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PS材料加固土遗址风蚀试验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
风蚀是西北干旱地区土遗址破坏的主要动力机制和成因,强烈的风蚀作用致使许多土遗址坍塌殆尽,导致这一不可再生资源的破坏。通过对土遗址的室内和现场风蚀模拟试验研究发现,经PS(高模数硅酸钾)材料加固后土遗址的抗风蚀能力明显增强。室内试验发现,风蚀量随风速的增长而增加、随风蚀时间延长近线性增长,PS材料浓度大于5 %的加固试样,即使风速达20 m/ s时,风蚀量均小20 (kg/ m2)•h,抗风蚀强度提高 6~10 倍。现场模拟试验结果表明,加固材料的入渗深度和用量直接影响加固效果,中浓度PS材料加固的墙面抗风蚀能力最强。因此,选择适当的PS材料浓度、提高加固材料的渗透力是土遗址保护加固的关键,将对西北地区土遗址科学保护的全面开展起到重要的指导作用。  相似文献   

为解决淤泥固化及其资源化利用的问题,以宁波地区淤泥为研究对象,利用水玻璃基淤泥固化剂制备固化土,通过室内试验、固化机理分析和现场试验研究固化土的力学性质。室内试验给出了无侧限抗压强度和压缩模量随固化剂掺入比改变的规律,并指出存在最佳掺入比为7%;固化机理分析表明随着固化剂掺入比增加,固化土颗粒由鳞片状或条块状向团块状变化,团块体积呈增大趋势,固化土孔隙率小幅增大,中值孔径亦小幅增大,固化土由黏性土向粉土化转变;现场试验取心土样无侧限抗压强度约为室内试验值的70%。结果表明,水玻璃基淤泥固化剂加固淤泥土方案切实可行。  相似文献   

基于微生物或脲酶诱导碳酸钙沉淀(MICP/EICP)的土体固化技术是近年来岩土和地质工程领域的研究热点之一。在系统回顾基于生物诱导碳酸钙沉淀的土体固化技术发展历程的基础上,重点阐述了MICP/EICP固化机制、土体孔隙结构、菌液和脲酶性质、胶凝液性质和固化方式等方面对碳酸钙特性影响的研究进展。研究结果表明:土体孔隙越小,越不利于微生物或脲酶入渗,固化均匀性越差;土颗粒接触点越多,可为碳酸钙提供的沉积点位越多,碳酸钙与土颗粒间的黏结和桥接作用越强,固化效果越好;一定菌液或脲酶浓度或脲酶活性范围内,碳酸钙的生成速率和生成总量随浓度及活性的增大而增大,但过高的浓度或活性易导致碳酸钙生成速率过快,从而在土体注入端发生堵塞;低浓度胶凝液得到的碳酸钙晶体更小,在土体中的分布更均匀;采用合适的注浆饱和度可提高具有黏结作用的碳酸钙的占比;采用多层交替注入或单相低pH值注入可提高碳酸钙在试样中分布的均匀性。基于碳酸钙沉淀特性的影响因素,提高固化土体的均匀性,验证其耐久性,室内试验结果在现场尺度的适应性和改进方案应该成为以后研究的重点。  相似文献   

刘松玉  郑旭  蔡光华  曹菁菁 《岩土力学》2016,37(11):3057-3064
既有研究表明,活性MgO固化土经CO2碳化几小时后其强度能达到甚至超过28 d的水泥固化土强度,碳化反应生成镁的碳酸化合物能有效降低固化土的含水率和孔隙率,提高土颗粒胶结能力。通过室内试验进一步研究碳化固化土的抗硫酸盐侵蚀特性。采用硫酸钠溶液、硫酸镁溶液浸泡碳化固化土,对浸泡不同龄期后的碳化固化土进行无侧限抗压强度试验和微观测试(XRD,SEM和MIP),并与硫酸盐侵蚀后的水泥固化土进行试验对比。结果表明:活性MgO固化粉土碳化3 h,试样的无侧限抗压强度可达5 MPa左右,经硫酸盐溶液浸泡28 d后其强度基本保持不变,试样质量变化也不大;而水泥土试样的早期强度(7 d)则有一定增长,随龄期增长,强度大大降低,质量则明显增长。通过对硫酸盐侵蚀前后的碳化土的微观机制分析,发现活性MgO碳化固化土中的镁碳酸化合物的化学成分并未发生明显变化,孔隙结构也未明显改变,从而保证其强度稳定。因此,活性MgO固化粉土碳化后具有比水泥固化土更强的抗硫酸盐侵蚀能力。  相似文献   

多元层状边坡土体风蚀速率与微结构参数关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吐鲁番交河故城台地多元层状土质边坡由于风蚀而形成空腔的现象表明,不同类型的土具有不同的抗风蚀能力,抗风蚀能力的强弱是多因素影响的共同结果,微观结构是其中一个重要内因。风蚀速率是表征土抗风蚀能力强弱的重要物理量,研究运用风洞试验、微结构分析等手段揭示了风蚀速率与颗粒面积比、颗粒圆度、孔隙等效直径、孔隙充填比等微结构特征参数之间的良好对应关系;进而采用相关分析法分析并证实风蚀速率与各特征参数间的良好相关关系,应用回归分析方法建立3个试验风速下风蚀速率与单个参数和多个参数之间的回归方程,验证了微结构特征对土抗风蚀能力有显著影响,进而为土抗风蚀能力的评价提供了微观依据。  相似文献   

在已有氧化镁碳化固化软弱土试验研究的基础上,通过整体碳化固化技术进行了淤泥质土的室内模型试验。采用常宜高速公路现场河塘淤泥质土进行活性氧化镁的整体碳化试验,并对碳化处理土的温度、含水率和pH值进行测试,以分析氧化镁处理土的碳化反应程度;通过微型贯入试验和压缩试验以评价碳化固化土的承载力和压缩特性。结果表明,当淤泥质软土的初始含水率为35%时,MgO碳化后能取得良好的处理效果,土的状态由软塑全部变为硬塑,由微型贯入试验换算所得的允许承载力可达300 kPa以上;当初始含水率为46%时,二氧化碳的运移距离受到限制,整体碳化程度降低,承载力提高并不显著,仅达到可塑状态,而只有在通气孔附近以及土体表面等有限区域能得到有效加固;碳化法处理对淤泥土的压缩性有显著改善:即使只进行简单压实,也可以通过氧化镁碳化法使处理后土的压缩性降低。与其他淤泥质土处理方法对比,在施工要求低、排水不便的条件下可通过添加减水剂、细砂等辅助措施增大淤泥质土的透气性,使氧化镁碳化法处理淤泥土取得更好的处理效果。  相似文献   

GS(Gypsum-Slag)土体硬化剂是一种由水泥、钢渣、矿渣和脱硫石膏及其他外加剂组成的新型土体固化材料。将GS土体硬化剂和水泥两种固化剂固化土作为研究对象,通过室内无侧限抗压强度试验和电镜扫描试验,研究固化土的应力-应变曲线以及土质、固化剂掺量、龄期对固化土力学性能的影响,观察其微观结构,进而对比分析GS土体硬化剂和水泥的特性,并进行现场试验加以验证。研究结果表明:相比水泥土,GS固化土应力-应变曲线存在明显峰值;GS固化土和水泥土的强度均随着掺量和龄期正增长,且GS固化土的长期强度更高;GS固化土和水泥土变形模量分别是其抗压强度的31.11~77.24倍和23.24~71.62倍;GS固化土现场成桩的完整性优于水泥土。相比水泥土,GS固化土具有强度增长快、后期强度高、经济效益好的特点,可较好满足地下工程和路基工程等土体加固应用需求。  相似文献   

为扩展碱渣和矿渣等工业固体废弃物的资源化利用途径,以碱渣和矿渣为固化剂对淤泥进行固化处理,开展侵蚀环境条件下固化淤泥试样的表观和无侧限抗压强度等性质试验研究,探讨侵蚀溶液对固化淤泥的作用机理。研究表明,自来水和30 g/L的NaCl溶液浸泡时,标准养护28 d的固化土表面完整性较好,试样密度随浸泡时间的增加而增大;15 g/L的MgSO4溶液和NaCl-MgSO4混合溶液浸泡时,固化土表面受到明显侵蚀,随着浸泡时间的增加,侵蚀程度逐渐加深,试样体积、质量和密度呈减小趋势。当浸泡时间从28 d增至42 d时,自来水浸泡试样的无侧限抗压强度增大,溶液浸泡试样的无侧限抗压强度基本保持不变;浸泡导致试样的延性增强,抵抗变形的能力减弱。在浸泡时间相同的条件下,MgSO4和NaCl-MgSO4混合溶液浸泡时固化土强度约为自来水和NaCl溶液浸泡时强度的一半,抵抗变形的能力也较弱。钙矾石、水化氯铝酸钙等水化产物的形成使碱渣-矿渣固化淤泥抗NaCl侵蚀能力强,但由于侵蚀作用形成微观裂隙及疏松结构导致其抗MgSO4侵蚀能力较弱。  相似文献   

渤海湾西海岸带地区的路堤多为填方型式,且以滨海盐渍土为主要填料.以滨海盐渍土填筑路堤,须解决土的盐胀、溶陷和吸湿软化带来的强度下降和稳定性降低问题,以进行土的改性或固化处理.为降低工程费用,固化材料应以常规的无机材料为主,辅助少量的高分子材料.为研究滨海盐渍土填筑路堤的力学性能,完成了石灰固化土和石灰+SH固土剂固化土...  相似文献   

降雨对堆积土的径流冲刷和入渗软化,是引发泥石流的关键因素。选取甘肃张掖泥石流现场堆积土为研究对象,借助人工模拟降雨试验,研究100 mm·h-1的降水强度下表面喷洒SH固土剂的泥石流堆积土的抗雨蚀性能。试验结果表明,未喷SH固土剂的堆积土,表面雨蚀严重,形成数条冲刷沟,且伴有大量泥沙流失;喷洒SH固土剂后,SH固土剂与表层土颗粒胶结形成高强黏结性的塑性胶膜,堆积土表面无明显冲痕,冲刷量少,抗雨蚀性能强;随SH固土剂喷量增加,固化土的抗雨蚀性能先增大后趋稳定;SH固土剂与粉土和砂土颗粒形成结构稳定的"镶嵌式"土膜混合层,整体上优于碎石土"漂浮式"土膜混合层的抗雨蚀性能;SH固土剂喷量和堆积土土质类型共同影响着固化土抗雨蚀性能。综合考虑费用、抗雨蚀效果等因素,建议对粉土和砂土类的堆积土,SH固土剂喷洒量为1.0 kg·m-2,对碎石土类,应适当增加喷洒量。  相似文献   

The topsoil of clayey slope is easy to erosion because it is weak in its strength, water stability and erosion resistance. A new organic polymer soil stabilizer, which was developed for the stabilization treatment of clay slope topsoil and was named as STW, was introduced in this study. In order to understand the effect of STW on the stabilization of clayey soil, laboratory tests on the unconfined compressive strength, shear strength, water stability and erosion resistance of untreated and treated soil specimens are performed, The results indicated that STW soil stabilizer can significantly increased the unconfined compression strength, shear strength, water stability and erosion resistance of clayey soil. The unconfined compression strength increased with the increasing of curing time and the variation mainly occurs in the first 24-hour. With the addition amounts of STW increasing, the strength, water stability and erosion resistance increased at the curing time being 48 h, but in the case of friction angle, no major change was observed. Based on the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis of the stabilized soil, the stabilization mechanisms of STW soil stabilizer in the clayey soil were discussed. Finally, a field test of the stabilization treatment of clay slope topsoil with STW was carried out, and the results indicated that the STW soil stabilizer on the stabilization treatment of clay slope topsoil is effective for improving the erosion resistance of slope topsoil, reducing the soil loss and protecting the vegetation growth. Therefore, this technique is worth popularizing for the topsoil protection of clay slope.  相似文献   

Microbially induced calcite precipitation (MICP) is used increasingly to improve the engineering properties of granular soils that are unsuitable for construction. This shows MICP technique significant advantages such as low energy consumption and environmentally friendly feature. The objective of the present study is to assess the strength behaviour of bio-cemented sand with varying cementation levels, and to provide an insight into the mechanism of MICP treatment. A series of isotropic consolidated undrained compression tests, calcite mass measurement and scanning electron microscopy tests were conducted. The experimental results show that the strength of bio-cemented sand depends heavily on the cementation level (or calcite content). The variations of strength parameters, i.e. effective friction angle φ′ and effective cohesion c′, with the increase in calcite content can be well evaluated by a linear function and an exponential function, respectively. Based on the precipitation mechanism of calcite crystals, bio-clogging and bio-cementation of calcite crystals are correlated to the amount of total calcite crystals and effective calcite crystals, respectively, and contributed to the improvement in the effective friction angle and effective cohesion of bio-cemented sand, separately.  相似文献   

Cui  Ming-Juan  Zheng  Jun-Jie  Chu  Jian  Wu  Chao-Chuan  Lai  Han-Jiang 《Acta Geotechnica》2021,16(5):1377-1389

Calcareous sands have abundant intraparticle pores and are prone to particle breakage. This often leads to poor engineering properties, which poses a challenge to coastal infrastructure construction. A study using bio-cementation to improve the engineering properties of calcareous sand is presented in this paper. The macro- and microscopic properties of bio-cemented calcareous sand were characterized by drained triaxial tests and scanning electron microscopy observations. Experimental results show that the precipitated calcium carbonate can effectively fill the intra- and interparticle pores and bond adjacent particles, thus enhancing the shear strength of calcareous sand. The special structures (e.g. abundant intraparticle pores and rough surface) and mineral components (i.e. calcium carbonate) of calcareous sand are beneficial for improving bacterial retention in soil, which leads to a relatively uniform and dense calcium carbonate distribution on the sand particle surface, exhibiting a layer-by-layer growth pattern. This growth pattern and the abundant interparticle pores would result in less effective calcium carbonate. The strength enhancement of bio-cemented calcareous sand is significantly lower than that of bio-cemented silica sand at the same calcium carbonate content, which may be caused by the differences in the following: (a) soil skeleton strength; (b) the amount of effective calcium carbonate; and (c) interparticle pore-filling of calcium carbonate.


Wind erosion is a serious problem throughout the world which results in soil and environment degradation and air pollution. The main objective of this study was to evaluate feasibility of microbial-induced carbonate precipitation, as a novel soil-strengthening technique, to reduce wind erosion risk of a sandy soil. For this purpose, the erosion of biocemented soil samples was investigated experimentally in a wind tunnel under the condition of wind velocity of 45 km h?1. The weight loss of treated samples relative to the weight loss of control treatment was 1.29 and 0.16 % for low and high bacterial mix concentrations, respectively, indicating a significant improvement in erosion control in biologically treated samples. The effect of biological treatment on wind erosion control was even superior at the higher velocities. Thereafter, the penetration resistance of the surface layers as a simple index of resistance against wind erosion was measured. Significant improvements in the penetration resistance of the treated soil samples were observed. Although low bacterial mix concentrations did not significantly improve the penetration resistance of the samples, significant improvements in the penetration resistance of the treated soil samples were observed reaching to the highest measured strength (56 kPa) in high bacterial mix concentrations samples. Finally, the morphology of precipitated CaCO3 crystals using scanning electron microscopy and X-ray powder diffraction analysis showed that the CaCO3 was mainly precipitated as vaterite crystals forming point-to-point contacts between the sand granules.  相似文献   

Shear wave velocity is one of the important factors representing the dynamic characteristics of soil layers. Hence, many researchers have focused their studies on determining shear wave velocity by direct field measurements or expressions developed by other soil parameters. The shear module and damping ratio of the soil layers also play a similar role in the majority of dynamic soil response analyses. Nevertheless, since they have to be measured in the laboratory by resonant column or cyclic triaxial tests on undisturbed samples, the possibility of preparing such samples and the reliability of the obtained results are of great concerns. In the present study, great effort has been made to determine the above dynamic factors by means of field data obtained from a versatile instrument, namely the seismic piezocone (SPCTU), and to derive expressions correlating them with some parameters obtainable by much simpler instruments. The reliability of laboratory measurements on undisturbed samples is also evaluated. The seismic piezocone test apparatus has been employed to evaluate the soil properties at 1-m depth intervals by means of measuring tip resistance, sleeve resistance, pore pressure and shear wave velocity. The shear module and the damping ratio are calculated using field data. Meanwhile, in order to assess the laboratory measurements of these parameters, some resonant column tests and cyclic triaxial tests on undisturbed samples of the same soil layers have been carried out. In order to compare the field results of shear modulus and damping ratios with those obtained from laboratory tests, the influences of the soil nature and sample disturbance on the conventional laboratory methods are evaluated and discussed. The shear wave velocity is correlated to overburden pressure and the corrected tip resistance for two groups of fine soils, namely silty clays and carbonate clayey silts, which mainly cover the areas under study in this project, are located in southern parts of Iran near the Persian Gulf. According to the results of the present study, there are narrow limits of shear modulus regarding soils for which the laboratory tests and the field measurements yield approximately the same shear modulus. This limit of shear modulus is about 30–50(MPa) for clay deposits and 70–100 (MPa) for sandy deposits. Also the shear wave velocity can be calculated by a simple expression from total overburden pressure and the tip resistance of simple cone penetration test results conventionally available in many soil explorations prior to engineering practices. However, if the pore pressure inside the saturated soil deposits can be measured by a piezocone apparatus, the shear wave velocity may be calculated using another suggested equation in terms of effective overburden pressure in the present study. Regarding the shear module and the damping ratio, due to the disturbances of the stiff deposits in the sampling process and great deviations of laboratory results from field results, the laboratory measurements of these parameters out of the above limits are not recommended.  相似文献   

The effect of grain size distribution on the unconfined compressive strength (UCS) of bio-cemented granular columns is examined. Fine and coarse aggregates were mixed in various percentages to obtain five different grain size distributions. A four-phase percolation strategy was adopted where a bacterial suspension and a cementation solution (urea and calcium chloride) were percolated sequentially. The results show that a gap-graded particle size distribution can improve the UCS of bio-cemented coarser granular materials. A maximum UCS of approximately 575 kPa was achieved with a particle size distribution containing 75% coarse aggregate and 25% fine aggregate. Furthermore, the minimum UCS obtained has applications where mitigation of excessive bulging of stone/sand columns, and possible slumping that might occur during their installation, is needed. The finding also implies that the amount of biochemical treatments can be reduced by adding fine aggregate to coarse aggregate resulting in effective bio-cementation within the pore matrix of the coarse aggregate column as it could substantially reduce the cost associated with bio-cementation process. Scanning electron microscopy results confirm that adding fine aggregate to coarse aggregate provides more bridging contacts (connected by calcium carbonate precipitation) between coarse aggregate particles, and hence, the maximum UCS achieved was not necessarily associated with the maximum calcium carbonate precipitation.  相似文献   

微生物固化(microbial-induced calcite precipitation, 简称为MICP)技术是岩土工程领域新兴起的一种地基处理技术,利用微生物诱导产生的碳酸钙晶体胶结松散土颗粒,改善土体的力学特性。选用巴氏芽孢杆菌作为固化细菌,采用单一浓度(0.5、1.0 mol)和多浓度相结合(前期采用0.5 mol,后期采用1.0 mol)的化学处理方式注射胶结液(尿素/氯化钙混合液),研究化学处理方式对微生物固化砂土强度的影响。基于试验测试分析了固化砂土试样的强度、破坏模式以及碳酸钙含量。试验结果表明,化学处理方式对固化砂土试样的强度有显著影响,对破坏模式和碳酸钙含量无明显影响;多浓度相结合的化学处理方式能够以较少的灌浆次数获取较高强度的试样。最后,对化学处理方式对强度影响的机制进行深入分析。  相似文献   

Review and Prospect of the Study on Soil Wind Erosion Process   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Soil wind erosion processes include mechanical process and dynamic changes of the factors affecting soil wind erosion, as well as the corresponding changes of wind erosion rate. The former is rich in experimental and theoretical researches that have clearly defined the process of particle starting, transporting and settling. The latter focuses on the dynamic changes of various wind erosion factors and the response of soil wind erosion rate to the change of the factors, of which systematic research of which is very limited. The difficulties in research of soil wind erosion process include: ①Dynamic parameterization of wind erosion factors; ②Observation and quantitative expression of the dynamic changes of wind erosion factors; ③Scaling problem of wind erosion process; ④Prediction ability of wind erosion models. At present, it is urgent to carry out the following work on soil wind erosion. The first is to establish standard wind erosion observation field in typical regions to obtain continuous and complete data of wind erosion in the field; the second is to study the saturation path of wind sand flow to solve scale problem; and the third is to construct a wind erosion model with solid theoretical foundation and fully consider both mechanical process of soil wind erosion and dynamic changes of the factors.  相似文献   

张晓平  王思敬  李黎  王彦兵 《岩土力学》2012,33(11):3465-3471
西北干旱地区土遗址受风化、风蚀等破坏严重,大量土质文物亟待加固抢修。加固后土遗址的各耐环境因素及加固机制研究是土遗址加固的理论基础。首次引入颗粒元程序PFC,通过改变模型中颗粒间平行连接强度,对硅酸钾(简称PS)加固前后的土样进行数值模拟。在考虑实际土样颗粒粒径和密度的前提下,拟合了生土PS加固前后的抗压和抗拉强度,并将拟合后的颗粒元模型应用于风蚀模拟。通过随机生成挟沙风颗粒,以一定的速度撞向土体,模拟挟沙风的吹蚀作用。挟沙风颗粒数与循环步数成正比例,因此,可以用挟沙风颗粒数来代表吹蚀时间的长短。挟沙风颗粒的速度则代表挟沙风风速。模拟结果表明,在20 m/s的挟沙风吹蚀作用下,风蚀程度随吹蚀时间的增加而增大,未加固土样的风蚀程度增幅度远大于加固土样;同样吹蚀时间条件下,加固土样的抗风蚀强度明显高于未加固土样。这些模拟结论与风洞试验结果的统计规律一致。本研究拟合的颗粒流模型可进一步应用于PS加固机制研究及耐风蚀、雨蚀、冻融等诸环境影响分析研究。  相似文献   

Intermittent saltation   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
During a typical wind erosion event, large variations in wind strength produce temporal variations in saltation activity. The focus of this paper is on a special type of unsteady behaviour - intermittent saltation - a process characterized by bursts of blowing soil interspersed with periods of inactivity. We report here measurements from a field study designed to measure intermittent saltation during three separate 1-h periods. Our measurements show that natural wind erosion events consist of intermittent bursts of blowing soil often occupying a small fraction of the total time. We have managed to describe the level of intermittency by a simple and universal mathematical expression. We find that the level of intermittency is governed by whether typical wind fluctuations span the gap between the mean wind speed and threshold wind speed. We propose a nondimensional number which expresses the ratio of these velocity scales, called the relative wind strength, and find that the level of intermittency can be described by a simple distribution function of the relative wind strength.  相似文献   

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