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本文在苏锡常地区已有三期矢量数据(1988、1995和2000年)的基础上,对2008年TM影像进行监督分类,经过人工解译辅助处理得到20世纪80年代以来4期土地利用时间序列数据。研究了近30年来,苏锡常地区建设用地扩展及其对耕地占用的态势。主要结论有:(1)从整体扩展面积看,1988年到2008年建设用地面积扩展总计2 354.55km2,其中,城市扩展面积最大,为1257.26km2,占到总扩展面积的一半,其次,是建制镇的扩展,面积达695.91km2,农村居民点扩展面积为355.96km2,扩展最少的是工矿交通用地,为45.42km2;(2) 城市扩展所占用的土地资源主要来源于对耕地的占用。从三个不同时期来看,1995-2000年耕地转化为建设用地最少,为262.36km2,1988-1995年占用耕地面积656.36km2,而在2000-2008年耕地被占用高达1 343.56km2。这些数据为我国东部城市化地区土地利用规划与管理政策的制定提供决策依据。  相似文献   

以内蒙古赤峰市为例,利用TM影像解译得到的三期土地利用数据(1988、1995、2000年)研究20世纪80年代以来,典型农牧交错区的LUCC演化过程,主要采用土地利用开发度、耗减度、信息熵、空间转移矩阵等方法分析了不同阶段农牧交替演化的时空特征。结果表明:(1)草地、耕地、林地为研究区主要的土地利用方式,整个研究时段内,耕地开垦和草地减少是主导LUCC过程。耕地开垦面积达2424.12km2,草地减少1959.65km2。从前后两个时期来看,前期(1988-1995年)耕地和草地变化更为剧烈,耕地以增为主,草地以减为主;后期(1995-2000年)草地转出速度放缓,但耕地开垦速度仍相对较快,林地转出速度加快;(2)土地流转过程以农牧交替演化为主,前期草地与耕地的交替转化剧烈,草地开垦面积达到2 040.50km2,耕地撂荒还草634.75km2,耕地开垦主要集中在敖汉旗的北部;后期LUCC过程放缓,草地转耕地面积为828.50km2,主要发生在敖汉旗以及林西县北部地区等区域,伴随着一定程度的弃耕;(3)三个时期土地利用结构信息熵分别为1.290、1.301、1.304,赤峰市土地利用系统有序程度在降低。农牧交错演化过程的分析,为研究该地区人类-环境耦合系统的变化和机制提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

西藏土地荒漠化遥感监测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用RS与GIS技术,利用1976年的MSS数据和2000年TM遥感数据,对西藏境内的荒漠化土地现状与动态变化进行监测研究,并对其时空演变特征进行了分析。结果表明,西藏荒漠化土地面积2000年为29.08×104km2,占总面积的24.28%,其中沙质荒漠化土地面积为24.99×104km2,占20.86%。1976年荒漠化总面积为27×104km2。由1976~2000年间,荒漠化土地总面积增加了20 764.67 km2,共增长7.69%,年增长率为0.32%。同时,土地荒漠化程度明显加重,重度沙质荒漠化土地面积增加了315.87%。  相似文献   

敦煌西湖自然保护区湿地演化及驱动力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西湖国家级自然保护区位于河西走廊西端,是敦煌盆地人工绿洲的天然屏障。近几十年来,由于气候变化和人类水土资源过度开发,保护区生态环境持续恶化,湿地退化和沙漠化趋势日趋严重。本文运用多时相资源卫星遥感影像,解译分析了保护区湿地演化规律。结果表明:1980-2013年间有23个年份湿地处于快速退化状态,保护区湿地面积由1.72×104 hm2减少到0.99×104 hm2,减少了42.4%;保护区湿地的斑块数从32个增加到51个,平均斑块面积由537 hm2减少为213 hm2,湿地演化呈破碎化趋势。湿地分布质心向西南方向移动了11.59 km,湿地呈整体向西南缓慢移动的趋势。运用因子分析法对湿地演化的驱动因子进行了分类,并利用投影寻踪模型分析各驱动因子对湿地演化的贡献率,结果表明:下游湿地退化的根本原因是大规模引地表水和开采地下水灌溉,其次是气候变化引起的冰川退缩、径流量衰减。20世纪90年代,西湖保护区湿地处于相对稳定状态,建议敦煌地区耕地维持在20世纪90年代初的2.7×104 hm2水平,或通过节水、调整作物结构和跨流域调水等措施,压缩引地表水和开采地下水水量,灌溉用水需控制在20世纪90年代初的用水水平。该研究成果可为自然保护区湿地保护和流域综合开发提供依据。  相似文献   

河道湿地是流域生态系统中,位于水陆交错地带,关联陆地生态系统和水生生态系统的桥梁和纽带,对蓄水滞洪、净化水质和水土保持,以下维持生物多样性和生态平衡起重要的作用。本文采用1986、1996、2000、2006和2015年5期Landsat遥感影像数据对刘家峡以下黄河上游湿地进行湿地解译提取,并利用空间统计分析法、转移矩阵法和质心位置变化法对刘家峡以下黄河上游河段河道湿地演变规律以及驱动力因素进行研究。结果表明,1986-2015年,黄河上游河道湿地面积从17.3万hm2逐渐减少到12.2万hm2,减少了29.0%。研究区土地利用类型的转移主要发生在河流、裸滩、草本湿地与耕地的相互转化上。过去30年嫩滩湿地的变化幅度远大于老滩湿地,嫩滩湿地面积从1986年的15.46万hm2减少到2015年的10.41万hm2,减少了32.7%,嫩滩湿地演变规律为天生湿地型之间的相互演变,即河流-裸滩-沼泽湿地。而老滩湿地面积基本处在稳定状态,面积范围在1.84~2.28万hm2之间,具有天然湿地-人工湿地与天然湿地-农业用地的演变规律特征。水渠湿地、坑塘湿地和森林湿地质心位置变化较为突出,由单一类型动态度分析可知,研究区自然湿地萎缩、城镇化加速、河流水面面积减少加快。以上分析结果与研究区气温、水利水电工程、灌溉用水、凌汛期冰情以及城镇化程度均有关,与降雨量无明确关系。  相似文献   

荒漠化被列入威胁人类生存的十大环境与发展问题之一,中国作为世界上荒漠化严重的国家,荒漠化形势十分严峻。本文通过遥感手段,以中国陆域国土范围(除台湾、香港和澳门)的31个省、市、自治区为研究区域,对1975年、2000年与2017年研究区数据进行沙化、盐渍化、水蚀荒漠化专题因子时空演变的综合研究,根据地域分异、发生学及多级序列等原则将将中国划分为8个荒漠-荒漠化区,42个荒漠-荒漠化亚区和36个荒漠-荒漠化小区。以不同时期荒漠化土地类型图为依据,采用荒漠化面积变化量与荒漠化重心迁移轨迹指标进行荒漠化演化分析。为具体说明不同区域荒漠化程度,本研究根据一定时期内荒漠化土地面积增加或减少的百分比将荒漠化演化分为7种类型,通过分析得到不同荒漠化区域的时空演化及不重心迁移,据此提出中国荒漠化的重点治理目标区及防治建议。研究结果表明:① 中国荒漠、荒漠化土地种类较多,重度荒漠化面积25.18×104 km2,占荒漠化总面积的19.59%;② 1975-2017年,中国荒漠化发生明显逆转,与1975-2000年相比,2000-2017年全国的荒漠化强度显著下降,原因是荒漠化加重区面积减少以及荒漠化减弱区面积增加;③ 1975-2000年与2000-2017年,各区内荒漠化重心点坐标迁移具有同向性。本研究在分析荒漠化土地分布、形成和演变机制的基础上,进行了荒漠化分区。通过对不同荒漠化地区的面积百分比变化的比较,得到了不同时期荒漠化的时空演化模式,并分析了荒漠化演化的特点和差异。  相似文献   

近20年来厦门市滩涂养殖时空演变与政策驱动分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沿海滩涂是一种重要的湿地资源,也是一种重要的可再生的后备土地资源。在滨海城市,滩涂养殖的时空演变过程能敏感反映产业经济发展、生态环境变化及政策导向三个因素之间的博弈关系。对此,利用1986、1989、1993、1997年TM遥感影像和2001、2003年ETM+遥感影像以及2004年SPOT遥感影像,用单一土地利用动态度、景观破碎度和重心迁移模型,对近20年来厦门市滩涂养殖的时空演变过程进行了分析。结果表明:滩涂养殖面积从1986年的2661.85hm2持续增长到2003年的9776.45hm2,增长了2.67倍,2004年则开始下降到9510.98hm2,在此期间面积的年均变化率从1986~1989年的19.80%逐渐下降到2003~2004年的-2.72%;1986~2004年养殖区的景观破碎度均小于0.00080;空间分布重心总体上向东北方向迁移。对政策驱动机制的初步研究表明,养殖区的这种变化过程与当地的一系列政策措施存在着宏观响应关系。  相似文献   

青海湖是我国最大的内陆咸水湖,是世界著名的湿地,但随着周围地区荒沙漠化环境的恶化,其土地荒漠化也不断加剧。本文对青海湖地区土地荒漠化的自然特征和社会经济特征进行了分析,明确了荒漠化的环境背景。在此基础上,结合青海湖地区荒漠化土地普查与监察工作的范围和内容,采用ASTER卫星影像图对湖区周围地区进行解译,并利用解译数据对荒漠化土地进行等级划分,分析土地荒漠化的空间分布格局,对荒漠化作出综合评价。  相似文献   

近50年来富锦湿地景观遥感与GIS的时空动态分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
湿地是重要的自然资源,但是由于自然和人为影响,湿地正在大面积的萎缩,导致功能和效益下降,并危及到区域的持续发展。本文以三江平原挠力河流域富锦(市)作为研究区域,以RS、GIS和Fragstats为技术手段,分析了自1954年以来沼泽湿地的空间和时间退缩过程及其驱动力,重建了自1954年以来的土地利用/土地覆被变化过程。结果表明,湿地面积由1954年的519.917.96hm2下降到105.008hm2,由占总面积的61.27%下降到12.39%,仅是原来面积的17.74%;而耕地面积由223 173.54hm2增加到597 156.25hm2,由占总面积的25.31%增加到70.45%。同时指,出人类的农垦活动是富锦沼泽湿地面积退缩的主要原因。  相似文献   

准确了解我国海岸带红树林种类组成有助于红树林资源调查、保护和利用。本文基于广西海岸带2018—2020年共 14景GF-2多光谱影像,通过植被指数法和一阶微分法进行光谱特征数据重构,使用支持向量机分类方法,对广西海岸带红树林开展种间精细分类研究。结合现场数据以茅尾海为例,通过与原始数据和一阶微分的分类结果进行对比分析,来验证光谱特征数据重构对红树林种类识别的有效性。结果表明,基于光谱特征重构数据的分类精度最高,为91.55%,Kappa系数为0.8695,分别比原始数据和一阶微分提高了6.92%和11.17%。以此开展了广西整个海岸带红树林类型识别,结果表明,广西主要分布有7种真红树分别为桐花树、白骨壤、无瓣海桑、秋茄、红海榄、木榄、老鼠簕和一种盐沼草本植物茳芏,湿地植被总面积为7402.98 hm2,防城港市、钦州市和北海市红树林面积分别为1826.16、2496.18和3080.47 hm2,其中桐花树和白骨壤为广西红树林优势物种,分布面积最大,分别为3372.09 hm2和3445.17 hm2,二者占总面积的92.09%,其次为茳芏287.50 hm2占总面积3.88%,无瓣海桑与红海榄次之,面积分别为135.97 hm2和126.52 hm2,共占红树林总面积的3.55%,老鼠簕、木榄和秋茄面积极少,均不足20 hm2,三者相加不足红树林总面积的1%。北仑河口、山口和茅尾海3个红树林自然保护区的红树林总面积分别为1009.21、715.56和1546.62 hm2。本文基于高分数据的光谱特征数据重构方法开展红树林精细分类研究,可以为广西红树林管理、保护和重建提供技术和数据支撑。  相似文献   

近几十年来, 由气候变化和人类活动共同驱动的内蒙古地区土地利用/覆被变化(LUCC)较为剧烈, 其引发了一系列的生态环境问题。本文基于3 期LUCC数据, 借助于变化率指数、动态度指数、转类矩阵, 在全区和地级市尺度上, 分析了内蒙古地区土地利用/覆被变化的时空特征及驱动因素。研究结果显示, 受地形因素的影响, 研究区土地利用/覆被变化表现出明显的区域差异及区域趋同性。在经济发展和人口增长的双重压力下:(1)平原耕作区深受国家宏观政策的影响, 2000 年之后的“林地、高覆盖草地开垦”总体速度下降了近35%;(2) 平原耕作区北部边缘条带状地区、山区草原区受制于降水不显著的波动呈减少态势, 2000 年之后的“草地退化及荒漠化”趋势加强了近85%。研究结果为内蒙古地区土地资源的可持续利用与科学管理提供了依据。  相似文献   

This study comprehensively considered the climate, soil, terrain, and land-use type conditions suitable for Rosa damascena trigintipetala and further established an ecological suitability evaluation model of R. damascena trigintipetala in Sichuan Province, China, based on geographic information systems(GIS) and Agro-Ecological Zone(AEZ)models; then we assessed the different ecological suitability grades for this species in Sichuan Province of China and summarized the suitable land areas and spatial distribution pattern for R. damascena trigintipetala. The results show that the suitable areas(which contain highly suitable, generally suitable, and critically suitable areas) for R. damascena trigintipetala are 307.268×104 hm2, which accounts for 6.34% of the total provincial area. Results also indicate that shrub land and open forest land are the major land-use types suitable for R. damascena trigintipetala, with the suitable areas of 303.162×104hm2(6.25% of the total provincial area). An introduction test was conducted in one of the suitable areas, Xichang City, which demonstrated that R.damascena trigintipetala grows well at theexperimental sites. The quality of rose oil extracted from R. damascena trigintipetala planted in Xichang meets the Bulgaria Rose Oil Standard, thus verifying the accuracy and reliability of the ecological suitability assessment results.  相似文献   

This study examines the technical efficiency (TE) differences among typical cropping systems of smallholder farmers in the purple-soiled hilly region of southwestern China. Household-, plot-, and crop- level data and community surveys were conducted to explore TE levels and determinants of typical cropping systems by using a translog stochastic frontier production function. Results indicate significant difference in TE and its determinants among cropping systems. The mean TEs of the rice cropping system (R), the rice-rape cropping system (RR), the rice-rape-potato cropping system (RRP), and the oil cropping system (O) are 0.86, 0.90, 0.84, and 0.85, respectively, which are over 1.17 times higher than those of the maize-sweet potato-other crop cropping system (MSO) and the maize-sweet potato-wheat cropping system (MSW) at 0.78 and 0.69, respectively. Moreover, Technical inefficiency (TIE) of different cropping systems is significantly affected by characteristics of the household as well as plot. However, the impact of land quality, mechanical cultivation conditions, crop structure, farming system, farm radius, household type, cultivated land area per capita, and annual household income per capital on TIE vary by cropping system. Additionally, output elasticity of land, labor, and capital, as a group, is greater than the one of agricultural machinery and irrigation. Finally, when household-owned effective agricultural labor is at full farming capacity, optimal plot sizes for the R, RR, RRP, MSO, MSW, and O cropping systems are 1.12 hm2, 0.35 hm2, 0.25 hm2, 2.82 hm2, 1.87 hm2, and 1.17 hm2, respectively.  相似文献   

通过土地专题遥感信息提取方法的研究,采用分层剔除手段和掩膜技术实现了黄河源区土地覆盖/土地利用变化的多时相信息自动提取与高精度定量化。结果表明,源区20多年来沼泽湿地急剧减少,重度荒漠化土地以6.03%的年速率递增,至2000年时已增至1976年的4.44倍,沙漠面积由1976年的约60km~2扩展至2000年的140km~2。  相似文献   

The southern part of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in China was infamous for its poverty and serious soil erosion caused by over population. In order to alleviate poverty and backwardness, a plan was worked out: to remove 200,000 people to the north plain by developing newly irrigated land during the period of 1983–1992. The plan has been in operation for eight and half years to date. About 200,000 people have been removed from the poor southern part to the newly developed area, and 800,000 mu (1/ 15 ha) of desert land has been cultivated. Most of the migrants have been lifted out of poverty and the people ’s life in the south is being improved. During the immigration process, a model, called “Suspending Village”, has been developed. In the article, the whole process of the development and the strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

As the important reserve land resources for food production,saline-alkali land should play a significant role to ensure the national food security in the context of global food crisis. The western Songnen Plain is one of main distribution regions of saline-alkali land in China,with great potential in agricultural development. In this study,the extent,transformation,spatial distribution and temporal change of saline-alkali land in the western Songnen Plain during 1954–2005 were investigated by using remote sensing and GIS spatial analysis methods. Saline-alkali land change was detected from a temporal series of topographic maps in 1954,satellite images of Landsat MSS in 1976,Landsat TM/ETM in 1988,2000 and 2005 through artificial visual interpretation. The results indicated a significant expansion in saline-alkali land area and aggravation in salinization. The area of saline-alkali land had increased from 401.48×103 ha in 1954 to 1 097.45×103 ha in 2005. While the ratio of light,moderate and serious salinized land areas changed from 6.72︰2.92︰1.00 to 1.25︰1.06︰1.00 in the study period. Grassland,cropland,swampland and water body were the major land use and land cover types from which saline-alkali land transformed. And the secondary salinization occured mainly in Da′an City,Tongyu County,Changling County,Daqing City,Dorbod Mongolian Autonomous County and Zhaoyuan County. Finally,seven large ecoregions and 14 corresponding sub-ecoregions were delineated out based on spatio-temopral dynamic characteristics of saline-alkali land and geo-relational environmental attributes. According to the results,measures of amelioration and ways of development of saline-alkali land in the western Songnen Plain were put forward.  相似文献   

The southern part of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in China was infamous for its poverty and serious soil erosion caused by over population. In order to alleviate poverty and backwardness, a plan was worked out: to remove 200,000 people to the north plain by developing newly irrigated land during the period of 1983-1992. The plan has been in operation for eight and half years to date. About 200,000 people have been removed from the poor southern part to the newly developed area, and 800,000 mu (1/ 15 ha) of desert land has been cultivated. Most of the migrants have been lifted out of poverty and the people's life in the south is being improved. During the immigration process, a model, called "Suspending Village", has been developed. In the article, the whole process of the development and the strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

By establishing the interpreting elements, and applying supervised classification, the sandy desertification was interpreted and the desertified land areas of the counties in the western Jilin Province in 1986 and in 2000 were obtained. Taking Tongyu and Qian‘an as examples, the natural driving forces and man-made driving forces were analyzed. The paper comes the conclusions that the material sources and the warming and dry climate are the internal causes of potential land descrtification: the irrational human activities, such as destroying forest and reclaiming the grassland, are the external causes of potential land desertification; while more rational human activities, such as planting trees and restoring grassland can reverse the land desertification. Furthermore, the countermeasures and suggestions for the development of agriculture and animal husbandry in the western Jilin Province are put forward.  相似文献   

The Liupan Mountains is located in the southern Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region of China, which forms an important dividing line between landforms and bio-geographic regions. The populated part of the Liupan Mountains region has suffered tremendous ecological damages over time due to population pressure, excessive demand and inappropriate use of agricultural land resources. In this paper, datasets of land use between 1990 and 2000 were obtained from Landsat TM imagery, and then spatial models were used to characterize landscape conditions. Also, the relationship between the population density and land use/cover change (LUCC) was analyzed. Results indicate that cropland, forestland, and urban areas have increased by 44,186ha, 9001ha and 1550ha, respectively while the grassland area has appreciably decreased by 54,025ha in the study period. The decrease in grassland was most notable. Of the grassland lost, 49.4% was converted into cropland. The largest annual land conversion rate in the study area was less than 2%. These changes are attributed to industrial and agricultural development and population growth. To improve the eco-economic conditions in the study region, population control, urbanization and development of an ecological friendly agriculture were suggested.  相似文献   

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