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谢圆圆  李锦昊  马凌 《热带地理》2022,42(3):385-395
随着城市知识经济转型,各个城市越来越重视对知识人才包括青年知识人才的吸引。以广州市高校大学生为例,采用定性和定量相结合的方法,从城市与个人的双重视角探讨高校青年知识移民就业城市选择的特点及其影响因素。研究发现:1)青年知识移民总体上倾向于选择其本科或研究生就读地所在的城市和比其户籍地与就读地更高等级的城市(如一线、新一线城市)就业,这反映了他们向上空间流动和社会流动的意愿与动机;2)他们的就业流动是城市因素和个人因素共同作用的结果,其影响因素主要包括城市经济、城市环境、城市政策与城市文化,以及青年知识移民来源地的户籍类型与户籍地的城市等级等;3)城市经济发展(工作机会)是吸引高校青年知识移民的最重要因素,但与此同时,生存舒适度(生活机会)在青年知识移民的就业流动过程中所起的作用愈发重要,城市环境建设需要关注公共文化设施、社会舒适程度、交通便利程度、卫生服务设施以及城市自然环境和居住环境等方面的问题。个人因素方面,高校青年知识移民来源地的户籍类型与户籍地的城市等级对其就业流动决策具有显著的影响作用。细致探究青年知识移民就业流动规律及其影响因素是新时期理解和建构基于中国语境的知识型人才流动理论的需要,也是人才政策制定与知识人才实现自身价值的关键。  相似文献   

美国是全球最大的移民接收国,墨西哥是美国最大的移民来源国,特殊的地缘关系和巨大的发展差距使众多墨西哥人移民美国。墨裔移民为美国提供了充足的劳动力,在美墨边境地区,移民集聚带动了两国边境地区的发展。但族裔矛盾始终是美国主要社会问题之一,特别是“9·11”事件后,少数族裔和非法移民问题加剧美国社会分裂和对立,成为美国国内政治博弈的焦点。基于区域地缘关系的视角来看,美国与墨西哥之间长期不对等的国际关系决定了跨国移民的流入状态和生存境遇,也是美国族群矛盾的主要原因之一。移民问题政治化将持续强化墨裔移民政策的不确定性,使移民个人与家庭面临更大的融入困难。  相似文献   

龚胜生  于颖 《地理研究》2006,25(6):1096-1106
历史人口迁移是历史时期区域人地关系演变的最直接的动力。通过对1211375年间湘阴县外来氏族移民过程与空间分布的分析,发现:他们无论是直接迁入还是辗转迁入,绝大多数都是为了土地和生存而来;67.2%的氏族祖籍江西,地缘上的亲和力和血缘上的凝聚力导致了氏族移民迁出地的邻近性和入居地的集聚性;69.6%的外来氏族在明代迁入,后唐同光年间,元末明初,明末清初为三个氏族移民高峰期;不同时期有着不同的氏族移民来源地,不同时期的氏族移民入居到不同的地理空间。随着时间的推移,湘阴县氏族移民入居地从丘陵平原向河湖滩地拓展的演变,反映了湘阴县域乃至整个洞庭湖区从丘陵到平原再到湖区的区域开发过程。  相似文献   

以九寨沟为例,通过问卷调查和深度访谈获得旅游企业主移民地方感数据,采用混合研究方法对数据进行分析,试图解释地方感影响机制。结果表明:(1)旅游企业主移民地方感维度分为文化认同、地方依恋、地方依赖和地方认同,其对九寨沟的地方依恋和文化认同高于地方依赖和地方认同;(2)旅游企业主移民地方感在学历、来源地、定居时间和定居形式等人口学特征上有显著差异;(3)旅游企业主移民地方感成因有情感联结、生活关联、社交关系、文化认同、身份认同、经营障碍、设施功能、环境吸引,这8个因素以其不同强度、作用路径和方式对地方感产生影响。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的飞速发展,能源安全已经成为国家经济安全中的重要部分之一。我国石油进口来源地众多,本文从能源安全的角度建立了评估指标体系,对我国主要的25个石油进口来源地进行了量化评价,结果发现我国石油进口来源地平均安全度整体偏低,处于较安全等级的边缘、高安全度的进口来源地集中在非洲、安全度低的进口来源国多集中在中东和拉美地区,并在此基础上提出了石油进口来源多元化、积极发展能源外交、运输方式多样化、提高海上运输通道保障力等对策保障我国能源进口安全。  相似文献   

非洲在世界石油供给格局中的地位演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郝丽莎  赵媛 《地理研究》2012,31(3):507-520
21世纪以来,非洲已成为世界石油进口大国寻求来源地多元化、保障自身石油安全的战略高地,也成为我国的第二大石油来源地。考察非洲在世界石油供给格局中的地位及演变,有利于系统把握非洲石油供给的优劣势,为优化我国对非石油合作战略提供依据。本文以国家为研究单元,综合运用箱线图和空间聚类分析法,创新份额和位序综合分析法,对比考察了...  相似文献   

乾隆年间天山北麓东段人口迁移研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
阚耀平 《干旱区地理》2003,26(4):379-384
清朝乾隆年间,清政府对新疆实行移民实地政策,人口大量迁移到新疆。天山北麓东段是新疆主要的人口迁入地区,其人口迁移分为民户迁移、商户迁移、遣户迁移、兵眷迁移和安插户迁移等几种类型,以民户迁移为主。移民的来源地以甘肃、陕西等邻近省份为主,人口迁移的方式以官府有组织的迁移为主、以民间自流的方式为辅。民户人口迁移的高峰在乾隆三十年代,乾隆四十五以后人口迁移规模变小,整个乾隆年间天山北麓东段人口迁移的规模为16.4万人左右,迁移人口主要分布在以乌鲁木齐和巴里坤为中心的两个地区。  相似文献   

新型城镇化背景下中国流动人口研究:议题与展望   总被引:13,自引:10,他引:3  
朱竑  张博  马凌 《地理科学》2019,39(1):1-11
研究通过4个议题(户籍与人口流动,循环流动、定居意愿及家庭策略,社会网络和移民社区,迁移、流动性和移民的日常生活),回顾了近年来乡城人口迁移的研究。指出:户籍政策对移民在城市中的生计带来的影响将减弱,移民的住房及在城市的居住模式和居住空间、社会交往、生活方式、移民身份建构及生活空间的重构等将会成为新的关注点。新文化地理学中关于移民“微观化”“生活化”的研究应受到更多的重视。换言之,如何理解移民在个体层面的诉求和移民的日常生活,将会是未来流动性研究的重点。如何立足于国内移民地理研究的基础与发展机遇,批判性地与西方移民研究搭建对话空间和平台,结合当前中国崛起过程中所呈现的前所未有的全球化与城镇化契机,为世界移民研究积累和贡献“中国知识”,将成为未来这一领域学者研究的方向。  相似文献   

水库移民与科教兴库对策研究--以漫湾电站为例   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
漫湾水电站是云南省建国以来投资最大的国家重点建设项目。当时的“安置性移民”导致移民搬迁后总体上生活水平下降,贫困问题较为突出。只有通过实施科教兴库战略,才能解决漫湾的贫困问题。通过分析漫湾移民自身的优势条件和限制因素,提出了加强科教兴库的对策、措施:(1)重视移民的文化教育和技能培训;(2)增加库区科技含量;(3)提高库区集约化经营;(4)加强对移民的信息化管理。  相似文献   

新型全球化与流动性背景下知识移民研究:议题与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马凌  谢圆圆  袁振杰 《地理科学》2021,41(7):1129-1138
通过CiteSpace可视化分析和文献分析,重点评述当前国外地理学对知识移民研究的主要脉络和议题,发现:① 国外对于知识移民研究相对细化,早期主要是教育地理学对于青年知识留学生迁移的系统研究,以及经济地理学对于知识移民及知识转移与全球城市发展关系的系列研究;② 新世纪以来,社会文化地理和人口地理学者开始关注知识移民的跨国和跨地方流动,并对其过程中的身份认同与经济社会文化资本、跨地方关系网络、流动过程和特征等议题进行了探讨;③ 新型全球化尤其是全球南方国家经济崛起的背景下,知识移民与城市创新发展、以及回流移民(包括北南移民)现象越来越得到学者的重视,移民政策和移民-城市关系成为重要关注点。  相似文献   

加拿大入境美国旅游流的地域对接分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加拿大游客入境美国旅游是北美最大的国际旅游流。依据2006~2007年的有关统计资料,采用游客到访率、市场占有率和二维矩阵模型等,分析了加拿大10个省到美国22个州旅游流的0-D对接关系。结果发现:加拿大游客入境美国旅游,多以北部边界、五大湖区,沿环美高速铁路分东西两线流向美国南部;从加拿大各省到美国各州旅游流,遵循以"三择原理"为特征的0-D对接关系。其中,东部各省游客主要分布在五大湖区和东部沿海,中部各省游客分布在相邻的边界各州,西部各省游客主要分布在美国西部沿海,受趋"阳光性"影响沿环美高铁可抵达南部的佛罗里达。加拿大各省游客在美国各州的分布,主要受距离衰减原理、沿高铁和航空线分布、以及顶极旅游资源吸引的控制。这个研究拓展了旅游流0-D对接中的多源对多汇,为我国沿边省区与周边国家开展跨国旅游合作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

"Using 1990 census data, this paper calculates the flow [of the foreign-born population in the United States] between states and from abroad; also, a multinomial logistic regression model of destination choice is estimated for resettlers and for migrants from abroad. There are three major findings. Firstly, Florida and California are the largest recipients of foreign-born resettlers; New York is the biggest loser of secondary migrants. Secondly, the presence of large communities of Mexicans in California and Cubans in Florida are very attractive to both resettlers and migrants from abroad. Thirdly, immigrants that are most in need of ethnic support networks (i.e. new arrivals or immigrants with low human capital resources) are most likely to choose one of the traditional immigration states as a destination."  相似文献   

The Polish diaspora is one of the largest in the world. Australia's 2011 census identifies 48 611 born in Poland and 170 000 claiming Polish ancestry. Using the census, we assess the structural (socio-economic) and spatial integration of the first (Poles who arrived in the post-World War II period as largely displaced persons and refugees), second (their children) and third (grandchildren) generations, and compare the first generation with another cohort: the skilled first-generation (‘Solidarity') immigrants who arrived in the 1980s and early 1990s. Key OECD indicators of integration—education attainment, proficiency in English, employment status and occupational progression, home ownership, naturalisation, return rates and patterns of residential distribution—are examined. Results point to their successful integration, with high levels of labour market participation, earnings, and naturalisation, levels of spatial integration as exemplified in a Melbourne case study (where the highest proportions of those of Polish birth or ancestry reside), return migration and language retention, and levels of owner-occupied housing (the ‘middle-class dream') higher than among Australians generally.  相似文献   

Research reveals that disasters are disproportionately debilitating for marginalized social groups. Numerous studies have examined racial/ethnic dimensions of disaster vulnerability, but few have focused on Hispanic immigrants. More research on Hispanic immigrants is needed, since they constitute a major component of the Hispanic population—the largest and fastest‐growing minority group in the U.S.—and because they experience distinctive cultural and immigration status disadvantages. We examine the flood/hurricane vulnerabilities of Hispanic immigrants in comparison to U.S.–born Hispanics and non‐Hispanic whites. Using mixed methods to analyze data from 429 surveys and 31 interviews with residents living in flood zones, we examine differences in self‐protective action, risk perception, and hazard knowledge between the three groups in Houston and Miami. Hispanic immigrants exhibited lower levels of self‐protection and hazard knowledge, and higher perceptions of risk, which reflects their heightened vulnerability. Risk‐reduction programs should target the particular vulnerabilities of Hispanic immigrants, and future studies should examine their vulnerabilities in other contexts.  相似文献   

Recent studies focused on Canadian metropolitan areas suggest that growing income inequality underlies problems of housing affordability for low- and moderate-income earners. This article investigates how unprecedented commodity-led economic growth between 1991 and 2011 has impacted housing affordability in five resource-driven agglomerations in Canada. Housing affordability is analyzed across income quintiles, looking at income, housing costs, tenure, housing quality, and housing debt. Using Statistics Canada Census microdata, we find that low- to mid-income earners faced the fastest relative increase in housing costs between 1991 and 2011, combined with small income gains over that period. Homeowners in the lowest income quintiles seem particularly vulnerable when carrying a mortgage, with economic volatility engendering greater risks of housing market contractions or job loss over time. Whereas previous literature has emphasized housing vulnerability in large metropolitan areas, the results highlight new patterns of risk-laden housing-related vulnerability in resource-driven regions in Canada.  相似文献   

The recent publication of an expansive national dataset, the Integrated Public Use Microdata Sample, allows for new analyses of the historical geography and settlement of various immigrant and ethnic groups in the United States. The present research explores the growth, development, and geographic dispersion of the ethnic Mexican population, and outlines some of the demographic and social characteristics within significant clusters of this population in the United States across the first half of the twentieth century. The analysis does not attempt to overturn other geographies and ethnographies in Mexican American history, but through its ability to elucidate broad, national patterns it is able to create a more dynamic view of settlement, demonstrating the role of immigrants and of women immigrants in particular. Results indicate that place matters: the geographical context of arrival and settlement were key factors in differentiating communities and the lives of those who lived in them.  相似文献   

More Americans now reside in Canada than at any time since the Vietnam War. Of particular note is the surprisingly large population of immigrants from the United States who now reside in Montreal—Francophone Canada's largest and most diverse city. This article documents and analyzes the migration experiences, spatial patterns, and “sense of belonging” of Americans in Montreal during the post–Vietnam era framed within the larger political and linguistic context of the city's “Two Solitudes.” Findings are based on information compiled from archival materials, census records, structured and unstructured interviews, survey questionnaires, participant observation, and fieldwork. My overarching goal is to embed the experiences and patterns of this English‐speaking group of immigrants in predominately French‐speaking Montreal during the past five decades—one of the most dramatic and divisive periods of time in Montreal and in Quebec as a whole.  相似文献   


Recent immigration has been an important factor in the growth and distribution of the United States population. The rising number of immigrants has accounted for up to one-fifth of the annual population growth and they have gone to the already populous urban centers and states. Immigrants must be recognized as an increasingly important element of the urban and population geography of the United States.  相似文献   

"The humanitarian policy that the Canadian government implemented in response to the 1989 Tiananmen Square crackdown changed a migration system primarily based on personal networks into a brain drain. Post-Tiananmen mainland Chinese immigrants (MCIs) were better educated than those arriving in Canada previously. Among the post-Tiananmen MCIs, those who landed under the policy were better educated than those landing in other categories. The analysis suggests that post-Tiananmen MCIs represented a brain-drain rather than a refugee flow, that the humanitarian policy implicitly contained ideological and human capital concerns in addition to humanitarian concerns, and that Canada benefited from the policy by obtaining human capital as well as satisfying its humanitarian obligations and ideological aspirations."  相似文献   


The recent publication of an expansive national dataset, the Integrated Public Use Microdata Sample, allows for new analyses of the historical geography and settlement of various immigrant and ethnic groups in the United States. The present research explores the growth, development, and geographic dispersion of the ethnic Mexican population, and outlines some of the demographic and social characteristics within significant clusters of this population in the United States across the first half of the twentieth century. The analysis does not attempt to overturn other geographies and ethnographies in Mexican American history, but through its ability to elucidate broad, national patterns it is able to create a more dynamic view of settlement, demonstrating the role of immigrants and of women immigrants in particular. Results indicate that place matters: the geographical context of arrival and settlement were key factors in differentiating communities and the lives of those who lived in them.  相似文献   

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