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This paper reports on some individual constructions of ageing and how these relate to the mutual sustainability of lives and communities in the changing rurality of New Zealand in the 1990s. The Arena Society model is used to organise a discussion of the impact of technology on settlement systems, with reference to changes in the provision of banking services and their impact on the elderly. The views of older people living in the village of Tirau in the Waikato are used to ground the analysis in human experience. The concluding discussion focuses on the potential contribution of older rural residents to the ‘multiple agency’ that communities will need for survival in the ‘open society’.  相似文献   

乡村人口与土地利用方式变革压力下,构建恢复力已成为保障区域社会—生态系统可持续发展的有效举措。以陕西省米脂县高渠乡为研究区,从社会、经济、制度、生态4个维度,运用熵权TOPSIS法对黄土丘陵沟壑区20个乡村的社区恢复力进行测度,探讨了2015—2019年社区恢复力的时空演变;利用障碍度模型分析了社区恢复力关键影响因子作用机制,并通过比较当前关键影响因子所处维度,将社区划分为不同类型,实现社区的分类治理。结果表明:①(① “四会”指村民议事会、红白理事会、道德评议会、禁毒禁赌会。) 研究期间社区恢复力由0.171提升到0.318,其中经济恢复力上升较为明显,制度、生态恢复力呈小幅提高,而社会恢复力则表现为下降;社区恢复力空间分异更加显著,呈现为“中部高、边缘低”的分布格局。② 研究期末社区恢复力关键影响因素中,经济维度有养殖业发展水平、种植业发展水平、农业产业化带动农户数、农民人均收入;制度维度为基层领导平均受教育年限、公平性管制、村民参与决策机会;社会维度为乡村公共空间比例、流动人口比例;生态维度为“三田”面积占比。③ 通过当前社区恢复力关键影响因子各维度障碍度大小排序,依次识别经济、制度、社会、生态恢复力低值区,最终将高渠乡20个乡村社区划分为3类,结合不同类型乡村社区的特点提出相应对策建议,以期为精准化、差异化管理提供决策参考。  相似文献   


Coastal communities are part of the Australian identity but little is known about their characteristics and their long-term prosperity prospects. Increased migration to coastal areas and increased exposure to extreme climatic events indicates a need for social and economic data to inform socio-ecological systems planning. Here, we undertake a geo-spatial analysis to develop a typology of Australian coastal communities and assess relative vulnerability to climate-driven environmental change for a range of social and economic indicators. The aim of this study is to understand how the vulnerability of Australian coastal communities varies with geographic location or community size, and in comparison to other community types. Results show that both the population size and location of a coastal community matter and that coastal communities overall are more vulnerable on some socio-economic dimensions to climate-driven environmental change than their rural equivalents. However, results also demonstrate that the smallest coastal communities are strong in some important aspects of the human, social and financial domains, putting them in a good position to deal with some changes. Scale-appropriate and context-specific social policies are needed to address identified socio-economic vulnerabilities, supported by a range of formal and informal institutional structures, such as strategies to improve education and female workforce participation, and encourage participation in volunteering to increase human and social capital.  相似文献   

基于应对公共健康危害的广州社区恢复力评价及空间分异   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
公共健康危害形势日趋严峻,综合测度社区恢复力并探寻空间分异格局,有利于摸清城市公共健康水平及社区应对健康危害的能力,对推动社区健康治理、促进健康公平具有现实意义,同时对社会—生态系统恢复力研究向公共健康领域拓展及中国化探索具有理论创新意义。以广州市社区为基本单元,从自然环境、建成环境、社会资本、经济资本和政府制度5个子维度选取23个指标、32个表征要素建立应对公共健康危害的社区恢复力评价模型,运用灰色关联TOPSIS法对其进行测度,将社区恢复力划分为优秀、良好、中等、较差和差5个等级,结果显示:恢复力中等水平社区居多,优秀级和差级社区均较少,整体呈“橄榄型”结构,且城市社区恢复力优于乡村社区;社区恢复力空间上由中部向四周,东北部向西部,南部向北部梯度递减,各子系统空间格局差异显著;不同等级恢复力的社区呈“集群化”空间分布,优秀级呈“双中心”格局、良好级呈“核心—边缘”格局、中等和较差级均呈“大分散—小集中”格局、差级呈“边缘延伸”格局;中部、南部公共健康安全,西部相对较危险因而是城市公共健康安全重点防御区域。  相似文献   

The geography of sport has received relatively little attention from those interested in processes of rural social and economic change. This is despite the important role that sport plays in the structure of rural communities and regions. In addition to the obvious health benefits associated with physical activity, sport contributes to community identity and provides opportunities for social interaction. There is, however, considerable evidence to suggest that processes of restructuring are having direct impacts on sport in rural areas. Drawing on a case study from rural Western Australia, this paper argues that economic adjustment in the farming and business sectors, service withdrawal, and population decline are just some of the changes undermining the viability of sporting clubs in rural areas. We suggest that while sporting clubs have tended to be resilient in the face of restructuring, it is also clear that one of the outcomes is a changing geography of sport in declining rural areas.  相似文献   

佟伟铭  张平宇  何欢 《地理科学》2019,39(10):1537-1545
基于长春市兴华园社区典型案例,利用社区理论揭示了大城市郊区化过程中失地农民社区的城镇化机制与影响。结果表明土地征用体制下以农村社区为载体实现了快速城镇化,实现了乡村社会和经济空间重构,乡村生产空间和生活空间的优化和重组,地域空间并入城市发展范畴,城镇化进程加快,主要表现为城市景观和设施的推进,农民市民化进程加快,包括就业非农化与生活方式市民化等,但存在社会保障和补偿机制不健全,失地农民生活满意度低,社会认同感缺失等问题。  相似文献   

在有关养老的老年学和地理学研究中,“就地养老”是一个广泛使用的概念,并一直被认为是解决老龄人口养老需求的有效政策手段。迄今为止,关于就地养老的研究主要关注了很多能够让老年人健康就地(或在家)养老的物质方面的因素,比如住房条件或家庭照护。有些老年学研究者们认识到,就地养老受到居住环境中实体环境和社会、情感因素的共同影响。但我们认为,在养老体验研究中,要更加深入地审视“人”和“地方”之间的复杂关系。特别是,我们主张就地养老成功的因素是地方具有维持良好关系的潜力。提到“地方(place)”一词的时候,人们过分局限于关注老年人身体上接近的地理空间,或是具有实体边界的地方,例如房子或社区。而我们通过回顾现有文献发现,对许多选择就地养老的人来说,更具有意义的是随着时间的推移,他们在不同空间尺度上所建立起来的多元的、网络化的社会和非社会关系。基于这个新的视角,可以更好地理解老年人与地方的多层次的联系,以及从不同尺度和不同类型的人与地方的关系来考察就地养老的意义。  相似文献   

从教育、医疗、收入和消费水平4个维度构建城乡福祉差距测度指标体系并测算城乡福祉差距指数,揭示中国城乡福祉差距的时空变化;利用2008—2017年中国内地除西藏以外30个省份的面板数据,分析城镇化对中国城乡福祉差距的影响及其区域差异。结果表明:2008—2017年,中国城乡福祉差距指数增大但城乡福祉差距的空间差异逐渐减小;城镇化对全国以及西部地区的城乡福祉差距具有显著负向作用,对东部与中部影响作用甚微;加大财政支农力度、提高农村社会保障水平、引导资本下乡均能缩小城乡福祉差距。  相似文献   

Cultivated in the Eastern Mediterranean region for millennia, the opium poppy (Papaver somniferum) was profoundly significant in the economies, ecologies, cultures, and diets of the peoples of many towns and villages of rural Anatolia. When the United States compelled Turkey to eradicate cultivation of the plant in the early 1970s in order to diminish the flow of heroin into America, farmers were obliged to deal with not only changes in their incomes but also profound changes in their relationships with the land and the state. Although Turkish officials later allowed production to resume in a highly controlled manner for pharmaceutical purposes, significant socioeconomic and ecological dimensions of Turkey's poppy-growing communities were forever changed. Interviewing now-retired poppy farmers, I employ oral history as my primary source of historical evidence to reconstruct these past ecologies and associated social relationships and to give voice to the informants.  相似文献   

中国西南喀斯特石漠化地区人口-资源-环境-经济矛盾十分突出,严重制约了地区的可持续发展。基于该地区的深度贫困县——广西德保县的2014—2019年各乡镇社会、经济、人口等维度的面板数据,以空间贫困为理论导向,运用空间动态面板模型和GWR模型探索了石漠化地区县域贫困影响因素及溢出效应。空间动态自回归模型结果表明,各乡镇当年的贫困发生率表现出较大的惯性;农村居民恩格尔系数的下降、农村医疗卫生水平的提高、就业水平的提升、少数民族占比的下降、人口密度的降低均可明显地促进地区减贫。空间动态杜宾模型估计结果不仅支持了空间动态自回归模型结果,而且表明农村居民恩格尔系数、农村医疗卫生水平、人口密度分别表现出显著的有益、不利和有益的外溢效应,长期影响更深远。GWR模型结果表明其影响效果具有明显的空间差异性。  相似文献   

杨兴柱  孙井东  陆林  王群 《地理学报》2018,73(2):276-294
作为新兴的重要发展力量,旅游正在不可逆转地改变着聚居空间演变进程。旅游地聚居空间特征及其社会效应是透视旅游地社会转型的重要维度之一,旅游地聚居现象已构成旅游地理学研究的重要命题。以千岛湖为案例,立足社区尺度,应用实地观察法、访谈法、问卷调查方法、GIS空间技术、统计分析法,探究千岛湖旅游地聚居空间发展过程;识别和划分居住社区类型,测算居住社区空间分异度,揭示旅游影响下典型聚居区分布格局;从居住满意度、社会交往和社会融合三个方面,构建聚居空间社会效应指标体系。研究发现:① 伴随着社会经济转型、旅游产业发展与城市更新的不断推进,千岛湖镇聚居空间发展经历了5个发展阶段。② 识别了76个基本空间单元,将76个居住小区划分为乡村社区、商住混合社区、老旧住房社区、一般商品房社区、高档商品房社区、高档别墅区、旅游度假社区7种类型。③ 城市居住空间分异现象存在于旅游地聚居空间。社会阶层越低的社区居住分异度越大,社会阶层较高的社区居住分异度越小。千岛湖镇聚居空间呈现圈层结构分布模式,从湖岸到中心城区,居住等级逐渐降低,乡村社区呈扇型镶嵌于主城区居住空间结构上,老旧住房社区和旅游度假社区分布于千岛湖镇外围。④ 旅游发展导致了聚居空间社会分异,引致旅游地传统社会关系的裂变分化,进一步影响聚居满意度、社会交往和社会融合。千岛湖镇旅游地社区居住总体处于较满意状态,且千岛湖镇社区居住满意度存在明显的空间差异,不同社区个体交友意愿存在差异,大部分居民能较好地适应本地生活。  相似文献   

This paper explores whether fundamental differences exist between urban and rural vulnerability to climate-induced changes in the fire regime of interior Alaska. We further examine how communities and fire managers have responded to these changes and what additional adaptations could be put in place. We engage a variety of social science methods, including demographic analysis, semi-structured interviews, surveys, workshops and observations of public meetings. This work is part of an interdisciplinary study of feedback and interactions between climate, vegetation, fire and human components of the Boreal forest social–ecological system of interior Alaska. We have learned that although urban and rural communities in interior Alaska face similar increased exposure to wildfire as a result of climate change, important differences exist in their sensitivity to these biophysical, climate-induced changes. In particular, reliance on wild foods, delayed suppression response, financial resources and institutional connections vary between urban and rural communities. These differences depend largely on social, economic and institutional factors, and are not necessarily related to biophysical climate impacts per se. Fire management and suppression action motivated by political, economic or other pressures can serve as unintentional or indirect adaptation to climate change. However, this indirect response alone may not sufficiently reduce vulnerability to a changing fire regime. More deliberate and strategic responses may be required, given the magnitude of the expected climate change and the likelihood of an intensification of the fire regime in interior Alaska.  相似文献   

This article explores the suitability of Ostrom and colleagues' social-ecological systems framework (SESF) for the study of resource-dependent communities in Canada. Through a broad literature about resource-dependent communities in Canada, three main approaches are identified, named staples research, rural development, and sustainability studies. Each of these research traditions is analyzed with regards to a common set of criteria – focus, scale, methods, treatment of institutions, and treatment of environmental dimensions. Research in each category is compared and contrasted with the SESF approach, to identify areas of overlap and divergence. Results indicate that the SESF is unlikely to provide additional benefit in terms of in-depth of social analysis, however, it does provide a unique contribution in terms of its coupled approach to conceiving social and ecological systems and its ability to operationalize these relationships through structured variables.  相似文献   

基于社会网络分析的旅游地乡村社会空间重构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陆天华  于涛 《地理科学》2020,40(9):1522-1531
在商品经济影响下,乡村社会关系正发生多途径、多层次重构,由于社会关系与空间形态辩证统一,社会关系的异化将引起空间形态的变化。以南京市世凹美丽乡村示范村为案例,从传统社会结构观念与市场经济之间的冲突出发,建立研究假设,通过2014年、2016年和2018持续跟踪调查,运用社会网络分析方法揭示乡村经济社会空间交互过程。结果表明:① 所选乡村社会网络发展符合社会资本与市场制度相互作用的发展规律,具有替代效应、挤出效应与互补效应3个明显阶段,符合研究假设;② 网络模式由轮轴模式演化到“结构洞”模式再到合作与分派模式,且分别对应扩散型、分支型与簇群型网络结构,伴随行动者的淘汰与迁出与市场经济规则的增强;③ 空间重构主要表现为土地利用格局重构与乡村空间衰退现象,形成优势经营者区域、原住民的边缘集聚区、外来经营者区域与空间衰退区域。  相似文献   

Research on Amazonian communities has focussed more often on rural‐urban linkages than on links among rural communities. This is unsurprising, given the low density of population, limited intercommunity commerce, and importance of direct city‐market relations. Social relations among rural communities are also important in shaping rural livelihoods and lifeways. We report on the findings of a large‐scale census of communities in the Napo River basin in northeastern Peru (n=174). Data were gathered on intervillage crop seed acquisition and cooperative labor sharing as two key inputs in agriculture, and on intervillage soccer matches, which are integral to rural social life. We analyze the socio‐spatial networks of each practice, paying attention to settlement patterns, community ethnicity, and differential access to the uplands. We find that seeds and labor flow along soccer network lines. Rural social networks appear to be structured strongly by ethnicity (homophily) and reflect important complementarities between upland and lowland communities (weak ties).  相似文献   

Rural dilution, a term originally used in the UK in the 1950s, refers to change in the social composition of rural populations: those elements engaged in primary production (and its necessary servicing) are thinned out by agricultural restructuring and labour shedding, while at the same time in-migration of new elements (retirement, long-distance commuting, lifestyle migration) is occurring. The extent to which such dilution occurs is influenced by a number of factors, including distance in travel time from the nearest metropolitan or other large city, location with respect to the coast/perceived environmental amenity, and rural population density. This paper explores changes in traditional rural communities in Southern Yorke Peninsula, South Australia, which lie 2½-3 hours' drive from Adelaide and have been subject to substantial rural dilution. Drawing on two detailed surveys of the strictly rural (dispersed) population of the region carried out in 1984 and replicated in 2000, some important social impacts of the recent migration flows are identified, including changes in perceived community identity and allegiance, shopping and business patterns, and the very recent impact of the uptake of electronic communication innovations. The paper concludes with an assessment of the extent to which the trends identified are likely to continue, and mould future communities in similar distance and amenity situations over the next 10-20 years, changing the nature of rurality in Australia.  相似文献   

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