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洞穴空气中的CO2对洞穴次生化学沉积物的沉积和溶蚀有重要的影响.文中基于2010-09-30- 10-08对重庆雪玉洞洞穴CO2浓度、温湿度进行的为期8d的连续监测,并结合“十一”黄金周期间的客流量进行综合分析.结果发现:(1)受旅游活动的影响,洞穴内空气CO2浓度有明显的累积效应;温度变化幅度加大,但没有累积效应;由于地下河和滴水的影响,洞内空气相对湿度一直处于过饱和状态,这是温度没有形成累积效应的一个重要原因.(2)由于洞内外温差的影响,洞口处会形成由洞内向洞外流动的气流,使得近洞口处的空气CO2浓度  相似文献   

重庆雪玉洞CO_2浓度变化的自然与人为因素探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对重庆雪玉洞洞穴CO2浓度、地下河CO2分压及地下河水、滴水次生沉积物稳定碳同位素δ13C等地球化学指标进行的完整水文年监测,并结合该洞以往的CO2短期观测记录,发现洞内与CO2相关的环境因子均存在显著的季变性,其总体特征是:CO2浓度夏高冬低,δ13C夏轻冬重。对比每月游客量变化,发现人为因素对洞穴CO2环境的改变远弱于自然因素,洞内发育的常年地下河在其中起主导作用。地下河的存在使不同相态的碳在洞内快速流动交换以达到平衡,从而在"质"上(同位素比)和"量"上(浓度)反映外部环境的季节变化,又使得各项地球化学指标在每年的4月和11月换季时呈现突变特征。可推断雪玉洞CO2的改变来源于地下河对洞穴上部土壤CO2的传递,最终归因于土壤层生物活动对季节气候条件变化的响应。而雪玉洞地下河在CO2变化过程中的传递作用十分突出,可作为同类型洞穴的借鉴,为旅游开发服务。  相似文献   

洞穴高强度旅游活动产生的CO2对洞穴滴水水文地球化学及洞穴沉积物沉积具有重要影响。本文于2017年9月30日-10月9日对贵州绥阳大风洞洞穴CO2、温度、相对湿度、游客数量及洞穴滴水水化学指标等进行连续监测,运用系统分析方法对各要素进行综合分析。结果发现:① 受游客数量和洞穴通风效应等因素影响,洞穴空气CO2分压(PCO2(A))在时间序列上呈现明显的昼夜变化和日际变化,表现为白昼高、夜间低,游客多的天数高,游客少的天数低。在空间变化上,由于通风程度和洞腔体积不同,不同监测点PCO2(A)存在明显差异,由洞内深处至洞口分别为3#(神泉玉露)>1#(时光隧道)>2#(夜明珠);② 通过比较PCO2(A)和滴水水温,前者对CO2溶解度影响比后者更为显著,表明PCO2(A)是洞穴沉积过程中最重要的驱动因素之一;③ 洞穴滴水水温、滴水PCO2分压(PCO2(W))与PCO2(A)变化趋势大体一致,也呈现出明显的昼夜变化和日际变化。pH、SIc和HCO3-变化趋势大体上与PCO2(A)相反,EC和Ca2+则无明显的昼夜变化,但存在一定的日际变化。随着旅游活动强度的增加,滴水水化学变化幅度逐渐增大。此外,不同滴水点所在洞腔结构、大小、封闭程度等不同,使PCO2(A)的扩散和通风程度存在差异,进而影响洞穴滴水水化学组分和洞穴沉积物沉积状况。因此,本研究对于洞穴环境保护和管理及其岩溶洞穴碳循环的研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

贵州龙宫风景名胜区水溶洞环境变化特征与预测研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对比研究了贵州龙宫风景区1996年和2011年15年前后客流量、温度、湿度和CO2浓度等有关数据,分析其环境变化特征,揭示影响因素,预测其发展趋势。结果表明:(1)洞内CO2浓度比洞外高,洞深越深CO2浓度越高,2011年CO2浓度比1996年显著增大,总体说明游客数量对CO2浓度影响很大;(2)游客数量每增加1万人,则CO2浓度增加0.002%,年增加约0.0046%;大约经过13.5~18a,当年游客量达到135万人时,龙宫CO2浓度将超过CO2卫生二级标准;(3)各监测点各时段温度差异主要表现在洞外,洞内各监测点的各个时段基本无差异;(4)各监测点不同时段湿度无明显变化,仅存在洞内与洞外的差异。  相似文献   

广东英德宝晶宫CO2浓度的时空变化特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
于2011年12月至2013年4月每月一次对广东英德宝晶宫溶洞洞穴空气CO2浓度进行监测,结果显示洞穴空气CO2浓度存在明显的空间变化和季节变化。洞内空气CO2浓度在201×10-6?3 450×10-6之间变化,年平均值为1 018×10-6。在空间上,越靠近洞口或者通风效应越强的地方洞穴空气CO2浓度越低。在季节变化上,表现为洞穴空气CO2浓度在夏半年(5-10月)高而在冬半年(11-4月)低的特点。洞穴空气CO2浓度变化主要受洞穴通风效应和气候变化导致的植被呼吸作用和土壤微生物活动变化的影响。此外,宝晶宫特殊的洞穴结构及游客等因素也对该溶洞CO2浓度变化形成了一定的影响。  相似文献   

闽西赖源溶洞群是冠豸山国家地质公园的一部分,仙云洞又名出气洞,是赖源溶洞群中最大一个洞穴。采用V级洞穴测量标准,对仙云洞展开系统的洞穴测量,绘制大比例尺洞穴平面图和三维展布图,参考已有的地质资料和文献资料探讨了仙云洞洞道发育的主要影响因素,结果显示:1)仙云洞探明的洞道总长度为2 470 m,总面积约为1.5万m2,洞穴深度约74 m,属于大型洞穴。洞口为洞穴最高点,海拔968 m,最低点海拔为894 m;2)仙云洞洞道主要沿北东向、北西向和近东西向发育,洞道主要呈廊道状结构,局部发育面积较大的厅堂,洞道走向蜿蜒曲折,发育数条支洞,部分洞道崩塌堆积多见;3)仙云洞的洞穴系统发育于栖霞组(P2q)地层中,受地层产状、北东向与北西向断层控制。4)洞穴北部3层水平洞层较为明显,上两层可能与洞外的赖源溪1~2级阶地发育相关。深入探讨洞穴发育与区域水文地貌演化历史需要进一步开展大比例地图测绘,洞内溶蚀形态和沉积形态深入调查研究,洞外喀斯特地貌调查,同时开展地下河联通示踪实验。  相似文献   

广西凤山岩溶国家地质公园典型地质遗迹景观价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
广西凤山岩溶国家地质公园是我国西南喀斯特旅游资源的富集带,岩溶遗迹景观种类多、规模宏大、特色鲜明。园区内的岩溶洞穴、天生桥、天坑和天窗等4类典型地质遗迹景观与国内外同类景观对比,洞穴通道规模世界最大、巨型洞穴厅堂数量多、密度大;形态巨大、景观奇特的地下河三门海天窗、以高大石笋为代表的洞穴沉积物世界罕见,世界上最大的洞内天生桥,均具有很高的美学观赏价值和科学价值,地质遗迹景观资源的典型性、稀有性、自然性均在同类地质遗迹中名列前茅。  相似文献   

以重庆雪玉洞地下河系统为例,通过对2007年2月―2011年9月的水化学结果进行分析,结合近年来对洞穴沉积物沉积速率和洞穴CO2浓度的监测,发现雪玉洞地下河水化学成分受围岩的岩溶作用控制,地下河水中的3HCO、Ca2+分别占总离子的84.2%~94.4%,水化学类型为Ca2+-3HCO型。与西南其他岩溶研究区相比,该研究区域由于上覆植被好、枯枝落叶多、土质松软、岩石裂隙发育等因素,促使雨季岩溶作用较旱季异常强烈,雨季地下水中的3HCO、Ca2+和电导率较旱季分别高出20.1%、29.9%和16.5%。洞穴滴水在滴落过程中释放出CO2,导致洞穴CO2浓度升高,但由于雨季水源较旱季更为充裕(洞内表现为滴水增多),因而雨季的洞穴沉积速率较旱季高82.5%。雪玉洞内温度稳定、水汽饱和以及CO2浓度较高,使得岩溶沉积不易风化、色白如玉。  相似文献   

利用云南中部区域1961—2010年逐月气温资料,采用趋势系数、气候倾向率、Mann-Kendall突变检验、Morlet小波等方法分析该地区气温的时空变化特征,并采用城郊对比法分析城市化对于气温变化的影响程度。结果表明:(1)该地区年均气温上升趋势明显,年均气温存在着24 a的主周期,并于1997年发生了突变,之后进入了一个显著增暖时期。四季平均气温均呈上升趋势,其中冬季气温增幅最大。(2)除西北部的元谋干热河谷存在降温趋势外,其余地区均呈现增温趋势,升温中心位于城市,其中以昆明的升温趋势最为显著。(3)城市化对气温序列变化趋势的影响显著,城市化引起的增温速率在冬季最大,而城市化对气温变化趋势贡献最高的季节则为春季。(4)昆明的城市化增温速率最大,楚雄次之,玉溪最弱;三市的热岛强度从1985年开始逐年增强,2000年后达到最高值,之后趋于平缓;冬春季节的城市化增温速率要明显高于夏秋季节,城市化增温贡献最高的季节为春季。  相似文献   

毛乌素沙地1969—2009年主要气候因子时间序列小波分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
采用Morlet复值小波变换法对毛乌素沙地5个气象站点1969—2009年主要气候要素不同时间尺度下的变化周期和突变点进行了分析,并根据主周期预测了未来气温、降水和相对湿度的变化趋势。结果表明:1969—2009年,毛乌素沙地年平均气温呈现出波动上升的趋势,平均上升0.401℃/10a,年降水量和年平均相对湿度的变化趋势不明显;毛乌素沙地年平均气温、年降水量和年平均相对湿度的年际变化过程中存在着多重时间尺度上的复杂嵌套结构,在不同的尺度周期中,表现出不同的冷暖、干湿振荡规律,总体表现为由小尺度无明显规律的剧烈振荡向大尺度有明显规律的振荡变化;目前气候正处于"暖干"向"暖湿"的过渡阶段,且这种暖湿化主要受气候周期性变化的影响。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The ice block in Scarisoara Cave, NW Romania, is preserved due to unusual climate and permafrost conditions within the cave. The air temperature in the cave is governed by the winter cold, the cooling effect of the ice block, and only to a minor extent influenced by summer temperatures. At present, the ice block is slowly thinning, but the present-day climate is sufficiently cold to preserve the permafrost conditions caused by the cold air trapped in the cave. In February 2003 a 22.5 m long ice core was recovered from the ice block. Approximately 200 ice layers have been identified by visual examination. Ice crystallographic analyses indicate a steady growth of ice crystals with depth and there is no sign of deformation. Carbon-14 dates on wood-related samples collected from a natural vertical exposure of the ice block indicate that the ice spans more than 1000 years. Observations on the exposure indicate that a basal melting phase may have occurred in the past.  相似文献   

黄土高原东缘晚全新世高精度高分辨率石笋古环境记录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于山西武乡太行龙洞一支石笋5个230Th年龄和190个氧同位素数据重建4 400~150 a B.P.高分辨率δ18O序列。石笋δ18O值逐渐增加,除最近约600 a外,在千年尺度长期趋势变化上与中国南部其它洞穴记录相一致,表明晚全新世亚洲夏季风强度持续减弱响应于同一驱动机制。一次显著的气候突变事件发生在2 550~2 000 aB.P.,与史料记载的干旱期大致相对应。功率谱分析揭示出106 a周期,与树轮Δ14C太阳活动周期大体一致,说明百年尺度上太阳活动与东亚季风变化有一定关联性。  相似文献   

Based on the data of δ18O in surface snow, snow pits, meltwater and the glacier-fed river water at Baishui Glacier No.1, Mt. Yulong, the isotopic fractionation behaviors in the typical monsoonal temperate glacier system in winter and summer were compared. The results indicate that the isotopic fractionation degree in summer is greater than that in winter, suggesting that the snow/ice melting is more intense in summer. Moreover, whenever it is in winter or summer, from surface snow to meltwater, and to glacier-fed river water, the gradient of δ18O with altitude gradually increases. This shows that the degree of isotopic fractionation gradually strengthens when surface snow is being converted into meltwater and finally into glacial river water, which suggests that the influence of post-depositional processes on δ18O gradient in the monsoonal temperate glacier region differs spatially.  相似文献   

玉龙雪山冰川稳定同位素分馏冬夏对比   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1 Introduction Under the dominance of South Asian monsoon, China’s temperate glaciers are distributed on Hengduan Mountains (southeast of Tibetan Plateau), the central part and southern slope of the Himalaya Mountains as well as the central and eastern p…  相似文献   

Ground temperature plays a significant role in the interaction between the land surface and atmosphere on the Tibetan Plateau(TP). Under the background of temperature warming, the TP has witnessed an accelerated warming trend in frozen ground temperature, an increasing active layer thickness, and the melting of underground ice. Based on high-resolution ground temperature data observed from 1997 to 2012 on the northern TP, the trend of ground temperature at each observation site and its response to climate change were analyzed. The results showed that while the ground temperature at different soil depths showed a strong warming trend over the observation period, the warming in winter is more significant than that in summer. The warming rate of daily minimum ground temperature was greater than that of daily maximum ground temperature at the TTH and MS3608 sites. During the study period, thawing occurred earlier, whereas freezing happened later, resulting in shortened freezing season and a thinner frozen layer at the BJ site. And a zero-curtain effect develops when the soil begins to thaw or freeze in spring and autumn. From 1997 to 2012, the average summer air temperature and precipitation in summer and winter from six meteorological stations along the Qinghai-Tibet highway also demonstrated an increasing trend, with a more significant temperature increase in winter than in summer. The ground temperature showed an obvious response to air temperature warming, but the trend varied significantly with soil depths due to soil heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Speleological investigations during a three month period in late 1982 and early 1983 in the karst of Sagada, Mountain Province, Luzon, Philippines further clarified the initial 1980 study by Deharveng and Orousset. Over 13 km of cave passages were mapped and two main watersheds, Ambasing Spring and Balangagan Spring, were recognized.

The karst of Sagada lies between 1100 and 1600 m elevation in the Oligocene limestones of the Tineg formation. The karst is well developed, both on the surface and in the subsurface. The caves fall into five main types:

1. Potholes (Kitungan Kampus Pit, entrance to Tataya En).

2. Fossil Caves (Lomyang Cave, upper part of many caves).

3. Swallets (Latang Cave, many small swallets, especially during the wet season).

4. Underground rivers (Agoyo-Ige System. Lomyang-Latipan System, Agew Na Nayawakan System, Tataya En System, part of Balangagan Cave).

5. Springs (Ambasing and Balangagan Springs).

The caves are characterized by very wide passages, massive secondary calcite deposits, voluminous collapses, abundant volcanic debris and floods up to 600 times the low flow discharge. Study is not complete, and much work needs to be done, especially to differentiate completely the watersheds of the two main springs.  相似文献   

Brujas Cave, in the Southern Andean Range, is a well-known endokarstic site in Argentina. However, the origin and evolution of this cave system are poorly known. Based on morphological cave features as well as characteristics of cave deposits, we propose a meteogene drawdown cave genesis, including a change from phreatic to vadose conditions related to the high rate of fluvial downcutting in the area. During the vadose period, various cave-related deposits, including authogenic calcite and gypsum speleothems, allogenic volcanic ash and external tufas were deposited. Gypsum crusts are the oldest cave deposits identified (90.2–64.3 ky BP). Their origin, deduced from isotopic characteristics (34S=9.6‰), is related to the oxidation of pyrite contained in the Jurassic limestone bedrock as well as the dissolution of overlying Jurassic–Triassic evaporite formations. Gypsum crust deposition is associated with evaporation of water flowing and seeping into the cave during arid environmental conditions. Calcite deposits precipitated from flowing water under equilibrium conditions represent the main speleothem growth period (67.6–34 ky BP in age). Their stable isotope values (13C=−3‰ to −5‰ and 18O=−9‰ to −11‰) may indicate slightly humid and warm conditions related to the regional Minchin lacustrine phase and global oxygen isotope stage 3. Following this stage, a seismic event is evidenced by accumulations of broken stalactites. Seepage calcite speleothems covering cave walls were deposited under disequilibrium conditions by evaporation, probably during Holocene time. Finally, another more recent gypsum deposition period represented by gypsum balls has been differentiated. Micromorphological as well as isotopic (34S=5.6‰) data indicate that these gypsum forms are related to cyclic processes (solution–deposition) from water seeping into the cave under arid conditions. In addition, intense volcanic activity in the area during Holocene time is deduced from allogenic volcanic ash and lapilli located mainly at the entrance cave. At present, limited hydrological activity is observed in the cave and small tufa deposits at karstic discharge points are evidenced. We conclude that the geomorphological evolution of Brujas Cave was controlled by climatic changes (wet and dry stages) under semiarid environmental conditions in a very active tectonic and volcanic setting during Late Quaternary time.  相似文献   

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