the evolution of the lunar crust emerged. The Moon is no longer viewed as a two-terrane planet, the Apollo samples were found not to represent the lunar crust as a whole, and the complexity of lunar crustal stratigraphy was further revealed. More than ten years later the Clementine datasets continue to significantly advance lunar science and will continue to do so as new measurements are returned from planned missions such as Chandrayaan, SELENE, and Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. This paper highlights the scientific research conducted over the last decade using Clementine data and summarizes the influence of Clementine on our understanding of the Moon.  相似文献   

The scientific objective of the Lunar-A, Japanese Penetrator Mission, is to explore the lunar interior by seismic and heat-flow experiments. Two penetrators containing two seismometers (horizontal and vertical components) and heat-flow probes will be deployed from a spacecraft onto the lunar surface, one on the near-side and the other on the far-side of the moon. The data obtained by the penetrators will be transmitted to the earth station via the Lunar-A mother spacecraft orbiting at an altitude of about 200 km. The spacecraft of a cylindrical shape, 2.2 m in maximum diameter and 1.7 m in height, is designed to be spin-stabilized. The spacecraft will be inserted into an elliptic lunar orbit, after about a half-year cruise during which complex manoeuvering is made using the lunar-solar gravity assist. After lunar orbit insertion, two penetrators will be separated from the spacecraft near perilune, one by one, and will be landed on the lunar surface. The final impact velocity of the penetrator will be about 285 m/sec; it will encounter a shock of about 8000 G at impact on the lunar surface. According to numerous experimental impact tests using model penetrators and a lunar-regolith analog target, each penetrator is predicted to penetrate to a depth between l and 3 m, depending on the hardness and/or particle-size distribution of the lunar regolith. The penetration depth is important for ensuring the temperature stability of the instruments in the penetrator and heat flow measurements. According to the results of the Apollo heat flow experiment, an insulating regolith blanket of only 30 cm is sufficient to dampen out about 280 K lunar surface temperature fluctuation to < 3 K variation. The seismic observations are expected to provide key data on the size of the lunar core, as well as data on deep lunar mantle structure. The heat flow measurements at two penetrator-landing sites will also provide important data on the thermal structure and bulk concentrations of heat-generating elements in the Moon. These data will provide much stronger geophysical constraints on the origin and evolution of the Moon than has been obtained so far. Currently, the Lunar-A system is being reviewed and a more robust system for communication between the penetrators and spacecraft is being implemented according to the lessons learned from Beagle-2 and DS-2 failures. More impact tests for penetrators onto a lunar regolith analogue target will be undertaken before its launch.  相似文献   

In the second phase of the Chang’E Program an unmanned lunar rover will be launched onto the Moon. When ground scientists get a full understanding of the chemical composition of lunar soil around the rover, they can make more detailed survey plans for the rover and various payloads onboard so as to satisfy their scientific objectives. There is an obvious relationship between the reflectance of lunar soil and its chemical characteristics. Both principal component analysis (PCA) and support vector machine (SVM) models were applied to establishing the relationship between the reflectance spectra and chemical compositions of lunar highland and mare soil samples sent back by Apollo missions 11, 12, 14, 15, 16 and 17 and measured by Lunar Soil Characterization Consortium (LSCC). PCA was used to reduce and select the features of the reflectance spectra of lunar soil samples. Then, these features were put into SVM to estimate the abundances of various chemical components in lunar soil. We also compared the results of our measurement with those obtained by the SVM model [partial least squares (PLS)] and the principal component regression (PCR) model reported in literature. Our studies showed that with the exception of TiO2, the results of prediction of the abundances of chemical compounds in lunar soil by our model are much more reliable than those reported in literature. The reflectance spectra of lunar soil are closely related to the materials from which it was derived.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the Sub-keV Atom Reflecting Analyzer (SARA) experiment that will be flown on the first Indian lunar mission Chandrayaan-1. The SARA is a low energy neutral atom (LENA) imaging mass spectrometer, which will perform remote sensing of the lunar surface via detection of neutral atoms in the energy range from 10 eV to 3 keV from a 100km polar orbit. In this report we present the basic design of the SARA experiment and discuss various scientific issues that will be addressed. The SARA instrument consists of three major subsystems: a LENA sensor (CENA), a solar wind monitor (SWIM), and a digital processing unit (DPU). SARA will be used to image the solar wind-surface interaction to study primarily the surface composition and surface magnetic anomalies and associated mini-magnetospheres. Studies of lunar exosphere sources and space weathering on the Moon will also be attempted. SARA is the first LENA imaging mass spectrometer of its kind to be flown on a space mission. A replica of SARA is planned to fly to Mercury onboard the BepiColombo mission.  相似文献   

月壤钛铁矿微波烧结制备月球基地结构材料的初步设想   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
月球基地建设是当前"重返月球"的一个重要目标,为满足其建设需要大量结构材料.部分学者通过对真实月壤样品和模拟月壤进行各种高温烧结实验,分析了就地利用月壤矿物资源制备各种材料的方法.但由于月壤成分较为复杂,烧结产物的性能还很难满足实际需求.微波烧结技术作为一项新技术,具有传统烧结技术无法比拟的优势,更适合作为月球资源利用中的烧结加热技术.结合月壤中钛铁矿的含量,通过热力学分析,作者认为利用钛铁矿进行微波烧结实验来制备月球基地所需结构材料是一个值得深入研究的方案.  相似文献   

To investigate the formation and early evolution of the lunar mantle and crust we have analysed the oxygen isotopic composition, titanium content and modal mineralogy of a suite of lunar basalts. Our sample set included eight low-Ti basalts from the Apollo 12 and 15 collections, and 12 high-Ti basalts from Apollo 11 and 17 collections. In addition, we have determined the oxygen isotopic composition of an Apollo 15 KREEP (K - potassium, REE - Rare Earth Element, and P - phosphorus) basalt (sample 15386) and an Apollo 14 feldspathic mare basalt (sample 14053). Our data display a continuum in bulk-rock δ18O values, from relatively low values in the most Ti-rich samples to higher values in the Ti-poor samples, with the Apollo 11 sample suite partially bridging the gap. Calculation of bulk-rock δ18O values, using a combination of previously published oxygen isotope data on mineral separates from lunar basalts, and modal mineralogy (determined in this study), match with the measured bulk-rock δ18O values. This demonstrates that differences in mineral modal assemblage produce differences in mare basalt δ18O bulk-rock values. Differences between the low- and high-Ti mare basalts appear to be largely a reflection of mantle-source heterogeneities, and in particular, the highly variable distribution of ilmenite within the lunar mantle. Bulk δ18O variation in mare basalts is also controlled by fractional crystallisation of a few key mineral phases. Thus, ilmenite fractionation is important in the case of high-Ti Apollo 17 samples, whereas olivine plays a more dominant role for the low-Ti Apollo 12 samples.Consistent with the results of previous studies, our data reveal no detectable difference between the Δ17O of the Earth and Moon. The fact that oxygen three-isotope studies have been unable to detect a measurable difference at such high precisions reinforces doubts about the giant impact hypothesis as presently formulated.  相似文献   

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