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田富强 《干旱区地理》2017,40(3):640-646
基于实际粮食产量与抛荒耕地种植粮食作物条件下粮食总产量关系的分析方法有助于促进耕地红线制度改进。依据全国粮食总产量、种植面积与耕地面积数据,构造2016-2033 年粮食产量与耕地面积红线耦合的基本、法定、过渡、新型与理想耦合红线标准;分析阶段性耦合与可持续耦合两种升级路径。研究表明:2001-2015 年,全国耕地面积与粮食产量耦合不足。据此,提出以新增建设用地指标与抛荒治理面积挂钩的政策建议;在抛荒比例11.12%的条件下,新增单位面积建设用地,治理28.85 倍抛荒耕地;2017、2021、2025、2029、2033 年分别实现有效利用1.200×108 hm2、1.243×108 hm2、1.279×108 hm2、1.314×108 hm2、1.349×108 hm2 耕地,粮食总产量分别比基期增加4.838×106、2.4190×107、4.354 2×107、5.321 8×107、8.824 6×107 t;红线耦合系数分别达到0.882 471、0.909 740、0.937 008、0.950 643与1;有效利用耕地增加12.5%,粮食总产量提升14.2%。  相似文献   

新疆荒漠化现状、成因及对策   总被引:26,自引:3,他引:23  
新疆远离海洋、深居内陆、地形封闭、干旱缺水,沙漠戈壁包围绿洲,绿洲呈分散分割状。森林覆盖率1.68%,盆地中心分布着两大沙漠,生态环境脆弱。40多年来,新疆在改造沙质荒漠化、土壤盐渍化、水域治理、中低产田等荒漠化治理中,取得了重大成就,同时,人口也增长了2.9倍,人类活动使生态平衡失调。荒漠化土地总面积79.59×104km2,其中沙质荒漠化面积52.05×104km2;盐碱土总面积847.6×104hm2,现有耕地中31.1%的面积受到盐碱危害;山区云杉林已减少2.3×104hm2,落叶松减少2.4×104hm2,平原林退化更为严重;80%的草场均有不同程度的退化,产草量下降35.4%~75.8%;湖泊较70年代减少一半,耕地土壤肥力下降。根据新疆荒漠化发生发展的特点与原因,总结防治经验,形成有效的防治方法、措施与体系,新疆的荒漠化是可以防治的。  相似文献   

北京市耕地资源价值体系及价值估算方法   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:22  
北京市为例尝试设计了耕地资源价值体系, 分析其价值关系, 进而探讨耕地资源经 济价值、社会保障价值、生态价值的估算方法, 并对北京市1990-2005 年耕地价值进行了定 量测算。研究结果表明: ① 北京市耕地资源单位面积经济价值呈较快增长, 1990 年为 12.57×104 元/hm2, 2005 年为108.12×104 元/hm2; ② 耕地资源社会保障价值供给能力和农 村居民的需求水平相距甚远, 1997 年供给能力为49.19×104 元/hm2, 需求水平为160.56×104 元/hm2, 2005 年供给能力为74.82×104 元/hm2, 需求水平为305.48×104 元/hm2。可见, 耕 地作为农民重要的社会保障资源已不堪重负, 农村社会保障体系亟待建立; ③ 生态价值供给 能力总体呈下降趋势, 1994 年达到171.21×108 元, 2005 年为70.87×108 元, 大量耕地减少 是重要的影响因素。但基于人口增加和人们生活水平不断提高, 生态价值的总体需求和多元 需求呈不断增长趋势, 所以需要保持和提高耕地表面的植被覆盖度, 为此政府有必要对农民 因种植耕地给予其一定的生态补偿。  相似文献   

焦伟  刘新平  张琳  梁玲霞 《干旱区地理》2018,41(6):1396-1404
60 a来塔里木河流域耕地面积净增100×104 hm2,在流域内部形成众多生态环境安全问题。通过选取水资源生态环境指数、社会生态环境指数和生态环境压力指数,运用ESDA空间分析方法和GWR模型对塔里木河流域35 a间土地开发与生态时空演变特征和空间响应关系进行研究,构建"土地开发-生态风险预警"模型,得出以下结论:1980-2015年克孜勒苏州和喀什地区生态等级正向转移比例较大,有84.86%的比例由较低等级(I)正向转移为低等级(Ⅱ);和田地区的克里雅河流域,阿克苏北部区域以及塔里木河末端且末县等级退化严重,负向转移比例23.46%。和田、阿克苏、喀什地区每增加1.0×104 hm2未利用地开垦规模,综合生态环境分值下降0.60到0.35,而克孜勒苏州则上升1.3~2.1;上游喀什与中游阿克苏两地区每1.0×104 hm2生态退耕,每年将分别化解32.06×104 t和15.60×104 t化肥污染压力。阿克苏地区与巴音郭楞州土地开发生态风险达到环境资源承载力指数的75%以上,预警程度超过Ⅱ级,而克孜勒苏州土地开发处于生态安全范围。每1.0×104 hm2未利用土地开发,全流域风险指数增长均值为0.003 4,下游巴音郭楞州在增加15×104~20×104 hm2耕地后,生态风险将逼近并超过环境预警界限,上游克孜勒苏州将在15 a之后进入中度警告阶段。  相似文献   

近50年来松嫩平原西部土地利用变化及驱动力分析   总被引:18,自引:15,他引:3  
在遥感和地理信息系统技术支持下,对松嫩平原西部土地利用方式、景观格局的动态变化进行定量研究。结果表明:过去近50年里,松嫩平原西部耕地净增加29.65×104hm2,其中草地与湿地对耕地的增加贡献最大;草地减少70.29×104 hm2,除部分草地转化为耕地外,退化为盐碱地、沙地也是草地大量减少的一个重要原因;松嫩平原西部现有沼泽湿地面积44.88×104 hm2,近50年来减少62.54%。景观破碎化严重,不同土地利用类型间频繁转化,表明各种土地景观间存在不稳定因素,自然和人为因子在景观的转化中有不可忽略的作用,但人为因子的作用更显著。  相似文献   

新疆渭干河流域土壤盐渍化时空变化及成因分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以1985 年渭干河流域土壤普查数据、1998 年Landsat TM影像和2008 年CBERS影像为数据源, 通过人机交互解译方式获取3 个时期土壤盐渍化分布状况, 然后采用GIS空间分析方法对23 年来土壤盐渍化时空变化特征进行分析。结果表明:①1985-2008 年, 总趋势是随着流域灌区和耕地面积的扩大, 盐渍化耕地也随之增加, 土壤盐渍化耕地面积由13.32×104hm2增至13.78×104hm2。②流域土壤盐渍化现象普遍, 主要分布在绿洲的下部边缘地带, 河流中下游、地势平缓低洼等区域, 盐渍化耕地在绿洲内部呈条形状分布, 在绿洲外围呈片状分布。③河道、渠系和水库渗漏、耕作制度不合理、土地不平整和气候变化等多种因素导致渭干河流域土壤盐渍化扩大, 但在局部地区由于生态恢复和改良利用措施, 使得土壤盐渍化面积也有缩减。  相似文献   

2010年春季西南地区干旱遥感监测及其影响评估   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
利用国产环境减灾星多光谱、热红外数据以及美国中分辨率MODIS数据建立了2010 年春季我国西南地区的干旱及其影响的遥感监测与评估方法。主要包括:1) 旱情遥感监测,利用环境减灾星多光谱数据和热红外数据构建旱情遥感综合指数监测西南地区的旱情;2) 地表可用水资源遥感监测,主要利用2010 年3 月中旬及去年同期的多光谱数据,对位于云南、贵州、广西境内的三个典型水体的水面面积进行了动态监测,以评估地表水面面积及水位的变化;3) 干旱对农作物的影响,主要通过农作物生长过程曲线分析各省(市) 区的作物受旱情的影响过程,并利用耕地面积与遥感监测作物种植成数、分类成数,以及耕地受旱比例计算作物受旱面积,通过田间实验对不同生育期冬小麦受到水分胁迫条件下的减产结果,确定不同旱情等级对应的粮食减产比例,计算各省(市) 的冬小麦减产数量。结果表明旱情最严重区域在广西西北部、贵州西南部和云南的中部与东北部,冬小麦、油菜、甘蔗等作物生长过程受到明显抑制,受旱面积分别达到9.13×105 hm2、5.43×105 hm2与9.00×105 hm2,冬小麦产量损失达到8.3×105 t,约占2009 年四省市冬小麦总产量的13.7%、全国冬小麦总产量的0.8%和全国粮食总产量的0.16%,对我国粮食总产量影响不大,但云南和贵州的冬小麦减产分别达到48%和31%,对区域粮食供应影响较大。  相似文献   

四川省耕地地力生产潜力及承载力研究   总被引:23,自引:3,他引:20  
四川省的耕地地力以土壤质量系数衡量,多数在0.70以下。其中在0.70以上的一、二、三等耕地面积为278.17万hm2,占全省耕地面积(第二次土壤普查面积)的42.5%。而四等及其以下的中低产田土占过半数。四川省耕地粮食作物生产潜力,按第二次土壤普查耕地面积计算为10 715.986×107 kg。按现有耕地面积(2001年)计算为6 981.757×107 kg。按耕地最大生产潜力,在2040年后,四川省的粮食产量与人口需求间将出现亏缺,分别以线性模型和指数模型预测,预计分别缺口粮食523.702×107 kg和168.442×107 kg,那时四川将超载人口386.34万人至1 201.20万人。按耕地现实粮食生产力(单产)计算的四川省耕地承载力,从2000年后,出现粮食缺口和人口超载。预计未来50年,粮食亏缺将在887.425×107 kg至2 982.280×107 kg,人口超载达到2 035.4万人至6 840.1万人。表明四川省的耕地超载、粮食危机将不可避免,形势是严峻的。  相似文献   

中国城市化和工业化进程所带来的粮食安全问题一直是政府和学术界关注的焦点。中国近25年来快速的城市化与工业化导致耕地资源减少和环境污染加剧,对国家粮食安全和农业可持续发展产生一定影响。本文基于中国土地利用/覆盖变化最新解译结果和中国分县粮食产量数据,重建了中国1 km分辨率的粮食产量空间数据,分析了中国1990-2015年工矿用地扩张及其对粮食产能的影响。结果表明:中国工矿用地面积在1990-2015年间增长了326%,扩张速率从1990-2000年的288 km2/a增加到2000-2010年的1482 km2/a,近5年(2010-2015年)扩张速率最快,达2600 km2/a。过去25年间工矿用地扩张导致耕地面积减少1.7×104 km2,直接导致粮食产能损失约6.49 Mt(106 t),因工矿用地扩张可能会对周边耕地污染等间接影响的粮食产量达83.20 Mt。经评估,国家工矿用地扩张对粮食产能潜在影响总体上是当前粮食总产能的17%。在空间分布特征方面,工矿用地扩张对粮食产能的直接影响呈现由东部沿海地区向西北地区逐渐减小趋势;间接影响在中部和西部地区相对较大。  相似文献   

闫虎  王玉杰  张会兰 《干旱区地理》2015,38(6):1226-1233
生态环境敏感性分析对于生态环境功能得到保护和恢复,资源得到高效利用,生态安全得到保障,区域可持续发展能力得到增强具有重要作用。本文根据巴音郭楞蒙古自治州自然地理特征,采用GIS分析和专家集成方法,分别进行了巴州土壤侵蚀敏感性、土地沙漠化敏感性、土壤盐渍化敏感性和生物多样性及生境敏感性评价,最后展开生态环境敏感性综合研究。结果表明:巴州生态环境敏感性共分为极敏感、高度敏感、敏感、轻度敏感以及不敏感5个等级。生态环境极敏感区面积为2.7×104 km2,占全州面积5.7%;高度敏感区为12.7×104 km2,占26.4%;敏感区面积为14.8×104 km2,占30.8%;轻度敏感地区为7.9×104 km2,占16.4%;不敏感区面积为10.0×104 km2,占20.7%。  相似文献   

朱会义  吕昌河 《地理研究》2010,29(8):1510-1518
建立健全生态保护的长效机制以巩固现有生态退耕成果,是目前和未来中国生态建设需要解决的一个重要问题。针对这一问题,本文以最早开始退耕试点的延安市为研究区,利用统计资料,分析了延安市近30年耕地变化过程、耕地变化的政策背景及其作用机理。研究发现,面积逐步减少是延安市1978年以后耕地变化的长期趋势,减少的耕地主要流向果园、林地和草地;政策措施对退耕过程虽具有显著的加速作用,但在市场经济条件下,耕地的长期流向最终决定于各种用途间的比较效益和农户的生产投入能力。研究结果表明,要形成生态保护的长效机制,必须改变退耕土地的比较效益和农户的生产投入能力。  相似文献   

Cultivated land change in the Belt and Road Initiative region   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)–a development strategy proposed by China – provides unprecedented opportunities for multi-dimensional communication and cooperation across Asia, Africa and Europe. In this study, we analyse the spatio-temporal changes in cultivated land in the BRI countries (64 in total) to better understand the land use status of China along with its periphery for targeting specific collaboration. We apply FAO statistics and GlobeLand30 (the world’s finest land cover data at a 30-m resolution), and develop three indicator groups (namely quantity, conversion, and utilization degree) for the analysis. The results show that cultivated land area in the BRI region increased 3.73×104 km2 between 2000 and 2010. The increased cultivated land was mainly found in Central and Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia, while the decreased cultivated land was mostly concentrated in China. Russia ranks first with an increase of 1.59×104 km2 cultivated land area, followed by Hungary (0.66×104 km2) and India (0.57×104 km2). China decreased 1.95×104 km2 cultivated land area, followed by Bangladesh (–0.22×104 km2) and Thailand (–0.22×104 km2). Cultivated land was mainly transferred to/from forest, grassland, artificial surfaces and bare land, and transfer types in different regions have different characteristics: while large amount of cultivated land in China was converted to artificial surfaces, considerable forest was converted to cultivated land in Southeast Asia. The increase of multi-cropping index dominated the region except the Central and Eastern Europe, while the increase of fragmentation index was prevailing in the region except for a few South Asian countries. Our results indicate that the negative consequence of cultivated land loss in China might be underestimated by the domestic- focused studies, as none of its close neighbours experienced such obvious cultivated land losses. Nevertheless, the increased cultivated land area in Southeast Asia and the extensive cultivated land use in Ukraine and Russia imply that the regional food production would be greatly improved if China’ “Go Out policy” would help those countries to intensify their cultivated land use.  相似文献   

随着全球粮食贸易格局的日益紧张,如何利用有限的耕地资源保证中国粮食安全成为新阶段的难题。本文从耕地可持续利用视角提出粮食稳产、增产策略,以期为粮食安全、耕地保护等国家战略提供理论支撑。基于1985—2015年中国31个省(自治区、直辖市)统计数据,以农业生态区为基本单元,采用比较分析法和GIS空间分析法,对中国粮食生产时空演变及其影响因素进行规律性探究。研究结果表明:(1)中国粮食产量呈“波动-上升”的趋势,但长江中下游区、江南和华南区粮食增长率较低,甚至出现减产现象。(2)中国粮食产量主产区逐渐由长江中下游区、江南和华南区向东北区、黄淮海区转移。(3)中国粮食生产的影响因素呈现阶段性和区域性规律。例如,东北区、西北区粮食生产主要受粮食单产、耕地面积等影响;黄淮海区、内蒙古高原和黄土高原区、云贵高原和横断山区主要受粮食单产影响。(4)中国各区耕地存在不同类型和不同程度的耕地非持续问题,在西北区、内蒙古高原和黄土高原等生态脆弱区域较严重。  相似文献   

本文在分析土地生产力与承载力研究现状的基础上 ,以向家坝库区耕地为研究对象 ,根据库区经济地理现状 ,确定土地人口载量研究区域 ,并利用GIS和RS技术对研究区土地利用现状和地形地貌特点进行深入分析 ,建立“空间·属性一体化”数据库。本文还建立了土地资源人口承载量评价指标体系 ,利用潜力递减法 ,进行以村级为单位的耕地粮食综合村尺度的近期和远景 (2 0 12 )土地人口承载量研究 ,提出与当地农业发展相一致的整个研究区环境容量。结果表明 ,与其它耕作方式相比 ,复种耕种可获得更大的人口承载量 ;库区环境容量已趋饱和 ,而且未来库区土地承载力呈下降趋势 ;通过改良品种、扩大水稻播种面积可在一定程度上缓解地矛盾。  相似文献   

张红旗  李达净 《地理研究》2021,40(3):597-612
厘清西北干旱区不稳定耕地的资源清单对于维持区域生态平衡至关重要。当前,全国对不稳定耕地的定义和分类比较笼统,难以突出西北干旱区不稳定耕地的特征。本文阐明了西北干旱区不稳定耕地的概念,并根据不稳定因素构建了分类体系。同时以昌吉州为例,分析不稳定耕地的数量、质量与空间分布。结果表明:① 昌吉州不稳定耕地面积为14.56万hm2,占耕地总面积的22.37%。生态不稳定型、生产不稳定型、混合不稳定型和社会经济不稳定型分别占不稳定耕地总面积的36.54%、34.03%、17.94%和11.49%。② 昌吉州不稳定耕地以低等地为主,四至六等地合计占不稳定耕地总面积的79.96%。研究结果可为西北干旱区不稳定耕地的深入理解提供参考,同时为案例地区耕地资源的有效管理提供科技支撑。  相似文献   

In the past 40 years,cultivated land has faced the continued anthropogenic inter-ference,which has become a significant issue for cultivated land preservation during rapid urbanization.The purpose of this research was to reveal the spatio-temporal evolutionary characteristics of cultivated land and the correlation between rural population variation and farmland change in China.Fifty county-level administrative units in Zhejiang Province were selected as the study area wherein spatio-temporal evolution comparative analysis for every 5 years from 2000 to 2015 was conducted.This study used the pool method to estimate the impacts of the rural population variation,average slope,average elevation,rural residential disposable income,primary industry proportion,and road density on farmland utilization efficiency from the spatial perspective,which is represented by landscape metrics including the mean patch size,edge density,area weighted mean shape index,and area weighted mean patch fractal dimension.This study showed that the cultivated land landscape index continued to rise after 2000 and then started decreasing after 2010,indicating a reduction in human interference after 2010.The spatial variation of rural population of all county-level administrative units decreased from 2000 to 2010,and 62%of them began to increase after 2010.The regression analysis results showed that the spatial variation of rural population was significantly and negatively correlated with the cultivated land landscape while the rural residential disposable income,average slope and primary industry proportion were all sig-nificantly and positively related to the cultivated land landscape index.The results implied that the loss of the agricultural labor force and the difficulty of sloping farmlands adapting to mechanized farming were unconducive to farmland utilization efficiency improvement,and the increase in nonagricultural activities in rural areas would increase the difficulty of culti-vated land preservation.Our analysis suggests that local governments should improve the production efficiency of fragmented land or strengthen the construction control of housing and facilities in rural areas according to their regional urbanization development situation.  相似文献   

This article explores the factors and mechanism driving the land-use conversion at regional level by developing and using an econometric approach which is called the simultaneous equations model (SEM). A case study in Jiangxi Province of China is conducted by establishing the SEM, which consists of three equations including agricultural production, land conversion of cultivated land to built-up area and land conversion of cultivated land to forest cover/grassland from 1988 to 2005. And then this paper employs the method of piecewise estimation to represent the influences of the factors such as population, society, economy, location and geophysical conditions on the process of land-use conversion in Jiangxi Province. Estimation results show that population is a predominant factor driving the land-use conversion at counties, while social and economic factors are determinant factors in the short term for the entire Jiangxi Province. Specifically, the size of agricultural population and the magnitude of agricultural input determine the agricultural production to a large extent; population size, plain area proportion at counties and land management policies together affect the direction and magnitude of conversion between cultivated land and built-up area; agricultural population proportion, terrain slope, grain production and non-agricultural industry promote the conversion of cultivated land to forest cover/grassland. Furthermore, the explored mechanism also reveals the underlying causes of the land use changes driven by a series of factors in Jiangxi Province. Finally, this paper concludes that factors proven to play an important role in driving the land-use conversion need to be considered when the land management agencies make out the land use planning to optimize the land use, expand the agricultural production, and conserve the cultivated land.  相似文献   

This article explores the factors and mechanism driving the land-use conversion at regional level by developing and using an econometric approach which is called the simultaneous equations model (SEM). A case study in Jiangxi Province of China is conducted by establishing the SEM, which consists of three equations including agricultural production, land conversion of cultivated land to built-up area and land conversion of cultivated land to forest cover/grassland from 1988 to 2005. And then this paper employs the method of piecewise estimation to represent the influences of the factors such as population, society, economy, location and geophysical conditions on the process of land-use conversion in Jiangxi Province. Estimation results show that population is a predominant factor driving the land-use conversion at counties, while social and economic factors are determinant factors in the short term for the entire Jiangxi Province. Specifically, the size of agricultural population and the magnitude of agricultural input determine the agricultural production to a large extent; population size, plain area proportion at counties and land management policies together affect the direction and magnitude of conversion between cultivated land and built-up area; agricultural population proportion, terrain slope, grain production and non-agricultural industry promote the conversion of cultivated land to forest cover/grassland. Furthermore, the explored mechanism also reveals the underlying causes of the land use changes driven by a series of factors in Jiangxi Province. Finally, this paper concludes that factors proven to play an important role in driving the land-use conversion need to be considered when the land management agencies make out the land use planning to optimize the land use, expand the agricultural production, and conserve the cultivated land.  相似文献   

Farmland resources in mountainous areas are important for regional food security and ecological security. Studies concerning changes in farmland use in mountainous areas are of considerable significance in China. Here, we analyzed marginalization characteristics of farmland in Renhuai city from 2005 to 2011 and driving factors using land information systems, surveys of farmer households and statistical data. Our results indicate that from 2005 to 2011, 3095.76 hm2 of farmland was converted to forest land and natural reserve, accounting for 5.45% of the total farmland area. This suggests significant marginalization of farmland. Marginalization of farmland in mountainous areas was affected by topography, labor forces and effectiveness of land management. Farmland with a greater slope gradient was more likely to be abandoned; among marginalized land in Renhuai, a slope greater than 15° accounted for 62.26%. A high non-agricultural employment rate of rural labor force and annual income per capita of farmer households in mountainous areas were consistent with high speed farmland marginalization. Low land management benefits were the key reason for farmland marginalization. Although farmland marginalization was advantageous for eco-environment protection and sustainable development in mountainous areas, it resulted in inefficient land resource utilization. A win-win model for the exploitation and utilization of sloping farmland should be explored for production development and environmental protection.  相似文献   

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