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二战后,为解决严重的住房短缺问题,美国联邦政府一方面继续鼓励发展郊区住宅,如为退伍军人制定优惠贷款政策、修建州际高速公路,另一方面发起了城市更新运动,试图通过拆除城市中心衰败社区来改善居住环境,为城市中心的发展注入新的活力。然而,这些政策在推动郊区化的同时,也加剧了城市中心的衰落。这些政策的实施,既塑造了战后美国城市面貌,也对诸如城市暴乱、社会分化等问题负有责任。  相似文献   

基于人居环境系统理论,运用层次分析法构建了珠三角城市人居环境评价指标体系。选取1997年、2000年和2002年三个时间断面对珠三角城市人居环境进行测算。评估表明,珠三角城市人居环境系统工业化中期阶段特征明显,人居环境建设开始进入软环境主导时代,但发展的协调性和稳定性明显较差,同时人居环境的改善还面临着区域产业整合带来的严峻挑战。最后,对珠三角城市人居环境提出了一些相关的优化建议。  相似文献   

This study illustrates multifaceted urbanization patterns and processes in a coastal region of Catalonia (northeastern Spain) as a paradigmatic example of the socio-economic transformations typically observed in the northern Mediterranean basin since World War II. By focusing on the expanding tourism industry, second-home expansion, infrastructural development and sprawl around traditional rural centres, the paper assesses the effects of long-term economic, demographic, social and cultural transformations on rural landscapes in Alt Empordà, the so-called “Catalan Tuscany”. The stratification of distinct urbanization waves and the underlying socio-economic processes observed in Alt Empordà reflect population dynamics and settlement morphologies typical of rural districts moving rapidly towards a suburban spatial organization. Recent urban dynamics in Mediterranean rural systems deserve further investigation in order to shed light on latent suburbanization processes involving marginal European regions.  相似文献   

全新世中期西辽河流域聚落选址与环境解读   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
韩茂莉  刘宵泉  方晨  张一  李青淼  赵玉蕙 《地理学报》2007,62(12):1287-1298
通过x2 检验等方式提出,全新世中期西辽河流域聚落对海拔400~500 m 高程区域选择倾向十分明显,在这一高程内又偏重于距河床10~40 m 的坡地,兴隆洼、赵宝沟以及红山文化期这一特征最突出,夏家店下层文化期聚落位置表现出以400~500 m 高程区为核心向高、低两个方位发展。针对上述聚落环境选择特征指出:① 根据人类生存方式可将西辽河流域划 出林地与草地两大地带,两者的交界处即400~500 m 高程区域内以坡地为主的林缘地带,兴隆洼、赵宝沟文化期人类的采集、渔猎活动主要集中在这里,随着红山、夏家店下层文化期 原始农业的发展,聚落选址从原来的林缘地带向草地甚至林地扩展,前后不同考古文化期的 聚落位置界定了自然环境的空间属性与地域差异。② 西辽河流域受地带性环境因素制约,即使在全新世大暖期林缘地带的动植物资源也并不丰富,仅能满足人口密度极低的兴隆洼、赵宝沟文化期人类获取食物的需求,红山文化以后随着人口增殖原始农业逐渐发展起来。③ 全新世中期西辽河流域聚落密度很低,人口规模在这一地区的环境容量之下,农业开发尚未对西辽河流域带来明显的环境扰动。  相似文献   

Urban clusters are the expected products of high levels of industry and urbanization in a country, as well as being the basic units of participation in global competition. With respect to China, urban clusters are regarded as the dominant formation for boosting the Chinese urbanization process. However, to date, there is no coincident, efficient, and credible methodological system and set of techniques to identify Chinese urban clusters. This research investigates the potential of a computerized identification method supported by geographic information techniques to provide a better understanding of the distribution of Chinese urban clusters. The identification method is executed based on a geographic information database, a digital elevation model, and socio-economic data with the aid of ArcInfo Macro Language programming. In the method, preliminary boundaries are identified accord-ing to transportation accessibility, and final identifications are achieved from limiting city numbers, population, and GDP in a region with the aid of the rasterized socio-economic dataset. The results show that the method identifies nine Chinese urban clusters, i.e., Pearl River Delta, Lower Yangtze River Valley, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, Northeast China Plain, Middle Yangtze River Valley, Central China Plains, Western Taiwan Strait, Guanzhong and Chengdu-Chongqing urban clusters. This research represents the first study involving the computerized identification of Chinese urban clusters. Moreover, compared to other related studies, the study’s approach, which combines transportation accessibility and socio-economic characteristics, is shown to be a distinct, effective and reliable way of identifying urban clusters.  相似文献   

太平洋岛国对澳大利亚地缘战略影响的历史考察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
姜芸 《世界地理研究》2019,28(2):141-148
历史上太平洋岛国对澳大利亚地缘战略的影响以第二次世界大战为分水岭,主要分为三个阶段:二战前是地缘战略缺失阶段,当时澳大利亚无视周边地缘环境,将国家安全系于遥远英帝国的庇护,忽视近邻岛屿的防御屏障作用,导致国家遭受战火;二战时期是地缘战略构建阶段,随着澳美战时同盟成立,太平洋上的海空航线成为澳大利亚的“生命线”,澳大利亚的独立防务意识也不断加强,意图凭借《澳新协定》将太平洋岛国纳入势力范围;二战后是地缘战略丰富阶段,在太平洋岛国发展问题日益突出和岛屿地区安全态势日趋复杂的背景下,澳大利亚实施援助战略以促进地区的繁荣与稳定。未来,澳大利亚将继续保持该地区最大援助国的地位。  相似文献   

辽代西拉木伦河流域聚落分布与环境选择   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
韩茂莉 《地理学报》2004,59(4):543-549
辽代西拉木伦河流域及毗邻地区的聚落是分析论证农业开垦范围与环境扰动的重要依据,作者将这一地区的聚落分为两类,其中之一为散居在各处的基层聚落,规模小,人口少,围绕聚落形成的耕地范围也有限,不是造成环境扰动的主要方面。另一类以府、州城为中心形成的聚落,人口集中,耕地范围大,且大部分州治城邑属契丹历史纪念地,而不是农业垦殖适宜地;个别州治城邑地处沙地中部,不具备农业开垦的条件,由于人口集中,这些农田插花地不但范围大,而且是引起环境问题的关键地区。  相似文献   

Urban clusters are the expected products of high levels of industry and urbanization in a country, as well as being the basic units of participation in global competition. With respect to China, urban clusters are regarded as the dominant formation for boosting the Chinese urbanization process. However, to date, there is no coincident, efficient, and credible methodological system and set of techniques to identify Chinese urban clusters. This research investigates the potential of a computerized identification method supported by geographic information techniques to provide a better understanding of the distribution of Chinese urban clusters. The identification method is executed based on a geographic information database, a digital elevation model, and socio-economic data with the aid of ArcInfo Macro Language programming. In the method, preliminary boundaries are identified according to transportation accessibility, and final identifications are achieved from limiting city numbers, population, and GDP in a region with the aid of the rasterized socio-economic dataset. The results show that the method identifies nine Chinese urban clusters, i.e., Pearl River Delta, Lower Yangtze River Valley, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, Northeast China Plain, Middle Yangtze River Valley, Central China Plains, Western Taiwan Strait, Guanzhong and Chengdu-Chongqing urban clusters. This research represents the first study involving the computerized identification of Chinese urban clusters. Moreover, compared to other related studies, the study's approach, which combines transportation accessibility and socio-economic characteristics, is shown to be a distinct, effective and reliable way of identifying urban clusters.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. In the lead‐up to the World War I Paris Peace Conference the United States convened The Inquiry‐a group of leading scholars‐to propose equitable terms, including new borders, for the final peace settlements. In many areas throughout Europe, among them Transylvania, coming to a settlement that fully accounted for Woodrow Wilson's principle of self‐determination proved difficult. Hungary's populace comprised many nationalities, some very hostile toward Romania, the state that eventually acquired the entire region. In this article I analyze how the American plan differed from that finally adopted at the conference and how closely The Inquiry's plan for Transylvania followed the principles laid out by President Wilson in his famous “Fourteen Points,” which provided the basis for American participation in World War I. The ethnic mix within Transylvania made it an especially difficult region in which to apply Wilsonian principles.  相似文献   

"In 1930, the majority of Hispanics were of Mexican descent and lived in the five Southwestern states of Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas. After World War II the Latino migrant stream began to diversify and include large numbers of Caribbeans, and Central and South Americans who generally settled in the Eastern states and California.... The U.S. Hispanic population has increased from approximately one million in 1930, to approximately 32 million in 1997. County maps chronicle the changing distribution and numbers of Hispanics from 1850 to 1990."  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(7):674-694
State-sponsored urbanization prevailed in the prereform China. A new track of spontaneous urbanization has emerged since 1978. However, state-sponsored urbanization has continued to be an important process of urbanization in the reform period. The Chinese pattern of urbanization since 1978 is distinguished by dual-track urbanization. This paper uses the dualtrack urbanization approach to examine the urbanization process in Pearl River Delta in the reform period. Whether urbanization takes place in main cities or low-order settlements has been a lasting theme of the urbanization inquiry. This issue is assessed by an analysis of the relative concentration and deconcentration of urban population among four groups of settlements: the primate city, cities with special economic zones, prefecture-level cities and county-level cities/counties. Contrary to previous research, it is found that both state-sponsored and spontaneous urbanization are driving a dispersed pattern of urbanization in the region.  相似文献   

基于自然与人文多重栅格数据,构建人居环境质量综合指数评价模型,分析2015年关中平原城市群人居环境的空间分异格局,并对人口分布与人居环境质量的协同性进行探讨。结果表明:(1)人居自然环境呈现出自东向西,由山地、高原向平原、谷地依次递减的空间分布格局,受地形影响最为明显,地形起伏度与人居自然环境呈负相关关系。(2)人居人文环境表现出平原低、山区高,城镇高于乡村的空间分布格局,受城市行政层级影响显著。(3)关中平原城市群人居环境综合质量指数介于0.216~0.716之间,呈现出以关中平原、汾河谷地向外梯级递减的带状空间分布格局。(4)关中平原城市群人口密度与人居环境质量空间分布显著一致,总体呈现出平原高于山地,城市高于乡村的空间分布规律,人居环境质量越高,人口密度越大,土地利用也越充分。  相似文献   

佟伟铭  张平宇  何欢 《地理科学》2019,39(10):1537-1545
基于长春市兴华园社区典型案例,利用社区理论揭示了大城市郊区化过程中失地农民社区的城镇化机制与影响。结果表明土地征用体制下以农村社区为载体实现了快速城镇化,实现了乡村社会和经济空间重构,乡村生产空间和生活空间的优化和重组,地域空间并入城市发展范畴,城镇化进程加快,主要表现为城市景观和设施的推进,农民市民化进程加快,包括就业非农化与生活方式市民化等,但存在社会保障和补偿机制不健全,失地农民生活满意度低,社会认同感缺失等问题。  相似文献   

世界城市化模式及其对中国的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市化起于英国工业革命,伴随工业革命的发展,扩散到欧美大陆。二次大战后,发展中国家开始城市化进程,而欧美发达国家则步入郊区化发展阶段。随着经济持续增长,城市化水平(这里指城市人口占总人口的比重)在不断上升,并成为衡量一国或地区现代化水平的重要指标。积极推进城市化有助于经济发展和社会进步,但由于国情不同,各国的城市化道路以及所面临的问题也不尽相同。本文在阐述世界城市化模式和城市化解决途径的基础上,总结出世界城市化对中国今后城市化发展的启示。  相似文献   

城市体检是促进中国城市人居环境高质量和提升城市居民幸福感的创新举措,但却很少有研究正面关注城市体检社会评价对居民福祉的影响。论文基于2021年住建部在长三角地区8个样本城市开展的大规模城市体检社会满意度调查数据,采用主成分分析和多元回归分析相结合方法,分别探讨了长三角地区居民的城市人居环境质量感知因子及其对居民幸福感的影响,并从以人为本视角提出长三角地区城市人居环境高质量发展策略。研究发现:(1)城市体检社会满意度评价指标共提取了7个城市人居环境感知评价主成分因子,分别命名为城市管理、城市活力、城市舒适、城市宜居、城市包容、城市安全和城市便利,累计贡献率达到66.767%。(2)城市人居环境感知评价因子均对长三角地区城市居民幸福感具有显著影响,但不同城市人居环境感知评价因子的影响方向却存在差异性。其中,城市管理、城市活力、城市舒适、城市宜居和城市包容等因子显著正向影响幸福感,城市安全和城市便利等因子显著负向影响幸福感。(3)不同城市规模居民幸福感的人居环境主导因子有所不同,同时不同户口和年龄居民幸福感的人居环境影响因素也有差异。研究结果对促进长三角地区城市居民幸福感提升和指导城市人居环境建设具有重要的决策参考作用。  相似文献   

运用LISA时间路径、收敛检验等方法考察了二战后全球宗教多样性发展的空间分布特征、格局演变以及在此过程中的收敛性。研究发现:(1)二战后宗教多样性呈先快后慢的上升趋势,1945—2015年间多样性指数增幅达81.07%。宗教分类上则主要表现为基督教信仰者数量的持续下滑以及伊斯兰教信仰者数量的稳步上升。(2)LISA时间路径表明二战后全球宗教多样性具有较强的空间锁定效应,且其空间演化具有较强空间整合性。(3)二战后全球宗教多样性水平存在着显著的σ收敛与绝对β收敛,即全球、洲级层面上宗教多样性水平的内部差异都在逐步弥合,宗教多样性水平较高的地区对周边较低地区存在溢出效应。(4)二战后全球宗教多样性演化受土地覆盖类型、国力指数、民族数量、人均GDP、人口规模等因素共同作用而收敛于不同的稳态水平;从洲级层面上来看,各洲级单元收敛性对影响因素的敏感程度不同,体现了二战后全球宗教多样性演化显著的地域分异性。  相似文献   

北京市居住郊区化分布特征及其影响因素   总被引:17,自引:5,他引:12  
马清裕  张文尝 《地理研究》2006,25(1):121-130
随着城市社会经济和交通的快速发展,北京居住郊区化日益加速。本文根据北京人口迁移、居住区开发建设,并选择四个大型新建居住区住户问卷调查,宏观和微观相结合对北京居住区空间分布特征、影响因素及发展趋势进行剖析。居住区空间以沿各环路圈层扩展、沿向外辐射主干道带状延伸及在现代产业集聚区周边扩展为基本特征。多数居住区规模较小,功能单一。居住区类型日益多样化,且分布趋向区域化。居住区空间分布是多种因素综合作用的结果,随着城市交通网络向外扩展及郊区产业的发展,未来北京居住郊区化仍是呈较快推进的趋势,根据北京可用地资源条件及未来交通网发展及产业布局,居住区发展重点主要在东郊和南郊五环路和六环路两侧,以及顺义、通州、亦庄、良乡等新城。  相似文献   

郑州城市空间扩展及其对城郊经济的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
城市的形成和发展是一个时空过程,具有继承性,城市的空间扩展是该过程中的必经阶段。文章以郑州市为例,在分析了城市空间扩展的历史过程和动力机制的基础上,论述了城市空间扩展对郊区经济的影响,对人们正确认识城市空间演化规律、合理处理城市与郊区的关系具有重要意义。  相似文献   

马凌  张媛媛  朱竑  陈晓亮 《地理研究》2019,38(8):2044-2057
快速城市化带来了行政区划的调整及城市土地、空间和边界的改变,也重构了传统的地方与地方认同。以广州市番禺小龙村为例,分析城市扩张和地方重构下影响地方认同的因素、机制与过程。研究发现:① 城市扩张过程中,居民户籍身份上的改变最为突出,农民对于其市民身份及新的行政地方的认同度不高,最终产生了一定程度的身份与区域的隔离;② 认同是多维度影响、深层次和动态变化的过程,地方认同需要从身份和地方双重维度进行分析,居民多元的自我身份感知与对地方的认知及其切实的个体需求共同影响其最终的身份归属和地方认同。因此,城市行政区划调整过程中需了解、重视区划调整变化后城郊居民的生产生活,同时注重社会基础福利的提升,以促进居民对于新的地方和身份的认同,进而促进城乡融合。  相似文献   

杨山 《地理学报》2000,55(6):671-678
利用1970年地形图、1984、1991、1998年的遥感影像,通过对无锡市地区遥感影你的光谱特征分析,采用仿归一化植被指数法提取无锡市城乡聚落空间信息。在此基础上,根据分形理论计算无锡地区城乡聚落空间形态的分数维,从分数维的变化,分析无锡城乡聚落空间形态的特征。结果表明,无锡地区城乡聚落空间形态具有分形现象,并且城区和集镇的分数维变化不一致,反映了城乡聚落空间形态在不同的阶段,其复杂程度、稳定性  相似文献   

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