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地面加密自动站资料同化和数值模拟   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
采用美国多部门研制的WRF模式及其四维变分同化系统,对2008年5月长江中下游地区一次强对流暴雨天气过程进行了数值模拟试验;并分别将质量控制前和质量控制后的华东地区地面加密自动站资料加入模式进行四维变分同化试验,与实况进行了对比。结果表明:模拟试验能较好的模拟此次降水过程;而采用四维变分同化经质量控制后的地面加密资料,模式效果最好,使降水预报在降水落区和降水量上都获得较为明显的改善;但质量控制前四维同化改善效果不明显。这说明地面资料的质量控制很重要,它能去伪存真。有效地利用地面加密自动站资料,能使资料的加入与模式更协调,从而得到了最佳的模拟效果。  相似文献   

根据广州区域气象中心热带有限区数值天气预报的条件和特点,设计了一个简单可行的四维同化方案,并通过模式平行试验,详细地分析了该方案对分析和预报的改进情况,表明该方案可以得到一个较为平衡而又与模式大气状态近于协调一致的分析场,大大缩短了模式的Spin—up时间和减小了积分初期模式调整的幅度,从而改进了预报结果。这种改进在资料稀疏区比资料密集区要大得多。通过四维同化,模式的高度场预报、风场预报、质量场及总动能在积分过程中的演变等都得到了令人满意的改进。通过在同化过程中区别对待20°N以南的资料稀疏区及其以北的资料密集区,进一步使模式降水预报得到显著的改进。  相似文献   

区域资料四维同化试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
根据国家气象中心有限区分析预报系统的基本方案,设计一个以6小时为周期的间歇区域资料四维同化方案,对我国的两次暴雨过程进行两种不同粗细水平分辨率的资料四维同化和短期模式预报的试验。结果表明,由同化方案初值获得的短期预报明显好于LAFS方案的预报结果,高分辨率同化方案对预报的改进更明显。  相似文献   

气象场观测误差和四维同化数值模拟试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王诗文  杜行远 《气象学报》1984,42(4):459-465
本文对气象观测中的随机误差和四维同化进行了数值摸拟试验。用五层原始方程模式,以1975年4月19日20时的观测资料作初始场进行六天预报。把每小时的预报结果贮存起来,作为没有误差的“真实大气观测资料”,然后在原来的初始场上加上一个随机误差场,用一个物理过程比前者稍差的同样模式进行数值预报,把“真实资料”不断嵌入模式中去进行四维同化试验。 误差场是用概率统计中产生伪随机数的办法产生以模拟观测误差的随机情况。 四维同化的试验结果表明:最优同化频率,不仅与观测资料误差有关,而且还与整个同化过程的长短有关。  相似文献   

中尺度数值模式MM5的四维变分资料同化系统   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:6  
应用伴随方法求解以数值预报方程作为约束条件的四维变分资料同化方案,关键问题是如何构造伴随模式。以中尺度数值模式MM5为例,讨论了如何用伴随码技术建立MM5伴随模式,以及伴随模式系统中权重、尺度因子的选取;最后对MM5伴随模式系统进行了梯度检验,并利用实际资料进行四维变分资料同化试验。试验表明该系统有较强的同化能力,能够提高MM5降水预报的准确性。  相似文献   

具约束条件的四维变分资料同化问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Zhu Keyun 《大气科学进展》2001,18(6):1131-1145
考察了具约束条件的四维变分资料同化问题,首先引入解决该类问题的一般理论与方法,然后用有限元浅水模式对具高频重力波约束条件的四维变分同化问题进行数值试验。采用伴随技术方法和约束最优化的罚函数法和增广拉格朗日方法,使定义的约束目标函数达到最小,而得到最优解。数值试验结果表明:以控制重力波增长为约束条件的四维变分资料同化,能够更有效的滤除扰动分量,得到最优初始场。由此也表明了对数值天气预报中的这类问题是可以用具约束条件的四维变分资料同化来处理。  相似文献   

四维资料同化的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李崇银  袁重光 《大气科学》1978,2(3):238-245
四维资料同化是近年来气象科学上的一个新课题,为了探讨一些基本问题,本文用正压原始方程模式进行了高度观测资料的更新和同化的初步试验研究。 试验结果表明,将测站的实测资料内插到网格点上,再用这种资料作更新或四维资料同化可以减小观测误差的影响,避免所谓排斥现象;四维资料同化方案中需要有气压场和风场间的调整。本文提出了一种简便的四维资料同化方案,用这种方案对观测资料进行同化,得到某一时刻的分析场,再用这种分析场作初值与直接用该时刻的观测场作初值分别作数值预报,其预报结果是前者比后者明显地好,进一步说明了四维同化工作有其重要意义,不但使用非定时的气象观测资料需要四维资料同化,而且在四维同化基础上可以改进数值预报。  相似文献   

为了建立一个应用于区域数值预报的四维变分资料同化(4DVar)系统,在近期开发的扰动预报模式GRAPES_PF基础上,开发完善增量四维变分同化系统框架。该框架中暂不包含物理过程(长短波辐射、边界层过程、对流参数化和云微物理等)。对比业务使用的GRAPES 3DVar系统,增加了温度控制变量。将无量纲Exner气压与流函数的线性风压平衡方程直接在地形追随垂直坐标面上求解,且通过广义共轭余差法(GCR)求解扰动亥姆霍兹(Helmholtz)伴随方程。利用人造“探空”资料对2015年10月台风“彩虹”进行了理想数值试验。试验结果表明,所开发的扰动四维变分同化框架得到了预期的结果,即同化更多资料并反复受到模式约束的四维变分同化系统能有效改善初值质量,进而改善区域数值预报。建立的区域四维变分同化框架合理可行,为进一步发展包含完整物理过程的区域四维变分同化系统奠定了研究基础。   相似文献   

四维数据同化在一次梅雨锋暴雨过程中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何斌  徐瑞国  牛萍 《气象科学》2012,32(2):160-168
通过2008年梅雨季内的一次暴雨过程来着重研究WRF模式中四维测站同化技术的应用情况以及不同的同化策略对模拟结果的影响,使用的同化资料包括常规高空和地面探测资料。结果表明:高空探测资料的同化能够较好地修正中α尺度系统的移动发展速度,从而有效地改进强降雨带的落区位置;湿度观测资料的同化反而降低了强降雨带的降水强度,这可能因为同化湿度观测量可能减小近饱和区域内的水汽混合比,从而导致这些区域内的潜热加热减小,对流强度变弱,降水减少;地面观测资料的同化能够对模式行星边界层进行修正,这种同化影响通常在模式最低层上表现得较为明显,向上逐渐减小,而边界层模拟质量对降水至关重要,因此地面观测资料的加入使得模拟降水更加接近于实况。区域嵌套模拟试验表明对粗网格区域进行四维分析同化处理可以有效抑制中α尺度模式误差的增长,对细网格区域进行四维测站同化处理则可以进一步抑制中β尺度模式误差增长。  相似文献   

GRAPES的新初始化方案   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
刘艳  薛纪善 《气象学报》2019,77(2):165-179
四维变分同化由于引入预报模式作为一项约束,理论上它的分析场已经具有较好的平衡性,但实施时还会有诸多因重力波导致的高频振荡过程,因此,四维变分同化(4DVar)分析仍需要初始化。文中描述了GRAPES全球四维变分同化系统(GRAPES-4DVar)的新初始化方案的科学设计、公式演绎以及试验结果。GRAPES-4DVar的新初始化方案采用数字滤波方案作为代价函数的一项约束控制重力波引发的不平衡结构,约束强加在分析增量上与极小化迭代过程同步进行。新的初始化方案是变分同化系统的一部分,数字滤波的积分时间与4DVar的同化时间窗一致,不会对4DVar产生额外的计算资源消耗;并能适应长时间窗的同化,不会因为时间窗的延长而削弱慢波过程。新初始化方案中,模式轨迹的光滑程度可在变分同化中通过重力波控制项的权重系数方便控制。GRAPES全球四维变分同化的理想和循环同化批量试验都表明,在四维变分同化中,重力波的控制依然非常重要,具有初始化的GRAPES试验,无论分析还是预报技巧都较无初始化的有明显优势。与以前分析和滤波独立实施的旧初始化方案相比,新方案的分析和预报效果略优,同时有效地节省循环同化系统的运行时间,这对四维变分同化来说非常重要。  相似文献   

A low pressure system that formed on 21 September 2006 over eastern India/Bay of Bengal intensified into a monsoon depression resulting in copious rainfall over north-eastern and central parts of India. Four numerical experiments are performed to examine the performance of assimilation schemes in simulating this monsoon depression using the Fifth Generation Mesoscale Model (MM5). Forecasts from a base simulation (with no data assimilation), a four-dimensional data assimilation (FDDA) system, a simple surface data assimilation (SDA) system coupled with FDDA, and a flux-adjusting SDA system (FASDAS) coupled with FDDA are compared with each other and with observations. The model is initialized with Global Forecast System (GFS) forecast fields starting from 19 September 2006, with assimilation being done for the first 24 hours using conventional observations, sounding and surface data of temperature and moisture from Advanced TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder satellite and surface wind data over the ocean from QuikSCAT. Forecasts are then made from these assimilated states. In general, results indicate that the FASDAS forecast provides more realistic prognostic fields as compared to the other three forecasts. When compared with other forecasts, results indicate that the FASDAS forecast yielded lower root-mean-square (r.m.s.) errors for the pressure field and improved simulations of surface/near-surface temperature, moisture, sensible and latent heat fluxes, and potential vorticity. Heat and moisture budget analyses to assess the simulation of convection revealed that the two forecasts with the surface data assimilation (SDA and FASDAS) are superior to the base and FDDA forecasts. An important conclusion is that, even though monsoon depressions are large synoptic systems, mesoscale features including rainfall are affected by surface processes. Enhanced representation of land-surface processes provides a significant improvement in the model performance even under active monsoon conditions where the synoptic forcings are expected to be dominant.  相似文献   

Summary The Penn State University/National Center for Atmospheric Research (PSU/NCAR) mesoscale model is a widely used research tool that has been applied in a wide variety of real-data, mesoalpha-scale applications. Recently a nonhydrostatic version of this model has been developed by Dudhia (1993). It is the purpose of this paper to illustrate the capabilities of this modeling system by describing four examples of mesobeta-scale simulations: two of the cases involve maritime processes and two deal with continental weather events. All utilize fully three-dimensional sets of initial conditions that are based on real data, both standard data and from special measurements programs. One case employs the model in a data-assimilation configuration, wherein Newtonian relaxation terms are used in the equations to assimilate data from a variety of platforms. This example of nonhydrostatic four-dimensional data assimilation (FDDA) is performed for the purpose of generating a dynamically consistent four-dimensional data-set, however the same procedure can be used for model initialization. The first case, described in section 2, involves the simulation of a coastal front that forms offshore near the western edge of the Gulf Stream. In the second case, described in section 3, the model is used in the FDDA mode to define the mesobeta-scale windfield over the complex terrain of the region around Grand Canyon, Arizona. In sections 4 and 5 will be described the mesobeta-scale structure of cold fronts, one within a marine cyclone, and another near the Rocky Mountains.With 21 FiguresNCAR is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

With the Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRFV3.2.1), the application of spectrum nudging techniques in numerical simulation of the genesis and development of typhoon Longwang (2005) is evaluated in this work via four numerical experiments with different nudging techniques. It is found that, due to the ability to capture the large-scale fields and to keep the meso-to small-scale features derived from the model dynamics, the experiment with spectrum nudging technique can simulate the formation, intensification and motion of Longwang properly. The improvement on the numerical simulation of Longwang induced by the spectrum nudging depends on the nudging coefficients. A weak spectrum nudging does not make significant improvement on the simulation of Longwang. Although the experiment with four-dimensional data assimilation, i.e., FDDA, also derives the genesis and movement of Longwang appropriately, it fails to simulate the intensifying process of Longwang properly. The reason is that, as the large-scale features derived from the model are nudged to the observational data, the meso- to small-processes produced by the model dynamics important to the intensification of typhoon are nearly smoothed by FDDA.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to examine the impact of assimilation of conventional and satellite data on the prediction of a severe cyclonic storm that formed in the Bay of Bengal during November 2008 with the four-dimensional data assimilation (FDDA) technique. The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF ARW) model was used to study the structure, evolution, and intensification of the storm. Five sets of numerical simulations were performed using the WRF. In the first one, called Control run, the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Final Analysis (FNL) was used for the initial and boundary conditions. In the remaining experiments available observations were used to obtain an improved analysis and FDDA grid nudging was performed for a pre-forecast period of 24 h. The second simulation (FDDAALL) was performed with all the data of the Quick Scatterometer (QSCAT), Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/I) winds, conventional surface, and upper air meteorological observations. QSCAT wind alone was used in the third simulation (FDDAQSCAT), the SSM/I wind alone in the fourth (FDDASSMI) and the conventional observations alone in the fifth (FDDAAWS). The FDDAALL with assimilation of all observations, produced sea level pressure pattern closely agreeing with the analysis. Examination of various parameters indicated that the Control run over predicted the intensity of the storm with large error in its track and landfall position. The assimilation experiment with QSCAT winds performed marginally better than the one with SSM/I winds due to better representation of surface wind vectors. The FDDAALL outperformed all the simulations for the intensity, movement, and rainfall associated with the storm. Results suggest that the combination of land-based surface, upper air observations along with satellite winds for assimilation produced better prediction than the assimilation with individual data sets.  相似文献   

The morning diurnal precipitation maximum over the coastal sea upstream of the Philippines during intraseasonal westerly wind bursts is examined from observations and numerical model simulations. A well-defined case of precipitation and large-scale circulation over the coastal sea west of the Philippines during 17?C27 June 2004 is selected as a representative case. The hypothesis is that the mesoscale diurnal circulation over the Philippines and a large-scale diurnal circulation that is induced by large-scale differential heating over Asian continent and the surrounding ocean interact to produce the offshore precipitation maximum during the morning. Three-hourly combined satellite microwave and infrared rainfall retrievals define the morning rainfall peak during this period, and then later the stratiform rain area extends toward the open sea. A control numerical simulation in which a grid-nudging four-dimensional data assimilation (FDDA) is applied to force the large-scale diurnal circulation represents reasonably well the morning rainfall maximum. An enhanced low-level convergence similar to observations is simulated due to the interaction of the local- and large-scale diurnal circulations. The essential role of the local-scale diurnal circulation is illustrated in a sensitivity test in which the solar zenith angle is fixed at 7?am to suppress this diurnal circulation. The implication for climate diagnosis or modeling of such upstream coastal sea precipitation maxima is that the diurnal variations of both the local- and the large-scale circulations must be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

Four-dimensional data assimilation method based on SVD: Theoretical aspect   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Summary A new method of four-dimensional data assimilation based on Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) is proposed. In it, a set of atmospheric states is obtained by integrating a numerical weather prediction model and simulated observations are taken and calculated from the model variables. Then the SVD technique is used to create the base vectors from this coupled data set. Finally, the analysis is obtained by projecting actual observation data into a space spanned by the base vectors. Using this approach, the four-dimensional data assimilation becomes a simple linear inverse problem the linearization of the nonlinear forward model is avoided, and the developments of the adjoint and background error covariance matrix are no longer needed. Since the SVD technique is used here, the method is simply called 4DSVD.  相似文献   

多普勒雷达四维变分分析系统概述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《热带气象学报》是中国气象局广州热带海洋气象研究所主办的学术期刊,由气象出版社出版;其前身是《热带气象》,创刊于1984年,已经连续出版20年了。《热带气象学报》主要刊登热带大气科学的基础理论研究及应用研究方面的论文、热带地区天气预报的先进方法和成功的经验、推动学科发展的综合评述和学术动态。当前一段时间的刊登重点是:海气相互作用,中低纬大气环流相互作用,低频振荡及遥相关,低纬大气环流异常及其机制,热带大气环流异常对全球天气、气候的影响以及季风动力学、热带气旋动力学与运动学等的学术成果。由于国家重视气象科学研究,…  相似文献   

Modeling flood event characteristics using D-vine structures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The authors investigate the use of drawable (D-)vine structures to model the dependences existing among the main characteristics of a flood event, i.e., flood volume, flood peak, duration, and peak time. Firstly, different three- and four-dimensional probability distributions were built considering all the permutations of the conditioning variables. The Frank copula was used to model the dependence of each pair of variables. Then, the appropriate D-vine structures were selected using information criteria and a goodness-of-fit test. The influence of varying the data length on the selected D-vine structure was also investigated. Finally, flood event characteristics were simulated using the four-dimensional D-vine structure.  相似文献   

用简单海气耦合模式产品作热带气旋频数年际预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首先建立一个用于优化热带简单海气耦合模式积分初始的四维变分同化系统,由此提高模式对热带海表温度异常(SSTA)年际预测的准确率,并利用37年模式输出产品建立了影响化南和上海市的热带气旋(TC)年频数的长期预测方程,试报结果良好。  相似文献   

应用浙江省气象灾情统计年鉴资料,运用四维灾体评估模型,对浙江省的气象灾害损失进行科学评估。浙江省2003—2017年灾害损失年景评价分析结果显示,2004年和2005年为气象灾害损失明显偏重年景,进入2010年以来,2013年为年景最差年份;台风灾害损失在每年浙江省气象灾害损失年景评价中具有非常重要的作用,重大台风事件易造成气象灾害偏重或明显偏重的损失年景。评估结果表明,四维灾体模型下的气象灾害评估较为科学客观。  相似文献   

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