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长江经济带资源环境条件与重大地质问题   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
本文系统梳理了长江经济带以往地质研究成果,对长江经济带资源环境条件和国土规划建设中应关注的重大地质问题进行了研究。研究结果表明,长江经济带耕地、页岩气、地热、锂等资源条件优越,0.3亿hm2无重金属污染耕地集中分布,拥有3个国家级页岩气勘查开发基地,探明储量5441亿m3,每年地热可利用量折合标准煤2.4亿t,相当于2014年燃煤量的19%,发现亚洲最大的能源金属锂矿床,资源环境条件有利于发展现代农业、清洁能源产业和战略新兴产业;长江经济带部分地区存在活动断裂、岩溶塌陷、地面沉降、滑坡崩塌泥石流等重大地质问题,影响过江通道、高速铁路、城市群和绿色生态廊道规划建设,应予以关注,本文提出了相关建议和对策,同时,提出了下一步支撑服务长江经济带发展地质工作设想。  相似文献   

《China Geology》2020,3(1):38-51
Coal measure gas (also known as coal-bearing unconventional gas) is the key field and development direction of unconventional natural gas in recent years. The exploration and evaluation of coal measure gas (coalbed methane, coal shale gas and coal measure tight sandstone gas) from single coalbed methane has greatly expanded the field and space of resource evaluation, which is of positive significance for realizing the comprehensive utilization of coal resources, maximizing the benefits and promoting the innovation of oil and gas geological theory and technological advances in exploration and development. For the first time, in Yangmeishu Syncline of Western Guizhou Province, the public welfare coalbed methane geological survey project of China Geological Survey has been carried out a systematic geological survey of coal measure gas for the Upper Permian Longtan Formation, identified the geological conditions of coal measure gas and found high quality resources. The total geological resource quantity of coalbed methane and coal shale gas is 51.423×109 m3 and the geological resource abundance is up to 566×109 m3/km2. In this area, the coal measures are characterized by many layers of minable coal seams, large total thickness, thin to the medium thickness of the single layer, good gas-bearing property of coal seams and coal measure mudstone and sandstone, good reservoir physical property and high-pressure coefficient. According to the principle of combination of high quality and similarity of key parameters of the coal reservoir, the most favorable intervals are No.5−2, No.7 and No.13−2 coal seam in Well YMC1. And the pilot tests are carried out on coal seams and roof silty mudstone, such as staged perforation, increasing hydraulic fracturing scale and “three gas” production. The high and stable industrial gas flow with a daily gas output of more than 4000 m3 has been obtained, which has realized the breakthrough in the geological survey of coal measure gas in Southwest China. Based on the above investigation results, the geological characteristics of coal measure gas in the multi-thin-coal-seam-developed area and the co-exploration and co-production methods, such as the optimization method of favorable intervals, the high-efficiency fracturing and reservoir reconstruction method of coal measures, and the “three gas” drainage and production system, are systematically summarized in this paper. It will provide a reference for efficient exploration and development of coal measure gas in similar geological conditions in China.  相似文献   

围绕长江经济带清洁能源体系建设对页岩气突破的重大需求,在充分整合长江下游地区以往地质和物探资料的基础上,系统开展了1:25万页岩气基础地质调查,在苏皖南沿江坳陷带、江西萍乐-浙江钱塘坳陷带、南华北地区"两带一区"实施了10口页岩气调查井,基本查明了主要工作区古生界二叠系、志留系、奥陶系、寒武系富有机质泥页岩成藏地质条件,有9口井分别在三叠、二叠、志留、寒武系4套层系获得页岩气、致密砂岩气、煤层气、页岩油、裂缝性砂岩油、裂缝性灰岩油"三气三油"的重要新发现,深化了二叠系和志留系成藏地质认识,探索了三叠系、奥陶系和寒武系含油气性,开辟了新区新层系,揭示了下扬子及南华北中—古生界油气页岩气资源勘查潜力。圈定了10个远景区,初步评价了9个远景区主要目标层的远景资源量,解决了资源前景问题;讨论了制约下扬子页岩气调查突破的卡脖子问题,提出了下一步突破的方向。   相似文献   

自然资源、环境本底及生态地质条件调查是城市地质调查的基础,可为城市国土空间规划、建设及精细化管理提供有效的基础地质支撑。随着雄安新区城市进程的加快,使得其自然资源与生态环境发生了翻天覆地的变化。本文基于雄安新区综合地质调查成果,明确了雄安新区自然资源与生态环境本底条件,分析了建设周期内自然资源变化趋势,探讨了未来城市建设应关注的自然资源与生态地质问题。结果表明,雄安新区设立后,土地利用类型发生了巨大改变,林地面积增加约58.1 km~2,草地面积增加约2.0 km~2,耕地面积减少68.8 km~2,建设用地增加7.2 km~2,土壤质量以优质和良好为主;雄安新区浅层与深层地下水水位总体呈现从西北部往东南部流动,水位逐渐降低,局部存在地下水降落漏斗,浅层地下水水位埋深一般为5~20 m,以企稳回升为主,深层地下水水位一般为25~35 m,水位下降区占比仍较高;白洋淀湿地动植物资源丰富,水质逐渐好转;地热资源开采利用条件好,全区地热流体可开采热量为10.10×10~(16)J/a,折合标准煤346.03万t/a;应重点关注新区存在的生态环境地质问题如地面沉降及地裂缝、地下水水位变化、砂土液化、坑塘、软弱土等,避免因生态环境地质问题引发工程事故,必要时应采取有效的预防措施。  相似文献   

The shale gas resources in China have great potential and the geological resources of shale gas is over 100×1012m3,which includes about 20×1012m3 of recoverable resources.Organic-rich shales can be divided into three types according to their sedimentary environments,namely marine,marine-continental transitional,and continental shales,which are distributed in 13 stratigraphic systems from the Mesoproterozoic to the Cenozoic.The Sichuan Basin and its surrounding areas have the highest geological resources of shale gas,and the commercial development of shale gas has been achieved in the Upper Ordovician Wufeng Formation-Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation in these areas,with a shale gas production of up to 20×109m3 in 2020.China has seen rapid shale gas exploration and development over the last five years,successively achieving breakthroughs and important findings in many areas and strata.The details are as follows.(1)Large-scale development of middle-shallow shale gas(burial depth:less than 3500 m)has been realized,with the productivity having rapidly increased;(2)breakthroughs have been constantly made in the development of deep shale gas(burial depth:3500-4500 m),and the ultradeep shale gas(burial depth:greater than 4500 m)is under testing;(3)breakthroughs have been made in the development of normal-pressure shale gas,and the assessment of the shale gas in complex tectonic areas is being accelerated;(4)shale gas has been frequently discovered in new areas and new strata,exhibiting a great prospect.Based on the exploration and development practice,three aspects of consensus have been gradually reached on the research progress in the geological theories of shale gas achieved in China.(1)in terms of deep-water fine-grained sediments,organic-rich shales are the base for the formation of shale gas;(2)in terms of high-quality reservoirs,the development of micro-nano organic matter-hosted pores serves as the core of shale gas accumulation;(3)in terms of preservation conditions,weak structural transformation,a moderate degree of thermal evolution,and a high pressure coefficient are the key to shale gas enrichment.As a type of important low-carbon fossil energy,shale gas will play an increasingly important role in achieving the strategic goals of peak carbon dioxide emissions and carbon neutrality.Based on the in-depth study of shale gas geological conditions and current exploration progress,three important directions for shale gas exploration in China in the next five years are put forward.  相似文献   

页岩气是一种清洁的非常规天然气资源,已引起全世界各国的广泛关注.我国页岩气资源丰富,70%的资源分布在长江经济带沿线各省市.在长江上游的重庆涪陵、四川长宁-威远等地区实现了商业开发,长江中游鄂西地区实现突破,长江下游安徽宣城取得了积极进展.页岩气勘查理论和技术标准体系初步形成,开采装备基本实现国产化.加快长江经济带页岩气勘查开发对优化能源消费结构、实现绿色发展、保障国家能源安全具有重要意义.然而,目前页岩气勘探和开发存在一些问题.主要体现在:页岩气资源探明率低,复杂构造区页岩气富集成藏理论尚需深入研究.页岩气开发成本高,一些关键技术装备尚待研发.市场驱动机制方面,多元主体共同参与的市场化格局尚未完全形成.本文从长江经济带页岩气资源状况、勘探开发进展、勘查理论、技术与装备等方面,分析了中国页岩气发展形势,梳理了制约我国页岩气勘查开发快速发展的主要问题.建议加大勘查开发力度,加强科技创新,坚持绿色勘查开发,加大政策扶持力度,多措并举加快构建长江经济带页岩气勘查开发新格局.   相似文献   

为保护长江生态环境,近年来,中国地质调查局组织实施了“长江经济带地质环境综合调查工程”。通过采用环境地质调查、评价、监测以及专题研究和综合研究相结合等方法,取得了一批重要成果和认识: ①初步构建了长江经济带地质资源环境综合信息管理与服务平台,系统梳理了长江经济带与重点区域的资源环境条件和重大地质问题,提出相关建议; ②创新地将“光纤技术”应用于地面沉降和地裂缝监测,相关成果引领了光纤监测技术发展; ③编制了1:5万比例尺的环境地质调查技术标准和要求; ④创新形成了3个层次环境地质调查合作机制,探索建立了3种尺度资源环境承载能力评价方法体系和大流域环境地质工作模式; ⑤建立了江汉平原地球关键带监测网络,编制了平原区地球关键带调查技术方法指南; ⑥提出了长江流域重大水利工程与生态地质环境多元响应研究思路,创新构建了一套多模态传感器调查系统,提出了重大水利工程对地质环境影响新判断; ⑦建立了长江中下游不同沉积单元区第四纪地层多重划分对比序列,构建了重点地区第四系三维地质结构模型,提出了长江贯通时限和演化新认识; ⑧编制了流域、经济区和城市系列地质调查报告和图集,成果转化与服务成效显著。该工程进展及成果提升了长江经济带地质调查工作水平,可为区域国土空间规划、绿色生态廊道打造、立体交通走廊建设、产业转型升级、新型城镇化建设以及脱贫攻坚工作等提供科技支撑。  相似文献   

长江经济带地质环境综合调查工程进展与主要成果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为保护长江生态环境,近年来,中国地质调查局组织实施了“长江经济带地质环境综合调查工程”。通过采用环境地质调查、评价、监测以及专题研究和综合研究相结合等方法,取得了一批重要成果和认识: ①初步构建了长江经济带地质资源环境综合信息管理与服务平台,系统梳理了长江经济带与重点区域的资源环境条件和重大地质问题,提出相关建议; ②创新地将“光纤技术”应用于地面沉降和地裂缝监测,相关成果引领了光纤监测技术发展; ③编制了1:5万比例尺的环境地质调查技术标准和要求; ④创新形成了3个层次环境地质调查合作机制,探索建立了3种尺度资源环境承载能力评价方法体系和大流域环境地质工作模式; ⑤建立了江汉平原地球关键带监测网络,编制了平原区地球关键带调查技术方法指南; ⑥提出了长江流域重大水利工程与生态地质环境多元响应研究思路,创新构建了一套多模态传感器调查系统,提出了重大水利工程对地质环境影响新判断; ⑦建立了长江中下游不同沉积单元区第四纪地层多重划分对比序列,构建了重点地区第四系三维地质结构模型,提出了长江贯通时限和演化新认识; ⑧编制了流域、经济区和城市系列地质调查报告和图集,成果转化与服务成效显著。该工程进展及成果提升了长江经济带地质调查工作水平,可为区域国土空间规划、绿色生态廊道打造、立体交通走廊建设、产业转型升级、新型城镇化建设以及脱贫攻坚工作等提供科技支撑。  相似文献   

为提升对长江流域水文地质和地下水资源的认知程度,突破以往单独从地表水或地下水角度进行评价的局限性,长江流域水文地质调查工程以地球系统科学理论和水循环理论为指导,充分考虑地表水与地下水的转化关系,将水文地质单元和地表水流域有机结合,划分长江流域地下水评价单元,建立典型地下水资源评价模型,开展了新一轮长江流域地下水资源评价。评价结果表明:(1)长江流域水循环要素时空分布不均,降水以中游最多,并由东南向西北递减;地表径流主要集中在夏季,且长江北岸比南岸集中程度更高;蒸散发量总体上呈现东部高于西部的特征,最大值集中在长江中游一带;长江流域地下水位总体保持稳定,丰枯季水位变化总体不大,一般小于2 m;长三角超采区的地下水漏斗面积已明显减小,相关环境地质问题得到了有效控制。(2)2020年长江流域的地下水资源总量2421.70亿m~3/a,其中山丘区地下水资源量2092.79亿m~3/a,平原区地下水资源量331.35亿m~3/a;地下水储存量较2019年整体略有增加趋势,其中四川盆地最为明显,共增加23.72亿m~3。(3)长江流域的水质上游优于下游,优质地下水主要分布在赣南地区和大别山南麓一带,部分地区水质较差的主要原因是原生劣质水的广泛分布。长江流域地下水开发利用水平整体很低,局部地区由于过往不合理的开发所引发的环境地质问题已得到缓解,岩溶塌陷、地面沉降等问题得到了较好控制。建议适当开发利用赣南地区和大别山南麓一带优质的基岩裂隙水。  相似文献   

泛珠三角地区地质环境综合调查工程进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
近年来,由中国地质调查局组织实施的“泛珠三角地区地质环境综合调查工程”取得了一批重要成果和认识。梳理了支撑泛珠三角地区绿色发展的优势资源环境条件: ①富硒耕地资源优势显著,可有力支撑富硒产业发展; ②地下水资源丰富,水质总体优良,应急/后备供水保障能力强; ③地质遗迹类型较多,典型稀有,价值高,可助推旅游产业发展; ④地热资源保有量大,有利于清洁能源产业布局和发展; ⑤海岸带资源禀赋优越,但局部存在海岸侵蚀、淤积等环境地质问题; ⑥矿产资源区域特色鲜明,海上能源资源开发潜力大; ⑦工程地质条件整体较好。指出了区内需要关注的重大地质环境问题及局部存在的崩滑流地质灾害、岩溶塌陷、水土污染和地面沉降等环境地质问题。查明了珠江口土壤中硒含量高背景值是富硒大米形成的基础,探查了红层盆地压性构造带找水优势区域,研究了泛珠三角城市群经济社会发展与资源环境绿色生态保持间的协调程度。这些进展可为区域国土空间规划、绿色产业发展、生态环境保护提供支撑。  相似文献   

One of the most important challenges in global climate change research is balancing the carbon budget within the global carbon cycle. Carbon burial in sediments at the land–ocean interface has been difficult to quantify and model because it represents non-steady-state boundary conditions that are also affected by human activities. In this study, we document carbon burial rates in the Yangtze River (1.6–4.9 × 1012 gC year?1) and Hudson River (1.8–3.6 × 1010 gC year?1) estuaries and integrate our results with carbon burial rates determined by others in the world’s 25 largest river-estuarine systems (6–11 × 1013 gC year?1). Our results indicate that carbon burial in estuaries, bays, coves, lagoons, mud flats, marshes, mangroves, and other highly productive or protected low-energy areas at the land–ocean interface along the entirety of the world’s coastlines may serve as an unrecognized sink within the global carbon budget.  相似文献   

中国盐湖锂资源及其开发进程   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
赵元艺 《矿床地质》2003,22(1):99-106
锂资源主要分为盐湖型和花岗伟晶岩型两种。文章在作者多年从事有关研究工作的基础上,参阅大量文献,简要介绍了我国盐湖锂资源产出的地质,地理特征与相关主要盐湖锂资源的开发进程,指出我国有丰富的盐湖锂资源,近年来随着提取技术近于成熟,扎布耶盐湖已有具市场竞争的开发技术框架,相关的方法亦趋于成熟,具有变经济优势的前景;班戈湖-杜佳里湖区锂资源提取技术的研究刚刚开发,但已显良好势头,东台吉乃尔湖锂资源的提取技术需完善及改善,西藏扎仓茶卡和鄂雅错-比洛错锂资源提取技术正处于探索之中,最后提出了对我国盐湖锂资源开发的三点建议。  相似文献   

Geomorphically, Huzhou, which is on the Yangtze River delta is characterized mainly by plains, with small hills. This paper presents a detailed analysis of the environmental geological hazards both natural and those incurred by human activities in different morphologic units. The authors point out that most of the regional environmental geological problems in the natural geologic-morphologic conditions, such as crustal stability, foundation of soft soil, soil waterlogging and soil erosion, have insignificant effects to the society, or related countermeasures of prevention and control have been adopted. But environmental geological problems incurred by human being's economic activities become more and more severe, for example, water and soil pollution and land subsidence in plain areas resulting from overexploitation of groundwater, and landslides, karst collapses and water and soil loss etc. caused by quarrying in hilly areas.  相似文献   

肖攀  何军  彭轲  许珂 《中国地质》2019,46(S2):93-101
鄂西岗地1:50 000水文地质图数据集是在董市幅实施水文地质测绘、地球物理勘探、遥感地质解译、水文地质钻探、水样品采集测试及地下水位监测与统测等工作基础上完成原始数据采集,综合前期收集资料的整理分析与最新采集数据集成编制而成。原始数据采集主要包括遥感地质解译面积450 km2,机(民)调查点226个,地质调查点125个,环境地质调查点16个,水文地质钻探孔12眼,工程地质钻探孔8眼,水样品(全分析、同位素及有机污染样)合计采集80组,丰、枯水期地下水位统测各40点次,以及机(民)井监测12点位(一个水文年监测)等,数据采集严格遵守《水文地质调查规范》(DZ/T 0282-2015)《水文水井地质钻探规程》(DZ/T 0148-2014)等规范与技术要求组织实施,保证数据的准确可靠。数据集采用MapGIS 6.7平台辅助制图,坐标系为1984年西安坐标系,投影方式为高斯-克吕格投影(6度带)。水文地质图编制是以地下水系统理论为指导,充分展现关键水文地质信息与地下水资源现状条件,为区域地下水资源开发利用远景规划与有效保护提供直接依据,能够促进长江中游生态文明建设与长江中游经济带快速发展。  相似文献   

The new century has witnessed a strategic breakthrough in unconventional oil gas.Hydrocarbon accumulated in micro-/nano-scale pore throat shale systems has become an important domain that could replace current oil gas resources.Unconventional oil gas plays an increasingly important role in our energy demand.Tight gas,CBM,heavy oil and asphaltic sand have served as a key domain of exploration development,with tight oil becoming a 'bright spot' domain and shale gas becoming a 'hotspot' domain.China has made great breakthroughs in unconventional oil gas resources,such as tight gas,shale gas,tight oil and CBM,and great progress in oil shale,gas hydrate,heavy oil and oil sand.China has an estimated(223-263)×10~8t of unconventional oil resources and(890-1260)×l0~(12)m~3 of gas resources.China has made a breakthrough for progress in unconventional oil gas study.New progress achieved in fine-grained sedimentary studies related to continental open lacustrine basin large-scale shallow-water delta sand bodies,lacustrine basin central sandy clastic flow sediments and marine-continental fine-grained sediments provide a theoretical basis for the formation and distribution of basin central reservoir bodies.Great breakthroughs have been made in unconventional reservoir geology in respect of research methodology technology,multi-scale data merging and physical simulation of formation conditions.Overall characterization of unconventional reservoirs via multi-method and multi-scale becomes increasingly popular and facilitates the rapid development of unconventional oil gas geological theory,method and technology.The formation of innovative,continuous hydrocarbon accumulation theory,the establishment of the framework of the unconventional oil gas geological theory system,and the determination of the implications,geological feature,formation mechanism,distribution rule and core technology of unconventional oil gas geological study lays a theoretical foundation for extensive unconventional oil gas exploration and development.Theories and technologies of unconventional oil gas exploration and development developed rapidly,including some key evaluation techniques such as 'sweet spot zone' integrated evaluation and a six-property evaluation technique that uses hydrocarbon source,lithology,physical property,brittleness,hydrocarbon potential and stress anisotropy,and some key development engineering technologies including micro-seismic monitoring,horizontal drilling completion and "factory-like" operation pattern, "man-made reservoir" development,which have facilitated the innovative development of unconventional oil gas.These breakthroughs define a new understanding in four aspects:①theoretical innovation;② key technologies;③ complete market mechanism and national policy support;and ④ well-developed ground infrastructure,which are significant for prolonging the life cycle of petroleum industry,accelerating the upgrade and development of theories and technologies and altering the global traditional energy structure.  相似文献   

The Huanghebei Coalfield, one of the coal production bases in North China, was considered as a coalfield without coal‐bed methane (CBM) during past decades. In recent years, however, CBM has been discovered in coal‐bearing successions. In order to understand the CBM geological characteristics and accumulation process in this area, fifteen coal samples were collected and analyzed with respect to coal maceral and reflectance. The result shows that the gas distribution is uneven and the content varies in different areas even for the same coal bed. The storage of CBM is affected by geological factors such as burial depth, geological structures, and magmatic intrusion, among which the former two are more important in the formation of CBM. Deep burial of coal beds with the presence of cap‐rock mudstone can seal CBM. The CBM is also accumulated and preserved at the place where normal faults are distributed. Magmatic intrusion causes contact metamorphism and controls the CBM formation by heating the coal‐bearing successions. The obtained data indicate the geological conditions in northeastern Zhaoguan Mine are preferable for CBM formation and conservation; recent exploration estimates the CBM geological reserves up to 282.16 Mm3 and average of reserve abundance at 0.1662 × 108 m3 km?2. The Changqing Mine is a potential prospect in terms of CBM exploration since its geological conditions (structures and burial depth) are similar to the Zhaoguan Mine and its cap rock is even better.  相似文献   

京津冀地区国土资源环境地质条件分析   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
统计分析了京津冀地区土地资源、地下水、湿地、矿产、地热和地质景观等资源条件分布,结果显示,平原区土壤质量总体良好,良好及以上等级土壤分布面积约占平原区面积的80.89%,适宜种植绿色农产品的面积为96363 km~2,富硒耕(园)地面积为1894 km~2;地下水可开采资源总量为188亿m~3/a,但呈现空间分布不均的特征;衡水湖等五大湿地分布面积约为614 km~2,近30年来减少了35.57%;金属矿产和非金属矿产资源丰富,例如铁矿资源储量98.4亿t,铜矿资源量111.50万t,石油地质储量249635.02万t;地热资源丰富,开发利用地热资源可替代3.43亿t标准煤;地质遗迹资源丰富,约有300余处可纳入环首都国家公园规划建设。同时,分析了活动断裂与地震、地面沉降、地裂缝、崩滑流和地面塌陷、地下水污染和湿地退化等主要环境地质问题现状;在此基础上,针对城镇发展和重要基础设施建设、湿地保护与修复、地下水资源开发利用、优质耕地资源保护和地质遗迹资开发利用等方面提出了地学建议,为区域规划建设提供地质安全保障和资源保障。  相似文献   

通过野外采样、化学分析、电子探针(EPMA)和X射线衍射(XRD)分析等手段,研究了贵州织金地区黑色页岩矿物成分、化学组分、微量元素、稀土元素特征。研究区矿样化学成分以SiO_2和Al_2O_3为主,且具有高K低Na的特征。电子探针和X射线衍射分析表明,研究区黑色页岩主要矿物组成有石英、粘土矿物、白云石及黄铁矿等。织金黑色页岩中Pb、Ni、U、V、Cr等金属元素存在不同程度的富集,稀土元素总量为153.2×10~(-6)~224.89×10~(-6),属轻稀土元素富集型。同时从多金属层、页岩气、页岩提钾及近底部含磷铀矿资源等方面讨论了织金黑色页岩资源化利用。织金黑色页岩多金属层含有Mo、V、Ni、Ag及U等多金属元素,具综合利用价值;其中有机碳含量达到页岩气开发大于2%的条件,可进一步开展研究;页岩中伊利石含量较多,可提取黑色页岩中的钾制备含钾复合肥;黑色页岩底部与磷矿层接触带产出磷铀矿,主要为胶状磷铀矿,接触带可作为铀矿找矿的标志层。  相似文献   

与北美不同,中国南方海相页岩层经历了多期构造改造,页岩储层物性受构造变形作用的影响较大。为了研究构造变形对南方海相页岩储层渗透率的影响特征和机理,以雪峰山西侧地区五峰-龙马溪组页岩为研究对象,利用气体脉冲衰减法、压汞法和扫描电子显微镜等手段对不同变形页岩样品的渗透率、孔隙结构及孔隙形貌特征进行了测试分析,探讨构造变形页岩的渗透率演化特征及其对孔隙结构演化的响应机理。测试结果显示,强烈构造变形页岩的渗透性较原生页岩和弱变形页岩的渗透性显著提高,强变形页岩样品的渗透率在0.2 mD和2.69 mD之间,比未变形和弱变形页岩样品的渗透率(在1.5×10-4 mD和1.7×10-3 mD之间)高三个数量级,表明强构造变形作用对页岩渗透率具有显著促进作用;同时,不同有效压力条件下页岩渗透率的演化特征显示,强变形页岩气体渗透率的压力敏感性比原生页岩和弱变形页岩显著降低。构造变形条件下页岩孔隙结构与渗透率相关性的进一步分析认为,强变形页岩的孔隙结构变化特别是大孔和裂隙的发育,是促进其渗透率增加的主要原因。这些研究结果表明,伴随强烈的构造变形,南方海相页岩易形成大孔和微裂隙发育的孔隙结构特征,有助于强变形页岩层渗透性的显著提高。构造变形页岩渗透率的提高有利于地质条件下气体的运移,一方面,将有利于页岩气往构造高点的迁移和富集从而形成游离气型或外源型页岩气甜点;另一方面,也可能导致页岩气在盖层条件不佳和断裂发育区的散失。   相似文献   

中国海岸带地质资源与环境评价研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
海岸带是中国社会经济发展的前沿地带,人口密度最大、城镇化程度最高,在中国海洋强国战略中发挥重要的支撑作用,同时也是中国资源环境压力最大的区域。本文在全面分析近20年来中国海岸带地质资源环境调查成果的基础上,系统梳理了海岸带地区地质资源环境优势和存在的地质环境问题。中国海岸带地质资源环境优势突出,为绿色发展提供了良好条件,重要地质资源环境优势包括:1.2×10~4km~2滩涂后备土地资源可适度开发,以缓解海岸带建设用地紧张局面;2.8×10~4km~2绿色富硒土地和4.1×10~5km~2绿色渔场,适宜发展绿色特色农业和建设海洋牧场;浅层地温能和地热水年可开采量折合标准煤4.2×10~8t,对改善能源结构、减少大气污染有重要作用;5.8×10~4km~2滨海湿地和134处国家级和世界级地质遗迹资源,为海岸带生态文明建设提供了条件;90%的陆域适宜城镇和重大工程规划建设,地下空间开发条件较好,为海岸带地质安全提供了保障。存在的主要环境问题包括:海岸带局部存在活动断裂、地面沉降、地面塌陷、海岸侵蚀淤积、风暴潮等重大地质问题,对部分城市与重要基础设施形成威胁,局部地区水、土污染及海水入侵严重,需要高度重视。建议加大海岸带多学科综合地质调查,构建多要素、多圈层、多维度地质模型,查明自然灾害发生的规律和原因,减轻对人民生命财产造成的损失。  相似文献   

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