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陕西一次槽前强对流风暴的诊断分析   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1  
刘勇 《高原气象》2006,25(4):687-695
对1995年8月5日发生在陕西中部一次槽前强对流风暴过程进行了诊断分析,结果表明:此次影响500 hPa槽前强对流风暴发生的重要条件之一不是中层干空气(干暖盖),而是低层有干空气侵入雷暴区。在中层水汽条件比较好的情况下,低层水汽通量由大变小是暴雨天气向强对流风暴天气转化的主要因素。  相似文献   

基于2007年7月青海祁连站的野外加密探空资料,结合高分辨率的三维边界层模式,模拟研究了青藏高原东北边坡复杂地形条件下,边界层对流引起的干动力过程对该地区地形重力波产生及传播的影响机理。结果表明:在不同的背景场强迫下,高原东北边坡复杂地形上空对流和重力波的空间结构存在较大差异。当背景风向与山体垂直时,随着风速增加,山脊背风坡混合层顶附近大气不稳定能量加强,激发了下游区域较强的重力波信号,此时对流线组织性增强、重力波波列较长,高水汽含量的空气被波峰传输到较高的高度,为对流云发展提供了有利条件;当背景风向与山脊走向平行时,山顶上空对流发展旺盛,山脊背风坡混合层顶大气状态较稳定,激发的地形重力波信号较弱且波列较短,整个混合层顶附近水汽较少,对流云形成条件减弱;当背景大气浮力频率减小时,整个区域上空对流发展更加旺盛但组织性减弱,背风坡下游重力波向上传输的距离减小,信号不显著,混合层顶附近水汽分布均匀且变化幅度较小,有利于层状云发展。  相似文献   

股显曦 《气象》1976,2(6):21-21
在自然条件下空气中常含有水汽,这种空气叫做湿空气。人们往往认为:湿空气包含水汽,那么湿空气的密度一定比干空气大。但事实恰恰相反,在一定的温度和压力下,空气中的水汽含量愈大,它的密度就愈小。从理想气体湿空气的状态方程  相似文献   

利用实况观测资料、GFS再分析资料和高时空分辨率的风云卫星资料,详细分析了鄂东北2016年6月30日下午16:00出现的强降水与上午08∶00开始其西侧400 km外西南涡降水中心的云波动之间的关系。结果表明:在鄂东北强降水发生前,其西侧西南涡中心附近出现两条重力波云波列向偏北和偏东传播。北支云波列在向北传播到鄂西北触发强降水后折向东南方向传播,转向后的北支云波列受500 hPa对称不稳定影响产生云波动,但由于500 h Pa水汽较少,不利于降水形成。南支云波列在600 hPa以下条件性对流不稳定的影响下,出现弱的惯性重力波传播特征。南北两支高度不同的云波列在鄂东交汇后,浅薄对流转为深厚对流,在充分的水汽和不稳定条件下触发鄂东局地强降水。  相似文献   

通过对一个明显后向传播雷暴和一个无明显传播特征雷暴的环境场进行对比,分析环境场条件对雷暴传播运动的影响。结果表明:二者高空均受冷涡后部西北气流控制,有中空急流,低层受暖温度脊影响,气温较高,傍晚前后受短波槽影响,在鲁西北地区产生对流天气;后向传播雷暴的环境场水汽条件较好,大气斜压特征明显,近地面层高温高湿,θse锋区位于对流层中层,中层干空气与低层冷空气入侵,二者共同作用是雷暴的产生机制;无明显传播特征雷暴的环境场水汽条件较差,θse锋区位于850 hPa以下,对流层低层干冷空气与暖湿空气交绥是雷暴的产生机制;雷暴易发生在水汽通量散度中心北侧梯度较大的区域,主回波后部大气为不稳定层结且具有辐合中心、相对湿度较大的特征,这是产生新对流单体的关键;若雷暴区有湿平流,雷暴的下游方向有水汽辐合中心,且辐合中心具有斜压特征,有利于雷暴新生,反之,则不利于雷暴新生。  相似文献   

利用常规观测资料、1°×1°NCEP再分析资料、微波辐射计及风廓线雷达等加密观测资料,针对2011年6月23日北京地区发生的一次强对流暴雨过程,对高低层干冷空气活动及其作用进行了分析。结果表明:北京地区高低层配置符合干侵入三维模型,中层以上的干区与水汽图像的暗区相吻合,同时配合有自高纬向低纬传播的高位涡带,北京地区干侵入特征明显。微波辐射计与风廓线雷达观测能够实时追踪干冷空气造成的温度、湿度和风场变化,6 km高度以上的温度和湿度变化最为显著,两者下降到最低点的时间与强对流的触发时间有较好的一致性,高层干冷空气对强降水有一定激发作用。干侵入降低了大气稳定度,造成高层θse低值中心垂直位于低层θse高值中心之上,探空曲线呈典型的喇叭形开口结构。回流干冷空气与气旋前部暖湿气流形成准静止锋,850 h Pa以下低层温度锋区显著,为对流的发展加强提供了热动力条件,回流冷空气形成的东部高压有利于雷暴系统在北京地区滞留,延长了降水时间。  相似文献   

陈磊  田文寿  王婵 《高原气象》2009,28(2):233-245
利用中尺度模式对一半干旱地区植被和下垫面发生改变后大气产生的局地和非局地的响应进行了模拟分析.结果表明,植被变化对区域内温度的影响比较复杂,并有明显的日变化.相比与区域城市化形成的强而稳定的增温中心,植被减少只会在区域形成较弱而间断的增温中心并敏感地依赖于地面净能量在感热、潜热和土壤热通量之间的分配.区域内植被变化和下垫面特性的改变导致的局地温度变化在背景风场的作用下向区域外传播,其传播的细节与风场的特征和地形密切相关.在适当的环流背景下,迎风坡下垫面改变导致的温度变化可在背景风场的输送下,绕过很高的山脊在背风坡形成一个持久的变温中心.植被减少导致的变温中心会在原有的环流形式上叠加一个强迫的二级环流.在中等风速条件下,近地面约1K的区域变温所造成的二级环流深度可达到1.1 km.区域植被的减少,一方面减少了地面向上的水汽输送,导致了区域内气柱水汽含量的减少;另一方面增温引起的强迫二级环流会使区域外水汽向内输送,部分地补偿了地面向上输送水汽的减少,但是二者总体的效果是区域内的气柱水汽总量减少.在实验区域之外,上风向趋于增湿而下风向趋于减湿.  相似文献   

马淑萍  冉令坤  曹洁 《大气科学》2021,45(5):1127-1145
利用WRF模式对2018年11月30日伊犁河谷和天山北坡强降雪过程进行数值模拟,并分析复杂地形强降雪过程垂直速度和垂直动能变化机制。研究表明,冷锋过境造成地表气压升高,干空气气柱质量增大,从而导致垂直气压梯度力和干空气气柱浮力发生变化,进而引起垂直运动发生发展。垂直速度局地时间变化主要取决于扰动垂直气压梯度力、水物质拖曳力和扰动干空气浮力。在天山北坡,气流过山时,迎风坡的扰动垂直气压梯度力较大,扰动干空气浮力较小,二者合力促进上升运动;在背风坡,扰动垂直气压梯度力和扰动空气浮力形成向下的合力,产生下沉加速度,导致背风坡下沉大风。扰动垂直气压梯度力做功和扰动干空气浮力做功情况基本相反,背风坡扰动垂直气压梯度力和综合强迫做功项抑制垂直动能,扰动干空气浮力和水物质拖曳力做功项增强垂直动能。此外,扰动垂直气压梯度力和扰动干空气浮力做功项主要出现在中低层,水物质拖曳力做功项主要位于低层,平缓地形处的综合强迫做功明显小于地形复杂处。  相似文献   

王楠  李萍云  井宇 《干旱气象》2015,(1):138-143
以2012年7月15日凌晨榆林地区一次短时强降水过程为研究对象,利用NCEP 1°×1°再分析资料、FY-2E卫星资料及常规气象观测资料,通过卫星水汽图像和大气动力场相结合的方法揭示冷涡影响下降水过程中干侵入的特征及其对短时强降水发生、发展的作用机制。结果表明:此次短时强降水过程中干侵入特征明显,卫星水汽图像上的黑体亮温高值区与干冷区相对应,干冷区的伸入使得对流云团边缘亮温梯度增大,同时对流云团发展;干侵入与对流层高层的下沉运动、高值位涡以及干冷区相对应,因干冷空气叠加在暖湿气流之上,在强降水区上空出现了对流不稳定层结,为短时强降水的发生创造了有利的环境条件。另外,此次降水过程水汽条件主要集中在对流层低层,风场辐合带来的短时间水汽辐合为短时强降水集聚了一定的水汽条件。在地面中尺度辐合线的触发作用下,将不稳定层结中包含水汽的气块抬升,从而形成降水。  相似文献   

基于WRF模式多普勒雷达同化预报、1 °×1 °的NCEP再分析资料、云图TBB和本地加密观测资料,对2014年8月12日关中地区突发性暴雨过程(“0812”暴雨)进行诊断分析。结果表明:同化C波段雷达资料能有效提升WRF对此次突发性暴雨的预报能力。受中高层北部冷空气侵入和低层冷式切变南压的影响,在“0812”暴雨期间,关中的北部和东部的地面切变辐合线附近先后出现了南北向和东西向的中β尺度重力波,波动持续约4 h、波长约60 km。当北部波动向南传播发展与东部波动合并之后,重力波快速消散,强降水结束。暴雨发生前,波动区的垂直上升速度、雨水含量中心强度和发展高度均迅速达到最大,陕北地区对流层中上部的正湿位涡显著向南下滑至关中上空,出现了有利于中尺度波动发展的湿位涡波列结构,暴雨中心近地层的正湿位涡和垂直梯度异常增大。200 hPa高空急流区南侧、关中西部垂直风切变显著增大及其东移南压为中尺度波动快速发展、传播提供了能量。500 hPa内蒙古中部天气尺度横槽发展东移、引导中低层偏北路冷空气南压,是突发性暴雨的直接影响系统。850 hPa的比湿突增为暴雨提供了热力、水汽条件。近地层显著东南风、不稳定扰动增大和地面切变线是暴雨的有利动力、触发条件;在地面切变线西端附近,3 h变压场出现显著中尺度波动特征。“0812”暴雨与典型盛夏暴雨差异明显:西太平洋副热带高压远离大陆、东南沿海无台风活动,关中低层出现西北路水汽输送,强降雨区周边700 hPa以上深厚位势稳定层结、近地层不稳定层结垂直叠置有利于重力波动发展传播,中尺度对流云团高度低,雷达强降水回波主要位于低层西北风和东北风之间的冷式切变区。   相似文献   

为了研究风场对背风波的影响,针对边界层附近为弱稳定层结的背风波,建立了一个三维三层的理论模型和线性计算模式,分析了各层中风速和风向的变化对背风波特征的影响,揭示了气流过孤立山脉产生背风波的有利风场条件。结果表明:背风波的波长、振幅等特征对各层风速和风向的变化具有相当的敏感性,波长随着低、高层风速的增大而增大,随着中层风速的增大先减小后增大;振幅随着低、中层风速的增大先增大后减小,随着高层风速的增大而增大。此外,风速和上下层风向切变的增大均使背风波的形态逐渐由横波型转为辐散型,但是上下层风向的切变对背风波形态的影响比风速更为显著。  相似文献   

三维多层流过山产生的山地重力波研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李子良 《高原气象》2006,25(4):593-600
为了研究了三维多层气流过山产生的三维山地重力波和大气船波动力学理论,在本文中,改进了一个多层流过山的三维山地重力波的线性理论计算模式,分析了三维多层流过孤立山地产生的三维山地重力波和大气船舶波的物理机制及其表现特征。揭示了多层流过孤立地形产生发散模态和横波两种模态拦截背风波的气象条件,增强了人们对山地重力波动力学的理解和对山脉重力波及其相联系的山脉天气的预测能力。  相似文献   

Summary In this paper, an attempt has been made to examine the effect of static stability on the pattern of three dimensional (3-D) baroclinic lee wave across a meso-scale elliptical barrier. For this purpose first a 3-D meso scale lee wave model has been developed. Then the model is applied to the Western Ghats (WG) using real time radio sonde data of Santacruz (19°7′N, 72°51′E) (here after SCZ), a station on the windward side of WG, on the days when dynamic and thermodynamic conditions of the atmosphere were favourable to generate lee waves. It is found that the pattern of 3-D baroclinic lee wave is very much sensitive to the value of the static stability parameter N2. It is found that during southwest monsoon season trapped lee waves are convergent type (contours of perturbation vertical velocity w′ are crescent shaped convex down wind) and during winter they are divergent type (contours of w′ are crescent shaped concave down wind). The study shows that for a given profile of wind, the value of N2 must exceed certain threshold value to obtain divergent type lee wave, otherwise convergent type lee waves are found. It is also found that in the southwest monsoon season, when atmosphere is neutrally stratified, a single divergent lee wave corresponds to a single transverse lee wave, whereas in the winter season, when atmosphere is strongly stratified, a single divergent lee wave corresponds to a number of transverse lee wave. Furthermore, in the former case long (or short) divergent lee wave corresponds to short (or long) transverse lee wave, whereas in the later case long (or short) divergent lee wave, in general, corresponds to long (or short) transverse lee wave. This revised version was published online in November 2004 with corrected captions of Figs. 1 and 2.  相似文献   

Severe downslope windstorms occurred on 5 April 2005 in the Taebaek Mountain Range, located in the eastern coast of Korea, are examined using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. Strong winds are observed at Gangneung and Yangyang during two separate periods with a rapidly decreasing period in between. These downslope windstorms are reproduced in the simulation reasonably well, although the rapidly decreasing surface wind speed after the second windstorm could not be captured at Yangyang. It is found that the generation mechanisms of the downslope windstorms in these two periods are somewhat different. The severe wind in the first period is likely due to the reflection of the mountain waves from a critical level that locates near z = 8–9 km. Upward-propagating waves and reflected downward-propagating waves interact constructively in a duct between the critical level and the surface, resulting in strong surface wind. In the second period, the hydraulic-jump theory can be applied in that the wave breaking above the downstream induces a well-mixed region, and severe downslope wind is developed beneath this turbulent region as the streamlines descend along the downstream. Simultaneous lee wave structure is also reproduced during the second windstorm period. The sensitivity of the downslope wind speed to the change in the land-cover map showed that the absorption of trapped lee waves in the boundary layer reduces the downslope wind speed significantly after the second windstorm at Gangneung, improving the model performance, although with no significant impact at Yangyang.  相似文献   

利用中尺度模式WRF3.3对太行山东麓焚风典型个例进行了数值模拟。结果表明,太行山东麓焚风的发生和移动与山脉背风波密切相关。由此建立了太行山东麓焚风的概念模型:西北或偏西气流途经山西盆地、山西境内的山脉或高原,再越过太行山,在其东麓形成背风波。背风波的下沉气流气温按干绝热方式上升,同时下沉气流也会对低层大气产生压缩增温效应,使得太行山东麓产生焚风。背风波即为重力波,可以伴随着下沉气流向下游移动,正变温区同时也向东移动。变温区移动的速度和重力波的传播速度相同。背风波的产生,需要Scorer数向上足够的减小,而且不连续,即要求大气是稳定的且存在明显的风速切变。  相似文献   

A brief review of past studies of the of the order of 50—100 km or longer, chinook and a summary of some recent although resonance may be present satellite and visual observations of the in some cases. Both satellite and visual chinook arch cloud are presented as observations indicate the frequent ocevidence of the occurence of long currence of the wave during the colder gravity wave phenomena in the lee of period of the year. Taken together, the Rockies of Southern Alberta and these data imply that the wave pheno‐Northern Montana. A quasi‐stationary menon is potentially important in cloud band that extends several de‐ terms of local surface weather and grees of latitude along the lee of the vertical momentum transport and that mountains appears to be associated it should be subjected to more detailed with a single long wave with a length theoretical and observational studies.  相似文献   

Summary. ?A hydrostatic numerical model is used to simulate the lee wave event IOP3 (0000 GMT to 1200 GMT 15th October 1990) from the PYREX mountain experiment. Results from integrations at different horizontal resolutions are used to investigate the effect on surface pressure drag and the vertical flux of horizontal momentum due to orographically forced gravity waves. In particular, results showing the dependence on resolution of the partitioning between resolved and parametrized wave drag and fluxes are presented. With the model horizontal gridlength changing from 50 km to 10 km the majority of wave momentum flux changes from being parametrized to becoming resolved. More significantly, there is a change in the profile of flux with height. At 50 km resolution the largest inferred mean flow decelerations are at lower stratospheric level due to the parametrization scheme. At 10 km resolution this is shifted, with less deceleration high up and more wave deceleration lower down in the troposphere. Numerical weather prediction models are now beginning to take account of such low level drag with beneficial results. Received March 2, 1999/Revised July 15, 1999  相似文献   

This paper describes a nonhydrostatic and incompressible mesoscale model formulation using a terrain-following coordinate system. A tensor transformation procedure is used to derive a diagnostic equation for the nonhydrostatic pressure field. The model features a simplified second-order turbulence closure scheme. The two-dimensional version of the nonhydrostatic model, as well as the corresponding hydrostatic model, are applied to simulate stably stratified airflow over mesoscale bell-shaped mountain ridges. The results show that the nonhydrostatic model is capable of simulating nonhydrostatic dynamics of mesoscale lee wave systems such as the trapped wave phenomenon.  相似文献   

利用兰州和民勤两站干年(1995年)、湿年(1994年)的5~6月08:00和20:00气象观测资料,采用Scorer背风波参数等方法对兰州小高压的形成、发展机制进行动力和热力学诊断分析。分析表明,兰州存在明显的背风波效应和下沉逆温;民勤有较强的逆温层特征,逆温频数多且强度大,辐射和扰动逆温较明显,它们的背风波和逆温层特征影响着兰州小高压的形成、尺度和位置。兰州小高压是青藏高原大地形和大气环流共同作用的一种边界层现象,与青藏高原北部较强的逆温和背风波效应有着重要的关系,运用中尺度天气学方法得出兰州小高压的预报流程,以建立其诊断和预报的概念模型。  相似文献   

Summary A special analytical solution is derived for the classical orographic configuration of two-dimensional, stratified, linear, non-hydrostatic and dry model (without friction and Coriolis force). The well-known differential equation for the vertical velocity involves the vertical distribution of the Scorer parameterl 2(z) and in this casel 2 is specified such that the lower atmosphere has a stable duct near the surface and is capped by a layer which acts as a good reflector.Examination of the solution for the vertical amplitude in the vicinity of singularities indicates the dominant lee wavelength and observations confirm that in comparable settings resonant trapped gravity waves develop in the lee of mountains. Comparison with a real atmospheric lee-wave events gives good predictions for the wavelength and wave drag, but, as in other linear models, the amplitude is underestimated.With 2 Figures  相似文献   

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