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天水-定西高速公路通过地区的地质灾害危险性预测评估结果表明, 公路建设可能引发或加剧的地质灾害危险性包括: 16处原有滑坡复活的危险性;7处崩塌的危险性;2处泥石流的危险性. 路基开挖≥20 m的高边坡有24处, 其中工程建设可能引发或加剧其危险性的有8段;隧道进出口可能引发滑坡、崩塌地质灾害的有16处;工程建设本身可能遭受滑坡危害的有13处;崩塌危害的有10处;泥石流危害的有28条. 根据区内地质灾害的特征及其对工程建设的影响和危险性, 将评估区分为危险性大、中和小3个区, 其中属于危险性大的有3段;危险性中的有3段;危险性小的有2段. 地质灾害根据其类型的不同采用不同的防治措施, 在施工过程中应注意对地质环境的保护.  相似文献   

天水-定西公路工程通过地区地质构造复杂,环境地质安全如果不加以重视,易造成道路的地质灾害,影响到工程建设的安全性.根据已有资料及野外调查,区内地质灾害类型主要为滑坡、崩塌、泥石流,共发育80处;此外尚有黄土湿陷、软土等工程地质问题.其中,发育滑坡32处,现状评估稳定性好的21处、较差的7处、差的4处,处于危险性中等的2处,危险性小的30处;崩塌13处,现状评估稳定性差的8处、较差的5处,处于现状危险性中等的1处,危险性小的12处;泥石流沟谷35条,现状评估中易发12条、低易发23条,处于危险性大的2条,危险性中等的11条,危险性小的22条.区内黄土丘陵和河谷区黄土广布,黄土湿陷性普遍存在;软土在雨水和施工机械联合影响下,会造成路面翻浆变形,但易于清理,其危险性小.  相似文献   

公路工程地质灾害的发生往往与公路沿线及其周边的复杂的地质环境条件密切相关。本文主要以S301线托克逊-乌拉斯台段公路崩塌灾害为研究对象,对区内崩塌灾害的发育特征、危险性现状和预测进行了评估。研究结果表明:该公路沿线主要发育崩塌、泥石流、潜在地面塌陷,而滑坡、地面沉降和地裂缝等地质灾害不发育;现状评估均为危害程度中等和危险性中等的灾害点;预测评估工程建设引发或加剧崩塌灾害的危险性中等,可能遭受崩塌灾害的危险性中等。  相似文献   

研究区主要发育有崩塌和泥石流两种地质灾害。主要以泥石流灾害为研究对象,对研究区的泥石流灾害特征、危险性现状和危险性预测进行了评估。研究结果表明:根据物质组成分类,泥石流类型可以划分为水石流;评估区内泥石流地质灾害不发育,现状评估泥石流地质灾害危害程度小,危险性小;预测工程建设引发和加剧泥石流地质灾害的可能性中等,危害程度中等,危险性中等。  相似文献   

汉中市玉皇山磷矿矿山现状评估发现的地质灾害有崩塌、滑坡、泥石流及地面塌陷等地质灾害,危险性小--大。矿山建设和采矿工程引发、加剧崩塌、滑坡、泥石流及地面塌陷的可能性小--中等,危害程度小--中等,危险性小—大。在预测评估矿山可能引发、加剧和遭受的地质灾害基础上,对矿山进行综合分区评估,提出对不同地段分别采取避让、清除或镶补危岩体、裂缝填埋、建挡墙加固、留足够保安矿柱、加强截排水、种植植物及灾害监测等措施进行防治。  相似文献   

以恭城县莲花镇岩口小学建设项目为例,在调查评估区内各类地质灾害,查明其发育特征、分布规律、稳定状态、危害程度基础上,进行了地质灾害危险性现状评估,并提出拟采用的防治措施和建议。研究结果表明:区内地质环境条件复杂,现状地质灾害弱发育,危险性小。预测基坑崩塌、填方边坡崩塌、滑坡、地基不均匀沉降和膨胀土地基胀缩地质灾害危险性小,自然斜坡崩塌、滑坡和岩溶地面塌陷地质灾害危险性中等。针对上述地质灾害提出了防渗排泄、拦石网、挡土墙、截水沟、灌浆加固及对拟建综合楼地基采取换填法处理等一系列防治措施。  相似文献   

以恭城县莲花镇岩口小学建设项目为例,在调查评估区内各类地质灾害,查明其发育特征、分布规律、稳定状态、危害程度基础上,进行了地质灾害危险性现状评估,并提出拟采用的防治措施和建议。研究结果表明:区内地质环境条件复杂,现状地质灾害弱发育,危险性小。预测基坑崩塌、填方边坡崩塌、滑坡、地基不均匀沉降和膨胀土地基胀缩地质灾害危险性小,自然斜坡崩塌、滑坡和岩溶地面塌陷地质灾害危险性中等。针对上述地质灾害提出了防渗排泄、拦石网、挡土墙、截水沟、灌浆加固及对拟建综合楼地基采取换填法处理等一系列防治措施。  相似文献   

马斌  庞清媛  施爱菊 《化工矿产地质》2011,33(2):100-107,116
德保县通怀锰矿矿山建设开采可能引发的地质灾害有崩塌、滑坡地质灾害,危险性小-中等;地下平硐采矿引发采空区地面塌陷,并引发地面崩塌、滑坡、地裂缝产生的可能性大,危险性中-大等;地下平硐采矿,遭受井巷冒顶及井壁片邦,危险性中等;03线以西生活区遭受采空区地面塌陷地质灾害,危险性大.在基本查明矿山可能引发、加剧和遭受的地质灾...  相似文献   

本文主要以G580线阿热勒至和田公路地质灾害为研究对象,对研究区内地质灾害的发育类型、危险性现状和预测进行了评估。研究结果表明:区内崩塌、滑坡、泥石流、采空塌陷、地裂缝、地面沉降等地质灾害不发育,其他地质灾害主要以风蚀沙埋和土壤盐渍化;现状研究区内地质灾害均发育程度弱,危害程度小,危险性小;预测评估工程建设引发或加剧地质灾害的可能性小,危害程度小,发育程度弱,危险性等级小。  相似文献   

天(水)宝(鸡)高速公路牛背至天水段工程线路所经过的是多断裂带、岩性较差、多地质灾害且处高地震烈度的不良地质区域,公路工程可能遭受滑坡、泥石流、崩塌、黄土湿陷等地质灾害威胁,同时工程开挖形成的一些边坡其稳定性较差,有诱发地质灾害的可能.地质灾害主要对居民、公路、农田等构成危害,但现状评估无危险性大的地质灾害点.对区内地质灾害在采取必要的预防和防治措施条件下,并在施工过程中注意对地质环境的保护,能够保证道路工程的稳定性和达到安全运行的要求.  相似文献   

试论地质勘查单位档案工作规范化管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曾晴 《四川地质学报》2006,26(2):115-116
地勘单位的档案资源是地质工作历史的最真实的记录和珍贵的历史资料。它客观地反映了各个历史时期地质工作状况。本文主要论述了地勘单位档案规范化管理的重要性和必要性,探讨了档案规范化管理的组织建设和制度建设,对地质档案的开发和利用提供了可行的措施。  相似文献   

The need for rapid storage and retrieval of geologic information is discussed briefly. The writer proposes to encode such information on perforated cards, from which it can be transferred to any other recording device. Hopefully, eventually, there will be an international arrangement where such information can be retrieved rapidly and used effectively anywhere in the world. Three examples are chosen to show how the proposed system works: A stratigraphic section, igneous phenomena, and tectonic deformations. These are set up in three tables representing the perforated cards and the proposed items are discussed in some detail. – E. Ingerson.  相似文献   

Geological table     

煤田地质勘探工作,过去多侧重于煤炭资源的勘探,对与矿井(含露天矿,以下同)设计、施工、生产有较大关系的工程地质工作有时重视不足,如精查报告中,对第四纪地质的章节阐述就极为简单,对勘探区域内(尤其是工业广场、工人村等建筑范围)的物理地质现象、地形地貌、岩土的物理力学性质和工程地质条件等所做的工作就更显不够,以致不能较好的指导设计、施工与生产。因此,在煤田地质勘探中做好工程地质工作,是当前一项紧迫的任务。   相似文献   

正1 Introduction Geological outcrops or sections are the basis of geological research.However,the traditional methods for presenting them are mainly photos which fall short of delivering a true visual sense (Deng et al.,2009;Hou et al.,2014).With the continuous development of image acquisition technology using single-lens reflex camera (SLR camera),image synthesis,large file storage and acquisition,panoramic visualization and network technology,high-resolution panorama as a means to display  相似文献   

南岭构造带横跨扬子地块、江南造山带以及华夏地块,是中国钨锡铅锌铀等有色金属和铌钽锂铯与稀土等关键金属成矿带.通过综述近十五年来的研究进展,总结了南岭构造带基础地质特征与成矿地质背景.扬子与华夏地块沿永州-桂林-柳州一线于新元古代拼合,但缺乏直接的地质证据,需对龙胜蛇绿混杂岩和鹰扬关混杂岩进行深入研究.新元古代至中生代花岗岩二阶段模式年龄TDM2值揭示2.0~1.2 Ga为南岭构造带的主要地壳增生期.相似的花岗岩特征和构造线方向指示广西期和印支期造山机制均为陆内造山作用,是华南大陆南侧不同板块之间拼贴远程应力场的产物.燕山早期花岗岩εHf(t)值沿南岭构造带自西向东显著减小,而TDM2值明显增加,指示湘南-桂北-粤北地区在晚侏罗世经历了古太平洋板块断离和软流圈上涌并发育强烈的壳幔相互作用,为南岭构造带东段华夏地块上钨锡等多金属成矿提供了成矿物质来源和有利的伸展构造背景.南岭构造带西段扬子地块构造相对稳定且显生宙岩浆活动较弱,新元古代大塘坡组和寒武系底部页岩是良好的页岩气勘探目标.综合沉积、岩浆以及构造变形,华南中生代特提斯构造域向古太平洋构造域转换开始于晚三叠世.   相似文献   

正On 1–5 September 2014,the China Geological Survey Bureau held a 2015–2020 Geology and Mineral Resources Investigation and Assessment Special Planning and Deployment Meeting to plan the next six years in order to invest nearly ten billion US dollars to implement 9 programs and 50 projects with the aim of developing geological survey work,and to play a leading role in ensuring sustained and stable development.1 The Land Energy and Mines Geological Survey Program  相似文献   

《China Geology》2020,3(1):153-172
Serving as a way to understand the material composition, structure, and dynamic process of the Earth’s interior, deep earth exploration is driven by not only mankind’s pursuit of natural mysteries but also mankind’s basic need to obtain resources and guarantee economic and social development. The first phase of deep earth exploration of China (SinoProbe) was carried out from 2008 to 2016 and tremendous results were achieved. In 2016, the China Geological Survey launched a Deep Geological Survey Project (also referred to as the Project) to continuously explore the deep Earth. Focusing on the national energy resources strategy, the Belt and Road Initiative, and major basic issues of the geological survey, the Project was carried out in Songliao Basin (an important energy base in China) and major geological boundaries and tectonic units including Qilian Mountains-Tianshan Mountains and Qinzhou-Hangzhou juncture belt. The purpose of it is to reveal the process, structure, and forming patterns of the deep ore deposits and petroleum reservoirs, clarify the evolutionary pattem and controlling factors of Mesozoic environmental climate, and discover deep fine structures of key orogens, basins, and mountains by comprehensive geophysical exploration and scientific drilling. Great achievements have been obtained after more than three years of efforts, including a cumulative 1552 km of deep seismic reflection profiles and magnetotelluric profiles, an ultra-deep continental scientific drilling well, a scientific drilling pilot hole, and a magnetotelluric array and a portable broadband seismic array, both of which cover South China. Moreover, significant progress has been made in ultra-deep drilling technology, deep oil and gas discovery in Songliao Basin, and basic geological issues of Qilian Orogen and Qinzhou-Hangzhou juncture belt in South China, greatly accelerating the deep earth exploration in China and further consolidating China’s position as a power in deep earth exploration.  相似文献   

Applications of multiple-point statistics (mps) algorithms to large non-repetitive geological objects such as those found in mining deposits are difficult because most mps algorithms rely on pattern repetition for simulation. In many cases, an interpreted geological model built from a computer-aided design system is readily available but suffers as a training image due to the lack of patterns repetitiveness. Porphyry copper deposits and iron ore formations are good examples of such mining deposits with non-repetitive patterns. This paper presents an algorithm called contactsim that focuses on reproducing the patterns of the contacts between geological types. The algorithm learns the shapes of the lithotype contacts as interpreted by the geologist, and simulates their patterns at a later stage. Defining a zone of uncertainty around the lithological contact is a critical step in contactsim, because it defines both the zones where the simulation is performed and where the algorithm should focus to learn the transitional patterns between lithotypes. A larger zone of uncertainty results in greater variation between realizations. The definition of the uncertainty zone must take into consideration the geological understanding of the deposit, and the reliability of the contact zones. The contactsim algorithm is demonstrated on an iron ore formation.  相似文献   

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