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半相接双星室女座UW轨道周期变化的物理机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对大陵五型半相接双星室女座UW的轨道周期变化进行了分析.结果表明该星的轨道周期在长期快速增加(dP/dt=+1.37×10-6天/年)的同时也含有周期为62.3年的周期性变化.利用Brancewicz和Dworak在1980年给出的基本物理参量,对引起轨道周期变化的物理机制进行了分析研究.分析表明一个质量为Ms>0.94M⊙的第三天体的光时轨道效应能对轨道周期的周期性变化成份作出解释.由于在观测上没有发现这个第三天体存在的信息,它有可能是一个致密天体(如白矮星等).轨道周期的长期增加成份可解释为由次星到主星的物质交流引起(dM2/dt=1.43×10-7M⊙/年),这与该系统次星充满的半接几何结构是相一致的.但是,根据双星演化理沦,大陵五型半相接双星应该处于以次星的核反应时标进行物质交换的慢速物质交流演化阶段,而分析发现该星的轨道周期变化时标远小于次星的核反应时标,但接近于次星的热力学时标,揭示了(1)这颗双星处于以次星热力学时标进行物质交换的快速物质交流演化阶段;或(2)系统的星周物质要通过角动量交换对轨道周期的快速增加做贡献.  相似文献   

从非同步自转双星的轨道和自转的演化方程组推出同步双星的轨道和自转的演化方程组.用数值积分法给出演化方程组的数值解.计算同步自转双星EKCep达到轨道圆形化的时间和那时的轨道半长轴、轨道偏心率和主星自转角速度的演变数值.最后对轨道和自转的演化趋势做了推论.  相似文献   

作为密近双星自转测量和研究的系列文章之一,本文从轨道圆化的角度讨论了Zahn的动力学潮汐机制及粘滞理论、Tasoul的纯流体动力学理论与实测数据的符合程度.对前文(文IV)中的29个不相接双星系统,均分别计算出了以上理论所预期的轨道圆化时标,分析比较了各系统的理论圆化时标与它的年龄及轨道圆化程度间的关系.结果表明:动力学潮汐、粘滞理论的计算结果比纯流体动力学机制的预期更符合实测数据.但与文(IV)的结果相比,动力学潮汐、粘滞理论对轨道圆化过程的预期不如它对自转同步问题的预期那样准确.本文认为,动力学潮汐和气体沾滞是密近双星系统轨道圆化的两种主要机制,但决不是唯一的机制.在主序前和AGB后两演化阶段,纯流体动力学机制可能起较重要作用  相似文献   

我们对前文(Ⅰ)和(Ⅱ)的实测和计算结果进行了统计分析,讨论了自转同步与相对半径、轨道周期间的关系.结果表明:几乎所有r>0.18的不相接双星系统子星都是同步的,而r<0.10的子星均处于非同步自转.在相接、半相接双星系统中,同步性与相对半径r也有很好的相关性,但由于子星间物质交流的影响,它们的同步性临界相对半径为0.21,大于不相接双星系统的0.18.  相似文献   

密近双星自转的测量和研究(III)同步性的统计性质   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
我们对前(I)和(Ⅱ)的实测和计算结果进行了统计分析,讨论了自转同步与相对半径,轨道周期间的关系,结果表明,几乎所有r〉0.18的不相接双星系统子星都是同步的,而r〈0.10的子星均处于非同步自转,在相接,半相接双星系统中,同步性与相对半径r也有很好的相关性,但由于子星间物质交流的影响,它们的同步性临界相对半径的0.21,大于不相接双星系统的0.18。  相似文献   

恒星的自转 ,是恒星结构和演化理论的难点。近年来有许多观测事实 ,特别是早型大质量星的观测事实 ,预示恒星的自转效应可能引起恒星内部的物质向外转移 ,造成恒星表面一些元素丰度超丰 ,并且对恒星结构和演化产生重要影响 ,因此 ,恒星的自转问题受到了越来越多的关注。考虑自转效应后 ,恒星结构和演化模型将是二维模型 ,本文综述了诸多作者如何将二维的恒星结构和演化模型简化为一维模型。作者在研究了以上作者的简化方法后 ,提出了一种比较简单的新方法。这种方法基于如下假设 :假设在等势面上的温度 ,密度 ,压强 ,光度 ,化学组成和角速度等物理和化学量近似于均匀分布 ,并且这些量与等价球面上的量相同。 (等价球面是假想的球面 ,它包围的体积与等势面包围的体积相等。)我们在等价球面上推出新的转动恒星结构和演化方程 ,构造出新的演化模型。这个模型与不考虑转动效应的演化模型相比 ,有以下变化 :流体静力学平衡方程变化 ;辐射温度梯度变化 ,并引起对流判据变化 ;星风物质损失和角动量损失增大。作为转动恒星结构和演化模型的应用 ,我们研究了中 ,小质量星中心氦燃烧阶段在赫罗图中的演化轨迹发生来回摆动 (又称为蓝回绕 )的物理机制问题。有诸多作者曾经研究了可以影响蓝回绕的各种因素。但是不知  相似文献   

本文讨论了对早型星适用的密近双星子星自转同步化理论:Zahn的动力学潮汐机制;Tassoul的纯流体动力学理论与实测数据及统计性质的符合程度,对文(Ⅲ)中的39个不相接双星子星,均分别计算出了两种理论所预期的同步时标,估计了样本星的年龄,并分析、比较了各样本星的理论同步时标与年龄,以及自转同步性与它们之间的关系,结果表明:对大多数样本,动力学潮汐同步理论的计算结果与实测一致;而纯流体动力学同步机制预期的同步时标则偏小,大约平均偏小3个量级。因此,我们认为,在早型密近双星中,动力学潮汐是子星同步的最重要机制之一。  相似文献   

刘亮 《天文学报》2013,54(1):82-84
大熊W型相接双星是两颗子星均充满并溢出各自洛希瓣、具有对流公共包层的双星系统.相接双星中存在各种各样的相互作用,给理论模型带来许多可变参量,对理论研究提出了挑战.上世纪六七十年代,经过激烈的争论,相接双星的对流公共包层模型得到公认,相接双星的热弛豫震荡模型、相接不连续模型及角动量损失理论相继被提出.然而,在过去的近40 yr中,理论研究似乎遇到了瓶颈.大量未知参量的共存,使相接双星的理论研究难以进一步开展.研究相接双星的聚星、星团环境,能为相接双星的形成和演化提供丰富的信息,因而是探索相接双星演化问题潜在的生长点.越来越多的观测证据表明,大量相接双星存在于聚星系统或者星团当中.作为母系统的聚星、星团为研究其中的相接双星提供了丰富的演化信息.本文针对这些重要天体系统中的相接双星进行了成员认证、测光观测、周期分析和基本物理参量求解等多项研究,同时对相接双星研究的现状做了简要概述.主要成果如下:  相似文献   

本文提出了判断双星自转同步性的一种新方法.把假定双星为同步自转时的拱线进动周期的理论计算值与该双星的观测值之比作为同步自转参量,以判断双星同步自转情况.利用此方法对YCyg和CWCep两对双星系统中子星同步自转情况做了判断.结果表明,其中CWCep为同步自转双星,YCyg为接近同步自转双星.最后将所得结果与其他作者用直接测量自转速度方法所得的结果进行比较,结果符合得很好  相似文献   

现今双星演化理论中,以子星的半径等于临界洛希瓣半径,作为双星中发生物质交换过程的判据,仅仅是一个为了将三维计算简化为一维计算而引入的近似判据.它在理论上是不严格的.本文给出了一个理论严格而又能一维计算的判据.并用新的判据和用子星半径等于临界洛希瓣半径的判据,对一个由9M和6M恒星组成的双星系统,进行了情况A的演化计算(即物质交换过程发生在主星中心氢燃烧阶段).结果证明,用新的判据时,双星中发生物质交换过程的起始时间提前,快速物质交换过程变短,平均物质交换率增大,但慢速物质交换过程变长.在物质交换过程结束时,主星和次星的质量、双星系统的轨道周期以及主星在赫罗图中的位置,都与采用子星半径等于相应洛希瓣半径作为判据的计算结果明显不同.这说明,发生物质交换过程的判据是否严格,对于双星演化的影响是不可忽略的.  相似文献   

By calculating the angular momentum transport during the evolution of a binary system, the variations of the rotational and revolution periods of the binary system under the tidal action, as well as the tidal effect on the evolution of the system are investigated. The calculated results indicate that when a close binary system evolves in the main sequence, the tidal friction will make the rotation and revolution approach to a closed state in a short time, but it takes a long time to attain a complete synchronization. After mass exchange started, the synchronous rotation can be changed more easily into the non-synchronous rotation for the semi-detached binaries. But for the contact binaries, the mass exchange is not strong enough to break the synchronization. The evolutionary tracks of the synchronization and non-synchronization models in the HR diagram are also compared with each other, and the result shows that for the non-synchronization model, the evolutionary curve of the primary star moves toward the direction of high luminosity and high effective temperature on the HR diagram at the mass exchange stage. Finally, by analyzing the statistical data of observations, it is found that the observed fact that the non-synchronous rotation exists in a period even longer than the tide-locking timescale can be explained by this model.  相似文献   

A model for contact binary systems is presented, which incorporates the following special features: a) The energy exchange between the components is based on the understand-ing that the energy exchange is due to the release of potential, kinetic and thermal energies of the exchanged mass. b) A special form of mass and angular momentum loss occurring in contact binaries is losses via the outer Lagrangian point. c) The effects of spin, orbital rota-tion and tidal action on the stellar structure as well as the effect of meridian circulation on the mixing of the chemical elements are considered. d) The model is valid not only for low-mass contact binaries but also for high-mass contact binaries. For illustration, we used the model to trace the evolution of a massive binary system consisting of one 12M and one 5M star. The result shows that the start and end of the contact stage fall within the semi-detached phase during which the primary continually transfers mass to the secondary. The time span of the contact stage is short and the mass transfer rate is very large. Therefore, the contact stage can be regarded as a special part of the semi-detached phase with a large mass transfer rate. Both mass loss through the outer Lagrangian point and oscillation between contact and semi-contact states can occur during the contact phase, and the effective temperatures of the primary and the secondary are almost equal.  相似文献   

Observations of a large population of millisecond pulsars (MSPs) show a wide divergence in the orbital periods (from approximately hours to a few months). In the standard view, low‐mass X‐ray binaries (LMXBs) are considered as progenitors for some MSPs during the recycling process. We present a systematic study that combines different types of compact objects in binaries such as cataclysmic variables (CVs), LMXBs, and MSPs. We plot them together in the so called Corbet diagram. Larger and different samples are needed to better constrain the result as a function of the environment and formations. A scale diagram showing the distribution of MSPs for different orbital periods and the aspects for their progenitors relying on accretion induced collapse (AIC) of white dwarfs in binaries. Thus massive CVs (M ≥ 1.1 M) can play a vital role on binary evolution, as well as of the physical processes involved in the formation and evolution of neutron stars and their magnetic fields, and could turn into binary MSPs with different scales of orbital periods; this effect can be explained by the AIC process. This scenario also suggests that some fraction of isolated MSPs in the Galactic disk could be formed through the same channel, forming the contribution of some CVs to the single‐degenerate progenitors of Type Ia supernova. Furthermore, we have refined the statistical distribution and evolution by using updated data. This implies that the significant studies of compact objects in binary systems can benefit from the Corbet diagram.Observations of a large population of millisecond pulsars (MSPs) show a wide divergence in the orbital periods (from approximately hours to a few months). In the standard view, low‐mass X‐ray binaries (LMXBs) are considered as progenitors for some MSPs during the recycling process. We present a systematic study that combines different types of compact objects in binaries such as cataclysmic variables (CVs), LMXBs, and MSPs. We plot them together in the so called Corbet diagram. Larger and different samples are needed to better constrain the result as a function of the environment and formations. A scale diagram showing the distribution of MSPs for different orbital periods and the aspects for their progenitors re  相似文献   

钡星系统轨道根数分布及丰度的Monte-Carlo模拟计算   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用星风质量吸积的角动量守恒模型,用Monte—Carlo方法研究了普通红巨星双星系统和钡星的轨道根数的变化规律,由于钡星系统是由普通红巨星双星系统演化而来,因此钡星系统的轨道偏心率及周期的分布显示了经过质量吸积后双星系统的最终轨道特征。计算结果表明,随着星风吸积过程的进行,在星风质量损失阶段系统轨道半长轴将增大,导致轨道周期增大,而偏心率变化不大,由此可以解释普通红巨星双星系统和钡星系统的轨道根数的分布规律和变化情况以及钡星重元素丰度分布特征。  相似文献   

Three importantphysical processes occurringin contact binarysystems are studied. The first one is the effect of spin, orbital rotation and tide on the structure of the components, which includes also the effect of meridian circulation on the mixing of the chemical elements in the components. The second one is the mass and energy exchange between the components. To describe the energy exchange, a new approach is introduced based on the understanding that the exchange is due to the release of the potential, kinetic and thermal energy of the exchanged mass. The third is the loss of mass and angular momentum through the outer Lagrangian point. The rate of mass loss and the angular momentum carried away by the lost mass are discussed. To show the effects of these processes, we follow the evolution of a binary system consisting of a 12M and a 5M star with mass exchange between the components and mass loss via the outer Lagrangian point, both with and without considering the effects of rotation and tide. The result shows that the effect of rotation and tide advances the start of the semi-detached and the contact phases, and delays the end of the hydrogen-burning phase of the primary. Furthermore, it can change not only the occurrence of mass and angular momentum loss via the outer Lagrangian point, but also the contact or semi-contact status of the system. Thus, this effect can result in the special phenomenon of short-term variations occurring over a slow increase of the orbital period. The occurrence of mass and angular momentum loss via the outer Lagrangian point can affect the orbital period of the system significantly, but this process can be influenced, even suppressed out by the effect of rotation and tide. The mass and energy exchange occurs in the common envelope. The net result of the mass exchange process is a mass transfer from the primary to the secondary during the whole contact phase.  相似文献   

X-ray binaries     
Summary The various types and classes of X-ray binary are reviewed high-lighting recent results. The high mass X-ray binaries (HMXRBs) can be used to probe the nature of the mass loss from the OB star in these systems. Absorption measurements through one orbital cycle of the supergiant system X1700-37 are well modelled by a radiation driven wind and also require a gas stream trailing behind the X-ray source. In Cen X-3 the gas stream is accreted by the X-ray source via an accretion disk. Changes in the gas stream can cause the disk to thicken and the disk to obscure the X-ray source. How close the supergiant is to corotation seems to be as much a critical factor in these systems as how close it is to filling its Roche lobe. In the Be star X-ray binaries a strong correlation between the neutron stars rotation period and its orbital period has been explained as due to the neutron star being immersed in a dense, slow moving equatorial wind from the Be star. For the X-ray pulsars in the transient Be X-ray binaries a centrifugal barrier to accretion is important in determining the X-ray lightcurve and the spin evolution. The X-ray orbital modulations from the low mass X-ray binaries, LMXRBs, include eclipses by the companion and/or periodic dipping behaviour from structure at the edge of the disk. The corresponding optical modulations show a smooth sinusoidal like component and in some cases a sharp eclipse by the companion. The orbital period of the LMXRB XB1916-05 is 1% longer in the optical compared to that given by the X-ray dip period. The optical period has been interpreted as the orbital period, but this seems inconsistent with the well established view of the origin of the X-ray modulations in LMXRB. A new model is presented that assumes the X-ray dip period is the true orbital period. The 5.2 h eclipsing LMXRB XB2129+47 recently entered a low state and optical observations unexpectedly reveal an F star which is too big to fit into the binary. This is probably the first direct evidence that an X-ray binary is part of a hierarchical triple. Finally the class of X-ray binaries containing black hole candidates is reviewed focusing on the value of using X-ray signatures to identify new candidates.  相似文献   

An analysis of X-ray and optical light curves of the magnetic cataclysmic variable (MCV) BY Cam is presented. This system is one of three MCVs in which the spin period of the white dwarf and the binary orbital period differ by ∼1 per cent. As such these 'BY Cam' stars are important objects with which to probe the field structure of the magnetic white dwarf and ultimately the nature of synchronization of AM Her binaries. We confirm asynchronous rotation of the magnetic white dwarf with respect to the binary. We find evidence that the accretion stream accretes directly on to the white dwarf as in AM Her systems, but further, the stream impacts on to different magnetic poles over the course of the beat period. We present evidence that the optical and hard X-ray light curves modulate in phase, but together they are out of phase with the soft X-ray light curve. We confirm the spin down of the white dwarf which is expected to lead to the synchronization of the spin and orbital periods of BY Cam.  相似文献   

The variations of the orbital periods of two nearly neglected W UMa-type eclipsing binaries, EK Comae Berenices and UX Eridani, are presented through a detailed analysis of the OC diagrams. It is found that the orbital period of EK Com is decreasing and the period of UX Eridani is increasing, and several sudden jumps have occurred in the orbital periods of both binaries. We analyze the mechanism(s), which might underlie the changes of the orbital periods of both systems, and obtain some new results. The long-term decrease of the orbital period of EK Comae Berenices might be caused by the decrease of the orbital angular momentum due to a magnetic stellar wind (MSW) or by mass transfer from the more massive to the less massive component. The secular increase in the orbital period of UX Eridani might be caused by mass transfer from the less massive to the more massive star. The possible mechanisms, which underlie the sudden changes in the orbital periods of the close binary systems are as the followings: (1) the variations of the structure due to the variation of the magnetic field; (2) the rapid mass exchange between the close binaries and their circumstellar matter. Finally, the evolutionary status of the systems EK Comae Berenices and UX Eridani is discussed.  相似文献   

An asynchronous magnetic white dwarf affects the rate of orbital evolution in AM Herculis binaries. An over-synchronous star leads to a positive orbital magnetic torque which reduces the rate of shrinkage of the secondary star's Roche lobe, and hence reduces the mass transfer rate. An opposing effect occurs as a result of the orbital angular momentum loss via secondary mass transfer in the absence of an accretion disc. The modification of the magnetic braking-driven synchronous mass transfer rate is calculated for a range of degrees of asynchronism, and its effect is compared at different orbital periods.  相似文献   

We present a numerical analysis of the spin evolution of neutron stars in low-mass X-ray binaries, trying to explain the discrepancy in the spin period distribution between observations of millisecond pulsars and theoretical results. In our calculations, we take account of possible effects of radiation pressure and irradiation-induced instability on the structure of the disk, and the evolution of the mass transfer rate, respectively. We report the following results: (1) The radiation pressure in the accretion disk leads to a slight increase of spin periods, and the variation of mass transfer rate caused by the neutron star irradiation can shorten the spin-down phase of evolution. (2) The calculated results of the model combining radiation pressure and irradiation show that the accretion is strongly limited by the radiation pressure in the high mass transfer phase. (3) The accreted mass and fastness parameter can affect the number of systems in the equilibrium state.  相似文献   

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