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2.8M⊙碳AGB星的形成和演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在混合程对流理论基础上建立了湍流压的恒星结构与演化理论,以及在对流外壳中出现动力学非稳定性的判据。在此基础上研究了初始质量为2.8M⊙的星族I恒星从主序星到碳AGB星的质量非守恒演化。结果表明,在RGB星和AGB星阶段,靠近恒星表面区域内湍流压可以达到总压强的30%。且湍流压效应可能是导致RGB星和AGB星靠近表面区域产生了动力学非稳定性,从而造成物质向外逃逸的原因,我们认为湍流压效应可能就是造成有效温度低因而辐射压也低的RGB星产生强星风,以及AGB星产生超星风的物理原因,还发现当氦燃烧层源厚度与层源质量的比值小于0.04R⊙/M⊙时,层源内会出现热核反应的非稳定现象,即出现热脉动,且2.8M⊙AGB星经过6次热脉动后,恒星表面的C/O超过1,恒星演化成碳AGB星。  相似文献   

洪雅芳  蒋苏云 《天文学报》2011,52(5):365-376
在考虑引力对星风物质损失的制约效果及辐射压与湍流压对其扰动效果的同时,通过引入可压缩流机制,考虑了恒星外壳对流区对星风物质损失的促进作用,从而建立了新的星风物质损失公式.之后,通过对3~5 M_⊙恒星理论模型的星风物质损失率计算,发现:从主序直至中心氦核燃烧结束阶段,新的星风物质损失公式计算所得星风物质损失率与经典星风物质损失公式计算结果几乎一致;而在TP-AGB阶段,应用新的星风物质损失公式计算的恒星模型则不受光度影响产生了持续的较大的星风物质损失,比较符合实际观测结果.  相似文献   

至今国际上对AGB星的超星风、热脉动及振动的理论研究工作中都忽略了湍流压的存在,然而对于一个整个外壳都处于完全对流的AGB星,湍流压是存在的,并且由于湍流压的存在将对气体压强、密度、温度以及各热力学量产生影响,因而对AGB星的超星风、热脉动及振动产生影响。本文以恒星结构演化理论中常用的混合程对流理论为基础,给出了湍流压以及考虑湍流压情况下恒星内部物态方程和各热力学量的表达式,并给出了判别恒星外壳产生动力学非稳定性的判据,并在此基础上研究了质量为2.8M⊙和7M⊙的恒星从主序到AGB星的演化。目的是研究有湍流压情况下AGB星的超星风及热脉动的机理。结果表明,对于7M⊙恒星,在红巨星及AGB阶段,湍流压可以达到总压强的30%,并且对恒星的结构产生重要影响,对于2.8M⊙恒星,在红巨星及AGB阶段影响较小。由于湍流压的作用,2.8M⊙和7M⊙恒星在AGB阶段和红巨星阶段,靠近表面的区域会出现动力学非稳定性,造成物质向外喷流,这就是AGB星和红巨星产生强大星风的物质损失的原因。研究还表明,湍流压效应造成7M⊙AGB星的氢燃烧壳层产生主周期为50年的脉动现象,同时使氦燃烧壳层的热脉动提前发生和周期变短  相似文献   

蒋苏云 《天文学报》2005,46(4):380-397
建立了热脉动AGB星氦燃烧壳层源出现非稳定热核反应的判据,新判据包含 了丰富的物理信息,它不仅与热脉动AGB星氦燃烧壳层源的几何性质有关,而且与氦燃 烧壳层源的力学、热学和化学的性质都有关. 提出了热脉动AGB星氦燃烧壳层源非稳定热核反应的发生和消失的机理,它可表述 为:热脉动AGB星氦燃烧壳层源的局部区域出现对流不稳定区会触发非稳定热核反应的 发生,非稳定热核反应会促使氦燃烧壳层源急速膨胀,氦燃烧壳层源的急速几何形变会消 除非稳定热核反应. 用改进后的Kippenhahn恒星演化程序对5M(?)恒星进行了从主序星到热脉动AGB 星的演化模型计算,结果表明新判据能很好地反映5M(?)AGB星氦燃烧壳层源的热核反应 情况.并得出5M(?)热脉动AGB星在第6次热脉动周期阶段,被挖掘到热脉动AGB星 表面的元素主要是在温度lgT2/K<8.155和密度4.0相似文献   

本文研究了28M⊙和7M⊙恒星由主序到红巨星和AGB星阶段的演化.结果发现,湍流压的存在对质量较大的7M⊙恒星的内部结构有较大的影响,它将使氢燃烧壳层明显变厚并较早地消失;使恒星中心的温度降低;使HR图中的演化轨迹向温度降低和光度减小的方向变化;使氢壳层燃烧出现周期性脉动;氦壳层的热脉动周期变短等等.但是,对于质量较小的28M⊙恒星,湍流压的效应很微小.  相似文献   

本研究了2.8M⊙和7M⊙恒星由于主序到红巨星和AGB星阶段的演化,结果发现,湍流压的存在质量较大的7M⊙恒星的内部结构有较大的影响,它将使氢燃烧壳屋明显变厚并较早地消失,使恒星中心的温度降低,使HR图中的演化轨迹向温度降低和光度减小的方向变化,使氢壳层燃烧出现周期性脉动,氦壳层的热脉动周期变短等等。但是,对于质量较小的2.8M⊙恒星,湍流压的效应很微小。  相似文献   

渐近巨星分支恒星 (AGB星 )是一种晚期演化恒星 ,它是恒星作为以核反应释能为发光能源的天体的最后演化阶段。AGB星阶段的恒星具有许多有趣的性质 ,如很大的质量损失率 (因此形成很厚的拱星尘埃气体包层 ) ,光变 ,热脉动 (或He闪耀 ) ,强的红外超量发射 ,分子脉泽发射等 ,弄清AGB星的演化规律是研究恒星演化理论的重要任务。目前人们所知道的AGB星的演化图景是 ,恒星经过漫长的主序演化之后 ,将经过红巨星 (RGB)阶段 ,然后才进入AGB阶段 ,在其演化过程中AGB星的光度和质量损失率要逐渐增大 ,它的光变周期也逐渐变长 ,在其中心星经历了一系列的由He核反应不稳定性引起的热脉动之后 ,它的质量损失很快停止 ,恒星开始向行星状星云 (PN)演化 ,最后行星状星云将会变成一个白矮星 ,这将是许多初始质量不很大的恒星的最终结局。OH/IR星阶段是AGB星演化的一个阶段 ,OH/IR星是那些质量稍大的恒星在AGB阶段后期演化而成的天体。现阶段人们对OH/IR星的具体演化过程还知道得很少。我们利用了球对称包层中的尘埃辐射转移模型来研究OH/IR星的演化性质 ,并且收集了尽量多的具有可靠距离的OH/IR星来研究他们的光度和质量损失率的演化性质。在本文的研究工作中 ,我们主要讨论了OH/IR星在远红外双色图中的分布规律 ,还发现  相似文献   

恒星的自转 ,是恒星结构和演化理论的难点。近年来有许多观测事实 ,特别是早型大质量星的观测事实 ,预示恒星的自转效应可能引起恒星内部的物质向外转移 ,造成恒星表面一些元素丰度超丰 ,并且对恒星结构和演化产生重要影响 ,因此 ,恒星的自转问题受到了越来越多的关注。考虑自转效应后 ,恒星结构和演化模型将是二维模型 ,本文综述了诸多作者如何将二维的恒星结构和演化模型简化为一维模型。作者在研究了以上作者的简化方法后 ,提出了一种比较简单的新方法。这种方法基于如下假设 :假设在等势面上的温度 ,密度 ,压强 ,光度 ,化学组成和角速度等物理和化学量近似于均匀分布 ,并且这些量与等价球面上的量相同。 (等价球面是假想的球面 ,它包围的体积与等势面包围的体积相等。)我们在等价球面上推出新的转动恒星结构和演化方程 ,构造出新的演化模型。这个模型与不考虑转动效应的演化模型相比 ,有以下变化 :流体静力学平衡方程变化 ;辐射温度梯度变化 ,并引起对流判据变化 ;星风物质损失和角动量损失增大。作为转动恒星结构和演化模型的应用 ,我们研究了中 ,小质量星中心氦燃烧阶段在赫罗图中的演化轨迹发生来回摆动 (又称为蓝回绕 )的物理机制问题。有诸多作者曾经研究了可以影响蓝回绕的各种因素。但是不知  相似文献   

本文提供了一个判别红巨星和AGB星对流外壳中是否会产生动力学非稳定性的条件.根据这个条件和对28M及7M恒星从主序到巨星阶段和AGB阶段的演化计算,可以证明,湍流压效应是导致红巨星和AGB星靠近表面区域产生动力学非稳定性,从而造成物质向外喷流的原因.并认为它就是造成红巨星和AGB星表面温度很低(因而辐射压很低)从而产生强大星风物质损失的物理原因.  相似文献   

以恒星结构与演化理论中常用的混合程理论为基础,将湍流作用表现出来的宏 观应力引入恒星结构与演化模型中的流体静力学平衡方程.通过计算8M(?)恒星从主序星 到早期AGB星演化过程中湍流应力梯度与引力的比值来研究湍流作用对恒星演化与结构 的影响.结果发现:在核燃烧阶段其比值很小,湍流作用几乎可以忽略;但在RGB和早 期AGB演化阶段,发现在恒星外部存在一个湍流应力梯度为引力的几倍到几十倍的很小 区域,而该小区域以外的对流区内湍流作用力能达到引力的65%,这些对AGB星的中心 温度变化与热脉动发生的时间等恒星结构与演化规律有不同程度的影响.  相似文献   

Via a study of the evolutionary tracks of 3∼10 M stars on the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, the variations of the energy, density, temperature at the peak of helium-shell burning, ratio of surface luminosity of helium shell to stellar surface luminosity as well as the stellar radius are analyzed. Then the demarcation point of medium-mass stars in the evolution from early AGB stars to thermally pulsing AGB stars on the HR diagram is determined, and for 119 carbon stars our analysis agrees rather well with observation. At the same time the following is suggested. After arriving at this demarcation point in stellar evolution, in the formula of the loss of stellar wind material it is probably needed to introduce a quantity which is not concerned with the surface luminosity, but it dominates the formation of super stellar wind. On this basis and via the analysis of the structure and evolution of 5 M stars as well as the rate of mass loss of stellar wind, it is found that the effect of turbulent pressure on the mass loss of stellar wind in the stage of thermally pulsing AGB stars is rather great, hence the turbulent pressure of thermally pulsing AGB stars cannot be overlooked. Furthermore, the physical factors which possibly affect the matter loss of the stellar winds of thermally pulsing AGB stars are suggested.  相似文献   

Stellar masses and ages are not directly observable parameters, and the methods used to determine them are based on the calibrating relations. In particular, the mass–luminosity relation, based on the masses of less than 200 well-studied binaries, is virtually the only way to estimate the mass of single stars. Thus, the development of methods for estimating stellar masses with accuracy comparable to direct methods is a problem of vital importance.
Here, we describe a method for estimating stellar masses and ages, which is based on the geometric similarity of evolutionary tracks for the stars at the same evolutionary stage in the Hertzsprung–Russell (HR) diagram. To examine the proposed approach, it has been applied to various test data sets. Application of the method, using synthetic stellar spectra Basel Stellar Library (of theoretical spectra; BaSeL), demonstrates that it allows determination of masses and ages of stars with a predictable distribution of uncertainties.
This statistical approach allows us to demonstrate the viability of the method using it on the set of double-lined eclipsing binaries with intermediate-mass and low-mass components which allows us to compare calculated characteristics with observational ones. As a result, the uncertainties of the stellar masses estimated with the proposed method are comparable with the accuracy of ones obtained from direct observations. This allows us to recommend the method for mass estimates of masses of single stars by the localization in the HR diagram.
As for the ages, the estimates for intermediate-mass stars are more reliable, while those obtained for low-mass stars are very uncertain, due both to slower movement of these stars in the HR diagram with age at stages close to the main sequence and to certain disagreements between theoretical models for this mass range.  相似文献   

Active galactic nuclei can produce extremely powerful jets. While tightly collimated, the scale of these jets and the stellar density at galactic centres implies that there will be many jet/star interactions, which can mass load the jet through stellar winds. Previous work employed modest wind mass outflow rates, but this does not apply when mass loading is provided by a small number of high mass-loss stars. We construct a framework for jet mass loading by stellar winds for a broader spectrum of wind mass-loss rates than has previously been considered. Given the observed stellar mass distributions in galactic centres, we find that even highly efficient (0.1 Eddington luminosity) jets from supermassive black holes of masses M BH≲ 104 M are rapidly mass loaded and quenched by stellar winds. For  104 M < M BH < 108 M  , the quenching length of highly efficient jets is independent of the jet's mechanical luminosity. Stellar wind mass loading is unable to quench efficient jets from more massive engines, but can account for the observed truncation of the inefficient M87 jet, and implies a baryon-dominated composition on scales ≳2 kpc therein even if the jet is initially pair plasma dominated.  相似文献   

Using our non-local time-dependent theory of convection, the linear non-adiabatic oscillations of 10 evolutionary model series with masses of  1–3 M  are calculated. The results show that there is a red giant instability strip in the lower temperature side of the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram which goes along the sequences of the red giant branch and the asymptotic giant branch. For red giants of lower luminosities, pulsation instability is found at high order overtones; the lower order modes from the fundamental to the second overtone are stable. Towards higher luminosity and lower effective temperature, instability moves to lower order modes, and the amplitude growth rate of oscillations also grows. At the high luminosity end of the strip, the fundamental and the first overtone become unstable, while all the modes above the fourth order become stable. The excitation mechanisms have been studied in detail. It is found that turbulent pressure plays a key role for excitation of red variables. The frozen convection approximation is unavailable for the low temperature stars with extended convective envelopes. In any case, this approximation can explain neither the red edge of the Cepheid instability strip, nor the blue edge of the pulsating red giant instability strip. An analytic expression of a pulsation constant as a function of stellar mass, luminosity and effective temperature is presented from this work.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work is to explore the evolution of helium-core white dwarf stars in a self-consistent way with the predictions of detailed non-grey model atmospheres and element diffusion. To this end, we consider helium-core white dwarf models with stellar masses of 0.406, 0.360, 0.327, 0.292, 0.242, 0.196 and 0.169 M and follow their evolution from the end of mass-loss episodes, during their pre-white dwarf evolution, down to very low surface luminosities.
We find that when the effective temperature decreases below 4000 K, the emergent spectrum of these stars becomes bluer within time-scales of astrophysical interest. In particular, we analyse the evolution of our models in the colour–colour and in the colour–magnitude diagrams and find that helium-core white dwarfs with masses ranging from ∼0.18 to 0.3 M can reach the turn-off in their colours and become blue again within cooling times much less than 15 Gyr and then remain brighter than M V ≈16.5 . In view of these results, many low-mass helium white dwarfs could have had enough time to evolve to the domain of collision-induced absorption from molecular hydrogen, showing blue colours.  相似文献   

The study of young stellar populations has revealed that most stars are in binary or higher order multiple systems. In this study, the influence on the stellar initial mass function (IMF) of large quantities of unresolved multiple massive stars is investigated by taking into account the stellar evolution and photometrically determined system masses. The models, where initial masses are derived from the luminosity and colour of unresolved multiple systems, show that even under extreme circumstances (100 per cent binaries or higher order multiples), the difference between the power-law index of the mass function (MF) of all stars and the observed MF is small (≲0.1). Thus, if the observed IMF has the Salpeter index  α= 2.35  , then the true stellar IMF has an index not flatter than  α= 2.25  . Additionally, unresolved multiple systems may hide between 15 and 60 per cent of the underlying true mass of a star cluster. While already a known result, it is important to point out that the presence of a large number of unresolved binaries amongst pre-main-sequence stars induces a significant spread in the measured ages of these stars even if there is none. Also, lower mass stars in a single-age binary-rich cluster appear older than the massive stars by about 0.6 Myr.  相似文献   

I examine the implications of the recently found extrasolar planets on the planet-induced axisymmetric mass-loss model for the formation of elliptical planetary nebulae (PNe). This model attributes the low departure from spherical mass-loss of upper asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars to envelope rotation which results from deposition of orbital angular momentum of the planets. Since about half of all PNe are elliptical, i.e., have low equatorial to polar density contrast, it was predicted that about 50 per cent of all Sun-like stars have Jupiter-like planets around them, i.e., a mass about equal to that of Jupiter, M J, or more massive. In the light of the new findings that only 5 per cent of Sun-like stars have such planets, and a newly proposed mechanism for axisymmetric mass-loss, the cool magnetic spots model, I revise this prediction. I predict that indeed ∼50 per cent of PN progenitors do have close planets around them, but the planets can have much lower masses, as low as ∼0.01 M J, in order to spin-up the envelopes of AGB stars efficiently. To support this claim, I follow the angular momentum evolution of single stars with main-sequence mass in the range of 1.3–2.4 M , as they evolve to the post-AGB phase. I find that single stars rotate much too slowly to possess any significant non-spherical mass-loss as they reach the upper AGB. It seems, therefore, that planets, in some cases even Earth-like planets, are sufficient to spin-up the envelope of these AGB stars for them to form elliptical PNe. The prediction that on average several such planets orbit each star, as in the Solar system, still holds.  相似文献   

We review existing ROSAT detections of single Galactic Wolf–Rayet (WR) stars and develop wind models to interpret the X-ray emission. The ROSAT data, consisting of bandpass detections from the ROSAT All-Sky Survey (RASS) and some pointed observations, exhibit no correlations of the WR X-ray luminosity ( L X) with any star or wind parameters of interest (e.g. bolometric luminosity, mass-loss rate or wind kinetic energy), although the dispersion in the measurements is quite large. The lack of correlation between X-ray luminosity and wind parameters among the WR stars is unlike that of their progenitors, the O stars, which show trends with such parameters. In this paper we seek to (i) test by how much the X-ray properties of the WR stars differ from the O stars and (ii) place limits on the temperature T X and filling factor f X of the X-ray-emitting gas in the WR winds. Adopting empirically derived relationships for T X and f X from O-star winds, the predicted X-ray emission from WR stars is much smaller than observed with ROSAT . Abandoning the T X relation from O stars, we maximize the cooling from a single-temperature hot gas to derive lower limits for the filling factors in WR winds. Although these filling factors are consistently found to be an order of magnitude greater than those for O stars, we find that the data are consistent (albeit the data are noisy) with a trend of in WR stars, as is also the case for O stars.  相似文献   

王放  郑宪忠 《天文学报》2011,52(2):105-114
从观测上测定早型星系中恒星形成活动随红移的演化有助于理解这类星系的形成演化.结合GEMS(Galaxy Evolution from Morphology and SEDs)巡天的HST/ACS(Hubble Space Telescope/Advanced Camera for Surveys)高分辨图像和CDFS(ChandraDeep Field South)天区Spitzer、GALEX(Galaxy Evolution Explorer)等多波段数据,基于形态、颜色和恒星质量选出一个0.2≤z≤1.0红移范围的包含456个早型星系的完备样本.利用stacking技术测量了样本星系紫外与红外平均光度,估计早型星系的恒星形成率.结果显示,早型星系中的恒星形成率较低(<3 M·yr-1),随红移递减而降低.在红移z=1以来的恒星形成贡献的质量小于15%.星族分析亦肯定大质量早型星系的主体星族形成于宇宙早期(z>2).  相似文献   

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