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卤水中钙离子的存在会对盐湖化工生产及其产品质量造成较大影响,研究钙离子在卤水蒸发过程中的分布规律具有重要意义。通过室外自然蒸发及盐田实地采样,研究了察尔汗盐湖盐田生产过程中钙离子分布变化规律。结果表明,在自然蒸发实验中卤水钙离子浓度随蒸发量的增加逐渐减少,在盐田生产现场采样结果显示钙离子浓度随卤水蒸发而增加,结合生产实际,推断外界钙离子补给是造成这种现象的主要原因。因此,避免车间含钙尾水混入,阻止盐田卤水和周边土壤可溶性钙盐间离子交换是有效降低卤水钙离子浓度的主要方法。  相似文献   

目前对察尔汗盐湖蒸发量的研究主要集中在气象-水文因素与卤水蒸发量定量关系,缺乏在不同时间尺度下盐湖蒸发量的驱动因素动态变化研究。利用2020年11月5日—2023年5月1日察尔汗盐湖盐田的空气温度、露点温度、风速、相对湿度、总辐射日累计以及盐田的蒸发量、水温、水位等监测数据,结合获取的察尔汗盐湖补给河流格尔木河流量等水文资料,采用相关性分析、多元回归模型等方法探讨了不同时间尺度下盐田蒸发作用与气象-水文因素之间的关系。研究表明,不同盐田的水温、水位、淡水蒸发量变化保持一致,卤水蒸发量变化与盐田密度有关。随着时间尺度的增大,蒸发量与气象要素之间的相关性增强。察尔汗盐田蒸发量在逐小时与逐月尺度主要受到环境温度的影响,日尺度下主要受到太阳辐射的影响。在极端天气作用下河流水文与盐湖微气象因子呈同步变化,对蒸发量的影响具有滞后性。这一研究结果可为盐田生产工艺优化提供理论指导。  相似文献   

茶卡盐湖为一封闭的内陆湖泊,无出湖的泄水口,主要入湖水量为河水,每年总计入湖河水量为0.557×108m3/a,泉水涌水量为0.0259×108m3/a,主要出湖水量为湖面上蒸发水量,年蒸发量为1.146×108m3/a,其次为人工采盐所耗水量为0.0185×108m3/a。茶卡盐湖卤水中主要盐类为NaCl、MgCl2、MgSO4及KCl,丰水季节卤水中NaCl含量较枯水季节的高,是开采石盐的最佳时期,枯水季节卤水中的钾盐和镁盐含量较丰水季节的高,是开采钾、镁盐的最佳期,枯水季节湖水中KCl含量最高值达2.01%,平均值为1.15%,已达单独开采的品位,可修建盐田,利用盐田日晒,制取钾盐,综合开发盐湖资源经济效益高。  相似文献   

盐田高浓度卤水蒸发的数学模型 及动力学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
首次从化学工程的角度 ,将盐田系统作为一类特殊的化学反应器和无机盐分离设备进行了详细的论述。在大量试验基础上 ,系统地分析和研究了 Na+,K+,Mg2 +∥Cl-,- H2 O四元水盐体系卤水在天然蒸发状态下的宏观蒸发动力学参数。从理论上对与卤水蒸发相关的多种参数进行了分析和合理简化 ,概述了卤水蒸发过程中的质量传递规律。并在此基础上通过计算机模拟方法建立了四元水盐体系高浓度卤水在特定地域中进行天然蒸发的卤水宏观蒸发动力学模型 ,证明了多种简化和理论假设的合理性。对该数学模型在盐湖卤水开发中的盐田设计、盐田生产的现代化自动管理和控制等进行了探讨。在卤水蒸发动力学模型建立的过程中 ,针对实际生产过程的需要 ,通过多种参数的分析 ,建立了多种参数关系  相似文献   

将犹他州大盐湖的天然卤水,在盐田中蒸发浓缩到钾盐饱和,然后转到混合池中与含有镁钾比值较高的另一种卤水混合。将调节好的卤水进行盐田蒸发,使析出氯化钠,直到钾盐再次达到饱和。然后将卤水转到另一池中,进一步蒸发析出钾盐镁矾。钾盐镁矾的析出一直进行到光卤石开始形成为止。这时候再将卤水转到另外一个池中去,进一步蒸发使析出光卤石。析出钾盐镁矾后的部分卤水仍循环到混合池中去。在盐田中已经析出光卤石后的老卤被转送到深的储池中去,经冬季冷却析出另一部分光卤石。将析出的光卤石与钾盐镁矾饱和卤水接触,使其转化为钾盐镁矾。  相似文献   

西藏捌仟措盐湖卤水等温蒸发试验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
以西藏捌仟措盐湖卤水为研究对象,依据Na+,K+,Mg2+//Cl-,SO24--H2O五元水盐体系相图,对该盐湖卤水进行了5℃等温蒸发试验,研究了卤水蒸发过程中盐类析出规律和钾、锂和硼在蒸发过程中的富集行为,为该盐湖卤水盐田规划设计、现场生产操作提供了依据。  相似文献   

察尔汗盐湖盐田生产现状及改进措施   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
王石军 《盐湖研究》2001,9(2):42-47
从盐田蒸发结晶机理出发 ,分析了盐田生产的影响因素 ,概述了察尔汗盐湖盐田系统生产现状及工艺技术、管理中存在的问题 ,提出了改善盐田生产系统的措施和优化方法 ,并与国外同类型卤水盐田滩晒指标进行了对比。结论认为 ,通过转变观念 ,提高科学管理水平 ,及时对各方面进行“调整”,应用系统论 ,保证钠盐池与光卤石池物料平衡、面积比例最优 ,并使调节池富有弹性 ,是察尔汗盐湖所有钾肥企业实现盐田系统乃至钾肥生产系统优质、稳产、高产的一项长期的战略方针  相似文献   

<正>由中国五矿-五矿盐湖有限公司与中国科学院青海盐湖研究所联合开发的"一里坪盐湖卤水锂硼镁综合利用"项目,配合引进德国多级锂离子浓缩高镁锂比提锂技术,针对一里坪盐湖卤水进行提锂工艺技术二次研发。目前已经完成了一里坪盐湖晶间卤水的盐田蒸发试验工作,确定了卤水的蒸发析盐规律,获取了相关的盐田工艺技术参数;通过卤水改性、优化盐田工艺,解决了盐田老卤镁锂比值高的技术难题;研发出了一种新型、高效、清洁、节能的镁锂分离工艺,最终得到的富锂卤水镁锂比值在1∶1以下,成功进行了扩大试验,申请了相关专利,确定了适合一里坪盐湖资源特点的先进提锂工艺,用于该盐湖综合开发利用建设项目,为全面开发一里坪盐湖资源提供了技术保  相似文献   

研究了青海察尔汗盐湖不同K~+含量模拟卤水的理论蒸发过程,以25℃Na~+,K~+,Mg2+//Cl~--H_2O相图为依据,通过物料衡算,计算出各个析盐阶段和蒸发过程的析盐量、蒸发水量、成卤率。通过非线性拟合,获得单位含钾矿物和蒸发水量的关系式,为优化盐田工艺提供了理论基础,便于精控盐田。  相似文献   

青海省尕斯库勒盐湖卤水水化学特征初步研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过尕斯库勒盐湖3种卤水(盐田卤水、晶间卤水和湖表卤水)的水化学成分、化学类型、相图研究,初步揭示了该湖不同类型卤水的水化学特征。研究表明,3种卤水的Ca2+、Mg2+、Cl-、SO24-、HCO3-均比柴达木盆地盐湖平均值高,尤以盐田卤水为高,然而K+、Na+相对较低。微量离子均匀性:晶间卤水>湖表卤水>盐田卤水;主要离子均匀性:湖表卤水>晶间卤水>盐田卤水。卤水划分为硫酸镁亚型和氯化物型两类,没有发现硫酸钠亚型和碳酸盐型。其中,盐田卤水全部为氯化物型;晶间卤水既有硫酸镁亚型也有氯化物型,硫酸镁亚型占41.67%,氯化物型占58.33%;湖表卤水大部分为氯化物型。总体而言,卤水变质程度较深,其中盐田卤水变质最深,湖表卤水次之,晶间卤水变质程度较浅。盐田卤水、晶间卤水、湖表卤水在Na+,K+,Mg2+∥Cl-,SO24--H2O五元体系介稳相图中的位置差别较大,表明各类卤水在演化阶段上存在较大差别。  相似文献   

中国西北水资源利用及生态环境安全   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1 Introduction In the 21st century, water resources will become the international and strategic resource instead of petroleum (Kang et al., 1994a, b). At present, the freshwater resources crisis all over the world has made people aware that although water…  相似文献   

采用分子动力学模拟,研究了西藏拉果错盐湖卤水中阴、阳离子以及水分子间的相互作用行为。以盐湖卤水等温蒸发过程中粒子浓度变化的四个阶段为研究对象,分别计算了不同体系的扩散系数、配位数、均方位移和径向分布函数。计算结果表明,液相浓度越低时,H2O分子对各离子之间的相互作用有抑制作用,液相中离子浓度越高时,SO42-易与CO32-竞争Li+形成离子对,从而影响盐湖卤水中Li+的富集。本文研究结果对盐湖卤水中Li+的迁移行为作出了机理解释,为盐湖卤水提锂的发展奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

Extensive valley fills have formed at the base of the escarpment in granitic catchments along the south coast of NSW. On the 1865 portion plan, the valley fill surface in the upper part of Wolumla Creek, in the Bega River catchment, was intact, but within a few decades of European settlement of the area the valley fill had been incised. Today the incised channel is up to 10 m deep and 100 m wide. The catchment drains an area of just 18.2 km2. Based on detailed field mapping, with extensive drilling and angering, the volume of the intact valley fill in upper Wolumla Creek in 1865 was approximately 5000 × 103 m3. Between 1865 and the present day, approximately 3500 × 103 m3 of this material has been removed, leaving roughly 1500× 103 m3 of material stored on the valley margins. During an initial period of discontinuous gullying, approximately 230 × 103 m3 of sand accumulated as a floodout. Subsequently, the incised channel became continuous, cutting through the floodout; over 50 per cent of floodout deposits were removed. Flushing of the materials released from upland valley fills has been very efficient in the Wolumla Creek catchment, with a sediment delivery ratio of around 70 per cent. The efficient downstream transfer of deposits reflects bedrock confinement in downstream reaches. Extensive volumes of material have accumulated along the lower reaches of the catchment, exacerbating the transformation to the geomorphic character of the lower Bega River.  相似文献   

Zhang  Zhengyong  Liu  Lin  He  Xinlin  Li  Zhongqin  Wang  Puyu 《地理学报(英文版)》2019,29(1):101-114

Mountain glaciers, which perform a unique and irreplaceable ecological service, provide the material basis and characteristic cultural foundation of the ecological environment and sustainable socio-economic development in arid areas. However, few studies have estimated the service value of glaciers in regulating ecological environment and providing human welfare. According to the statistics of the First and Second Chinese Glacier Inventory (FCGI/SCGI), this study analyzed the variations in glacier area and ice volume in the Tianshan Mountains in China and modeled the ecosystem service function of mountain glaciers. The service value per unit area and equivalent factor methods were combined to determine the annual value of the ecological service provided by glaciers in the study area. The results show that: (1) In the period 1970–2010, the glacier area decreased by 1274 km2 (the ratio of area shrinkage was 13.9%) and the annual average decrease in ice volume was 4.08×109 m3. The increase in glacier area at high altitudes (> 5200 m) may be due to the fact that glacier accumulation caused by increasing precipitation is greater than glacier melting caused by rising temperatures. (2) The annual value of the ecological service provided by glaciers in the study area is 60.2 billion yuan. The values of climate regulation, hydrological regulation, and freshwater resource supply account for 66.4%, 21.6%, and 9.3% of the total value respectively. The annual value of the ecological service provided by hydroelectric power is 350 million yuan. (3) From a comparative analysis of the glaciers, forest, grassland and wetland ecosystems, the supply of freshwater resources/physical production and ecological regulation represent the main contributions of the four types of system, and the ecosystem service value of glaciers per unit area is higher than that of other types of ecosystem. This research will improve the understanding of the impact of glaciers on human welfare and maintenance of the ecological environment and will promote the ecological security of the cryosphere, environmental protection, and the sustainable use of resources.


Mineral-deposit models are an integral part of quantitative mineral-resource assessment. As the focus of mineral-deposit modeling has moved from metals to industrial minerals, procedure has been modified and may be sufficient to model surficial sand and gravel deposits. Sand and gravel models are needed to assess resource-supply analyses for planning future development and renewal of infrastructure. Successful modeling of sand and gravel deposits must address (1) deposit volumes and geometries, (2) sizes of fragments within the deposits, (3) physical characteristics of the material, and (4) chemical composition and chemical reactivity of the material. Several models of sand and gravel volumes and geometries have been prepared and suggest the following: Sand and gravel deposits in alluvial fans have a median volume of 35 million m3. Deposits in all other geologic settings have a median volume of 5.4 million m3, a median area of 120 ha, and a median thickness of 4 m. The area of a sand and gravel deposit can be predicted from volume using a regression model (log [area (ha)] =1.47+0.79 log [volume (million m3)]). In similar fashion, the volume of a sand and gravel deposit can be predicted from area using the regression (log [volume (million m3)]=–1.45+1.07 log [area (ha)]). Classifying deposits by fragment size can be done using models of the percentage of sand, gravel, and silt within deposits. A classification scheme based on fragment size is sufficiently general to be applied anywhere.  相似文献   

In this study, an attempt has been made to evaluate the temporal variations in specific stream power and the total energy available for geomorphic work during the monsoon season for the Tapi River, in central India. Continuous daily discharge data (1978–1990), hydraulic geometry equations and the relationship between discharge and water surface slope were used to compute the daily specific stream power (ω) for the Savkheda gauging site in the lower Tapi Basin. The total amount of energy generated by all the monsoon flows was estimated by integrating the area under the ω-graph derived for the monsoon season.The analyses of the 13-year daily discharge data reveal that the average and maximum ω values range from 4–20 W m− 2, and 22–964 W m− 2 respectively. Specific stream power duration curve derived for the site shows that for 25% of the time the power per unit area is > 10 W m− 2. Furthermore, unit stream power was found to be above the Williams' [Williams, G.P., 1983. Paleohydrological methods and some examples from Swedish fluvial environments. I. Cobble and boulder deposits. Geografiska Annaler 65A, 227–243.] threshold of pebble-movement (1.5 W m− 2), cobble-movement (16 W m− 2) and boulder-movement (90 W m− 2) for 71%, 15% and 2% of the time, respectively. Computations further indicate that the total amount of energy generated by the flows during the monsoon season is in the range of 37 MJ (deficit monsoon years) to 256 MJ (excess monsoon and/or flood years). Large floods have one-third share in the total monsoon energy expenditure. In the absence of appropriate data on the yearwise geomorphic effects, the geomorphic work was evaluated in terms of the total suspended sediment load transported. The total monsoon sediment load is strongly related to the total monsoon energy. The results of the study indicate that the average flow competence and capacity are remarkably higher during wetter monsoon seasons and flood years than during the shorter and drier monsoon seasons.The present analyses demonstrate that the flows are geomorphically effective for a greater part of the monsoon season, except during the deficient monsoon years, and there is little doubt that large-magnitude floods are effective agents of geomorphic change in monsoonal rivers.  相似文献   

Downstream hydrologic effects since the closure of Glenbawn Dam, a large dual-purpose storage for water conservation and flood mitigation, include: (i) a reduction in mean annual runoff of about 21 × 106 m3; (ii) a change in the probability distribution of mean daily flows involving a truncation of flows >;8 × 106 m3 d?1, a much reduced frequency of flows >7 × 105 m3 d?1 and an increased frequency of flows <7 × 105 m3 d?1; and (iii) a reduction in flood magnitude of at least 80 per cent for all probabilities of exceedance. From suspended sediment samples collected before and after dam closure, sediment trap efficiency has been estimated at 99 per cent.An accommodation adjustment of the channel has occurred upstream of the first unregulated tributary because the bed is armoured, the banks are well vegetated, some bedrock and concrete controls are present and all regulated releases are incompetent to transport the bed material. Immediately downstream of the first unregulated tributary, the channel has contracted by up to 45 per cent and degraded by up to 69 per cent during lateral migration. Further downstream no channel changes were recorded although the bed material has progressively coarsened over time.  相似文献   

Data on rock falls and landslides caused by strong earthquakes in the Zhetysu Alatau, Ile Alatau, Kungei Alatau and Teriskei Alatau mountain ranges on the territory of Southeastern Kazakhstan are presented. The study revealed more than 60 large seismogenic rock falls and landslides, the volume of 25 of them varies from 10 to 100 mil. m3, and the volume of the four largest exceeds 100 mil. m3. The volume of the largest rock fall in the valley of the Ulken Almaty river in the Ile Alatau mountain range is estimated at 380 mil. m3. The highest density of seismogenic landslides was recorded in the low-mountain zone of the northern slope of the Ile Alatau range where the magnitude 9 earthquake of 1887 caused a massive formation of landslides with the volume totaling more than 400 mil. m3 and a density of 1/5 km2. The proportion of landslide-affected areas is estimated at 5% of the area of their occurrence. In the mid- and high-mountain zones of Zhetysu, Ile and Kungei Alatau, the density of seismogenic rock falls varies from 1/100 to 1/50 km2, and the proportion of rock fall-affected areas varies from 1 to 1.5%. It is found that seismogenic rock falls have dammed 26 lakes, and the volume of nine such lakes exceeds 10 mil. m3. The largest rock fall-affected lakes is Upper Zhasylkol in the valley of the Aganakty river in Zhetysu Alatau with the volume of 44 mil. m3. Data from earthquake catalog were used to compile the map for the recurrence frequency of earthquakes of magnitude higher than 6, capable of causing seismogenic rock falls and landslides. It is found that during the last 130 years, in Ile and Kungei Alatau such earthquakes recurred four times. It is established that earthquakes with maximum magnitude 9 are possible in the mountainous regions of Southeastern Kazakhstan.  相似文献   

青藏高原高硼卤水的水化学特征及其成因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文就青藏高原高硼卤水的分布、水化学特征、硼与共生元素的相关性及硼矿沉积的某些规律作了阐述,进而探讨了高硼卤水的成因。  相似文献   

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