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收集了142个射电类星体(28个射电宁静类星体、114个射电噪类星体)、43个核占优型射电类星体、82个瓣占优型射电类星体和80个Seyfert星系的样本,基于Logistic非线性回归分析的方法对红移和热光度、黑洞质量、5 GHz射电光度、爱丁顿吸积率、核主导参数R的关系进行研究,拟合出相应的演化曲线,得到如下结论:(1)射电类星体的演化是从射电噪类星体(RLQ)演化到射电宁静类星体(RQQ),当演化到一定阶段射电类星体过渡到Seyfert星系;(2)核占优型射电类星体(CDQ)和瓣占优型射电类星体(LDQ)之间并没有明显的随红移演化.  相似文献   

黑洞自旋及其参量能提供射电类星体射电噪度的信息。从文献资料中收集了69个射电类星体源。这些源包含了37个陡谱射电类星体(SSRQs),32个平谱射电类星体(FSRQs)。通过样本数据研究黑洞自旋能量与射电类星体射电噪的相关性。研究结果表明:(1)37个陡谱射电类星体与射电噪存在明显的相关性。这种相关性在3种磁场条件下都存在(B=BEDD,B=104G,B∝j);(2)陡谱射电类星体与射电噪之间的相关性不受相对论聚束效应的影响;(3)32个平谱射电类星体与射电噪之间不存在相关性,这说明黑洞自旋与射电噪的相关性与射电类星体的类型有很大关系;(4)陡谱射电类星体黑洞自旋与射电噪的强相关性表明,黑洞自旋能量在一定程度上给出陡谱射电类星体射电噪度的信息。这些研究结果与其他人提出的理论是一致的。  相似文献   

喷流的形成与黑洞质量及黑洞自旋之间存在着很大关系.讨论黑洞质量及黑洞自旋与喷流能量的关系对喷流形成及结构的研究有着重要的意义.从文献资料中收集了65个射电类星体源.这些源包含了35个陡谱射电类星体(SSRQs),30个平谱射电类星体(FSRQs).通过样本数据研究黑洞质量及黑洞自旋与喷流能量的相关性.研究结果表明:(1)65个射电类星体的黑洞质量与喷流能量存在明显的相关性,这与Zensus所得出的结论相同;(2)65个射电类星体的黑洞自旋与喷流能量存在相关性.尤其在爱丁顿磁场条件下(B=BEDD),黑洞自旋与喷流能量的相关性最为明显,其相关系数要比黑洞质量与喷流能量的相关系数高;(3)陡谱射电类星体与平谱射电类星体的自旋数据分布存在一定差异;(4)研究结果进一步证明了喷流能量不仅与黑洞质量有关,同时也很可能与黑洞的自旋能量存在关系.黑洞喷流的形成很可能是黑洞质量与黑洞自旋共同作用的结果.这些研究结果与其他方法获得的结果是一致的.  相似文献   

收集了117个类星体(20个射电宁静类星体和97个射电噪类星体)的红移、热光度、H_β发射线宽度、5 100 A的单色光度、射电噪度.利用反响映射法计算了样本的黑洞质量和爱丁顿比,利用总的5 GHz流量密度计算出射电光度.分析了它们之间的相关性,得到的结论如下:(1)射电宁静类星体的黑洞质量和热光度、射电噪度、射电光度之间具有弱相关性,而射电噪类星体黑洞质量和热光度、射电噪度、射电光度之间具有强相关性;(2)射电宁静类星体热光度和射电光度、5 100 A的单色光度之间具有弱的相关性,而射电噪类星体热光度和射电光度、5 100 A的单色光度之间具有强的相关性;(3)射电宁静和射电噪类星体的黑洞质量、发射线宽度和爱丁顿比分布有差异.基于这些结果得到:射电宁静和射电噪类星体发射线宽度的差异可能是导致它们黑洞质量不同的原因;射电宁静和射电噪类星体本质的不同是由于内秉物理性质的不同造成的;黑洞质量、黑洞自旋、爱丁顿比和寄主星系形态是解释射电噪度起源和双峰状分布的重要参量;射电喷流和盘的吸积率之间具有紧密的关系.  相似文献   

喷流的形成与黑洞吸积向来密不可分。分析黑洞吸积率与其喷流能量的相关性对研究黑洞内部结构以及喷流形成的具体原因具有重要的意义。从文献资料中收集了24个数据源,这些源包含了13个射电选BLLac天体(RBL)和11个平谱射电类星体(FSRQs)。通过样本数据研究黑洞吸积率与喷流能量以及γ射线流量密度的相关性。研究结果表明:(1)24个活动类星体的吸积率与喷流能量存在明显的相关性,这与Allen等得出的结论相同;(2)射电选BLLac天体与平谱射电类星体的喷流能量分布存在一定差异;(3)射电选BLLac天体的吸积率与γ射线流量密度相关性并不明显,但平谱射电类星体的吸积率与γ射线流量密度之间具有一定的相关性;(4)研究结果进一步证明了喷流能量不仅与黑洞质量有关,同时也很可能与黑洞的吸积存在关系。黑洞喷流的形成很可能是黑洞质量与吸积共同作用的结果。这些研究结果与其他方法获得的结果是一致的。  相似文献   

红移、中心黑洞质量和吸积率是活动星系核演化的重要参数.利用反响映射法计算了172个类星体和Seyfert星系样本的中心黑洞质量,并分析了中心黑洞的质量、红移、爱丁顿吸积率的分布,进而验证了从类星体过渡到Seyfert星系的演化.  相似文献   

耀变体(Blazars)的亮温度与黑洞喷流能量和吸积率有重要关系。搜集了53个耀变体源样本,包括22个蝎虎天体(BL Lacs)和31个平谱射电类星体(Flat Spectrum Radio Quasars,FSRQs),研究了耀变体亮温度与黑洞喷流能量的分布,并对子类中亮温度与黑洞喷流能量的相关性进行了讨论。研究结果表明:(1)蝎虎天体与平谱射电类星体的亮温度与黑洞喷流能量的分布存在明显差异,这可能与蝎虎天体与平谱射电类星体的内禀性质有关,也可能与其有无发射线及发射线的强弱有关;(2)蝎虎天体的亮温度与黑洞喷流能量之间的相关性较强,亮温度可以在一定程度上描述蝎虎天体的黑洞喷流能量,亮温度大的蝎虎天体喷流携带的能量也较大;(3)平谱射电类星体的亮温度与黑洞喷流能量之间有弱相关性,平谱射电类星体的亮温度不能清楚地描述黑洞喷流能量,黑洞喷流能量受亮温度影响较小,平谱射电类星体的黑洞喷流能量可能受到其他因素的影响;(4)耀变体的亮温度与黑洞吸积率之间有弱的相关性。  相似文献   

通过搜集了457个活动星系核样本,根据活动星系核的演化实质是指宇宙时标上的变化,讨论了红移量与活动星系核演化的关系,最终证明了活动星系核的演化分为两个序列:(1)从类星体到Seyfert星系之间的演化;(2)平谱射电类星体(FSRQ)—BL Lac天体—射电星系(RG)的演化。  相似文献   

以Kang等的星系形成的半解析模型为基础,研究星系和中心大质量黑洞的共同形成和演化.假设类星体的活动性由星系并合引起,通过引入黑洞吸积率,确定了红移区间0z4.5的类星体的热光度函数,并分别从爱丁顿比率、黑洞质量函数和两点相关函数3个方面对模型进行限制,模型预言的光度函数能在整个红移、整个光度范围内与观测相符合.结果显示,常数爱丁顿比率不能很好地描述黑洞吸积,爱丁顿比率需要在一定红移范围内随红移增加;星系主并合是触发类星体活动性的有效机制,而次并合只对低光度和中等光度的类星体有影响,对高光度类星体影响很小;在z=1.0处,极高光度的类星休比其他类星体具有更强的成团性.  相似文献   

利用Blandford-Znajek过程,得出了黑洞自转与活动星系核射电噪度的关系.在假设AGN喷流的射电功率主要来自于所提取的黑洞旋转能量后,根据Falcke和Bier-mann提出的喷流-吸积盘耦合机制,估算了AGN喷流的最大射电辐射功率.通过与PG类星体样本中强射电源观测结果的比较,进一步证实强射电类星体除了其喷流方向与视向的夹角很小外,其中心的超大质量黑洞很可能是自转很快的旋转黑洞.  相似文献   

王晓彬  张西亮 《天文学报》2006,47(2):202-211
小行星自转参数的资料不仅可以为小行星碰撞演化提供数据,还可以为太阳系的演化研究提供依据.利用云南天文台1米望远镜对主带碳类小行星(360)Carlova进行了新的CCD测光观测,结合前人的测光资料,利用Epoch-方法对(360)的自转参数进行了反演计算,得到该小行星自转的恒星周期为0.25780417±0.00000003天,自转轴的黄道坐标为(95°±3,°40°±1°).新的结果与前人的结果相比较为一致,其精度稍高于以前的估算结果.  相似文献   

We present here the numerical application of the theoretical results derived in Correia et al. (2003, Icarus 163, 1-23) for the spin evolution of Venus since its formation. We explore a large variety of initial conditions to cover the possible formation and evolutionary scenarios. In particular, we pay special attention to the evolutions which cross the chaotic zone resulting from secular planetary perturbations (Laskar and Robutel, 1993, Nature 361, 608-612). We demonstrate that Venus’ axis can be temporarily trapped in a secular resonance with the node of Neptune’s orbit, which can prevent it from being tilted to 180° and will drive it toward 0°. We test several dissipation models and parameters to evaluate their contribution to the planet’s spin history. We confirm that despite the variations in the models, only three of the four final spin states of Venus are possible (Correia and Laskar, 2001, Nature 411, 767-770) and that the present observed retrograde spin state of Venus can be attained by two different processes. In the first scenario (π−), the axis is tilted toward 180° while its rotation rate slows down, while in the second one, the axis is driven toward 0° obliquity and the rotation rate decreases, stops, and increases again in the reverse direction to a final equilibrium value (0−).  相似文献   

在本文中,我们讨论了由中子星和黑洞构成的密近双星系统的引力效应。首先,我们清楚地解释了引力辐射存在引起的轨道圆化,并估算了圆化的时间尺度。求解了围绕史瓦西黑洞作圆轨道运动的矢量进动方程,得到了一个精确解。由进动周期和中心黑洞的质量的关系,我们得到了估算中子星伴随的黑洞质量的方法。随后我们讨论了以中子星脉冲信号随自旋进动变化来寻找黑洞的方法。  相似文献   

为进一步研究室女星系团盘星系自转向量的分布,本文编制了该天区有UGC发表的方位角或直径数据的310个盘星系的表(81个S0系,229个S Irr系),其中有UGC发表的方位角的星系为245个(67个S0系,178个S Irr系)。对能证认身份的所有星系的星系云,群归属均已在表中注明。本文还讨论了表列星系的一些基本统计特征,为室女团盘系自转向量分布的研究提供了迄今为止可能是最大的,3组完整的代表性样品。  相似文献   

A combined BCDE (Brans-Dicke and Einstein-Cartan) theory with lambda-term is developed through Raychaudhuri’s equation, for inflationary scenario. It involves a variable cosmological constant, which decreases with time, jointly with energy density, cosmic pressure, shear, vorticity, and Hubble’s parameter, while the scale factor, total spin and scalar field increase exponentially. The post-inflationary fluid resembles a perfect one, though total spin grows, but the angular speed does not (Astrophys. Space Sci. 312: 275, 2007d).   相似文献   

Many asteroids with a semimajor axis close to that of Mars have been discovered in the last several years. Potentially some of these could be in 1:1 resonance with Mars, much as are the classic Trojan asteroids with Jupiter, and its lesser-known horseshoe companions with Earth. In the 1990s, two Trojan companions of Mars, 5261 Eureka and 1998 VF31, were discovered, librating about the L5 Lagrange point, 60° behind Mars in its orbit. Although several other potential Mars Trojans have been identified, our orbital calculations show only one other known asteroid, 1999 UJ7, to be a Trojan, associated with the L4 Lagrange point, 60° ahead of Mars in its orbit. We further find that asteroid 36017 (1999 ND43) is a horseshoe librator, alternating with periods of Trojan motion. This asteroid makes repeated close approaches to Earth and has a chaotic orbit whose behavior can be confidently predicted for less than 3000 years. We identify two objects, 2001 HW15 and 2000 TG2, within the resonant region capable of undergoing what we designate “circulation transition”, in which objects can pass between circulation outside the orbit of Mars and circulation inside it, or vice versa. The eccentricity of the orbit of Mars appears to play an important role in circulation transition and in horseshoe motion. Based on the orbits and on spectroscopic data, the Trojan asteroids of Mars may be primordial bodies, while some co-orbital bodies may be in a temporary state of motion.  相似文献   

Magnetars are the neutron stars with the highest magnetic fields up to 1015–1016 G. It has been proposed that they are also responsible for a variety of extra-galactic phenomena, ranging from giant flares in nearby galaxies to fast radio bursts. Utilizing a relativistic mean field model and a variable magnetic field configuration, we investigate the effects of strong magnetic fields on the equation of state and anisotropy of pressure of magnetars. It is found that the mass and radius of low-mass magnetars are weakly enhanced under the action of the strong magnetic field, and the anisotropy of pressure can be ignored. Unlike other previous investigations, the magnetic field is unable to violate the mass limit of the neutron stars.  相似文献   

Time scales of the transition from contact binary systems of the W UMa type to single stars of the blue straggler type are estimated. A model of one-way mass transfer from the primary component to the companion inside a common envelope (Eggen et al.) and a model of a contact binary lying on the zero-age main sequence with a companion that is losing mass (F. van't Veer) are used to calculate these scales. The merging times of components were calculated for 304 contact systems of the W UMa type from the Catalog of Approximate Photometric and Absolute Elements of Eclipsing Variable Stars on a scale of loss of mass and orbital angular momentum due to magnetic braking, under the assumption of synchronization of the axial rotation and orbital revolution. On the basis of the resulting statistics, the characteristic merging scales are 0.4-0.6 and 0.5-0.7 Gyr, respectively, for the above two models. The results of a comparison with the work of other authors are discussed.  相似文献   

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