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基于增长模繁殖法,考虑对流尺度高度非线性特征和精细化预报要求,对一次强飑线天气过程进行了集合预报试验,引入概率匹配平均法对集合预报结果进行对比分析,并通过偏差和公平技巧评分对降水进行了预报效果检验。试验结果表明,BGM法应用到对流尺度集合预报中能够生成代表大气不确定性的快速增长扰动。集合预报结果相比控制预报更加准确,传统集合平均对较小降水强度的预报更加准确,概率匹配平均法对大量级降水的预报能力明显占优。降水评分检验表明,集合平均对小量级降水的预报技巧最高,概率匹配平均法对极端降水事件的预报技巧有明显优势。对流尺度集合预报能够提高降水预报技巧,并对高影响对流天气事件的预报有指导意义。  相似文献   

降水邻域集合概率法是处理高分辨率降水集合预报不确定性的一种新方法。利用2017年5~7月GRAPES(Global and Regional Assimilation and Prediction Enhanced System)区域集合预报系统24 h降水预报资料,进行GRAPES降水邻域集合概率方法试验,并针对邻域概率法的等权重和邻域尺度问题,设计了邻域格点权重修正邻域方案以及二分类权重修正邻域方案,进行降水的集合概率法、等权重邻域集合概率方法、权重修正邻域集合概率方法和二分类权重修正邻域集合概率方法等四种方法的格点相关及敏感性试验,并利用多种概率预报检验评分评估上述四种方法的预报效果。试验结果表明:(1)尽管采用邻域计算方案的三种邻域集合概率方法的降水概率预报评分各有优劣,如等权重邻域集合概率法的相对作用特征曲线面积评分略优,而权重修正邻域集合概率法和二分类权重修正邻域集合概率法的降水概率预报可靠性更高,但采用了邻域计算方案的降水概率预报评分均优于传统的集合概率方法;(2)降水邻域集合概率方法的预报技巧对邻域尺度很敏感,统计评分最优的邻域半径为5~8倍模式水平格距;(3)引入了权重修正的两个邻域集合概率预报方法在24 h降水量超过10 mm时改进较明显,能够提供更加客观的概率预报结果。总体上看,降水邻域集合概率方法具有较好的应用前景,恰当的邻域概率方法及邻域半径可以获得更合理的降水概率预报结果。  相似文献   

陈涛  林建  张芳华  钟青 《气象》2017,43(5):513-527
基于4km水平分辨率的WRF-ARW中尺度模式,对2016年7月19日华北地区的极端暴雨过程进行了不同降水微物理过程的对流尺度集合模拟试验。结果表明:各个成员模拟降水的强度、时空分布与观测实况较为接近,但也具有明显的不确定性。通过邻域检验的ETS评分、相关系数和均方根误差等指标进行评估表明,采用Morrison方案和WSM6_P2方案的集合成员表现较好,对流尺度集合模式在降水强度和准确度较全球数值模式预报有一定提升。频率检验表明集合预报在50 mm以下量级的预报存在过量预报的倾向,而100 mm以上的强降水预报相对偏弱。不同降水物理过程的集合成员在高空急流和地面气旋等关键天气尺度系统的发展过程中表现出明显的不确定性;通过降水量与整层可降水含量,低层相对涡度和垂直运动等诊断量的联合分析表明,集合成员可分为强降水集合和弱降水集合两类,其中强降水集合拥有较强的对流性回波、较明显的对流性下沉以及较强的地面冷池,强的潜热反馈也导致对流层中层出现相对较大的正位涡异常,并进一步影响天气系统发展。弱降水集合成员降水以暖云降水为主,对流性上升和地面冷池相对较弱,但较为接近本次以稳定性暖云降水为主的天气过程。检验模拟雷达回波表明双参量降水物理方案在反映层云回波亮带和层云与对流核的分离特征上更为清晰合理。利用WSM6物理方案参数设置的敏感性试验表明,不同参数组合设置的预报成员分别表达了强对流风暴和暖云强降水两种性质的强降雨过程,对于一次特定天气过程中的对流系统发展能够预计到更多的不确定性,展现了对流尺度集合预报的优越性。  相似文献   

基于增长模繁殖法,考虑对流尺度高度非线性特征和精细化预报要求,对一次强飑线天气过程进行了集合预报试验,引入概率匹配平均法对集合预报结果进行对比分析,并通过偏差和公平技巧评分对降水进行了预报效果检验。试验结果表明,BGM法应用到对流尺度集合预报中能够生成代表大气不确定性的快速增长扰动。集合预报结果相比控制预报更加准确,传统集合平均对较小降水强度的预报更加准确,概率匹配平均法对大量级降水的预报能力明显占优。降水评分检验表明,集合平均对小量级降水的预报技巧最高,概率匹配平均法对极端降水事件的预报技巧有明显优势。对流尺度集合预报能够提高降水预报技巧,并对高影响对流天气事件的预报有指导意义。  相似文献   

王丹  余贞寿 《大气科学》2023,(6):1876-1890
本文利用中尺度模式WRF V4.0.2(Weather Research and Forecasting Model,Version 4.0.2)对浙江省两次梅雨锋暴雨过程进行数值模拟,分别选用WSM6和Thompson云微物理方案、YSU和MYJ边界层方案、以及11种对流参数化方案进行试验,探究不同积云对流参数化方案对梅雨锋暴雨的1 km高分辨率预报的影响,结果表明:(1)在对各试验的降水预报评估过程中,使用传统点对点方法和邻域法都能客观表现出各试验的预报水平,而邻域检验法能更客观地评估模式对小范围强降水的预报水平。(2)三类积云对流方案(包括:无积云对流方案、传统积云对流方案和尺度自适应积云对流方案)都能较好地模拟出小雨降水的发生情况,但随着降水强度增强至暴雨、大暴雨量级时,尺度自适应的积云对流方案对降水的预报结果有明显改善。(3)在不同微物理和边界层组合方案下,尺度自适应积云对流方案的模拟结果差异更显著,而传统积云对流方案的模拟结果的效果差异不明显。(4)在1~10 km的“灰色区域”范围内,当网格分辨率逐渐提高到1 km时,尺度自适应积云对流方案较传统积云对流方案对模式的预报结...  相似文献   

基于ARPS3DVAR+WRF (Advanced Regional Prediction and 3-dimensional variational System)快速同化模式对西南地区近几年发生的4次强降水过程进行模拟试验,对12 h降水预报结果采用升尺度方法,计算邻域平均预报、站点概率预报,最终形成邻域概率预报,并细致分析了这三种预报的特点与效果,讨论了升尺度窗区尺度给不同量级降水带来的影响,最后结合AROC评分与邻域空间检验FSS讨论业务概率预报应用的最佳尺度。结果表明:升尺度邻域平均预报在小雨与大暴雨量级降水上表现不稳定,对中雨的预报提高不明显,但是对大雨与暴雨预报有较好的改善效果;站点概率预报具有一定的误导性,而邻域概率预报可以弥补其缺憾,越高分辨率的模式有更多的降水样本,在降水不确定性上能给出更好的概率分级信息;相对邻域平均的升尺度预报TS检验结果,基于邻域概率的FSS和AROC分析有更好的预报技巧指导意义;36 km升尺度窗区既能消除一定程度的强降水预报不确定性,同时也可以保留适当的对流尺度特征,为最佳升尺度窗区。  相似文献   

对流尺度集合预报是研究飑线等强对流天气的新方向。当前对飑线系统结构的研究主要采用卫星和雷达资料结合高分辨率确定性预报的方法,而本文从集合预报技术的角度分析飑线结构特征。针对2014年7月30日中国江淮地区的一次强飑线过程,利用WRF模式开展了对流尺度集合预报试验,采用概率匹配平均法对集合预报结果进行综合处理,重点考察集合预报对飑线结构特征的模拟能力。结果表明:对流尺度集合预报能够模拟出飑线系统的基本结构特征。集合平均和概率匹配平均法相比控制预报而言,对飑线回波、热力场、动力场和微物理量场结构有明显的改善作用。同时模拟出了飑线系统近地面冷池和环境垂直风切变的相互作用,与RKW理论相一致。概率匹配平均法在回波强度上较集合平均更接近实况,应用于对流尺度集合预报研究极端天气事件具有指示意义。  相似文献   

集合模式定量降水预报的统计后处理技术研究综述   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
代刊  朱跃建  毕宝贵 《气象学报》2018,76(4):493-510
集合数值模式预报已在定量降水预报业务中广泛应用,以获得预报不确定性、最可能预报结果以及极端天气预警。由于集合系统的数值模式不完善,且不能提供所有的不确定性信息,常表现出系统性偏差以及欠离散或过离散(如对于多模式集合)。为此,需要发展统计后处理技术,在尽量保持集合预报解析度的条件下,提高预报的技巧和可靠性。近年来,各种集合预报统计后处理技术得到快速发展。针对定量降水预报,依据技术方法的途径和成熟度将后处理研究归纳为3方面进行总结,包括:(1)不基于统计模型的非参数化后处理,包括集合定量降水预报偏差订正、多成员或模式信息集成以及基于空间分析的对流尺度模式后处理;(2)基于概率分布统计模型的参数化后处理,包括集合模式输出统计和贝叶斯模型平均两种方法框架;(3)考虑预报量的时间、空间和多变量间依赖关系或结构的处理方法,包括参数化和经验连接概率法。最后,讨论发展统计后处理技术需要关注的问题,包括考虑不同来源、不同尺度的多模式信息集成;提供高质量、高分辨率的降水分析资料;发展再预报技术扩充训练样本;基于不同的订正目的和应用场景来使用不同的后处理技术;发展面向海量预报数据、捕捉极端降水以及考虑预报量结构的新技术。   相似文献   

利用局地增长模培育法对两次典型飑线过程进行了对流尺度集合预报试验,通过与传统增长模培育法对比,检验了局地增长模培育法的实际预报效果。通过概率匹配平均处理后,将降水预报结果与实况资料进行对比分析,并用分数技巧评分来代替传统公平技巧评分实现对降水结果的合理检验,得出结论:1)在飑线降水预报上,局地增长模培育法优于增长模培育法。2)分数技巧评分比公平技巧评分更好地反映对流尺度集合预报能力,特别是在大暴雨量级降水评估上。3)降水评分结果显示,集合平均对于小雨、中雨和大雨级别降水的预报技巧高于概率匹配平均,概率匹配平均对于暴雨和大暴雨级别降水更有优势。  相似文献   

叶茂  吴钲  高松  陈良吕  游婷 《干旱气象》2023,(1):152-163
为深入认识对流尺度集合预报对川渝地区降水的预报性能,利用2020—2021年暖季(5—9月)川渝地区7 213个自动气象站逐日降水观测数据,综合评估对流尺度集合预报系统的控制预报(Control Forecast, CNTL)、集合平均(Ensemble Mean, MEAN)和概率匹配平均(Probability-matched Ensemble Mean, PM)对川渝地区降水的预报能力,并对比不同起报时次(08:00和20:00,北京时,下同)的预报差异。结果表明:(1)PM和MEAN的预报性能相对CNTL有所提高,MEAN对中雨和大雨量级降水预报具有指示意义,PM对大量级降水具有明显的预报优势。(2)模式预报的降水频率在小雨量级相比观测呈区域一致的正偏差,中雨及以上量级降水的预报正偏差集中在大巴山、华蓥山、武陵山脉等高海拔山区,预报负偏差主要位于四川盆地和丘陵区域,MEAN对小雨和中雨(大雨和暴雨)的预报正(负)偏差最明显。(3)08:00起报的36 h时效临界成功指数(Critical Success Index, CSI)和命中率(Probability of Detect...  相似文献   

This study investigated the regime-dependent predictability using convective-scale ensemble forecasts initialized with different initial condition perturbations in the Yangtze and Huai River basin(YHRB) of East China. The scale-dependent error growth(ensemble variability) and associated impact on precipitation forecasts(precipitation uncertainties) were quantitatively explored for 13 warm-season convective events that were categorized in terms of strong forcing and weak forcing. The forecast error growth in the strong-forcing regime shows a stepwise increase with increasing spatial scale,while the error growth shows a larger temporal variability with an afternoon peak appearing at smaller scales under weak forcing. This leads to the dissimilarity of precipitation uncertainty and shows a strong correlation between error growth and precipitation across spatial scales. The lateral boundary condition errors exert a quasi-linear increase on error growth with time at the larger scale, suggesting that the large-scale flow could govern the magnitude of error growth and associated precipitation uncertainties, especially for the strong-forcing regime. Further comparisons between scale-based initial error sensitivity experiments show evident scale interaction including upscale transfer of small-scale errors and downscale cascade of larger-scale errors. Specifically, small-scale errors are found to be more sensitive in the weak-forcing regime than those under strong forcing. Meanwhile, larger-scale initial errors are responsible for the error growth after 4 h and produce the precipitation uncertainties at the meso-β-scale. Consequently, these results can be used to explain underdispersion issues in convective-scale ensemble forecasts and provide feedback for ensemble design over the YHRB.  相似文献   

A convection-allowing ensemble forecast experiment on a squall line was conducted based on the breeding growth mode (BGM). Meanwhile, the probability matched mean (PMM) and neighborhood ensemble probability (NEP) methods were used to optimize the associated precipitation forecast. The ensemble forecast predicted the precipitation tendency accurately, which was closer to the observation than in the control forecast. For heavy rainfall, the precipitation center produced by the ensemble forecast was also better. The Fractions Skill Score (FSS) results indicated that the ensemble mean was skillful in light rainfall, while the PMM produced better probability distribution of precipitation for heavy rainfall. Preliminary results demonstrated that convection-allowing ensemble forecast could improve precipitation forecast skill through providing valuable probability forecasts. It is necessary to employ new methods, such as the PMM and NEP, to generate precipitation probability forecasts. Nonetheless, the lack of spread and the overprediction of precipitation by the ensemble members are still problems that need to be solved.  相似文献   

基于传统增长模繁殖法(Breeding Growing Mode,BGM)和局地增长模繁殖法(Local Breeding Growing Mode,Local-BGM)生成初始扰动成员,对一次冷涡暴雨过程进行集合预报试验,从多方面比较两种方案的预报效果,并且在邻域概率法(Neighborhood Probability,NP)中引入时间邻域,评估概率预报结果。结果表明,引入局地化思想的Local-BGM方案能够生成比传统BGM方案更合理的初始扰动,具有很明显的局地特征。对于扰动变量的预报,Local-BGM方案在均方根误差和离散度等方面均表现更好,同时能够提高各量级降水的预报技巧。邻域集合概率法能够综合各个集合成员预报的降水信息得到优于集合平均的概率预报,分数技巧评分更高。并且在考虑时间不确定性后,无论是控制预报、集合平均还是邻域集合概率法,分数技巧评分均有很大改善,并且降水阈值越大改善效果越明显,能够为极端强降水天气提供较为客观的概率预报信息。  相似文献   

常规降水检验受空间及时间微小差异所带来的"双重惩罚"影响严重,邻域空间检验FSS(Fraction Skill Score)方法在确定性预报中已体现出弥补这一不足的明显优势。随着集合预报分辨率的不断提高,集合降水预报同样存在与确定性预报相似的问题。本研究将FSS方法拓展至集合预报领域,构建适用于集合预报的降水空间检验指标EFSS(Ensemble Fraction Skill Score),利用欧洲中期天气预报中心(European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, ECMWF)集合预报模式2018年夏季降水预报产品及国家气象信息中心提供的格点化降水融合产品进行分析,发现EFSS评分不受集合成员数影响,可获取一致性的评估结论。通过与适用于集合预报的常规技巧评分EETS(Ensemble Equitable Threat Score)对比分析发现,常规技巧评分受限于评分过低而无法有效反映强降水过程间差异性特征,EFSS方法则可有效提升强降水预报检验辨识度。  相似文献   

Traditional skill scores (e.g., the threat score) used in the high-resolution verification of precipitation are affected by a “double penalty” caused by slight spatial or temporal displacements, which can lead to misleading evaluations. The fractions skill score (FSS) is a popular spatial verificaiton measure that can be used to solve these problems. It can determine useful and skillful scores by neighborhood analysis, which can be used to monitor the performance of operational forecasts. However, the FSS provides different scores at each spatial scale and it is difficult to obtain a definite score for the assessment of precipitation to analyze the temporal variabilities of daily forecasts. We previously reported a modified FSS assessment method and showed that a particular analysis scale had a significant advantage in the verification of operational forecasts of precipitation. To compensate for the lack of artificial definition in the analysis scale, we report here a new integrated score that satisfies a Gaussian weight function to average the FSS over all scales. We describe the advantages of the new score in the verification of forecasts of daily and hourly precipitation, taking forecast products from the GRAPES regional model and quantitative precipitation estimation products from the National Meteorological Information Center during June and July 2017 and investigating the differences between these results and those obtained with the traditional category score. We found that a value of 0.5 can be used as a standard for the skillful FSS in the forecast of heavy rainfall. The integrated score can maintain all the advantages seen in previous studies in the verification of daily and hourly precipitation and show excellent application prospects. The long-term verification including different seasons also find that the score can effectively improve the identification characteristics of the assessment.  相似文献   

The quantitative precipitation forecast (QPF) in very-short range (0-12 hours) has been investigated in this paper by using a convective-scale (3km) GRAPES_Meso model. At first, a latent heat nudging (LHN) scheme to assimilate the hourly intensified surface precipitation data was set up to enhance the initialization of GRAPES_Meso integration. And then based on the LHN scheme, a convective-scale prediction system was built up in considering the initial “triggering” uncertainties by means of multi-scale initial analysis (MSIA), such as the three-dimensional variational data assimilation (3DVAR), the traditional LHN method (VAR0LHN3), the cycling LHN method (CYCLING), the spatial filtering (SS) and the temporal filtering (DFI) LHN methods. Furthermore, the probability matching (PM) method was used to generate the QPF in very-short range by combining the precipitation forecasts of the five runs. The experiments for one month were carried out to validate the MSIA and PM method for QPF in very-short range. The numerical simulation results showed that: (1) in comparison with the control run, the CYCLING run could generate the smaller-scale initial moist increments and was better for reducing the spin-up time and triggering the convection in a very-short time; (2) the DFI runs could generate the initial analysis fields with relatively larger-scale initial increments and trigger the weaker convections at the beginning time (0-3h) of integration, but enhance them at latter time (6-12h); (3) by combining the five runs with different convection triggering features, the PM method could significantly improve the QPF in very-short range in comparison to any single run. Therefore, the QPF with a small size of combining members proposed here is quite prospective in operation for its lower computation cost and better performance.  相似文献   

A probabilistic precipitation forecasting model using generalized additive models (GAMs) and Bayesian model averaging (BMA) was proposed in this paper.GAMs were used to fit the spatial-temporal precipi...  相似文献   

Traditional precipitation skill scores are affected by the well-known“double penalty”problem caused by the slight spatial or temporal mismatches between forecasts and observations. The fuzzy (neighborhood) method has been proposed for deterministic simulations and shown some ability to solve this problem. The increasing resolution of ensemble forecasts of precipitation means that they now have similar problems as deterministic forecasts. We developed an ensemble precipitation verification skill score, i.e., the Spatial Continuous Ranked Probability Score (SCRPS), and used it to extend spatial verification from deterministic into ensemble forecasts. The SCRPS is a spatial technique based on the Continuous Ranked Probability Score (CRPS) and the fuzzy method. A fast binomial random variation generator was used to obtain random indexes based on the climatological mean observed frequency, which were then used in the reference score to calculate the skill score of the SCRPS. The verification results obtained using daily forecast products from the ECMWF ensemble forecasts and quantitative precipitation estimation products from the OPERA datasets during June-August 2018 shows that the spatial score is not affected by the number of ensemble forecast members and that a consistent assessment can be obtained. The score can reflect the performance of ensemble forecasts in modeling precipitation and thus can be widely used.  相似文献   

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