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云南-香港宽视场巡天新发现了一个磁活动双星系统,其轨道周期为0.60286 d.利用云南天文台1 m光学望远镜附加CCD (Charge-Coupled Device)相机,观测得到了这个双星系统的V、Rc双色光变曲线,结果表明该系统食外存在明显的测光畸变.借助云南天文台丽江2.4 m望远镜附加云南暗弱天体光谱成像仪(Yunnan Faint Object Spectrograph and Camera, YFOSC)对该双星系统的分光观测,测定了该双星系统主星的视向速度曲线并发现该系统的主星表面存在着强烈的色球活动,从而证明系统的光变曲线畸变源自主星的黑子活动.使用W-D (Wilson-Devinney)程序分析上述观测得到的光变曲线和视向速度曲线,得到了该双星系统的轨道参数以及黑子参数.最后,对该系统的特性进行了讨论并对未来的工作进行了展望.  相似文献   

半相接双星室女座UW轨道周期变化的物理机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对大陵五型半相接双星室女座UW的轨道周期变化进行了分析.结果表明该星的轨道周期在长期快速增加(dP/dt=+1.37×10-6天/年)的同时也含有周期为62.3年的周期性变化.利用Brancewicz和Dworak在1980年给出的基本物理参量,对引起轨道周期变化的物理机制进行了分析研究.分析表明一个质量为Ms>0.94M⊙的第三天体的光时轨道效应能对轨道周期的周期性变化成份作出解释.由于在观测上没有发现这个第三天体存在的信息,它有可能是一个致密天体(如白矮星等).轨道周期的长期增加成份可解释为由次星到主星的物质交流引起(dM2/dt=1.43×10-7M⊙/年),这与该系统次星充满的半接几何结构是相一致的.但是,根据双星演化理沦,大陵五型半相接双星应该处于以次星的核反应时标进行物质交换的慢速物质交流演化阶段,而分析发现该星的轨道周期变化时标远小于次星的核反应时标,但接近于次星的热力学时标,揭示了(1)这颗双星处于以次星热力学时标进行物质交换的快速物质交流演化阶段;或(2)系统的星周物质要通过角动量交换对轨道周期的快速增加做贡献.  相似文献   

M型恒星(M dwarf)是主序星中质量较小的恒星,也是银河系中数量最多的恒星类型,在其周围形成的行星通常距离主星较近,宜居带也比F、G、K型恒星更靠近主星,更有利于发现系外宜居行星.研究表明, M型恒星周围平均存在2.5颗小质量行星,约为F、 G、 K型恒星的3.5倍,但M型恒星周围巨行星的出现率(occurrence rate)则比F、 G、K型小一个量级.基于M型恒星周围发现的401颗行星的参数开展了统计研究,发现质量越大的行星平均轨道半长径越大.类地行星约占行星总数的74%,且轨道半长径均小于1 au,其中28颗行星具有潜在宜居性.根据行星质量-半径关系,在质量等于4倍地球质量(M⊕)处存在一拐点,除少数几颗行星外,大部分小于该质量的行星可能都是由约65%的硅酸盐和约35%的铁组成,大于该质量的行星半径则随质量增加而迅速增大.约60%的M型恒星周围的行星位于多行星系统且轨道分布紧密,相邻行星轨道在3:2、5:3及2:1等平运动共振位置处存在峰值. M型恒星的多行星系统形成与演化等问题对现今的行星形成理论提出了新挑战.  相似文献   

由于缺乏足够的观测数据,大质量恒星的研究进展缓慢,到目前为止大质量恒星演化和黑洞详细的形成过程还存在较大争议。LIGO首次探测到恒星级双黑洞并合产生的引力波信号,这不但验证了爱因斯坦20世纪的预言,而且还证实了大质量双黑洞的存在。研究工作采用恒星演化程序MESA (Modules for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics)计算孤立双星的演化,主星初始质量为20 M⊙~80 M⊙,金属丰度为0.000 1~0.002,初始双星质量比为0.7~0.9。双星系统通过稳定物质转移通道,形成总质量(15~110) M⊙范围内的双黑洞。形成双黑洞的并合时标强烈依赖于初始轨道周期,只有初始轨道周期不大于5 d的双星系统演化形成的双黑洞,通过引力波辐射损失角动量,最终可能在哈勃时标内并合。研究工作得到的结果可以解释部分现阶段已经探测到的引力波事件。  相似文献   

通过对12对双中子星(DNS)系统进行质量分布统计,得到其质量加权平均值为(1.339±0.042)M_⊙,其中主星和伴星的质量加权平均值分别为(1.439±0.036)M_⊙和(1.239±0.020)M_⊙.主星平均质量比伴星平均质量高,表明主星可能通过吸积获得质量,或者主星的前身星的质量更大.据此可以分析大质量恒星通过超新星爆发形成中子星的物理过程.此外还发现,DNS的总质量集中在一个比较狭小的范围(2.5–2.8 M_⊙),这说明DNS的质量形成受到伴星的影响.经过进一步的分析注意到DNS的质量比接近于1(略大于1),这可能暗示DNS系统的前身星质量比较相近.通过分析12对DNS在中子星的磁场强度-自旋周期关系图(B-P_s图)中的分布,发现DNS主星磁场强度约10~(10)Gs,自转周期约50 ms;PSR J1906+0746和PSR J0737-3039B处在正常脉冲星序列,磁场强度约10~(12)Gs,这说明两者没有吸积加速过程.  相似文献   

用北京天文台兴隆60厘米镜于1977年取得此星960个黄光光电测光观测点,光变曲线呈大陵五型。1978年发表了Russell-Merrill测光解。1982年在美国用Wilson-Devinney程序算得10组测光解,解的残差对于质量比很不敏感。为了解决测光解的不定性,1985—86年用加拿大1.8米镜测得两子星视向速度曲线;得质量比为0.53±0.01。重新求测光解并结合分光解得F型主星和较冷伴星的质量各为1.43±0.05和0.76+0.02M_⊙。虽然是不接双星,但伴星只比其临界等位面稍小一点。这对双星像是不久前才由大陵五型半接双星演化而来的新阶段品种。  相似文献   

AC Cnc是周期为7~h13~m的类新星食变星。由于AC Cnc是双谱食双星,而且具有较对称的食,所以在对激变食变星的系统研究中,我们选择了该双星来进行观测。本文利用拟合光变曲线的方法对AC Cnc进行了测光解分析、并得到轨道倾角i=74.5°±0.8°,白矮星质量M_1=0.74±0.07M_⊙,晚型星质量M_2=0.97±0.08M_⊙。AC Cnc中吸积盘的径向温度分布可以近似地表示为T(r)∝r~(-0.5),吸积盘边缘温度为7600K。晚型星向白矮星的质量转移率大约为7×10~(-9)M_⊙yr~(-1)。AC Cnc的距离近似地等于500±100pc。  相似文献   

半接双星(semi-detached binary)对于研究相互作用双星的形成和演化有着重要意义。随着大规模时域巡天时代的到来,预计将发现大量此类天体。针对海量的时域观测数据,需要一种快捷的建模工具对半接双星开展自动化光变曲线分析。基于神经网络构建了半接双星快速测光解轨模型。该模型根据光变曲线和已知的主星温度对半接双星的轨道进行建模,获得其轨道倾角、相对半径、质量比和温度比4个基本参数。结果表明,半接双星神经网络解轨模型能够快速地对一条光变曲线建模。在测光误差小于光变曲线振幅1%时,模型对于轨道倾角接近90°、温度比约为0.6、光变振幅为1.84 mag的半接双星的轨道倾角、相对半径、质量比和温度比的测量误差分别为1.251, 0.004, 0.008和0.003。另外,模型应用在开普勒(Kepler)卫星实测光变曲线的结果表明,模型能够较为准确地对脉动食双星的光变曲线进行建模(拟合度可达0.9以上)。此外,该模型作为一个通用工具可以迁移到不同测光巡天项目上。  相似文献   

PG1030+590是最近发现的类新星食变星。我们首先给出该双星系统的高速光电测光结果及U、B、V和R光变曲线。通过利用激变变星的模型对观测结果进行分析,我们求得其物理和几何参数:白矮星子星质量M_1=0.83±0.22M_⊙,晚型星子星质量M_2=0.35±0.06M_⊙,晓型星子星半径R_2=0.37±0.08R_⊙以及轨道倾角i=81°±2°。我们还利用两种不同方法求出围绕白矮星的吸积盘的半径R_d≈0.32R_⊙,并把这个结果与密近双星中吸积盘半径的各理论模型进行了比较。  相似文献   

极小质量白矮星双星对于双星演化、公共包层、AM CVn双星、星震学研究都十分重要。考虑到它们的周期比较短,它们还是重要的引力波源,然而它们的形成和演化仍然不清楚。通过利用最新的一种磁滞模型,建立了极小质量白矮星双星的形成和演化模型。研究给出它们形成的初始参数空间,并发现通过稳定物质转移形成的极小质量白矮星的质量范围为(0.11~0.21) M。此外,研究发现部分极小质量白矮星双星能在宇宙年龄内演化成为AM CVn双星,这些极小质量白矮星的质量范围为0.14~0.16 M。研究还发现它们的引力波信号能被LISA、天琴、太极探测器探测到。最后还讨论了不同的物质积累效率对于同一双星系统演化结果的影响,发现它除了明显影响主星最终质量外,对于伴星和双星演化过程并无太大影响。  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of the phase‐calibration problem encountered in astronomy when mapping incoherent sources with aperture‐synthesis devices. More precisely, this analysis concerns the phase‐calibration operation involved in the self‐calibration procedures of phase‐closure imaging. The paper revisits and completes a previous analysis presented by Lannes in the Journal of the Optical Society of America A in 2005. It also benefits from some recent developments made for solving similar problems encountered in global navigation satellite systems. In radio‐astronomy, the related optimization problems have been stated and solved hitherto at the phasor level. We present here an analysis conducted at the phase level, from which we derive a method for diagnosing and solving the difficulties of the phasor approach. In the most general case, the techniques tobe implemented appeal to the algebraic graph theory and the algebraic number theory. The minima of the objective functionals to be minimized are identified by raising phase‐closure integer ambiguities. We also show that in some configurations, to benefit from all the available information, closure phases of order greater than three are to be introduced. In summary, this study leads to a better understanding of the difficulties related to the very principle of phase‐closure imaging. To circumvent these difficulties, we propose a strategy both simple and robust (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

A new technique is presented for producing images from interferometric data. The method, 'smear fitting', makes the constraints necessary for interferometric imaging double as a model, with uncertainties, of the sky brightness distribution. It does this by modelling the sky with a set of functions and then convolving each component with its own elliptical Gaussian to account for the uncertainty in its shape and location that arises from noise. This yields much sharper resolution than clean for significantly detected features, without sacrificing any sensitivity. Using appropriate functional forms for the components provides both a scientifically interesting model and imaging constraints that tend to be better than those used by traditional deconvolution methods. This allows it to avoid the most serious problems that limit the imaging quality of those methods. Comparisons of smear fitting to clean and maximum entropy are given, using both real and simulated observations. It is also shown that the famous Rayleigh criterion (resolution = wavelength/baseline) is inappropriate for interferometers as it does not consider the reliability of the measurements.  相似文献   

Results concerning the dependence of photometric and radial velocity amplitudes on metallicity are presented based on about 200 Galactic classical Cepheids pulsating in the fundamental mode. The Galactic distribution of the [Fe/H] value of Cepheids is also studied. We show that the photometric amplitude ratio AI/AV is independent of metallicity. The observed dependence of this ratio on the pulsation period does not correspond to the theoretical predictions. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present the high angular resolution technique of colour-differential interferometry for direct detection of extrasolar giant planets (EGPs). The measurement of differential phase with long-baseline ground-based interferometers in the near-infrared could allow the observation of several hot giant extrasolar planets in tight orbit around the nearby stars, and thus yield their low- or mid-resolution spectroscopy, complete orbital data set and mass. Estimates of potentially achievable signal-to-noise ratios are presented for a number of planets already discovered by indirect methods. The limits from the instrumental and atmospheric instability are discussed, and a subsequent observational strategy is proposed.  相似文献   

We present a study of the dynamic range limitations in images produced with the proposed Square Kilometre Array (SKA) using the Cotton-Schwab CLEAN algorithm for data processing. The study is limited to the case of a small field of view and a snap-shot observation. A new modification of the Cotton-Schwab algorithm involving optimization of the position of clean components is suggested. This algorithm can reach a dynamic range as high as 106 even if the point source lies between image grid points, in contrast to about 103 for existing CLEAN-based algorithms in the same circumstances. It is shown that the positional accuracy of clean components, floating point precision and the w-term are extremely important at high dynamic range. The influence of these factors can be reduced if the variance of the gradient of the point spread function is minimized during the array design.  相似文献   

FIES is a cross‐dispersed high‐resolution echelle spectrograph at the 2.56 m Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT), and was optimised for throughput and stability in 2006. The major 2006 upgrade involved the relocation of FIES to a stable environment and development of a fiber bundle that offers 3 different resolution modes, and made FIES an attractive tool for the user community of the NOT. Radial‐velocity stability is achieved through double‐chamber active temperature control. A dedicated data reduction tool, FIEStool, was developed. As a result of these upgrades, FIES is now one of the work‐horse instruments at the NOT. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

This paper describes the general characteristics of raw data from fiber‐fed spectrographs in general and fiber‐fed IFUs in particular. The different steps of the data reduction are presented, and the techniques used to address the unusual characteristics of these data are described in detail. These techniques have been implemented in a specialized software package, R3D, developed to reduce fiber‐based integral field spectroscopy (IFS) data. The package comprises a set of command‐line routines adapted for each of these steps, suitable for creating pipelines. The routines have been tested against simulations, and against real data from various integral field spectrographs (PMAS, PPAK, GMOS, VIMOS and INTEGRAL). Particular attention is paid to the treatment of cross‐talk. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

HERMES, a fibre‐fed high‐resolution (R = 85000) échelle spectrograph with good stability and excellent throughput, is the work‐horse instrument of the 1.2‐m Mercator telescope on La Palma. HERMES targets building up time series of high‐quality data of variable stellar phenomena, mainly for asteroseismology and binary‐evolution research. In this paper we present the HERMES project and discuss the instrument design, performance, and a future upgrade. We also present some results of the first four years of HERMES observations. We illustrate the value of small telescopes, equipped with efficient instrumentation, for high‐resolution spectroscopy. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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