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基于RS与GIS的南汇东滩围垦研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
RS和GIS技术是滩涂围垦监测最经济和有效的方法之一。本文基于1983年以来多期遥感影像,解译出了不同时期人工岸线的位置,在此基础上利用GIS技术分析了近30年来南汇东滩的围垦过程及其与滩涂淤涨速率的关系。结果表明,近30年来南汇东滩的围垦过程呈现"由慢至快"的发展趋势,经历了"缓慢—稳步—高速"三个发展阶段:(1)1983~1995年年均围垦速率约1.23km2/a,圈围速率较小;(2)1995~2000年为7.95km2/a,围垦速率处于稳步增长阶段;(3)2002~2005年为35.27km2/a,是围垦速率最大的阶段。2002年以前,围垦速率与滩涂淤涨速率基本一致,2002年之后,围垦速率远大于滩涂淤涨速率。本文认为8km2/a是南汇东滩适宜的围垦速度。2002年之后南汇东滩的快速围垦并没有导致上海整体滩涂面积的减少,围垦可不囿于局部滩涂面积的稳定,以全市总体滩涂面积和湿地水平的动态平衡,可为滩涂资源开发利用提供现实选择。  相似文献   

人类活动对我国海湾生态环境的影响日趋严重,作为海湾变化的重要表征—海湾岸线自然成为陆海相互作用研究的主要内容之一。本文以西部大开发的前沿—北部湾海湾岸线为对象,利用Landsat系列影像反演1991、2005及2010年北部湾1595km的大陆岸线;选择1991~2010年间北部湾北部变化强烈的40个岸段,分析岸线的冲淤变化。结果表明:北部湾海湾曲折岸线的固有属性已发生改变,岸线平直化趋势明显;海湾岸线冲淤交互存在,相对遮蔽的岸段岸线积极向海推进,年淤积速率为23m/a,无防护地带的岸线以侵蚀为主,年平均侵蚀速率为24m/a;在不同类型的海湾岸线中,生物海岸与砂质海岸表现为向陆蚀退,年平均侵蚀14m/a,淤泥质海岸为向海淤积,年平均淤积速率为9m/a,基岩海湾岸线变化不大。  相似文献   

海平面上升的淹没效应导致潮间带湿地面积损失,泥沙淤积可以抵消海平面上升的影响而使潮间带湿地面积持续增长。潮间带湿地面积的实际变化取决于这两个因素的抗衡。本文通过对崇明东滩固定断面高程的重复测量,结合海平面上升速率和潮间带坡度,尝试分离海平面上升和泥沙淤积两因子对潮间带湿地面积变化的影响。结果表明,2005~2010年间,泥沙淤积使崇明东滩潮间带湿地面积增加1.79km2(平均0.36km2/a),而相对海平面上升的"淹没"效应导致崇明东滩潮间带湿地面积损失约0.44~0.64km2(0.09~0.13km2/a),潮间带面积实际增长1.15~1.35km2(0.23~0.27km2/a)。今后几十年,受全球海平面加速上升和长江入海泥沙进一步减少的影响,崇明东滩潮间带湿地的净淤涨速率可能进一步下降,崇明东滩湿地的开发利用将面临新的挑战。  相似文献   

崇明东滩15年动态发展变化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
崇明东滩是长江口规模最大、发育最完善的河口型潮汐湿地,又是一个河口淤涨型湿地,对1988年与2002年崇明东滩湿地卫星遥感图象的分析,得出以下几点结论:①崇明东滩并不是全部扩涨,南部滩涂岸线呈后退趋势;②在淤涨部分,以最东端最快;③随着长江上游来沙减少和大规模的围垦,崇明东滩的前景将不容乐观。因此,可持续开发、利用和保护崇明东滩湿地迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

根据1954~2001年的航卫片遥感信息,对长江皖江段的岸线特征及变化进行了调查和分析。航卫片解译,长江皖江段南、北岸线长度分别为405.4km(右岸)和438.8km(左岸),岸线总长844.2km。根据遥感影像特征和野外调查,将皖江岸带(线)划分为侵蚀岸(冲刷岸)、淤积岸和稳定岸3种类型,其中冲刷岸长426.4km,占岸线总长度的50.5%,左岸大于右岸;淤积岸长198.4km,占岸线总长度的23.5%;稳定岸长219.4km,占岸线总长度的26.0%。根据1954年、1969年、1975年和1986年4个时期的航片资料的对比解译,对1954~1969年、1969~1975年和1975~1986年3个时间段的岸线摆动幅度和速率进行了计算,从中发现,河道岸线的摆动主要是左岸侵蚀后退,段内岸线年平均变形强度在50m以上的有7处,在100m以上有2处。岸带变化的基本特征是:主河道长期右移,近期以左移为主;江心洲的平面变化复杂,汊道河段岸线变化强烈;鹅头形分汊河段演变具周期性特点。  相似文献   

海岸带是陆地向海洋延伸的过渡地带,是人口最为密集、人类活动最频繁的区域,全球超过50%的人口和60%的GDP总量集聚在离海岸线不足100 km的区域。海岸线对海平面上升、海岸侵蚀、港湾淤积、湿地生态资源、近海海域环境等具有重要的指示作用。本研究利用遥感影像获取了粤港澳大湾区(以下简称大湾区)1975—2018年间的大陆海岸线数据,并基于GIS平台,对海岸线开发利用程度以及空间位置变迁进行了定量分析,探讨了海岸线变迁的驱动力。结果表明:(1)大湾区大陆岸线时空变化明显,总体可分为两个阶段。1975—1995年,岸线长度上升明显,岸线类型格局变化显著;1995年后,岸线长度增长较缓,但建设用地态势增长强劲。(2)大湾区大陆岸线整体形态上不断曲折化,分形维数逐渐增长;空间位置变化上,大陆岸线不断向海推进,年平均速率达9.91 m/a,向海延伸最远的地方出现在洪奇门至蕉门和虎跳门至鸡啼门岸段附近,最大值可达197.88 m/a。(3)大湾区大陆岸线的开发利用程度及人类活动干预程度处于逐渐增强的趋势,人为影响主要体现为港口码头建筑岸线及围填养殖岸线。(4)大湾区的地形地貌、水文特征等自然环境是岸线演变的基础,社会经济发展和政策是岸线演变的重要驱动因素。在20世纪末,发展速度对海岸线的影响最大;在21世纪初,发展强度则为演变的主要影响因素。  相似文献   

岸线资源是城市重要的自然资源和国土空间,科学、合理地评价和优化岸线资源功能,有利于实施海洋发展战略、大幅提高岸线资源的综合利用效率和提升城市活力品质。利用GIS技术,建立岸线资源功能评价的指标体系,并对上海岸线资源进行空间特征分析。研究结论:(1)上海滨江沿海岸线中,农渔业生产功能适宜岸线占34.9%,滨水旅游功能适宜岸线占11.7%,产城发展功能适宜岸线占37.5%,生态保护功能适宜评价岸线占15.9%。(2)崇明西北岸段、长兴岛东北、横沙、南汇东滩等岸段,沉积物环境质量优良,可进行适度农业围垦和渔业养殖;奉贤中部、金山中东部、崇明岛东南部、宝山与浦东毗邻处等岸段交通条件和自然人文资源优良,适合滨水旅游功能开发;崇明岛中部城镇群以南、浦东主城区、长兴岛南部、临港新城及宝山、奉贤、金山部分岸段适合城镇和产业发展;崇明东滩、长兴岛北岸、宝山部分岸段等由于较高的生态服务价值和城市安全保障的需要,应严格保护。  相似文献   

全面准确评估海滩的时空演变,是海滩侵蚀防护的前提;基于卫星图像资源全面准确评估海滩的时空演变,对于缺乏长期连续实测数据的海滩的侵蚀防护具有重要意义。本研究基于谷歌地球引擎合成并下载灵南海滩(灵山湾南部海滩)1984—2021年的880幅卫星图像,聚焦海滩剖面提取干湿线和水边线在剖面上的位置;结合模拟潮位分析海滩剖面形态,计算海滩坡度和平均高、低潮线等,采用多指标研究灵南海滩的时空演变;结合历史资料分析影响灵南海滩演变的主要因素,并利用海滩实测数据评估利用卫星图像提取的海滩岸线的误差。结果表明,大量卫星图像的应用提高了研究结果的时间分辨率、精度和可靠性。在1984—2021年间,灵南海滩部分岸段发生了阶段性快速侵蚀,侵蚀速率为5.2~60 m/a,总侵蚀量达30~78 m,持续时间为0.5~11年,该快速侵蚀主要是挖沙、养殖场改建和废弃等人为因素造成的,风暴潮起次要的辅助作用。除上述快速侵蚀时段外,灵南海滩普遍发生慢速侵蚀,侵蚀速率一般小于2 m/a,这是相对海平面上升和河流入海泥沙锐减等的结果。  相似文献   

掌握滩涂演变规律是保护和开发滩涂资源的重要依据,杭州湾水沙条件复杂,人类活动强度大,滩涂演变机制复杂。基于杭州湾近60 a(1959—2019年)水文地形监测资料,结合促淤围涂进程,分析了杭州湾南岸滩涂在水沙变化和人类活动影响下的演变规律及其机制。结果表明:近60 a来,杭州湾南岸滩涂普遍淤高,1959—2003年淤积速率约6.70 cm/a,2003—2019年淤积速率加快,约12.59 cm/a;大规模围涂和潮差增大是滩坡坡度增大的主要原因;庵东浅滩平面形态的周期性演变与径流的丰枯周期有关,呈现“丰水走弯,枯水趋直”现象;长江来沙减少尚未对杭州湾南岸滩涂淤涨产生明显影响;围涂工程是杭州湾南岸滩涂近期淤涨速率加快、潮滩宽度减小的主要原因。  相似文献   

滨海新区海岸线时空变化特征及成因分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
利用多期遥感数据,监测天津滨海新区近10年来海岸线的冲淤变化及潮滩利用,结合历史海岸线资料,对其变迁特征和成因进行分析。结果表明,近10年来,该地区海岸线总体快速向海推进,特别是在2007年以后推进速率明显增大,最大规模推进集中在海滨浴场至永定新河河口岸段,约13.7 km。围海造陆、港口建设等人为活动是其快速推进的主导因素。海岸侵蚀作用多发生在歧口河至青静黄排水渠岸段和大神堂村至涧河口岸段,且大神堂村至涧河口岸段比较显著,平均侵蚀速率约10m/a,需要密切关注和重点防范。  相似文献   

Living shorelines are a shoreline stabilization strategy encompassing a range of vegetative to structural materials and serve as an alternative approach to the use of structures like bulkheads, which are known to aggravate erosion. Living shorelines are often installed with little to no long-term monitoring for effectiveness; specifically, there is a lack of quantitative data regarding their performance as a shoreline stabilization strategy. This study sought to assess the performance of living shorelines with sills, with respect to shoreline protection, by determining shoreline change rates (SCR) using geospatial analysis. Shoreline surveys were conducted using a real-time kinematic (RTK)-GPS unit at a total of 17 living shoreline projects and nine control segments at 12 sites along the coast of North Carolina. Current shoreline position was compared to historic (pre-installation) shoreline positions obtained from aerial imagery, dating to 1993. The average SCR among northern sites before installation was ??0.45?±?0.49 m year?1, and in southern sites, it was ??0.21?±?0.52 m year?1. After installation, average SCR was significantly less erosive at northern and southern sites with living shorelines, 0.17?±?0.47 and ??0.01?±?0.51 m year?1, respectively. Of the 17 living shoreline project segments, 12 exhibited a reduction in the rate of erosion; of those 12, six were observed to be accreting. This study supports the convention that living shorelines can reduce the rate of erosion and potentially restore lost shore zone habitat.  相似文献   

Recent projections of global climate change necessitate improved methodologies that quantify shoreline variability. Updated analyses of shoreline movement provide important information that can aid and inform likely intervention policies. This paper uses the Analyzing Moving Boundaries Using R (AMBUR) technique to evaluate shoreline change trends over the time period 1856 to 2015. Special emphasis was placed on recent rates of change, during the 1994 to 2015 period of active storm conditions. Small segments, on the order of tens of kilometers, along two sandy barrier island regions on Florida’s Gulf and Atlantic coasts were chosen for this study. The overall average rate of change over the 159-year period along Little St. George Island was ??0.62?±?0.12 m/year, with approximately 65% of shoreline segments eroding and 35% advancing. During periods of storm clustering (1994–2015), retreat rates along portions of this Gulf coast barrier accelerated to ??5.49?±?1.4 m/year. Along the northern portion of Merritt Island on Florida’s Atlantic coast, the overall mean rate of change was 0.22?±?0.08 m/year, indicative of a shoreline in a state of relative dynamic equilibrium. In direct contrast with the Gulf coast shoreline segment, the majority of transects (65%) evaluated along the oceanfront of Merritt Island over the long term displayed a seaward advance. Results indicate that episodes of clustered storm activity with fairly quick return intervals generally produce dramatic morphological alteration of the coast and can delay natural beach recovery. Additionally, the data show that tidal inlet dynamics, shoreline orientation, along with engineering projects, act over a variety of spatial and temporal scales to influence shoreline evolution. Further, the trends of shoreline movement observed in this study indicate that nearshore bathymetry—the presence of shoals—wields some influence on the behavior of local segments of the shoreline.  相似文献   

Archaeological sites in beach and estuarine environments are continually threatened by diverse natural marine processes. Shoreline erosion, bluff retreat, and sea level rise all present potential for site destruction. Using historic maps, aerial imagery, and field survey methods in a GIS, 21 potentially significant archaeological sites on Georgia barrier islands were selected for determination of site‐specific rates of shoreline change using a powerful, new, moving‐boundary GIS analysis tool. A prioritized list of sites, based on the order of site loss from erosion, was generated to assist coastal managers in identifying and documenting sites most at risk. From the original selection of 21 sites, 11 sites were eroding, 8 shorelines were stable, and 2 shorelines were accreting. The methodology outlined here produces critical information on archaeological site loss rates and provides a straightforward means of prioritizing sites for detailed documentation. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Human population growth and sea-level rise are increasing the demand for protection of coastal property against shoreline erosion. Living shorelines are designed to provide shoreline protection and are constructed or reinforced using natural elements. While living shorelines are gaining popularity with homeowners, their ability to provide ecological services (e.g., habitat provision and trophic transfer) is not well understood, and information is needed to improve coastal and resource management decision-making. We examined benthic community responses to living shorelines in two case-study subestuaries of Chesapeake Bay using a before-after control-impact study design. At Windy Hill, a bulkhead was removed and replaced by three tombolos, sand fill, and native marsh vegetation. At Lynnhaven, 25 m of eroding marsh shoreline was stabilized with coir logs, sand fill, and native marsh vegetation. Communities of large (>?3 mm) infauna adjacent to living shorelines at both locations tended to increase in biomass by the end of the study period. Community compositions changed significantly following living shoreline construction at Windy Hill, reflecting a trend toward higher density and biomass of large bivalves at living shorelines compared to pre-construction. Increasing trends in density and biomass of clams and simultaneously decreasing density and decreasing trends in biomass of polychaetes suggest a transition toward stable infaunal communities at living shorelines over time, though longer-term studies are warranted.  相似文献   

The part of southwest coast of India extending from Poovar in the south to Kasaragod in the north is considered as one of the highly dynamic coastal areas of Indian peninsula. Over the years due to rapid urbanization as well as other natural and anthropogenic activities, the coast is under severe pressure which in turn has reduced the percentage status of healthy / stable coast. Unscientific shoreline protection methods adopted without conducting appropriate studies to assess the suitability of the said method to a particular coastal stretch has often led to negative impacts. As a result, many areas that were once stable have turned eroding and in certain cases, the observed extent of erosion is severe warranting immediate protection measures. In this context, a study was carried out to assess the long-term shoreline changes along the southwest coast and to decipher the causative factors responsible for these changes. Accordingly, a 46 year period from 1968 to 2014 was studied using multi-dated shoreline images and Survey of India (SOI) topographic charts. The DSAS software (USGS) is used to compute the rate of shoreline changes along different sectors of the coast and accordingly the entire coastal stretch is classified into 7 classes depicting the present status (stable / dynamically stable / unstable) of the coast. The analysis revealed that almost 60 % of the coastline is eroding with about 29 % showing an accreting trend.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the impact of wave energy and littoral current on shorelines along the south-west coast of Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu, India. The multi-temporal Landsat TM, ETM+ images acquired from 1999 to 2011 were used to demarcate the rate of shoreline shift using GIS-based Digital Shoreline Analysis System. The statistical analysis such as net shoreline movement and end point rate were determined from the multi-temporal shoreline layers. Moreover, the wave energy and seasonal littoral current velocity were calculated for each coastal zone using mathematical equations. The results reveal that the coastal zones, which include Kanyakumari, Kovalam, Manavalakurichi and Thengapattinam coasts, consisting of maximum wave energy along with high velocity of littoral current, have faced continuous erosion processes. The estimated wave energy along these zones ranges from 6.5 to 8.5 kJ/km2 and the observed current velocity varies from 0.22 to 0.32 m/s during south-west and north-east monsoons. The cumulative effect of these coastal processes in the study area leads to severe erosion that is estimated as 300.63, 69.92, 54.12 and 66.11 m, respectively. However, the coastal zones, namely Rajakkamangalam, Ganapathipuram, Muttam and Colachel, have experienced sediment deposits due to current movement during the north-east monsoon. However, the trend changes during the south-west monsoon as a result of sediment drift through backwash. The spatial variation of shoreline and its impact on wave energy and the littoral current have been mapped using the geo-spatial technology. This study envisages the impact of coastal processes on site-specific shorelines. Hence, the study will be effective for sustainable coastal zone management.  相似文献   

Four traditionally recognized strandline complexes in the southern basin of glacial Lake Agassiz are the Herman, Norcross, Tintah and Campbell, whose names correspond to towns in west-central Minnesota that lie on a linear transect defined by the Great Northern railroad grade; the active corridor for commerce at the time when Warren Upham was mapping and naming the shorelines of Lake Agassiz (ca.1880–1895). Because shorelines represent static water planes, their extension around the lake margin establishes time-synchronous lake levels. Transitions between shoreline positions represent significant water-level fluctuations. However, geologic ages have never been obtained from sites near the namesake towns in the vicinity of the southern outlet. Here we report the first geologic ages for Lake Agassiz shorelines obtained at field sites along the namesake transect, and evaluate the emerging chronology in light of other paleoclimate records. Our current work from 11 sampling sites has yielded 16 independent ages. These results combined with a growing OSL age data set for Lake Agassiz's southern basin provide robust age constraints for the Herman, Norcross and Campbell strandlines with averages and standard deviations of 14.1 ± 0.3 ka, 13.6 ± 0.2 ka, and 10.5 ± 0.3 ka, respectively.  相似文献   

In many coastal regions throughout the world, there is increasing pressure to harden shorelines to protect human infrastructures against sea level rise, storm surge, and erosion. This study examines waterbird community integrity in relation to shoreline hardening and land use characteristics at three geospatial scales: (1) the shoreline scale characterized by seven shoreline types: bulkhead, riprap, developed, natural marsh, Phragmites-dominated marsh, sandy beach, and forest; (2) the local subestuary landscape scale including land up to 500 m inland of the shoreline; and (3) the watershed scale >500 m from the shoreline. From 2010 to 2014, we conducted waterbird surveys along the shoreline and open water within 21 subestuaries throughout the Chesapeake Bay during two seasons to encompass post-breeding shorebirds and colonial waterbirds in late summer and migrating and wintering waterfowl in late fall. We employed an Index of Waterbird Community Integrity (IWCI) derived from mean abundance of individual waterbird species and scores of six key species attributes describing each species’ sensitivity to human disturbance, and then used this index to characterize communities in each subestuary and season. IWCI scores ranged from 14.3 to 19.7. Multivariate regression model selection showed that the local shoreline scale had the strongest influence on IWCI scores. At this scale, percent coverage of bulkhead and Phragmites along shorelines were the strongest predictors of IWCI, both with negative relationships. Recursive partitioning revealed that when subestuary shoreline coverage exceeded thresholds of approximately 5% Phragmites or 8% bulkhead, IWCI scores decreased. Our results indicate that development at the shoreline scale has an important effect on waterbird community integrity, and that shoreline hardening and invasive Phragmites each have a negative effect on waterbirds using subestuarine systems.  相似文献   

Increased freshwater and nutrient runoff associated with coastal development is implicated in dramatically altering estuarine communities along eastern US shorelines. We examined effects of three categories of shoreline development on high-marsh environments within Murrells Inlet, South Carolina, USA by measuring sediment nutrients, porewater salinity, plant species diversity, and above- and belowground plant biomass. Effects on new plant growth also were examined in plot clearing and transplantation experiments. Greater nutrient availability in sediments along developed shorelines was reflected in greater aboveground biomass and nitrogen storage in Juncus roemerianus plant tissue. Plant species composition was not significantly different among levels of shoreline development. Zinc concentrations were greater in sediments from developed shorelines and may represent an easily measured indicator of shoreline development. Recently accelerating shoreline development in the southeastern USA may alter plant production, nitrogen storage, and sediment metal content in salt marshes.  相似文献   

Shoreline changes are largely dependent on coastal morphology. South-west coast of India is a high energy coast characterised by monsoon high waves, steep beach face and medium-sized beach sand. Waves are generally from west and west south-west during rough monsoon season and from south-west during fair weather season. Shoreline change along this coast is studied with reference to coastal morphological features. Various morphological features, modifications and chronological positions of shoreline are analysed with the information derived from multidated satellite imageries, toposheets and GPS shoreline mapping along with extended field survey. Image processing and GIS techniques have been used for the analysis of data and presentation of results. Sediment accumulation on the leeward side of artificial structures such as harbour breakwaters and groynes is used as a sediment transport indicator. Artificial structures such as seawalls, groynes and harbour breakwaters modify morphology. Shoreline south of headlands/promontories and breakwaters are stable or accreting due to net northerly longshore sediment transport while erosion tendency is observed on the north side. Lateritic cliffs fronting the sea or with seasonal beach undergo slumping and cliff edge retreat as episodic events. Spits adjoining tidal inlets are prone to shoreline variations due to oscillations of inlet mouth. Interventions in the form of inlet stabilization and construction of coastal protection structures trigger erosion along adjoining coasts. Seawalls constructed along highly eroding coasts get damaged, whereas those constructed along monsoon berm crest with frontal beaches for protection against monsoon wave attack are retained. Fishing gaps within seawalls are areas of severe temporary erosion during rough monsoon season. Accretion or erosion accompanies construction of harbour breakwaters in a stable coastal plain. Close dependence of shoreline changes on morphology necessitates detailed understanding of impacts on morphology prior to introducing any intervention in the coastal zone.  相似文献   

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