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一边是蒜苗、菠菜、生菜等各种时令蔬菜,一边的猪圈内有五头将要出栏的肥猪.猪圈旁边是沼气池,沼气池为水泥结构,圆锥形,上边留一个直径有半米的圆孔以便向内填充植物垃圾和秸秆,其余的地方用土填好以后还可以种上菜,墙根没有硬化的地方,还零落地留着苦瓜、南瓜的枯藤.这是日前笔者在修武县城关镇河北辛庄村民范庆河家中看到的景象.  相似文献   

这是一个令人振奋的喜讯. 据河南省国土资源厅于2007年9月5日召开的新闻发布会透露,截至8月底,全省已有4个省辖市、53个县(市、区),在经历了一年多的艰苦、细致工作后,终于关闭了辖区内的所有砖瓦窑厂,与"秦砖汉瓦"彻底告别.让我们记住吧,记住这4个省辖市的名字.它们分别是:漯河市、安阳市、鹤壁市、焦作市.让我们记住吧,记住这53个县(市、区)的名字.它们中有:舞阳县、临颍县、召陵区、文峰区、淇滨区、修武县、孟州市、伊川县等.  相似文献   

法国有许多在世界上驰名的标志性建筑或胜地,仅巴黎就有卢浮宫、凡尔赛宫、凯旋门、埃菲尔铁塔、巴黎圣母院等.笔者这里要说的是那条尽人皆知的香榭丽舍大街. 一些历史性的建筑往往标志着一个城市或地区的文化含量.而一条大街则常常标志着这一个城市或地区经济上的繁荣.如美国纽约的华尔街金融大街;日本的银座和日本桥商业街;我国北京的王府井商业大街,都成为这个城市甚至国家的代表.香榭丽舍大街则是巴黎乃至法国的代表.  相似文献   

浙东大地,河山锦绣,景奇色美.其中许多景区藏而不露,少为世人所知,东海之滨的桃渚便是一例. 桃渚景区是8000万年前火山喷发而形成的独特的火山遗迹地貌,即喀斯特地貌.山上古洞幽壑遍布,奇岩秀石突兀,断崖索桥点缀,处处皆是大自然的神来之笔,令人叹为观止.与天台、雁荡等名山大川相比,亦毫不逊色.怪不得当年文天祥逃出元军的囚禁,落荒从海道经桃渚时,被桃渚雄奇瑰丽的风景所感动,情不自禁赋诗赞美:"海上仙子国,邂逅寄孤蓬.万象图画里,千崖玉界中."  相似文献   

亲爱的读者朋友,正所谓"春风送佳音,百花迎宾来".当您在办公室里、在田间地头、在行进的火车上捧起本期杂志时,您可能会有一个惊奇的发现:几年来,您一直热情关注和钟爱的《河南国土资源》杂志,经国家新闻出版署批准,已正式更名为《资源导刊》了.我国期刊园林又盛开了一朵鲜艳的花朵.  相似文献   

嵌入式技术以及信息技术的发展使得越来越多的设备接入网络成为可能,这两项技术的融和具有广泛的应用前景.首先分析了嵌入式系统网络化的需求,结合对嵌入式操作系统Vxworks和对ARM芯片的研究,分析了相关网络协议,最后提出构建嵌入式WebServer的软硬件解决方案.  相似文献   

Mountain area is an important geographical unit of land,and its ecology is sensitive and fragile.Over the past few decades,human activities have caused dramatic changes in land use in mountainous areas,which caused changes in landscape patterns and impacts on the ecological environment.It is unknown how the mechanism of land use affects the landscape pattern at different scales.The Hantai District,a typical human settlement in the mountain area in Shaanxi,China,was chosen as the study area.Based on the remote sensing images,the mathematical models and landscape indexes were adopted to evaluate the impact of land use change from 1998 to 2017 on the landscape pattern at different scales,and its main driving forces were analyzed.The results showed that the urbanized land expanded largest from 15.39%to 24.30%,and cultivated land experienced the largest decline from 43.54%to 35.35%.Changes in land use have made the patch morphology of most land types developed from a natural random to a sawtooth shape,and its spatial pattern evolved from a ruleset to a fragmented expansion.This reflects the continuous strengthening of human intervention in the process of regional development.Under the jurisdiction of Hantai District,the biggest change in landscape pattern is in Hanzhong City and Qili Town.The improved economy and increasing population and urbanization rate were the main factors that cause these changes.This research could provide necessary information for understanding the evolution mechanism of land resources in mountainous human settlements for mountainous areas with significant geomorphic differentiation.  相似文献   

A field monitoring system was established in an active river bank landslide in the Three Gorges area, China, and a consecutive monitoring for about 5 years were conducted to understand the displacement characteristics of flexible piles and the surrounding soil. It was found that piles deformed elastically under reservoir operation, and the soil in front of piles was gradually separated from piles. The movement of the pile heads exceeded that of the soil between and behind piles. This phenomenon was further studied by a large-scale physical model test to gain insights into the pile-soil interaction. The displacement relationship between pile heads and the surrounding soil is in good agreement with the field data. The physical model test shows that the deformation process of pile-reinforced landslides can be divided into two stages: firstly, when the piles head movement exceeds soil movement, the soil arching is mainly affected by the deflection of the piles, the arches between and behind piles bent upwards;but when the soil movement exceeds piles head movement, the arches near the upslope and downslope bent downwards and upwards, respectively. Furthermore, the different deformation of two adjacent piles and the pile stiffness influenced the arch’s shape and formation;the flexible piles exhibit great coordinated deformation with the landslide, and caused the soil arch on the downslope.  相似文献   

4月27日,中国社会科学院城市发展与环境研究中心和社会科学文献出版社联合主办的2007年中国房地产高峰论坛暨《 房地产蓝皮书》2007年版出版发布会在北京举行.来自中国社会科学院、国土资源部、建设部、国家统计局、中国房地产协会等部门的专家、学者和官员出席了会议.  相似文献   

GRV 90027 is a Martian lherzolitic shergottites (L-S) containing poikilitic, non-poikilitic, and melted pocket components. GRV 99027 is mainly composed of olive (55 vol%) and pyroxene (37.5 vol%), with minor maskelynite (6 vol%) and chromite (1.5 vol%), and trace whitelockite and troilite, ect. In this paper, the mineralogy and petrology of GRV 99027 are reported; in addition, the geochemical characteristics of the REEs and H isotopes in the GRV 99027 are also further investigated. The ΣREE in GRV 99027 is relatively low; HREEs are enriched in olivine and pyroxene grains; LREEs are enriched in plagioclase with a high positive Eu anomaly. High ΣREE value is found in rare mineral whitlockite (less than 0.2 vol%), LREE≈HREE, and whitlockite has a negative Eu anomaly. The REE distribution patterns of the whole -rock of GRV 99027 is similar to but different from that of other L-S Martian meteorites, indicating that they came from different location of Mars. GRV 99027 has a high δD value. Different water-bearing minerals give different contribution for δD value. The δD of phosphates generally does not correlate with water content, and δD has a weak negative correlation with water content. GRV 99027 can be classified as an L-S Martian meteorite based on mineralogical assemblage patterns, REE distribution patterns, and hydrogen isotope. The isotope data of Sr, Nd, Pb, Os and REE from other L-S Martian meteorites were collected to discuss the formation history of the GRV 99027. Similar to other L-S Martian meteorites, GRV 99027 originated from part of Mar's mantle; during one strong impact event about 4M years ago, the meteorites were ejected from deep mantle into space, and traveled for a different duration in space (indicated by different cosmic exposure time), and captured by the Earth later in different time, ultimately falling on the Antarctica as L-S Martian meteorites.  相似文献   

Thirty-two meteorites were collected in Grove Mountains area, Antarctica, by the 15th and 16th Chinese Antarctic Research Expeditions (CHINARE). Petrography and mineral chemistry of these meteorites are reviewed, among which there are one Martian lherzolite, one eucrite, one ungrouped iron meteorite, and six unequili-brated and twenty-three equilibrated ordinary chondrites. An equilibrated ordinary chondrite GRV 98004 ( H5 ) has an unusually low cosmic-ray exposure age. Meteorite concentrating processes in Grove Mountains area are discussed. In addition, future studies on Grove Mountains (GRV) meteorites are proposed.  相似文献   

Petrography and mineral chemistry of ninety-eight ordinary chondrites from Grove Mountains (GRV), Antarctica, were presented and their.weathering effect, shock metamorphism and type distribution patterns were discussed in this study. Among them, six are unequilibrated ordinary chondrites, including 3 H3 and 3 L3; and 92 meteorites are equilibrated ordinary chondrites, including 24 H-group (13 H4, 10 H5, 1 H6), 64 L-group (2 L4, 44 L5, 18 L6) and 4 LL-group (3 LL4, 1 LL5). Most GRV chondrites (>90%) displayed minor weathering effect (W1 and W2). About half of the meteorites experienced severe shock metamorphism. They commonly contain shock-induced melt veins and pockets. These heavily shocked meteorites provide us with natural samples for study of high-pressure polymorphs of minerals. In addition, the Grove Mountains collection seems to have more abundant unequilibrated and L group ordinary chondrites compared to the US Antarctic meteorite collection which were mainly found along the Transantarctic Mountains.  相似文献   

The GRV 024516 and GRV 024517 meteorite samples collected from Grove Montains,Antactica are ureilite and H5 ordinary chondrite,respectively.Based on the study of mineralogy-petrology,the cosmic-ray exposure ages and gas retention ages of these two meteorites were determinated and calculated.Their cosmic-ray exposure ages are 33.3 Ma,51.7 Ma,and gas retention ages are 1936.8 Ma and 3720 Ma,respectively.The ureilite contains diamond,graphite and amorphous C,which are mainly carrier of noble gases indicating obviously shock metamorphism effects,which induced 40Ar partial loss.The H5 chondrite indicates thermal metamorphism of parent body,its gas retention age fall the range between 3220 Ma and 4510 Ma of the least shocked H5 chondrites  相似文献   

Shock effects of 93 Grove Mountains (GRV) ordinary chondrites were studied in this work, including fracture, various types of extinction, and recrystallization of silicates observed under optical microscopy. Shock-induced veins and pockets show various microtextures, decomposition and phase transformation of minerals. The confirmed high-pressure polymorphs of silicates are ringwoodite, majorite, pyroxene glass and maskelynite. Based on the shock effects and assemblages of high-pressure minerals, shock stages of all of 93 GRV chondrites were classified. In comparison with literature, the Grove Mountains meteorites have a higher fraction (23 out of 93) of heavily shocked samples (S4-S5). Most of the heavily shocked meteorites are L group (22 out of 23), except for one H chondrite. The distinct shock metamorphism between H and L groups may indicate different surface properties of their parent bodies. In addition, there is relationship between petrologic types and shock stages, with most heavily shocked samples observed in equilibrated ordinary chondrites (especially Type 5 and 6).  相似文献   

Ureilites are a common group of achondrites with a high abundance of carbon. They probably have a genetic relationship with chondrites, hence provide an insight into origin and evolution of terrestrial planets. A new meteorite-rich region, Grove Mountains (GRV), was found by the Chinese Antarctic Research Expedition, with discovery of 9834 meteorites. Of 2433 meteorites classified, 9 ureilites have been identified. In this paper, we report petrography of 6 of these ureilites. Four ureilites contain graphite and exhibit triangle conjunction and common reduced margins of olivine. GRV 052382 probably experienced heavy shock metamorphism followed by fast cooling, as indicated by mosaic texture or fine-grained granular texture of olivine. GRV 022931 was highly reduced of these ureilites, with olivine as isolated grains in abundant carbonaceous matrix. All 9 ureilites are monomict, and are classified into subtype II (with medium FeO content, Fa15-18) and subtype I (with high FeO content, Fa>18) based on compositions of the cores of olivine. The diverse mineral compositions and petrography of these ureilites suggest that they are not paired and reveal a multi-event history of the parent body. Partial melting of the parent body produced carbon-rich magma, followed by crystallization of graphite and silicates. Later, graphite was partially inverted to diamond by shock events. Reburial of the shocked debris experienced various degree of thermal metamorphism. Finally, these rocks were excavated from the parent asteroid and ejected into Earth-cross orbit by another impact event.  相似文献   

Petrography and mineral chemistry of four carbonaceous chondrites (GRV 020017, GRV 020025, GRV 021579, GRV 022459) collected from the Grove Mountains (GRV), Antarctica, were reported here. All four chondrites are unequilibrated, as indicated by well shaped chondrules and the chemical variations of olivine and low-Ca pyroxene. The modal abundance ratio of matrix/chondrule are 2(GRV 020017), 2.8(GRV 020025), 1.2(GRV 021579), 1(GRV 022459). GRV 022459 has the largest chondrules(0.6-2.0mm). A total of 30 Ca-Al-rich inclusions were found in the four meteorites. Most inclusions were highly altered, with abundant phyllosilicates in the inclusions of GRV 020017 and GRV 020025. On the base of petrography and mineral chemistry, these chondrites are classified as CM2 (GRV 020017 and 020025), CO3 (GRV 021579) and CV3 (GRV 022459).  相似文献   

MIL090036 is a previously unknown meteorite (a feldspathic lunar breccia) that was discovered in Antarctica. The detailed petrography and mineralogy of this meteorite forms the subject of this paper. It has a typical clastic texture that consists of various types of rock debris (e.g. anorthosite, gabbroic anorthosite, gabbro, regolith breccia, troctolite, microporphyritic crystalline impact melt and compound clasts), mineral crystal fragments (e.g. pyroxenes, plagioclase, olivine and ilmenite) and feldspathic glass clasts. The ifne-grained recrystallized minerals and mineral clasts are cemented together in a glassy groundmass. The anorthite content of plagioclase in the gabbro (An81-83) and anorthosite (An88-93) both have relatively low calcium content compared to those from other breccias (An90-98). The pyroxene composition (Fs12-35 Wo3-44 En22-79) in the rock debris, crystal mineral clasts and anorthositic glass clasts are relatively iron-deifcient compared to those from gabbro debris with melt glass (Fs37-65 Wo10-29 En21-49) and groundmass (Fs18-69 Wo3-45 En14-50). In contrast, the pyroxene grains in the gabbroic anorthosite display a narrow compositional range (Fs24-27 Wo7-14 En59-69). Olivine grains in mineral fragments and the groundmass have a wider compositional range (Fo57-79) than those in the rock debris (Fo67-77). The Fe/Mn ratio in olivine is in the range of 47 to 83 (average 76) and 76 to 112 (average 73) in pyroxenes, and hence classify within the lunar ifeld. The characteristics of texture, mineral assemblage and compositions suggest that MIL090036 possibly originated from a region beyond that of the Apollo and Luna samples. Further study of MIL090036 is therefore likely to lead to a better understanding of the geological processes on the Moon and the chemical composition of the lunar crust.  相似文献   

We report results of petrologic and mineralogical studies of 25 unequilibrated ordinary chondrites (19 Chinese Antarctic meteorites) using electron microprobe, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS) techniques. With increasing degree of thermal metamorphism, chemical zoning of olivine was erased; plessite was transformed into intergrowths of coarser-grained kamacite and Ni-rich metal; Cr exsolved from ferroan olivine, produced needle-like crystals and coarsened into equant chromite grains; and feldspar crystallized during devitrification of glass and recrystallization of matrix. These features can help to identify different metamorphic grades. Based on the scheme by Sears et al (1982), we subdivided type 3 Chinese Antarctic ordinary chondrites into petrologic type 3.3 to 4 (3 type 3.3, 3 type 3.4, 1 type 3.5, 2 type 3.6, 2 type 3.7, 5 type 3.8, 3 type 4). This classification scheme is a quite effective way to subdivide Antarctic meteorites. Additionally, we propose to revise the chemical groups of GRV 020032 and GRV 020104 to L and H, respectively.  相似文献   

Concentrations of Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Ga, Ge, As, Sb, W, Re, Ir, Pt and Au of two ungrouped iron meteorites, Grove Mountains (GRV) 98003 from Antarctica and Ujimqin, were measured using instrumental neutron activation analysis. According to the bulk chemistry, GRV 98003 is classified as a member of ⅠAB group, and Ujimqin as a unique one of ⅠAB iron meteorite complex. The elemental abundance pattern and correlation between elements (e. g. Ni-Au, Co-Au, As-Au, W- Au, Cu-Au, Sb-Au) of GRV 98003 are similar with those of NAW 468 (ⅠAB), but significantly depleted in refractory siderophile elements ( Re, It) and moderate volatile elements (Ca, Ge) relative to the latter. In addition, we reclassify Nantan (ⅢCD) as a member of ⅠAB main group (MG) and Yongning (ⅠA) as a unique iron meteorite related with IAB iron meteorite complex.  相似文献   

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