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由于采煤塌陷造成大面积耕地损毁,为恢复农业生产和改善生态环境,应实施采煤塌陷地土地复垦工程,而水资源配置是顺利实施复垦工程的重要前提。该文以济宁市采煤塌陷地土地复垦工程项目为例,分析了工程实施前后取水水源、用水量变化、水源配置和供需平衡,提出了"因地制宜、分质供水"的原则,为在其他采煤塌陷土地复垦区做好水资源保障提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

肥城煤田作为国家重要能源基地,开发历史悠久,为我国高速发展的国民经济做出了巨大贡献。但长期开采导致塌陷范围广、深度大、积水严重,生态环境遭受严重破坏,给矿区群众的生产生活带来严重影响。该文总结了目前普及化程度较高的采煤塌陷区治理模式,以此为基础,对肥城市采煤塌陷区按照因地制宜的原则,通过分析研究、归纳得出适应于肥城市采煤塌陷区四种不同的治理模式,分别为:土地复垦治理模式、“渔业+农业”治理模式、生态修复治理模式、综合治理模式,并对四种治理模式进行了阐述分析,对今后肥城市采煤塌陷区治理起到借鉴和指导作用。  相似文献   

我国是煤炭生产大国,今年预计产量将突破17亿吨。由此带来的是对生态环境的严重破坏。统计表明,我国每采1万吨煤,平均造成的土地塌陷为0.2公顷。目前全国因采煤造成的塌陷就述40万公顷,并且还在以每年2.7万公顷的速度增加。自1993年起,河南神火集团开展了采煤塌陷地治理复垦工作。十多年来这个公司不断探索,创造出了原地复垦法、废弃物充填法、超前复垦和二次复垦法等一整套先进的塌陷地治理技术,并通过了ISO14001环境管理体系认证。目前,该公司已累计复垦土地万余亩,塌陷地复垦率在90%以上,基本实现了塌陷面积与复垦面积平衡。通过塌陷地治理复垦,矿区环境美了,农民富了。当地群众说:“这是一项利民工程”。  相似文献   

正近年来,安徽省淮北市采取复垦整地、填充造地和生态修地等措施,进一步改善生态环境,让城市"伤疤"变身生态宝库。一是复垦整地。该市将塌陷深度2米以内的区域复垦为耕地,塌陷深度大于2米的区域复垦为养殖水面。5年来累计实施采煤塌陷区土地复垦项目65个,治理沉陷地1 100公顷。  相似文献   

为贯彻落实国务院《土地复垦条例》,科学探索采煤塌陷地治理复垦新模式,3月19日上午,济宁市在北京召开采煤塌陷地引黄充填复垦可行性论证会。中国工程院院士汪懋华、彭苏萍两位教授,国务院发展研究中心、中国地质环境监测院等单位专家,以及国家发改委、国土资源部、科技部、水利部、黄河流域水资源保护局等部委和山东省直有关部门的领导  相似文献   

VirtualGIS是地理信息系统与虚拟现实技术、遥感技术相结合的产物,该文将虚拟现实技术、地理信息系统技术、遥感技术结合在一起构建虚拟再现地理信息系统,通过对龙口市采煤塌陷区地理环境的虚拟再现,揭示了龙口市采煤塌陷的范围及特征,并对塌陷区景观进行了预测,进行了洪水淹没分析,给勘查人员以感性直观认识,便于指导塌陷复垦的工作部署。  相似文献   

煤炭资源的开采引发了采煤塌陷、农田损毁、生态破坏、农民失地等后果,给矿区带来了一系列经济、社会、环境问题。该文以兖州煤田为例,对平原地区高潜水位条件下煤炭开采引起的地表塌陷现状进行调查,充分掌握了塌陷区土地利用现状、塌陷区稳沉状况及破坏现状。分析了兖州煤田采煤塌陷区的土地损毁特点,研究了塌陷区综合治理的手段和方法,针对性地提出了高潜水位地区采煤塌陷综合治理的途径,为采煤塌陷区的规划治理提供了参考。  相似文献   

济宁市采煤塌陷地数量巨大,塌陷地复垦任务艰巨,主要的原因是没有足够的填充物复垦塌陷地,利用运河航道清淤及湖泊泥浆充填能很好地解决这一难题。从济宁市采煤塌陷地现状分布、破坏程度入手,对治理模式进行剖析,根据多年来运河航道的清淤、湖泊泥浆充填工程的有益经验,探讨南四湖周围塌陷地引湖充填复垦的可行性。  相似文献   

采用年度土地变更调查方法及技术路线,以蒙阴县历史遗留采煤塌陷区为调查单元,进行业内判读和现场核查,充分掌握了塌陷区土地利用现状、塌陷区稳沉状况及破坏现状,对塌陷成因进行了分析,并提出了防治建议,为采煤塌陷区治理提供了参考。  相似文献   

大柳塔采煤塌陷区土壤含水量的空间变异特征分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过研究采煤塌陷区土壤水空间分布及动态变化特征,查明了采煤塌陷对土壤含水量的影响,这对矿区生态环境保护、塌陷区土地复垦等具有重要指导意义。以大柳塔双沟采煤塌陷区为试验区,利用传统统计学和地统计学方法分析了采煤塌陷条件下的包气带土壤水空间变异特征。研究结果表明:由于采煤塌陷造成塌陷区土壤层位在垂向上倒置、重组,引起土壤粒度、容重、孔隙度等土壤物理特性的改变,使塌陷区土壤含水量比非塌陷区显著降低,在不同深度层(0~60 cm)分别减少14.2%~21.9%;在垂向分布上塌陷区土壤水分也表现出较强的变异性,其离散系数在不同深度(0~60 cm)与非塌陷区的差值在19.2%~50%之间。根据试验区0 cm、20 cm、40 cm、60 cm四个层面土壤含水量的Kriging插值等值线图显示,土壤含水量低值区均位于塌陷区内的塌陷坑部位,证明地表的地裂缝、塌陷坑、塌陷洞等塌陷形态对土壤持水能力的影响颇为显著。采煤塌陷区土壤含水量降低、空间变异性增强直接导致了地表植被生存环境的恶化,地表景观被严重破坏。  相似文献   

露天矿区土地复垦及生态重建数据库的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
矿区土地复垦与生态重建研究以及复垦模式的验证、推广,都需要借助数据库技术对多年研究数据进行有效的组织管理。本文论述了土地复垦与生态重建数据库设计过程中的用户需求分析、概念结构设计、逻辑结构设计、物理结构设计以及数据库的实施与维护。该研究促进了矿区土地复垦与生态重建工作的信息化。  相似文献   

Little information is available on the impacts of coastal reclamation on wetland loss in large-river deltas at a regional scale.Using remote sensing data of coastal wetland and reclamation in four deltas in China from 1978 to 2014, we tracked their continuous area changes in four periods: 1978–1990, 1990–2000, 2000–2008, and 2008–2014. The areal relation between wetland loss and reclamation was quantified and used to identify coastal reclamation mode intensity coupled with another three indicators: reclamation rate,accretion rate and land-use intensity of coastal reclamation. The results showed that coastal reclamation driven by economic development reduced, or even reverse the original growth of delta which was determined by the offset between wetland acceleration rate and wetland loss rate. Generally, the area of reclamation showed a positive linear correlation with the area of wetland loss. The findings imply that human activities should control reclamation rate and intensity to alleviate total wetland loss and maintain wetland ’net gain’.Inappropriate coastal reclamation modes can magnify total wetland loss;therefore, coastal reclamation with a slow increment rate and low impervious surface percent is of great importance for sustainable development in future coastal management.  相似文献   

1 THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS The Sanjiang Plain is located in the northeast of Heilongjiang Province, China. Russia borders this region in the north and east. Its total area is 1.088×107ha. The area of plain occupies 61.21%of the total land area and that of hill and mountain amounts to 38.79%of the total land area. It is not only one of the most important regions with large area of fresh water wetlands and with varieties of rare migratory waterfowls, but a…  相似文献   

在深入研究农村集体建设用地复垦产权转移过程的基础上,结合重庆地票制度下建设用地流转机制,基于"属地管理"原则,采用"纵向监管、横向协作"方式设计了省、市、县三级联动一体化产权产籍监管数字平台。实现了土地产权登记、拆迁复垦管理、产权转移监管和产权信息统计查询等一系列功能,为土地流转的管理和相关决策提供信息化手段与支持。依托课题项目在重庆城乡统筹示范区开展农村土地流转过程数字化监管技术集成及应用示范,实现了地籍数据一体化、业务流程连续化、监督执行分离化管理模式。  相似文献   

在人地矛盾日益紧张的大环境下,土地后备资源的开发显得愈来愈重要.作为煤炭主产区的莱芜市,煤矿区的土地复垦还处在起步阶段.该文从分析莱芜市煤矿区土地复垦的现状人手,对今后莱芜市煤矿区的土地复垦提出了建议.  相似文献   

THELANDRESOURCEANDLANDUSEOFHONGKONG①YeShunzan(叶舜赞)InstituteofGeography,theChineseAcademyofSciences,Beijing100101,P.R.China(Re...  相似文献   

The urban development is a decisive factor for the landuse of the territory of Hong Kong, as a realm of a world city. A speed-up change of the landuse structure of Hong Kong and some contradictions in the landuse have been revealed after a brief mentioning of the characteristics of the limited land resources of Hong Kong. Hong Kong consists of peninsula and islands dominated by hilly terrain in south subtropical zone, 84% of the total area is slope, unfavorable for urban and agricultural development, only 16% is small plains. The land is barren and water resource is very limited. Urban landuse is taken as the dominant factor. Due to the expansion of the scale of the urban development, and the limitation of the land resource, there is a high degree of the urban land utilization, but the proportions of commercial and industrial landuse are not high, only 1.3% of the total developed land is used for commerce, 6.0% for manufacture industries, the road and railway lands amount to 14.6%. The great efforts were made in reclamation and construction of reservoirs in order to add land and water resources. The arable lands were reduced heavily and the farmlands were wasted seriously. The author proposed some view points on the present and future landuse in Hong Kong as follows: 1) the urban landuse remains as a guiding factor in the landuse of the whole territory of Hong Kong; 2) one of the problems is the fondness for the reconstruction of the old city, loosening up on the new town development; 3) the reclamation is not only very costly, but also causing some negative effects on the eco-environment; 4) the problem of the protection of the farmlands against wasting should be seriously; 5) the development and the landuse for the construction in Hong Kong should be considered with the relationship with the inland, especially Guangdong Province; 6) fully use the convenient condition of the territorial linkage of the city with the mainland, further to bring the role of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone into fully play for solving the landuse problems in the development of Hong Kong. The author is very grateful to Dr. David K. Y. Chu and Dr. Roger Chan for their comments and to Professor Gu Chaolin and Mr. Hu Tianxin for their helps in data collection.  相似文献   

德州市工矿废弃地复垦利用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为进一步规范推进工矿废弃地复垦利用工作,促进耕地保护和节约集约用地,拓展建设用地空间,德州市开展工矿废弃地复垦利用试点工作。通过现状调查和潜力分析,合理确定德州市未来3年工矿废弃地利用项目规模、布局和实施时序,以期为工矿废弃地复垦利用项目提供科学依据。  相似文献   

诸城市是国土资源部确定的土地整治规划编制6个试点县之一。结合诸城市土地整治规划编制,探讨县级土地整治规划的编制思路。首先准确定位土地整治规划的目标,进行前期研究,总结上轮规划情况,分析土地现状,开展专题研究,然后合理确定规划的目标,因地制宜地进行土地整治分区,最后规范确定土地整治重点项目。  相似文献   

Landuse/coverchange(LUCC)isafocalthemeandemergingissueinthestudyofglobalenvironmentalchange.Humanmodificationsandalterationstotheenvironmentcauseimpactsonthesurfaceoftheearth,threatenglobalsustainabilityandlivelihoodsystems,andcontributetochangeinthebiogeochemicalcyclesoftheearth,whichinturnaffectatmosphericlevelsofgreenhouseandothertracegases.ConsequentlytheInternationalGeosphere-BiosphereProgram(IGBP)andtheInternationalHumanDimensionsProgram(IHDP)initiatedLUCCProgramtodevelopabette…  相似文献   

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