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We present the first results from a major HST WFPC2 imaging study aimed at providing the first statistically meaningful comparison of the morphologies, luminosities, scalelengths and colours of the host galaxies of radio-quiet quasars, radio-loud quasars and radio galaxies. We describe the design of this study and present the images that have been obtained for the first half of our 33-source sample. We find that the hosts of all three classes of luminous AGN are massive elliptical galaxies, with scalelengths ≃10 kpc, and R − K colours consistent with mature stellar populations. Most importantly, this is first unambiguous evidence that, just like radio-loud quasars, essentially all radio-quiet quasars brighter than M R =−24 reside in massive ellipticals. This result removes the possibility that radio 'loudness' is directly linked to host galaxy morphology, but is however in excellent accord with the black hole/spheroid mass correlation recently highlighted by Magorrian et al. We apply the relations given by Magorrian et al. to infer the expected Eddington luminosity of the putative black hole at the centre of each of the spheroidal host galaxies we have uncovered. Comparison with the actual nuclear R -band luminosities suggests that the black holes in most of these galaxies are radiating at a few per cent of the Eddington luminosity; the brightest host galaxies in our low- z sample are capable of hosting quasars with M R ≃− 28, comparable to the most luminous quasars at z ≃3. Finally, we discuss our host-derived black hole masses in the context of the radio luminosity:black hole mass correlation recently uncovered for nearby galaxies by Franceschini et al., and consider the resulting implications for the physical origin of radio loudness.  相似文献   

We present the results of a deep K -band imaging study which reveals the host galaxies around a sample of luminous radio-quiet quasars. The K -band images, obtained at UKIRT, are of sufficient quality to allow accurate modelling of the underlying host galaxy. Initially, the basic structure of the hosts is revealed using a modified clean deconvolution routine optimized for this analysis. Two of the 14 quasars are shown to have host galaxies with violently disturbed morphologies which cannot be modelled by smooth elliptical profiles. For the remainder of our sample, 2D models of the host and nuclear component are fitted to the images using the χ 2 statistic to determine goodness of fit. Host galaxies are detected around all of the quasars. The reliability of the modelling is extensively tested, and we find the host luminosity to be well constrained for nine quasars. The derived average K -band absolute K -corrected host galaxy magnitude for these luminous radio-quiet quasars is 〈 M K 〉=25.15±0.04, slightly more luminous than an L * galaxy. The spread of derived host galaxy luminosities is small, although the spread of nuclear-to-host ratios is not. These host luminosities are shown to be comparable to those derived from samples of quasars of lower total luminosity, and we conclude that there is no correlation between host and nuclear luminosity for these quasars. Nuclear-to-host ratios break the lower limit previously suggested from studies of lower nuclear luminosity quasars and Seyfert galaxies. Morphologies are less certain but, on the scales probed by these images, some hosts appear to be dominated by spheroids while others appear to have disc-dominated profiles.  相似文献   

A sample of 2712 radio-luminous galaxies is defined from the second data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) by cross-comparing the main spectroscopic galaxy sample with two radio surveys: the National Radio Astronomy Observatories (NRAO) Very Large Array (VLA) Sky Survey (NVSS) and the Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty centimeters (FIRST) survey. The comparison is carried out in a multistage process and makes optimal use of both radio surveys by exploiting the sensitivity of the NVSS to extended and multicomponent radio sources in addition to the high angular resolution of the FIRST images. A radio source sample with 95 per cent completeness and 98.9 per cent reliability is achieved, far better than would be possible for this sample if only one of the surveys was used. The radio source sample is then divided into two classes: radio-loud active galactic nuclei (AGN) and galaxies in which the radio emission is dominated by star formation. The division is based on the location of a galaxy in the plane of 4000-Å break strength versus radio luminosity per unit stellar mass and provides a sample of 2215 radio-loud AGN and 497 star-forming galaxies brighter than 5 mJy at 1.4 GHz. A full catalogue of positions and radio properties is provided for these sources. The local radio luminosity function is then derived both for radio-loud AGN and for star-forming galaxies and is found to be in agreement with previous studies. By using the radio to far-infrared (FIR) correlation, the radio luminosity function of star-forming galaxies is also compared to the luminosity function derived in the FIR. It is found to agree well at high luminosities but less so at lower luminosities, confirming that the linearity of the radio to FIR correlation breaks down below about 1022 W Hz−1 at 1.4 GHz.  相似文献   

We investigate the MBH-O'.relation for radio-loud quasars with redshift z<0.83 in Data Release 3 of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS).The sample consists of 3772 quasars with better models of the H/~ and [O III] lines and available radio luminosity,including 306 radio-loud quasars,3466 radio-quiet quasars with measured radio luminosity or upper-limit of radio luminosity (181 radio-quiet quasars with measured radio luminosity).The virial supermassive black hole mass (MBH) is calculated from the broad H/line,and the host stellar velocity dispersion (σ*) is traced by the core [O III] gaseous velocity dispersion.The radio luminosity and radio loudness are derived from the FIRST catalog.Our results are as follows:(1) For radio-quiet quasars,we confirm that there is no obvious deviation from the MBH-O".relation defined for inactive galaxies when the uncertainties in MBH and the luminosity bias are concerned.(2) We find that the radio-loud quasars deviate more from the MBH-σ.relation than do the radio-quiet quasars.This deviation is only partly due to a possible cosmological evolution of the MBH-σ* relation and the luminosity bias.(3) The radioluminosity is proportional to M128 0.23-0.16 BH(LBol/LEdd)1.29 0.31-0.24 for radio-quiet quasars and to M3.10 0.6.-0.70(LBol.LEdd)4.18 1.40-1.10 for radio-loud quasars.The weaker dependence of the radio luminosity on the mass and the Eddington ratio for radio-loud quasars shows that other physical effects would account for their radio luminosities,such as the spin of the black hole.  相似文献   

Two rival hypotheses have been proposed for the origin of the compact radio flux observed in radio-quiet quasars (RQQs). It has been suggested that the radio emission in these objects, typically some two or three orders of magnitude less powerful than in radio-loud quasars (RLQs), either represents emission from a circumnuclear starburst or is produced by radio jets with bulk kinetic powers ∼ 103 times lower than those of RLQs with similar luminosity ratios in other wavebands. We describe the results of high-resolution (∼pc-scale) radio-imaging observations of a sample of 12 RQQs using the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA). We find strong evidence for jet-producing central engines in eight members of our sample.  相似文献   

We present intermediate-resolution spectroscopic data for a set of dwarf and giant galaxies in the Coma cluster, with  −20.6 < MR < −15.7.  The photometric and kinematic properties of the brighter galaxies can be cast in terms of parameters which present little scatter with respect to a set of scaling relations known as the fundamental plane. To determine the form of these fundamental scaling relations at lower luminosities, we have measured velocity dispersions for a sample comprising 69 galaxies on the border of the dwarf and giant regime. Combining these data with our photometric survey, we find a tight correlation of luminosity and velocity dispersion,   L ∝σ2.0  , substantially flatter than the Faber–Jackson relation characterizing giant elliptical galaxies. In addition, the variation of mass-to-light ( M / L ) ratio with velocity dispersion is quite weak in our dwarf sample:   M / L ∝σ0.2.  Our overall results are consistent with theoretical models invoking large-scale mass removal and subsequent structural readjustment, e.g. as a result of galactic winds.  相似文献   

We present optical (∼3200 to ∼9000 Å) off-nuclear spectra of 26 powerful active galaxies in the redshift range 0.1≤ z ≤0.3, obtained with the Mayall and William Herschel 4-m class telescopes. The sample consists of radio-quiet quasars, radio-loud quasars (all with −23≥ M V ≥−26) and radio galaxies of Fanaroff–Riley Type II (with extended radio luminosities and spectral indices comparable to those of the radio-loud quasars). The spectra were all taken approximately 5 arcsec off-nucleus, with offsets carefully selected so as to maximize the amount of galaxy light falling into the slit, whilst simultaneously minimizing the amount of scattered nuclear light. The majority of the resulting spectra appear to be dominated by the integrated stellar continuum of the underlying galaxies rather than by light from the non-stellar processes occurring in the active nuclei, and in many cases a 4000-Å break feature can be identified. The individual spectra are described in detail, and the importance of the various spectral components is discussed. Stellar population synthesis modelling of the spectra will follow in a subsequent paper.  相似文献   

We extend our previous analysis which used generalized luminosity functions (GLFs) to predict the number of quasars and galaxies in low-radio-frequency-selected samples as a function of redshift, radio luminosity, narrow-emission-line luminosity and type of unified scheme. Our extended analysis incorporates the observed submillimetre (850-μm) flux densities of radio sources, employs a new method which allows us to deal with non-detections, and focuses on the high-luminosity population. First, we conclude that the submillimetre luminosity L 850 of low-frequency-selected radio sources is correlated with the bolometric luminosity L bol of their quasar nuclei via an approximate scaling relation   L 850∝ L 0.7±0.2bol  . Secondly, we conclude that there is quantitative evidence for a receding-torus-like physical process for the high-luminosity population within a two-population unified scheme for radio sources; this evidence comes from the fact that radio quasars are brighter in both narrow emission lines and submillimetre luminosity than radio galaxies matched in radio luminosity and redshift. Thirdly, we note that the combination of a receding-torus-like scheme and the assumption that the observed submillimetre emission is dominated by quasar-heated dust yields a scaling relation   L 850∝ L 1/2bol  which is within the errors of that determined here for radio-selected quasars, and consistent with that inferred for radio-quiet quasars.  相似文献   

We present the results of a K -band imaging survey of 40 arcmin2 in fields around 14 radio-loud active galactic nuclei (AGN), comprising six radio galaxies and eight quasars, with z >1.5. The survey, which is 80 per cent complete to K <19.2 mag and complemented by R -band imaging, aimed at investigating whether extremely red objects are present in excess around high- z AGN, and to study the environment of z >1.5 radio galaxies and radio-loud quasars. At 18< K <19 mag, the differential galaxy counts in our fields suggest a systematic excess over the general field counts. At K <19.2 mag we find an excess of galaxies with R − K >6 in comparison with the general field. Consistently, we also find that the R − K colour distribution of all the galaxies in the AGN fields is significantly redder than the colour distribution of the field galaxies. On the other hand, the distribution of the R − K colours is indistinguishable from that of galaxies taken from literature fields around radio-loud quasars at 1< z <2. We discuss the main implications of our findings and we compare the possible scenarios that could explain our results.  相似文献   

We present Hubble Space Telescope Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 I -band imaging for a sample of nine hyperluminous infrared galaxies (HLIRGs) spanning a redshift range     . Three of the sample have morphologies showing evidence for interactions and six are quasi-stellar objects (QSOs). Host galaxies in the QSOs are detected reliably out to     . The detected QSO host galaxies have an elliptical morphology with scalelengths spanning     and absolute k -corrected magnitudes spanning     There is no clear correlation between the infrared (IR) power source and the optical morphology. None of the sources in the sample, including F15307+3252, shows any evidence for gravitational lensing. We infer that the IR luminosities are thus real. Based on these results, and previous studies of HLIRGs, we conclude that this class of object is broadly consistent with being a simple extrapolation of the ULIRG population to higher luminosities; ULIRGs being mainly violently interacting systems powered by starbursts and/or active galactic nuclei. Only a small number of sources, the infrared luminosities of which exceed 1013 L, are intrinsically less luminous objects that have been boosted by gravitational lensing.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy Reviews》2002,46(2-7):171-174
We summarise the results of our recently completed HST R-band study of low-redshift (0.1<z<0.25) FRII radio galaxies along with the host galaxies of quasars of similar redshifts. We find that, like radio galaxies, the hosts of radio-loud quasars and all but the least luminous radio-quiet quasars are massive elliptical galaxies with relatively large scalelengths (≃10 kpc) and luminosities (>2L*). Indeed the quasar hosts are essentially indistinguishable from the radio galaxies in our sample. Apart from the nuclear activity there is little to distinguish the AGN hosts from inactive massive elliptical galaxies.  相似文献   

We quantify the galaxy environments around a sample of 0.5≤ z ≤0.8 radio-quiet quasars using the amplitude of the spatial galaxy–quasar correlation function, B gq. The quasars exist in a wide variety of environments; some sources are located in clusters as rich as Abell class 1–2 clusters, whereas others exist in environments comparable to the field. We find that, on average, the quasars prefer poorer clusters of ≈Abell class 0, which suggests that quasars are biased tracers of mass compared with galaxies. The mean B gq for the sample is found to be indistinguishable from the mean amplitude for a sample of radio-loud quasars matched in redshift and optical luminosity. These observations are consistent with recent studies of the hosts of radio-quiet quasars at low to intermediate redshifts, and suggest that the mechanism for the production of powerful radio jets in radio-loud quasars is controlled by processes deep within the active galactic nucleus itself, and is unrelated to the nature of the hosts or their environments.  相似文献   

We analyse near-infrared Hubble Space Telescope ( HST )/Near-Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer F 110 W ( J ) and F 160 W ( H ) band photometry of a sample of 27 i '-drop candidate   z ≃ 6  galaxies in the central region of the HST /Advanced Camera for Surveys Ultra Deep Field . The infrared colours of the 20 objects not affected by near neighbours are consistent with a high-redshift interpretation. This suggests that the low-redshift contamination of this i '-drop sample is smaller than that observed at brighter magnitudes, where values of 10–40 per cent have been reported. The J – H colours are consistent with a slope flat in   fν ( fλ ∝λ−2)  , as would be expected for an unreddened starburst. However, there is evidence for a marginally bluer spectral slope  ( fλ ∝λ−2.2)  , which is perhaps indicative of an extremely young starburst (∼10 Myr old) or a top heavy initial mass function and little dust. The low levels of contamination, median photometric redshift of   z ∼ 6.0  and blue spectral slope, inferred using the near-infrared data, support the validity of the assumptions in our earlier work in estimating the star formation rates, and that the majority of the i -drop candidates galaxies lie at   z ∼ 6  .  相似文献   

We discuss ROSAT HRI X-ray observations of 33 very nearby galaxies, sensitive to X-ray sources down to a luminosity of approximately 1038 erg s−1. The galaxies are selected from a complete, volume-limited sample of 46 galaxies with     for which we have extensive multiwavelength data. For an almost complete subsample with     (29/31 objects) we have HRI images. Contour maps and source lists are presented within the central region of each galaxy, together with nuclear upper limits where no nuclear source was detected. Nuclear X-ray sources are found to be very common, occurring in ∼35 per cent of the sample. Nuclear X-ray luminosity is statistically connected to host galaxy luminosity – there is not a tight correlation, but the probability of a nuclear source being detected increases strongly with galaxy luminosity, and the distribution of nuclear luminosities seems to show an upper envelope that is roughly proportional to galaxy luminosity. While these sources do seem to be a genuinely nuclear phenomenon rather than nuclear examples of the general X-ray source population, it is far from obvious that they are miniature Seyfert nuclei. The more luminous nuclei are very often spatially extended, and H  ii region nuclei are detected just as often as LINERs. Finally, we also note the presence of fairly common superluminous X-ray sources in the off-nuclear population – out of 29 galaxies we find nine sources with a luminosity greater than 1039 erg s−1. These show no particular preference for more luminous galaxies. One is already known to be a multiple SNR system, but most have no obvious optical counterpart and their nature remains a mystery.  相似文献   

Using data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey data release 3 (SDSS DR3), we investigate how narrow (<700 km s−1) C  iv and Mg  ii quasar absorption-line systems are distributed around quasars. The C  iv absorbers lie in the redshift range 1.6 < z < 4 and the Mg  ii absorbers in the range 0.4 < z < 2.2. By correlating absorbers with quasars on different but neighbouring lines of sight, we measure the clustering of absorbers around quasars on comoving scales between 4 and 30 Mpc. The observed comoving correlation lengths are   r o∼ 5 h −1Mpc  , similar to those observed for bright galaxies at these redshifts. Comparing correlations between absorbers and the quasars, in whose spectra they are identified, then implies: (i) that quasars destroy absorbers to comoving distances of ∼300 kpc (C  iv ) and ∼800 kpc (Mg  ii ) along their lines of sight; (ii) that ≳40 per cent of C  iv absorbers within 3000 km s−1 of the quasi-stellar object are not a result of large-scale clustering but rather are directly associated with the quasar itself; (iii) that this intrinsic absorber population extends to outflow velocities of the order of 12 000 km s−1; (iv) that this outflow component is present in both radio-loud and radio-quiet quasars and (v) that a small high-velocity outflow component is also observed in the Mg  ii population. We also find an indication that absorption systems within 3000 km s−1 are more abundant for radio-loud quasars than for radio-quiet quasars. This suggests either that radio-loud objects live in more massive haloes, or that their radio activity generates an additional low-velocity outflow, or both.  相似文献   

We have searched the archived, pointed ROSAT Position Sensitive Proportional Counter data for blazars by correlating the WGACAT X-ray data base with several publicly available radio catalogues, restricting our candidate list to serendipitous X-ray sources with a flat radio spectrum ( α r≤0.70, where S ν ∝ ν − α ). This makes up the Deep X-ray Radio Blazar Survey (DXRBS). Here we present new identifications and spectra for 106 sources, including 86 radio-loud quasars, 11 BL Lacertae objects, and nine narrow-line radio galaxies. Together with our previously published objects and already-known sources, our sample now contains 298 identified objects: 234 radio-loud quasars [181 flat-spectrum quasars: FSRQ ( α r≤0.50) and 53 steep-spectrum quasars: SSRQ], 36 BL Lacs and 28 narrow-line radio galaxies. Redshift information is available for 96 per cent of these. Thus our selection technique is ∼90 per cent efficient at finding radio-loud quasars and BL Lacs. Reaching 5-GHz radio fluxes ∼50 mJy and 0.1–2.0 keV X-ray fluxes a few ×10−14 erg cm−2 s−1, DXRBS is the faintest and largest flat-spectrum radio sample with nearly complete (∼85 per cent) identification. We review the properties of the DXRBS blazar sample, including redshift distribution and coverage of the X-ray-radio–power plane for quasars and BL Lacs. Additionally, we touch upon the expanded multiwavelength view of blazars provided by DXRBS. By sampling for the first time the faint end of the radio and X-ray luminosity functions, this sample will allow us to investigate the blazar phenomenon and the validity of unified schemes down to relatively low powers.  相似文献   

We present the luminosity function of 90-μm-selected galaxies from the European Large Area ISO Survey (ELAIS), extending to z =0.3. Their luminosities are in the range 10965−2 L /L<1012, i.e. non-ultraluminous. From our sample of 37 reliably detected galaxies in the ELAIS S1 region from the Efstathiou et al. S 90100 mJy data base, we have found optical, 15-μm or 1.4-GHz identifications for 24 (65 per cent). We have obtained 2dF and UK Schmidt FLAIR spectroscopy of 89 per cent of identifications to rigid multivariate flux limits. We construct a luminosity function assuming that (i) our spectroscopic subset is an unbiased sparse sample, and (ii) there are no galaxies that would not be represented in our spectroscopic sample at any redshift. We argue that we can be confident of both assumptions. We find that the luminosity function is well described by the local 100-μm luminosity function of Rowan-Robinson, Helou & Walker. Assuming this local normalization, we derive luminosity evolution of (1+ z )2.45±0.85 (95 per cent confidence). We argue that star formation dominates the bolometric luminosities of these galaxies, and we derive comoving star formation rates in broad agreement with the Flores et al. and Rowan-Robinson et al. mid-infrared-based estimates.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of quasar variability from data collected during a photometric monitoring of 50 objects carried out at CNPq/Laboratório Nacional de Astrofísicá, Brazil, between 1993 March and 1996 July. A distinctive feature of this survey is its photometric accuracy, ∼0.02  V  mag, achieved through differential photometry with CCD detectors, which allows the detection of faint levels of variability. We find that the relative variability, δ σ L , observed in the V band is anticorrelated with both luminosity and redshift, although we have no means of discovering the dominant relation, given the strong coupling between luminosity and redshift for the objects in our sample. We introduce a model for the dependence of quasar variability on frequency that is consistent with multiwavelength observations of the nuclear variability of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 4151. We show that correcting the observed variability for this effect slightly increases the significance of the trends of variability with luminosity and redshift. Assuming that variability depends only on the luminosity, we show that the corrected variability is anticorrelated with luminosity and is in good agreement with predictions of a simple Poissonian model. The energy derived for the hypothetical pulses, ∼1050 erg, agrees well with those obtained in other studies. We also find that the radio-loud objects in our sample tend to be more variable than the radio-quiet ones, for all luminosities and redshifts.  相似文献   

Near-IR images, obtained at the ESO-VLT during excellent seeing conditions, of a sample of 17 radio-loud and radio-quiet quasars in the redshift range 1 < z < 2 are presented. The host galaxies of both types of quasars appear to follow the expected trend in luminosity of massive ellipticals undergoing simple passive evolution. We find a systematic difference by a factor ∼2 in the host luminosity between RLQs and RQQs that does not change significantly from z = 2 to the present epoch. Quasar hosts appear thus to be already well formed at z ∼ 2 and similar to massive inactive spheroids. These findings are in disagreement with the predictions of models for the joint formation and evolution of galaxies and active nuclei based on the hierarchical structure formation scenario.  相似文献   

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