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为研究大规模综合机械化采煤氮污染来源及影响程度,选取宁东煤炭基地侏罗纪煤田鸳鸯湖矿区的梅花井井田为研究对象,通过调查取样分析,对梅花井井田地下水三氮污染分布、物源、水文地质条件进行研究。结果表明:(1)宁东煤炭基地鸳鸯湖矿区梅花井井田三氮NH4+、NO3-、NO2-含量范围分别为0.06~0.12mg/L、4.67~234mg/L、0.01~2.01mg/L,与国家地下水质量标准Ⅲ类水质限值对比,NO2-达到重度或极严重污染,主要分布在潜水含水层;NO3-污染级别为中度、轻度污染,超标样点占调查样点的75%,垂向上已延伸到承压含水层。水平空间上无论矿权范围还是矿权外,污染样点均有存在。(2)部分水样中NO3-毫克当量百分数超过25%,对水化学类型产生影响。(3)煤矿区NO3-、NO2-的污染首先与丰富的物源有关,还受煤矿开采扰动、地形地貌条件、垂向补给径流、水文地球化学条件等因素的影响。研究结果为风积沙大型机械化煤矿开采区地下水氮污染的防治提供了可参考依据。  相似文献   

针对煤矿水文地质勘探过程中存在的水文地球化学异常问题,以蒙陕矿区侏罗系含水层为研究对象,开展了水化学异常原因分析和判别标准构建,结果表明:勘探过程中以"水清沙净"为判别洗井完成的依据不充分,水泥浆残留是造成pH升高、矿化度降低等水化学异常的主要因素,因此结合蒙陕矿区深埋型煤田水文补堪和工作面探放水等工作成果,建立了由pH、矿化度(TDS)、HCO3-、SO42-等水质指标组成的"五要素"判别标准,对巴拉素井田水文补堪过程中采集的36组水样进行判别,可以迅速判断出存在水化学异常的8组水样。剔除水化学特征异常的水样点后,可以很清晰地建立巴拉素井田各含水层的水化学特征,第四系水化学特征与地表水比较接近,表现为低矿化度、弱碱性、重碳酸钙型水;白垩系洛河组含水层与第四系水力联系密切,但埋深有所增加,导致一定量Na+离子溶入,水化学特征演化为重碳酸钙钠型;安定组为区域性较稳定隔水层,导致直罗组和延安组含水层以侧向补给为主,地下水循环交替时间较长,形成了深部滞留特征的高矿化度(>2 500 mg/L)硫酸钠型地下水。   相似文献   

石槽村煤矿位于鸳鸯湖矿区中南部,水文地质条件复杂,面临顶板厚层砂岩水等多种水害的威胁。在分析矿井地质及水文地质条件的基础上,指出侏罗系中统直罗组裂隙孔隙含水层是影响主采煤层2煤层的主要充水水源,矿井所在的鸳鸯湖背斜轴部及张家庙向斜与DF5正断层的交汇部位裂隙比较发育,单孔疏水量大,断层、开采形成的裂隙带和封闭不良钻孔是重要的充水通道,随着采掘工程的进展,矿井涌水量呈现波动上升的趋势。认为对顶板砂岩含水层进行采前疏水降压是防治其水害的有效方法,同时对断层水害及离层水的防治进行了有益的探讨。研究对该矿的防治水工作,乃至宁东其它矿井有一定的推广价值。  相似文献   

为探究淮南煤田地下水的空间分布情况及各项水化学作用的强度,将淮南煤田划分为松散层较厚的北部区域与松散层较薄的南部区域,收集了两区域16个矿井主要突水含水层的水化学测试数据,综合采用离子组合法、Gibbs图、氯碱指数等方法研究了各含水层的地下水水化学特征。研究结果表明:地下水总溶解固体与松散层埋藏厚度呈正相关,其均值范围在951.92~2 667.79 mg/L。随着松散层厚度的增大,脱硫酸、浓缩结晶及阳离子交替吸附等水化学成分形成作用得到增强,使SO42-不断消耗形成HCO3-,导致溶解度小的HCO3-结合Ca2+、Mg2+析出,并最终形成以NaCl主导的高矿化度水体。该结论将为深部煤矿区水害防治、水资源利用等提供一定借鉴作用。   相似文献   

在辽河三角洲地区,布设10个地下水监测点,通过3年的动态监测,得到第四系孔隙潜水水质动态变化规律.辽河三角洲地区地下水矿化度普遍较高,范围介于1~31 g/L.西部山前倾斜平原,地下水矿化度较小,水质较好.南部滨海低平原区,矿化度介于12~31 g/L,地下水为盐水.东北部冲积平原区地下水矿化度介于1~3 g/L,为微咸水.在地下水化学类型方面,HCO3-Na型地下水主要分布于西部山前倾斜平原区;Cl-Na型地下水主要分布在南部滨海低平原地区;Cl-Na·Ca型地下水主要分布在北部和东部的冲积平原区;HCO3·Cl-Na型地下水主要分布在东北部的冲积平原区.山前倾斜平原地区,地下水水质基本保持着良好的状态,大部分地区水质变化不大.南部低平原区,Cl-、SO42-、Na+及矿化度持续升高,高矿化度、氯化物型和钠型水分布面积增大,向周边扩散.北部冲积平原地区,地下水的各组分及矿化度略有起伏,变化不大并趋于稳定.  相似文献   

宁东鸳鸯湖矿区地处西北干旱地区,但其红柳煤矿1121综采工作面在初采期却经历了4次较大规模的突(涌)水,最大突水量达3 000m3/h,工作面被迫两次停产.通过对采场水文地质条件及覆岩离层分布规律的深入分析研究,可以认定该工作面的周期性突水为煤层开采后顶板砂岩中聚集的离层水所致.在此基础上,总结了开采过程中对煤层顶板砂岩含水层离层水进行有效疏放的方法与成功经验.该研究对宁东鸳鸯湖矿区及其他开采侏罗系煤层矿井的防治水工作具有同等重要意义.  相似文献   

文章在对鄂尔多斯白垩系地下水盆地1124件地下水化学样品进行分析的基础上,总结出了研究区浅、中、深三个不同循环深度地下水中矿化度和主要离子浓度的分布规律。总体上,白垩系盆地地下水具有盆地北区矿化度和主要离子浓度较低、淡水发育,盆地南区矿化度和主要离子浓度较高、微咸水和咸水发育的分布特点。盆地北区地下淡水主要分布在地表分水岭两侧的浅、中层地下水中和安边—东胜梁—四十里梁地表分水岭以东的无定河—乌兰木伦河地下水系统中。盆地南区除罗汉洞含水岩组地下水以淡水为主外,环河和洛河含水岩组中主要分布大面积的微咸水和咸水。  相似文献   

胡丽莎  常春  于青春 《地球科学》2012,37(2):301-306
实施CO2的地质储存是目前公认的减缓全球变暖的有效途径之一.潜在的储存场所包括衰竭的油气藏、深部不可开采煤层及深部咸水层.其中, 深部咸水层储存潜力最大.在发挥作用的诸多机理中, 溶解埋存具有埋存量大、作用时间较长以及安全性高的特点.在评价深部咸水含水层CO2溶解储存潜力时, 溶解度是一个关键参数.提出了测定咸水含水层地层水CO2溶解度的方法, 并将其实际应用于鄂尔多斯盆地山西组地层水.鄂尔多斯盆地是我国重要的能源基地, CO2排放量大, 排放浓度高.采集了野外实地水样, 进行了化学成分分析, 并人工合成该水样; 测定了40~80 ℃、8~12 MPa条件下CO2在该水样中的溶解度, 其结果可为评价鄂尔多斯盆地深部咸水含水层埋存能力提供依据.   相似文献   

华北型煤田岩溶水水文地球化学研究进展   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
文章总结了水文地球化学在分析浅层煤田岩溶水化学特征、建立判别矿坑突水水化学模式、研究矿坑水形成机理以及制定矿区水资源管理和环境保护对策等多方面的应用效果。根据煤田深部开采"三高一扰动"的复杂环境的采矿条件,深部水文地球化学环境表现出岩溶水三维水流系统发育、地下水储量大、水头高、补给广、径流长、水源温度高的特点,建议应用水文地球化学理论、方法研究深循环岩溶水的运动规律、深部岩层与富水性关系、煤田深部地下水水化学特征及其形成机制。  相似文献   

《中国煤田地质》1990年第3期发表了《彬长矿区地下水资源遭受破坏原因与补救意见》一文,该文提出:“彬长矿区宜君组和洛河组是地质时代、水头、水质几方面都不同的两个含水层,但勘探阶段错误地划为同一含水层,由于勘探中的‘单打一’思想,没有注意水资源的保护,致使高矿化度的宜君组地下水沿探煤孔上涌,咸化了矿区具有供水价值的白垩系下统洛河组淡水”。文章并例举了几个钻孔水质分析资料说明这一看法。这一结论,尚有以下事实难以合理解释:  相似文献   

查明地质构造对桌子山煤田岩溶地下水的控制规律和矿井突水的影响,基于大量地质原始资料和矿井突水资料,进行理论分析和现场实测。研究表明:桌子山煤田以近南北向的压扭性主构造和东西向的张性次级构造构成立体网格导水体系,地质构造不仅控制着岩溶地下水系统的边界,而且直接影响水动力条件。地质构造越复杂,岩溶裂隙越发育,富水性也越强,西北地区第一例岩溶陷落柱即在此体系内形成。断裂构造与突水点位置联系紧密,中小型突水点多位于东西向小断层附近,中型以上突水点多位于东西向和南北向断层交汇处的地下水强径流带。  相似文献   

大同煤田东北区寒武-奥陶系岩溶水以承压状态赋存于煤层底板之下,是当地重要供水水源,为确保煤田安全开采同时保护地下水资源,需对大同煤田东北区岩溶水系统特征进行分析。文章利用钻探、测井手段及水化学、水位监测数据、矿井开采资料及实地调查对研究区内岩溶水系统特征进行分析,认为研究区寒武-奥陶系岩溶顶板标高变化特征与煤向斜发育特征一致,岩溶含水层厚度发育极不均匀;研究区大部分地区为弱径流区,水化学类型以HCO3·Cl-Na型为主;地下水水源补给为西部上覆含水层越流补给和东部露头区入渗补给;研究区水位逐年下降,且呈逐年增大下降趋势,这是由于区内人工排泄点增多、人工抽采量大导致;研究区岩溶水峰值水位滞后雨季一到两个月。依据本结论对研究区煤田安全开采及岩溶水合理取用有指导意义。   相似文献   

河南荥巩矿区岩溶水发育规律研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对矿区地层、构造以及水文地质条件的分析,认为寒武-奥陶系岩溶裂隙含水层是矿区的主要含水层。岩溶水受地层岩性、构造的作用明显,岩溶发育程度在矿区呈现出西弱东强,浅部强、深部弱的发育规律。岩溶水动态受大气降水和矿井排水的双重控制,大气降水是岩溶水的主要补给来源,矿井排水是主要排泄方式,水位动态属于降水-矿排型。在天然状态下,岩溶水主要接受南部露头区大气降水的补给,然后自南向北、自西向东径流,经过新中-三李一带的岩溶水强径流带,在三李一带以岩溶大泉的方式向外排泄。  相似文献   

The El Minia governorate lies within the Nile Valley, surrounded by calcareous plateaus to the east and west. The present study focuses on the hydrogeochemistry of the Eocene limestone aquifer at some wadis in the east El Minia governorate, Eastern Desert, Egypt. Hydrogeologically, two main aquifers are encountered in the study area, namely the Maghagha marly limestone and the Samalut chalky limestone aquifers. The Maghagha aquifer is composed of alternating layers of marly limestone and shale with thicknesses ranging from 3.49 m to 177.05 m and a groundwater depth ranging from 8.5 m to 59.27 m which reflects low groundwater potentiality. The groundwater salinity representing this aquifer ranges from 603.5 mg/L to 978.5 mg/L, reflecting fresh water type. Samalut aquifer is made up of chalky, cavernous and fractured limestone with thickness ranging from 30 m to 205 m and groundwater depth ranging from 9 m to 86.77 m, which indicates good groundwater potential. The groundwater salinity of the concerned aquifer ranges from 349.7 mg/L to 2043.9 mg/L, reflecting fresh to possibly brackish water types. Groundwater in the study area is of meteoric water origin; recent recharge is mainly controlled through the presence of fractures and their densities. The majority of groundwater samples in the study area are suitable for drinking and irrigation purposes.  相似文献   

The main aim of the present study is to detect the status of groundwater resources in west Mallawi area which represented one of the new reclamation lands. In order to achieve this aim, the hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical studies are carried out, based on the results of 21 pumping tests and chemical analysis of 29 water samples. Two water-bearing units are detected in the study area, namely, the Eocene fractured limestone aquifer which occupies the east portion of the studied area. The second aquifer consists of friable sediments of sand and gravel and may be related to the late Oligocene–early Miocene age and overlies the limestone rocks in the west, and this aquifer were studied for the first time in this work. Regionally, the groundwater flow in the area under study occurs toward the north and east directions. There is a hydraulic connection between both aquifers through the structural pattern affected the area. The partial recharge of the both aquifers takes place through the upward leakage from deep aquifers and the Nile water. There is a general decrease in the water salinity from west to east direction. The groundwater of both aquifers was evaluated for the different purposes and concluded that, it is considered suitable for different uses.  相似文献   

为了揭示华北型煤田松散承压含水层水文地质参数及其对地下水流数值模拟的意义,以安徽淮北煤田宿南矿区祁东煤矿松散层承压第四含水层(简称“四含”)为研究示范,对多个影响因素综合分析,采用层次分析-模糊综合评价法,对研究区四含水文地质参数进行分区,合理确定各分区的水文地质参数,并用于采煤情景下地下水流动态数值模拟。数值模拟结果表明:祁东煤矿2008-2012年浅部煤层开采过程中四含地下水流场没有明显改变,但南北分区水头差逐年增大,地下水流向始终从南向北,而且在井田北部水力梯度逐渐减小,在井田南部水力梯度逐渐增大,南北区以倾角为60°~70°、断距为10~320 m的魏庙断层为分界线,基岩中大倾角与大落差断层的出现是引起上覆松散承压含水层水力梯度异常的根本原因。  相似文献   

Shallow renewable groundwater sources have been used to satisfy the domestic needs and the irrigation in many parts of Saudi Arabia. Increased demand for water resulting from accelerated development activities has placed excess stress on the renewable sources especially in coastal aquifers of the western region of Saudi Arabia. It is expected that the current and future development activities will increase the rate of groundwater mining of the coastal aquifer near the major city Jeddah and surrounding communities unless management measures are implemented. The current groundwater development of Dahaban coastal aquifer located at alluvial fan at the confluence of three major Wadis is depleting the shallow renewable groundwater sources and causes deterioration of its quality. Numerical models are known tools to evaluate groundwater management scenarios under a variety of development options under different hydrogeological regimes. In this study, two models are applied—the MODFLOW for evaluating the hydrodynamic behaviors of the aquifer and MT3D salinity distribution to the costal aquifer near Dahaban town. The models’ simulation evaluates two development scenarios—the impact of excessive abstraction and the water salinity variation keeping abstraction at its current or increases in levels with or without groundwater recharge taking place. The simulation evaluated two scenarios covering a 25-year period—keeping the current abstraction at its current and the other scenario is increasing the well abstraction by 50% for dry condition (no recharge) and wet condition (with recharge). The analysis reveals that, under the first scenario, the continuation of the current pumping rates will result in depletion of the aquifer resulting in drying of many wells and quality deterioration at the level of 2,500 ppm. The results are associated with the corresponding salinity distribution in the region. Simulation of salinity in the region is a density-independent problem as salt concentration does not exceed 2,000 ppm, which is little value compared with sea salinity that amounts to 40,000 ppm. It is not recommended to increase the pumping rate than the current values. However, for the purpose of increasing water resources in the region, it is recommended to install new wells in virgin zones west of Dahaban main road. Maps of high/low potential groundwater and maps of salinity zones (more or less than 1,000 ppm) are provided and could be used to identify zones of high groundwater potential for the four studied scenarios. The implemented numerical simulation of Dahaban aquifer was undertaken to assess the water resources potential in order to reduce the depletion of sources in the future.  相似文献   

Salinization is a process impacting groundwater quality and availability across much of southern Louisiana, USA. However, a broad divergence of opinion exists regarding the causes of this elevated salinity: updip-migrating marine waters from the Gulf of Mexico, saline fluids migrating up fault planes, movement of water from salt domes, and/or remnant seawater from the last major marine transgression. The Mississippi River Alluvial Aquifer (MRAA) in south-central Louisiana is recharged by the Mississippi River, and there are discharge zones to the west and east. Recharge waters from the Mississippi River are fresh, but Cl levels in the western portions of the aquifer are as high as 1000 mg/L. The aquifer is an important source of water for several municipalities and industries, but prior to this study the source(s) of the elevated salinity or whether the salinization can be remediated had not been determined.The low Br/Cl ratios in the groundwaters are consistent with a saline endmember produced by subsurface dissolution of salt domes, not a marine source. The H and O isotopic systematics of the aquifer waters indicate meteoric sources for the H2O, not marine waters or diagenetically-altered deep brines. The westward salinization of aquifer water represents a broad regional process, instead of contamination by point sources. Mapping of spatial variations in salinity has permitted the identification of specific salt domes whose subsurface dissolution is producing waters of elevated salinity in the aquifer. These include the Bayou Choctaw and St. Gabriel domes, and possibly the Bayou Blue dome. Salinization is a natural, on-going process, and the potential for remediation or control is slight, if not non-existent.  相似文献   

神府煤田位于毛乌素沙漠与陕北黄土高原交接带,原生地质及生态环境脆弱.近年来,由于神府煤田超强度的煤炭开采,造成大面积采空区,形成了地面塌陷、区域地下水位下降、矿区地质灾害等一系列环境地质问题.以2006年神府矿山环境调查数据为基础,从自然和人为因素2个方面综合分析神府煤田环境地质问题,认为其形成原因为煤层埋藏浅、超设计能力开采以及煤矿恢复治理力度不够等等.  相似文献   

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