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辛积分器中沿迹误差的一种补偿方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
廖新浩  刘林 《天文学报》1995,36(1):101-106
辛积分器严格描述了一摄动Hamilton系统的流,因而导致天体轨道的沿迹误差随时间呈线性增长趋势。本文利用这一特点,提出了一种对其沿迹误差进行估算的数值方法,从而达到了对数值结果进行沿迹误差补偿的目的,数值结果证实了此方法在较大积分步长和较长积分时间的数值计算中是有效的。  相似文献   

刘林  季江徽 《天文学报》2001,42(1):75-80
主要阐述近年来在近地小行星轨道演化研究工作中所获得的一些基本结果,即合理的力学模型和相应的有效算法,并以实际预报算例(近地小行星与地球的交会状态)与有关权威性的结果作了比较,证实这些研究结果确实是可信的。在给出的力学模型中,考虑了所有可能影响近地小行星运动的力学因素,包括各大天体和较大的主带小行星的引力作用、有关天体的扁率影响以及源于太阳引力的后牛顿效应。而在计算方法中,合理地处理了变步长问题和月球位置量这种相对而言的快变化问题,使得数值求解一个高维方程组时,对各天体而言,可采用同一步长进行 积分,避免了求解过程中的复杂性。  相似文献   

RKNF方法和大偏心率轨道数值积分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文比较在建立中等和大偏心率轨道的精密数值历表时几种数值方法的计算效率,特别推荐国内轨道工作中尚未见使用的直接积分2 阶微分方程的RKNF 方法。数值实算表明,在方程右函数显含速度和中等或大偏心率轨道情况下,嵌套的7 阶方法RKNF78 是一个普适性好、效率高、程序设计简单的方法。  相似文献   

针对限制性三体问题,分别选取以中心天体和摄动体质心为坐标原点的惯性系,及以中心天体为坐标原点的非惯性系,讨论了不同坐标系下天体运动轨道描述的异同。利用运动天体轨道能量E的大小,可以确定受摄运动方程采用椭圆轨道根数还是采用双曲线轨道根数进行描述。为此,推导出一个关于轨道半长径和偏心率满足的临界关系判别式。结果表明,在摄动天体质量较大的情况下,非惯性系中存在大量轨道,这些轨道在原惯性坐标系中是稳定的椭圆轨道,转换到非惯性系中后却无法用椭圆轨道根数进行描述。只能引入双曲线轨道根数来描述轨道,由此将产生非惯性系下摄动运动方程轨道根数类型选择问题。最后,指出选择雅可比坐标系可以避免上述问题,并推导出适用于任意运动区域的具有统一形式的摄动函数展开式。  相似文献   

数值积分方法是进行天体力学研究的重要工具, 尤其对于行星历表的研究工作而言. 由于在使用数值方法计算天体轨道时, 最终误差通常是难以预知的, 所以在面对精度要求较高或者积分时间较长的工作时具体积分方案的设计---尤其是当使用定步长方法时的步长选择---需要十分谨慎, 因为这将意味着是否能在时间成本可以被接受的范围内使解的精度达到要求. 因此, 在使用数值方法解决实际问题时如何快速寻找效率与精度之间的最佳平衡点是每一个数值积分方法的设计者与使用者都会面临的难题. 为解决这一问题, 在定步长条件下对数值积分方法的舍入误差概率分布函数以及截断误差积累量对步长的依赖关系和随时间的增长关系进行了深入研究. 基于所得结论, 提出了一种仅需较少的数值实验资料即可对选择任意时间步长积分至任意积分时刻时的舍入误差概率分布函数与截断误差积累量进行准确估计的方法, 并使用Adams-Cowell方法对该误差估计方法在圆周期轨道条件下进行了验证. 该误差估计方法在未来有望用于不同数值算法的性能对比研究, 同时也可以对数值积分方法求解实际轨道问题时的决策工作带来重要帮助.  相似文献   

天文动力学方程数值积分中的一种有效变步法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘承志  崔斗星 《天文学报》2002,43(4):387-390
利用积分曲线的曲率控制步长的技巧,使天文动力学方程数值解法的精度和速度有较大提高,这种方法适用于天体精密定轨以及一些精度要求高的常微分方程初值问题的数值积分。  相似文献   

偏心率是描述天体运动轨道的重要参数之一, 能够为揭示天体的动力学演化提供重要线索, 进而帮助理解天体形成与演化的过程及背后的物理机制. 随着天文观测技术的不断发展, 人们对于天体运动轨道的研究已经走出太阳系, 包含的系统也从大质量端的恒星系统延伸到了低质量端的行星系统. 聚焦天体轨道偏心率研究, 回顾了目前在恒星系统(包括主序恒星、褐矮星以及致密星)和行星系统(包括太阳系外巨行星以及``超级地球''、``亚海王星''等小质量系外行星)方面取得的进展, 总结了不同尺度结构下偏心率研究的一些共同之处和待解决的问题. 并结合当下和未来的相关天文观测设备和项目, 对未来天体轨道偏心率方面的研究工作进行了展望.  相似文献   

简要介绍当前天体力学中常用的各种数值计算方法,结合同步卫星运动方程的特点和轨道解的性质,分析各种数值计算方法在同步卫星情况下使用的优劣,确定一次和分形式的Cowell方法是建立同步卫星精密星历表的最佳方法,最后通过有效的数值实验,给出不同精度要求下Cowell方法的最佳阶和相应的最大步长.  相似文献   

约束条件和数值积分   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
伍歆  黄天衣 《天文学报》2004,45(3):310-319
自治的哈密顿系统存在约束条件,例如能量积分或广义相对论中的4速度大小为常数,它能否在数值积分过程中始终满足将直接影响数值稳定性.在牛顿力学中哈密顿系统的动能一般为椭圆型,直接运用约束条件对方程进行降阶存在开平方判断正负号的困难,导致应用高精度的经典数值积分器时能量存在耗散.然而相对论力学的度规为双曲型,利用约束条件有可能实行方程降阶.在时空具有一定对称性的情况下,能够找到整个时空的一个全局变换使变换后的度规的主对角线某一元素为零,于是从约束方程中不需开平方能够解出某一动量,顺利实现运动方程的降阶.相对论力学中另一个可以降阶的模型是Mixmaster宇宙模型.数值实验表明将经典算法用于降阶后的运动方程能够严格地满足约束,但不一定能保持辛结构。  相似文献   

本文用Harrison-Wheeler物态方程,通过“自洽场方法”,对Einstein场方程和广义相对论流体静力学平衡方程作数值求解,研究了快速旋转致密天体的平衡位形及其某些引力效应。结果表明:其平衡位形是扁的旋转椭球,当角速度大于3.0×10~2/秒时,偏心率和天体质量随角速度的增加而迅速增大,在极限情况下,偏心率可达0.7,质量增大可达10%—35%;旋转引起的天体表面引力红移的差异,光线顺逆旋转方向通过天体表面时的偏转角差异都是相当显著的。  相似文献   

刘林  张巍 《天文学报》2007,48(2):220-227
论述的短弧定轨,是指在无先验信息情况下又避开多变元迭代的初轨计算方法,它需要相应的动力学问题有一能反映短弧内达到一定精度的近似分析解.探测器进入月球引力作用范围后接近月球时可以处理成相对月球的受摄二体问题,而在地球附近,则可处理成相对地球的受摄二体问题,但在整个过渡段的力模型只能处理成一个受摄的限制性三体问题.而限制性三体问题无分析解,即使在月球引力作用范围外,对于大推力脉冲式的过渡方式,相对地球的变化椭圆轨道的偏心率很大(超过Laplace极限),在考虑月球引力摄动时亦无法构造摄动分析解.就此问题,考虑在地球非球形引力(只包含J2项)和月球引力共同作用下,构造了探测器飞抵月球过渡轨道段的时间幂级数解,在此基础上给出一种受摄二体问题意义下的初轨计算方法,经数值验证,定轨方法有效,可供地面测控系统参考.  相似文献   

A semi-analytical method is presented to study the system of differential equations governing the rotational motion of an artificial satellite. Gravity gradient and non gravitational torques are considered. Operations with trigonometric series were performed using an algebraic manipulator. Andoyer's variables are used to describe the rotational motion. The osculating elements are transformed analytically into a mean set of elements. As the differential equations in the mean elements are free of fast frequency terms, their numerical integration can be performed using a large step size.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy》2007,12(2):124-133
The method of choice for integrating the equations of motion of the general N-body problem has been to use an individual time step scheme. For the sake of efficiency, block time steps have been the most popular, where all time step sizes are smaller than a maximum time step size by an integer power of two. We present the first successful attempt to construct a time-symmetric integration scheme, based on block time steps. We demonstrate how our scheme shows a vastly better long-time behavior of energy errors, in the form of a random walk rather than a linear drift. Increasing the number of particles makes the improvement even more pronounced.  相似文献   

We study strongly and weakly integrable 2-dimensional Hamiltonian systems with velocity dependent potentials. We determine the set of conditions which must be satisfied in order to allow the existence of an independent second invariant polynomial in the momenta. We then investigate the linear case for which a complete solution of the problem can be obtained. We recover the classical set of linear strongly integrable systems and provide several new examples of weakly integrable systems whose equations of motion can be explicitly solved at a fixed value of the energy.  相似文献   

A method is developed to study the stability of periodic motions of the three-body problem in a rotating frame of reference, based on the notion of surface of section. The method is linear and involves the computation of a 4×4 variational matrix by integrating numerically the differential equations for time intervals of the order of a period. Several properties of this matrix are proved and also it is shown that for a symmetric periodic motion it can be computed by integrating for half the period only.This linear stability analysis is used to study the stability of a family of periodic motions of three bodies with equal masses, in a rotating frame of reference. This family represents motion such that two bodies revolve around each other and the third body revolves around this binary system in the same direction to a distance which varies along the members of the family. It was found that a large part of the family, corresponding to the case where the distance of the third body from the binary system is larger than the dimensions of the binary system, represents stable motion. The nonlinear effects to the linear stability analysis are studied by computing the intersections of several perturbed orbits with the surface of sectiony 3=0. In some cases more than 1000 intersections are computed. These numerical results indicate that linear stability implies stability to all orders, and this is true for quite large perturbations.  相似文献   

The rosette-shaped motion of a particle in a central force field is known to be classically solvable by quadratures. We present a new approach of describing and characterizing such motion based on the eccentricity vector of the two body problem. In general, this vector is not an integral of motion. However, the orbital motion, when viewed from the nonuniformly rotating frame defined by the orientation of the eccentricity vector, can be solved analytically and will either be a closed periodic circulation or libration. The motion with respect to inertial space is then given by integrating the argument of periapsis with respect to time. Finally we will apply the decomposition to a modern central potential, the spherical Hernquist–Newton potential, which models dark matter halos of galaxies with central black holes.  相似文献   

We propose an approach to the study of the evolution of high-apogee twelve-hour orbits of artificial Earth’s satellites. We describe parameters of the motion model used for the artificial Earth’s satellite such that the principal gravitational perturbations of the Moon and Sun, nonsphericity of the Earth, and perturbations from the light pressure force are approximately taken into account. To solve the system of averaged equations describing the evolution of the orbit parameters of an artificial satellite, we use both numeric and analytic methods. To select initial parameters of the twelve-hour orbit, we assume that the path of the satellite along the surface of the Earth is stable. Results obtained by the analytic method and by the numerical integration of the evolving system are compared. For intervals of several years, we obtain estimates of oscillation periods and amplitudes for orbital elements. To verify the results and estimate the precision of the method, we use the numerical integration of rigorous (not averaged) equations of motion of the artificial satellite: they take into account forces acting on the satellite substantially more completely and precisely. The described method can be applied not only to the investigation of orbit evolutions of artificial satellites of the Earth; it can be applied to the investigation of the orbit evolution for other planets of the Solar system provided that the corresponding research problem will arise in the future and the considered special class of resonance orbits of satellites will be used for that purpose.  相似文献   

We suggest a new approach to solving the problem of finding the orbit of a celestial body from its three spatial position vectors and the corresponding times. It allows most of the perturbations in the motion of a celestial body to be taken into account. The approach is based on the theory of intermediate orbits that we developed previously. We construct the orbit the motion along which is a combination of two motions: the motion of a fictitious attracting center whose mass varies according to Mestschersky’s first law and the motion relative to the fictitious center. The first motion is generally parabolic, while the second motion is described by the equations of the Gylden-Mestschersky problem. The constructed orbit has such parameters that their limiting values at any reference epoch define a superosculating intermediate orbit with a fourth-order tangency. We have performed a numerical analysis to estimate the accuracy of approximating the perturbed motion of two minor planets, 145 Adeona and 4179 Toutatis, by the orbits computed using two-position procedures (the classical Gauss method and the method that we suggested previously), a three-position procedure based on the Herrick-Gibbs equation, and the new method. Comparison of the results obtained suggests that the latter method has an advantage.  相似文献   

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