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恒星质量是恒星物理以及恒星系统动力学研究中一个不可或缺的参量.双星轨道拟合是获取恒星(动力学)质量的最可靠途径,而绝大部分恒星的质量仍然需要通过恒星质光关系来估计,因此,通过拟合恒星动力学质量和光度数据得到经验质光关系的工作具有重要意义.尽管主序星的Ⅴ波段质光关系由于金属丰度的影响而具有一定的弥散性,但有研究表明这种影响主要限于恒星质量小于 0.6M_⊙的情况.对于较大质量的主序星,近年来的观测拟合研究积累了比较充分的动力学质量和Ⅴ波段光度数据,从而为显著改进上述质光关系提供了可能.利用一个能合理分配两个不同量纲观测量权重的拟合方法,根据 203 颗恒星的动力学质量和光度数据给出了主序星的Ⅴ波段经验质光关系,该结果对此前结果的改进不仅具有统计显著性,而且其对恒星质量估计的相对误差已达到约 5%.因此,该结果不仅可以用于开展有关恒星物理或恒星系统动力学方面的统计性研究,而且对具体实际多星系统的长期动力学研究和短期定位研究等也有应用价值.  相似文献   

富尘埃宽发射线类星体在星系演化中十分关键,而星系中分子气体的信息有助于人们了解其恒星形成潜力等性质。使用IRAM-30m望远镜对红移0.5 ⊙·a-1,气体耗竭时间为(20~300) Ma。将它们的红外光度与CO光度进行比较,发现该富尘埃宽发射线类星体样本的恒星形成效率相对其他亚毫米波星系及类星体无明显区别。在该样本中发现了活动星系核相对强度与气体耗竭时间的负相关关系,这与目前的类星体演化理论相符。  相似文献   

基于对9颗类太阳色球活动恒星高信噪比的高色散光谱观测, 测量了这些恒星锂线(入 = 6707.8 A'')的等值宽度, 计算了这些恒星表层锂元素丰度. 通过研究这些类太阳色球活动恒星锂丰度和X射线光度之间的关系, 发现X射线光度 强的类太阳色球活动恒星锂丰度值大于X射线较弱的恒星. 也就是说活动性较强的类太阳色球活动恒星其锂丰度较高, 活动性较弱的类太阳色球活动恒星其锂丰度较低. 考虑到主序的类太阳恒星锂元素和恒星自转速度随着恒星年龄的增加逐渐减少, 以及随着类太阳色球活动恒星自转速度的减小, 色球活动又逐渐变弱. 因此类似于锂丰度, 类太阳色球活动恒星自转速度的大小和恒星的 活动水平也同样可以表明恒星的年龄.  相似文献   

近30年来的系外行星探测揭示了行星在宇宙中普遍存在的事实.为了深入研究适宜生命居住行星的普遍性,一方面需要了解宜居行星的特性;另一方面可以通过分析已发现系外行星的分布特征,推算该类行星在恒星周围的存在几率.在目前已发现的系外行星中,凌星法发现的占据了绝大多数,如Kepler空间望远镜所观测的系外行星共有2344颗. 2018年Kepler正式退役,其科学团队发布了最终版的Kepler Data Release (DR25),包含观测季度Q1–Q17的恒星共198709颗.通过对Kepler数据的分析,使用逆检测效率法和最大似然分析法两种不同的方法对系外行星半径周期参数空间内的行星生成率进行了估算,同时将计算样本根据恒星的光谱类型进行分类,分别估算得到了F、G、K型的Kepler恒星周围的行星生成率及其整体的生成率.对于半径范围1–20 R(R为一个地球半径),轨道周期范围0.4–400 d的Kepler凌星系外行星,宿主恒星为F型时逆检测效率法和最大似然法估算得到的行星生成率分别为0.36±0.02和0.47±0.02,宿主恒星为G型时的...  相似文献   

恒星形成于分子云之中, 分子外向流是恒星形成正在进行的重要动力学特征, 也是研究和认识恒星形成的重要契入点. 利用紫金山天文台青海观测站德令哈13.7m毫米波望远镜, 采用5种分子谱线探针(包括12CO、13CO、C18O、HCO$^+$ $J=1-0$和CS $J=2-1$, J为角动量量子数), 对一个包含IRAS 19230+1506、IRAS 19232+1504和G050.3179--00.4186这3个源的大质量恒星形成复合体进行了成图观测研究. 通过对以上分子谱线数据并结合红外波段巡天数据的分析, 在这3个源中首次探测到了分子外向流活动, 并确定了分子外向流的中心驱动源. 最后对这3个源进行了分子外向流相关物理量参数的计算, 分析了这些物理量参数之间的关系, 结果表明分子外向流的性质与中心驱动源的性质息息相关.  相似文献   

王放  郑宪忠 《天文学报》2011,52(2):105-114
从观测上测定早型星系中恒星形成活动随红移的演化有助于理解这类星系的形成演化.结合GEMS(Galaxy Evolution from Morphology and SEDs)巡天的HST/ACS(Hubble Space Telescope/Advanced Camera for Surveys)高分辨图像和CDFS(ChandraDeep Field South)天区Spitzer、GALEX(Galaxy Evolution Explorer)等多波段数据,基于形态、颜色和恒星质量选出一个0.2≤z≤1.0红移范围的包含456个早型星系的完备样本.利用stacking技术测量了样本星系紫外与红外平均光度,估计早型星系的恒星形成率.结果显示,早型星系中的恒星形成率较低(<3 M·yr-1),随红移递减而降低.在红移z=1以来的恒星形成贡献的质量小于15%.星族分析亦肯定大质量早型星系的主体星族形成于宇宙早期(z>2).  相似文献   

恒星光谱分类是天文学中一个重要的研究问题.对于已经采集到的海量高维恒星光谱数据的分类,采用模式匹配方法对光谱型分类较为成功,但其缺点在于标准恒星模版之间的差异性在匹配实际观测数据中不能体现出来,尤其是当需要进行光谱型和光度型的二元分类时模版匹配法往往会失败.而采用谱线特征测量的光度型分类强烈地依赖谱线拟合的准确性.为了解决二元分类的问题,介绍了一种基于卷积神经网络的恒星光谱型和光度型分类模型(Classification model of Stellar Spectral type and Luminosity type based on Convolution Neural Network, CSSL CNN).这一模型使用卷积神经网络来提取光谱的特征,通过注意力模块学习到了重要的光谱特征,借助池化操作降低了光谱的维度并压缩了模型参数的数量,使用全连接层来学习特征并对恒星光谱进行分类.实验中使用了大天区面积多目标光纤光谱天文望远镜(Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopy Telescope, LAMOST)公开数据集Data Release 5 (DR5,用了其中71282条恒星光谱数据,每条光谱包含了3000多维的特征)对该模型的性能进行验证与评估.实验结果表明,基于卷积神经网络的模型在恒星的光谱型分类上准确率达到92.04%,而基于深度神经网络的模型(Celestial bodies Spectral Classification Model, CSC Model)只有87.54%的准确率; CSSL CNN在恒星的光谱型和光度型二元分类上准确率达到83.91%,而模式匹配方法MKCLASS仅有38.38%的准确率且效率较低.  相似文献   

基于日本红外卫星AKARI/FIS的年轻恒星体样本,通过匹配Hipparcos(High Precision Parallax Collecting Satellite)的数据库共计得到21个太阳系附近的年轻恒星体,可靠性为90%.恒星的光谱类型从B型到M型星.利用Hipparcos精确的三角视差测量,定出源在赫罗图位置分布,进而与理论的演化轨迹等时线比较估算恒星的年龄.结果发现样本中存在两个年龄大于10 Myr的年轻恒星体.光学至红外能谱分布表明这两个源是II型年轻恒星体,即有原行星盘.通过进一步的能谱拟合表明这两个源的年龄分别为(14.1±4.2)Myr和(16.8±4.4)Myr.长寿命原行星盘与行星形成关系紧密,是理想的原行星诞生地.  相似文献   

M型恒星(M dwarf)是主序星中质量较小的恒星,也是银河系中数量最多的恒星类型,在其周围形成的行星通常距离主星较近,宜居带也比F、G、K型恒星更靠近主星,更有利于发现系外宜居行星.研究表明, M型恒星周围平均存在2.5颗小质量行星,约为F、 G、 K型恒星的3.5倍,但M型恒星周围巨行星的出现率(occurrence rate)则比F、 G、K型小一个量级.基于M型恒星周围发现的401颗行星的参数开展了统计研究,发现质量越大的行星平均轨道半长径越大.类地行星约占行星总数的74%,且轨道半长径均小于1 au,其中28颗行星具有潜在宜居性.根据行星质量-半径关系,在质量等于4倍地球质量(M⊕)处存在一拐点,除少数几颗行星外,大部分小于该质量的行星可能都是由约65%的硅酸盐和约35%的铁组成,大于该质量的行星半径则随质量增加而迅速增大.约60%的M型恒星周围的行星位于多行星系统且轨道分布紧密,相邻行星轨道在3:2、5:3及2:1等平运动共振位置处存在峰值. M型恒星的多行星系统形成与演化等问题对现今的行星形成理论提出了新挑战.  相似文献   

中等质量恒星在赫罗图中由E-AGB星进入TP-AGB星的分界点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
洪雅芳  蒋苏云 《天文学报》2011,52(4):275-287
通过对3~10 M_☉恒星在赫罗图上演化轨迹的研究,分析恒星内部氦壳层燃烧峰值处能量、密度、温度、氦壳层表面光度与恒星表面光度比及恒星半径的变化,给出了中等质量恒星由早期AGB星演化至热脉冲AGB星阶段在赫罗图上的分界点,与119颗碳星的观测结果吻合得相当好.同时提出:在恒星演化至该分界点之后,其星风物质损失公式可能需要引入一个与表面光度无关的量以主导超星风的形成.在此基础上,通过对考虑湍流压效应下5 M_☉恒星的结构和演化及星风物质损失率的分析,发现湍流压在热脉冲AGB星阶段对星风物质损失影响较大,从而使得热脉冲AGB星的湍流压不可忽略,进而提出了影响热脉冲AGB星星风物质损失的可能的物理因素.  相似文献   

Massive stars are of interest as progenitors of supernovae, i.e. neutron stars and black holes, which can be sources of gravitational waves. Recent population synthesis models can predict neutron star and gravitational wave observations but deal with a fixed supernova rate or an assumed initial mass function for the population of massive stars. Here we investigate those massive stars, which are supernova progenitors, i.e. with O‐ and early B‐type stars, and also all supergiants within 3 kpc. We restrict our sample to those massive stars detected both in 2MASS and observed by Hipparcos, i.e. only those stars with parallax and precise photometry. To determine the luminosities we calculated the extinctions from published multi‐colour photometry, spectral types, luminosity class, all corrected for multiplicity and recently revised Hipparcos distances. We use luminosities and temperatures to estimate the masses and ages of these stars using different models from different authors. Having estimated the luminosities of all our stars within 3 kpc, in particular for all O‐ and early B‐type stars, we have determined the median and mean luminosities for all spectral types for luminosity classes I, III, and V. Our luminosity values for supergiants deviate from earlier results: Previous work generally overestimates distances and luminosities compared to our data, this is likely due to Hipparcos parallaxes (generally more accurate and larger than previous ground‐based data) and the fact that many massive stars have recently been resolved into multiples of lower masses and luminosities. From luminosities and effective temperatures we derived masses and ages using mass tracks and isochrones from different authors. From masses and ages we estimated lifetimes and derived a lower limit for the supernova rate of ≈20 events/Myr averaged over the next 10 Myr within 600 pc from the sun. These data are then used to search for areas in the sky with higher likelihood for a supernova or gravitational wave event (like OB associations) (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present optical spectra of four intermediate-mass candidate young stellar objects that have often been classified as Herbig Ae/Be stars. Typical Herbig Ae/Be emission features are not present in the spectra of these stars. Three of them, HD 36917, HD 36982 and HD 37062, are members of the young Orion nebula cluster (ONC). This association constrains their ages to be ≲1 Myr. The lack of appreciable near-infrared excess in them suggests the absence of hot dust close to the central star. However, they do possess significant amounts of cold and extended dust as revealed by the large excess emission observed at far-infrared wavelengths. The fractional infrared luminosities  ( L ir/ L )  and the dust masses computed from IRAS fluxes are systematically lower than those found for Herbig Ae/Be stars but higher than those for Vega-like stars. These stars may thus represent the youngest examples of the Vega phenomenon known so far. In contrast, the other star in our sample, HD 58647, is more likely to be a classical Be star, as is evident from the low   L ir/ L   , the scarcity of circumstellar dust, the low polarization, the presence of H α emission and near-infrared excess, and the far-infrared spectral energy distribution consistent with free–free emission similar to other well-known classical Be stars.  相似文献   

Non-degenerate stars of essentially all spectral classes are soft X-ray sources. Their X-ray spectra have been important in constraining physical processes that heat plasma in stellar environments to temperatures exceeding one million degrees. Low-mass stars on the cooler part of the main sequence and their pre-main sequence predecessors define the dominant stellar population in the galaxy by number. Their X-ray spectra are reminiscent, in the broadest sense, of X-ray spectra from the solar corona. The Sun itself as a typical example of a main-sequence cool star has been a pivotal testbed for physical models to be applied to cool stars. X-ray emission from cool stars is indeed ascribed to magnetically trapped hot gas analogous to the solar coronal plasma, although plasma parameters such as temperature, density, and element abundances vary widely. Coronal structure, its thermal stratification and geometric extent can also be interpreted based on various spectral diagnostics. New features have been identified in pre-main sequence stars; some of these may be related to accretion shocks on the stellar surface, fluorescence on circumstellar disks due to X-ray irradiation, or shock heating in stellar outflows. Massive, hot stars clearly dominate the interaction with the galactic interstellar medium: they are the main sources of ionizing radiation, mechanical energy and chemical enrichment in galaxies. High-energy emission permits to probe some of the most important processes at work in these stars, and put constraints on their most peculiar feature: the stellar wind. Medium and high- resolution spectroscopy have shed new light on these objects as well. Here, we review recent advances in our understanding of cool and hot stars through the study of X-ray spectra, in particular high-resolution spectra now available from XMM-Newton and Chandra. We address issues related to coronal structure, flares, the composition of coronal plasma, X-ray production in accretion streams and outflows, X-rays from single OB-type stars, massive binaries, magnetic hot objects and evolved WR stars.  相似文献   

Among the observed circumstellar dust envelopes a certain population, planetary debris disks, is ascribed to systems with optically thin dust disks and low gas content. These systems contain planetesimals and possibly planets and are believed to be systems that are most similar to our solar system in an early evolutionary stage. Planetary debris disks have been identified in large numbers by a brightness excess in the near-infrared, mid-infrared and/or submillimetre range of their stellar spectral energy distributions. In some cases, spatially resolved observations are possible and reveal complex spatial structures. Acting forces and physical processes are similar to those in the solar system dust cloud, but the observational approach is obviously quite different: overall spatial distributions for systems of different ages for the planetary debris disks, as opposed to detailed local information in the case of the solar system. Comparison with the processes of dust formation and evolution observed in the solar system therefore helps understand the planetary debris disks. In this paper, we review our present knowledge of observations, acting forces, and major physical interactions of the dust in the solar system and in similar extra-solar planetary systems.  相似文献   

Debris disks are optically thin, almost gas-free dusty disks observed arounda significant fraction of main-sequence stars older than about 10 Myr. Since the circumstellar dust is short-lived, the very existence of these disks is considered as evi-dence that dust-producing planetesimals are still present in mature systems, in whichplanets have formed – or failed to form – a long time ago. It is inferred that theseplanetesimals orbit their host stars at asteroid to Kuiper-belt distances and continuallysupply ...  相似文献   

Accretion models of planet formation and the early cratering history of the solar system suggest that planet formation is accompanied by a cloud of debris resulting from accumulation and fragmentation. A rough estimate of the infrared luminosities of debris clouds is presented for comparison with measured 10-μm luminosities of young stars. New measurements of 13 F, G, and K main-sequence stars of the Ursa Major Stream, which is thought to be about 2.7 x 108 years old, place constraints on the amount of debris which could be present near these stars.  相似文献   

We present a statistical analysis of the largest X-ray survey of nearby spiral galaxies in which diffuse emission has been separated from discrete source contributions. Regression and rank-order correlation analyses are used to compare X-ray properties, such as total, source and diffuse luminosities and diffuse emission temperature, with a variety of physical and multiwavelength properties, such as galaxy mass, type and activity, and optical and infrared luminosity.
The results are discussed in terms of the way in which hot gas and discrete X-ray sources scale with the mass and activity of galaxies, and with the star formation rate. We find that the X-ray properties of starburst galaxies are dependent primarily on their star-forming activity, whilst for more quiescent galaxies, galaxy mass is the more important parameter. One of the most intriguing results is the tight linear scaling between far-infrared and diffuse X-ray luminosity across the sample, even though the hot gas changes from a hydrostatic corona to a free wind across the activity range sampled here.  相似文献   

We present results of an analysis of a UV image in the direction of Ophiuchus, obtained with the FAUST instrument. The image contains 228 UV sources. Most of these are identified as normal early-type stars through correlations with catalogued objects. For the first time in this project we identify UV sources as such stars by selecting suitable candidates in crowded fields as the bluest objects in colour–colour diagrams using observations from the Wise Observatory. These candidates are then studied using low-resolution spectroscopy, which allows the determination of spectral types to an accuracy of about one-half class, for 60 stars.
Synthetic photometry of spectral data is performed in order to predict the expected UV emission, on the basis of the photometric information. These results are used along with the Hipparcos /Tycho information, to search for subluminous stars. The comparison of the predicted emission with the FAUST measured magnitudes allows us to select 12 stars as highly probable evolved hot stars. High signal-to-noise spectra are obtained for nine of these stars, and Balmer line profiles are compared with the prediction of atmosphere models and with the spectrum of real stellar atmospheres. Among the nine candidates, six are classified as previously unrecognized sdB stars, and two as white dwarfs. Our result indicates that indeed more bright subluminous stars are still unrecognized in the existing samples.  相似文献   

Photometric observations at optical and near-infrared wavelengths are presented for members of a new sample of candidate Vega-like systems, or main sequence stars with excess infrared emission due to circumstellar dust. The observations are combined with IRAS fluxes to define the spectral energy distributions of the sources. Most of the sources show only photospheric emission at near-IR wavelengths, indicating a lack of hot (∼1000 K) dust. Mid-infrared spectra are presented for four sources from the sample. One of them, HD 150193, shows strong silicate emission, while another, HD 176363, was not detected. The spectra of two stars from our previous sample of Vega-like sources both show UIR-band emission, attributed to hydrocarbon materials. Detailed comparisons of the optical and IRAS positions suggest that in some cases the IRAS source is not physically associated with the visible star. Alternative associations are suggested for several of these sources. Fractional excess luminosities are derived from the observed spectral energy distributions. The values found are comparable to those measured previously for other Vega-like sources.  相似文献   

The Herschel Space Observatory is well suited to address several important questions in star‐ and planet formation, as is evident from its first year of operation. This paper focuses on observations of water, a key molecule in the physics and chemistry of star‐formation. In the WISH Key Program, a comprehensive set of water lines is being obtained with the HIFI and PACS instruments toward a large sample of well‐characterized protostars, covering a wide range of luminosities and evolutionary stages. Lines of H2O, CO and their isotopologues, as well as chemically related hydrides, [O I] and [C II] are observed. Together, the data determine the abundance of water in cold and warm gas, reveal the entire CO ladder up to 4000 K above ground, elucidate the physical processes responsible for the warm gas (passive heating, UV or X‐ray‐heating, shocks), quantify the main cooling agents, and probe dynamical processes associated with forming stars and planets (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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