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北京公积金中心调查违规拒贷楼盘;七成土地出让金将确保用于保障房;北京最大保障性住房和两限房项目开工;青岛2007年度住房建设目标基本完成  相似文献   

近期,海南省澄迈县委、县人民政府积极开展出让金追缴专项整治行动,截至2013年6月14日,澄迈县已追缴出让金和违约金21640.6万元,占全部拖欠出让金和违约金49571.7万元的43.7%,计划在2013年12月30日前完成拖欠出让金和违约金的全部清缴任务。  相似文献   

2011年前11个月,全国130个主要热点城市土地出让金同比减幅30%,而湖南土地出让食收入同比增幅近50%。为何湖南土地出让金会异于大势而逆势上扬?借助伞囤限购大气候与湖南土地出让金的统计方式,或许能挖掘出其中的答案。  相似文献   

一是针对以往土地出让合同不完善、违约责任不明确的情况,从源头入手制订措施加以防范,采取事先告知的方式,在土地招拍挂须知文件中就明确土地出让金欠缴的违约责任内容,然后在签订出让合同时对出让金欠缴发生后滞纳金的收取办法进行约定。二是在滞纳金收取的方式方法上予以优化,出让合同一旦签订。竞买保证金即转为合同履约保证金,一旦出现欠缴出让金。  相似文献   

白庆周 《河南地质》2009,(11):31-31
10月24日,襄城县成功挂牌出让6宗土地,面积69亩,土地出让金1820万元。截至目前,该县今年共收取土地出让金11914万余元,再创历史新高。  相似文献   

周荣春 《浙江地质》2009,(10):60-61
针对土地出让金违约金(滞纳金)征收工作滞后、有待规范和完善的情况,建德市国土资源局深入基层和企业调查研究,及时了解掌握该市工业企业欠缴原因。为解决遗留问题提供了依据。该市政府于2009年9月7日出台了《关于我市土地出让金违约金征收问题的分析相关意见》。  相似文献   

郑攀 《浙江地质》2010,(6):62-63
为整顿土地市场秩序,促进节约集约用地,临海市采取一系列措施,在全市范围内集中启动土地出让金清欠及闲置土地清理工作。一是加强配合、形成合力。临海市委、市政府高度重视此次“两清”工作,成立了土地出让金清欠及闲置土地清理工作领导小组,由国土、发改、建设、纪检监察等部门共同组成。  相似文献   

采用文献回顾法和归纳法综述了国内外有关住房保障的研究进展和趋势。从国内外相近研究比较、国内研究热点及存在问题、国内研究维度三个方面得出结论:国外学者侧重住房保障体系内部运行机制的应用研究;而基于我国住房保障建设尚处于不成熟阶段的现状,国内学者旨在探索完善住房保障制度体系,研究热点主要集中在理论研究、经验总结以及制度构想三个方面;国内研究普遍存在定量分析不足、研究维度单一等问题。研究提出,将我国住房保障制度中的两种基本形式——住房补贴和保障性住房政策同时纳入研究框架,构建多层次性与可选择性相匹配的住房保障制度,实现住房保障制度的可持续性与连续性,应成为下一步研究的重点。  相似文献   

2010年全国土地出让金突破2万亿元,卖地成了一些地方政府最大的收入来源,高地价推高房价,带来诸多问题  相似文献   

众多的公共事业建设项目纷纷将目光瞄向了土地出让金,土地财政似乎成了取之不尽的自动取款机——其背后是陷入两难境地的地方政府。  相似文献   

王静 《山东地质》2010,(4):46-49
在高房价催生下,"小产权房"在全国呈蔓延趋势。该文通过对淄博市淄川区(县级)"小产权房"情况的调查,厘清了"小产权房"的概念和内涵,摸清了"小产权房"的主要分布,从不同角度和层面阐释了"小产权房"的客观存在,更从国家政策制度上分析了为何这类房产只能"小产权",而不能"大产权",揭示了"小产权房"是我国加快城市化进程中住房建设政策缺位的必然,我国房屋建设管理体制还有待于进一步改革、协调和统一。  相似文献   

This paper reviews housing policy development in Lithuania in the light of previous literature which reinterprets Esping-Andersen’s work on welfare regimes and adopts it to study housing policy. It seeks to highlight the major features of the Lithuanian housing policy. The findings of this paper reveal that the Lithuanian housing regime exhibits many features which are common under the liberal one. Most significant of these are low de-commodification for those who have to buy or rent a home for the market price, increasing stratification based on income and the dominant position of the market in housing production, allocation and price determination. However, a detailed examination of the Lithuanian housing policy reveals that the housing policy system, despite having many features similar to the liberal one, has been operating in different social and economic settings as a result of unique historical experience of the communist housing policy (massive production of low quality apartment blocks during the communist era, which currently need substantial renovation) and consequently drastic changes in the housing field since 1990s (massive privatization of the housing stock and decentralization of the housing management system). The Lithuanian housing policy regime could be characterized as a regime with the higher owner-occupation compared to other welfare state regimes, but the lower economic power of the owners to take care of their property maintenance, repair and renovation.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to investigate regulations regarding housing and spatial planning to determine the extent to which these have influenced the development of gated housing in Poland since 1989. The focus is on how government policy with regard to spatial planning and housing, together with the law on property and ownership, influences the emergence and development of gated forms of housing in the country. Legal regulation documents concerning issues of housing and spatial planning between 1990 and 2013 have been studied. The article argues that the liberal policies and legal regulation in the country is resulting in a disregard for spatial planning and housing, but also the lack of integrated urban policies. Existing spatial plans are of a consultative nature and bear no regulatory capacity, at the same time as housing programmes and spatial planning in the country is strongly in favor of private investors and new construction. All these shortcomings have created a differentiated housing market, one in which housing developers maximize their profits by constructing gated housing complexes, combined with a tendency among those who have the means to move to newly built housing behind gates. The long period of developer-friendly policies and governmental support of purchasers of new construction, have resulted in increased popularity of gated communities in Poland and their spread to many Polish cities.  相似文献   

房产测量是一种法定测绘,主要为房屋各项管理工作提供服务。房产测绘预算面积与实测面积可能存在面积不一致,通过房产测绘成果质量、分摊方案、政策等方面进行分析,探讨其原因及解决方法。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to explore the relationship between legalization of land tenure and people's capacity to compete for and sustain their stake in the urban land market. Two aspects of land regularization are taken into account: the benefits of land regularization (as collateral for investments); and the perverse aspects of disputes over improved land (due to increased scarcity of illegal, but affordable housing land). Most research on illegal urban land has systematically investigated how to legalize illegal settlements to improve the effectiveness of service provision, whilst attracting public investments. But, few understand the underlying factors motivating people to improve and consolidate their houses where no legal tenure exists. The absence of substantial understanding about people's perceptions of their tenure security has encouraged most research to conclude that improving tenure security leads to higher levels of housing consolidation. What this paper shows is that the relationship between people's perceptions of land tenure security and housing consolidation is much more malleable and complex than conventionally assumed. The subtle difference between tenure of the land and tenure of the house indicates that people are willing to invest in their housing conditions almost irrespectively of their land tenure situation. This finding challenges the orthodox views of the property rights school of thought. In addition, this paper contends that what legalization is really doing is to reduce the available land stock for the poorest families, because legalization decreases the amount of illegal land (illegal land is undesirable, but affordable for the poor). The orthodox legal system needs to be revised to include the poorest families in the urban society of the new millennium.  相似文献   

Fulong Wu 《Geoforum》2004,35(4):453-470
Residential displacement by urban regeneration in western economies and forced relocation in the Third World countries are contentious issues. This paper, based on a household survey in Shanghai, examines the process and outcomes of residential relocation under market-oriented urban redevelopment in China. The results show that commodification of the socialist tenancy right helped to initiate large-scale urban redevelopment. First, there has been a complicated process of negotiation during residential relocation, involving residents, development companies, and government agencies. The de facto right of public housing tenants is considered by a pragmatic attitude in urban redevelopment in the early years. Second, residential relocation is accompanied by the changes in housing tenure, housing conditions, and the improved built form of planned residential districts. Nevertheless, the social conflict has become intensified recently because the deepening of commodification began to favour property developers by constraining the compensation standard for relocated households.  相似文献   

在当前农村宅基地登记发证中存在着违法用地、产权不清晰、一户多宅、跨区域购房等问题,这些问题与宅基地使用权有效行使不相适应。要加强宣传发动,加强宅基地的管理和登记的政策研究,制定可行的政策与措施,其中尤其要加强对"一户多宅"问题的处理。  相似文献   

关于保障性住房   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
廉租房和公租房不可能产生投资回报,必然形成财政"窟窿"。政府不宜包得太多。保障性住房建设,不可能使房价下降。根本解决办法是把自主性需求与投资、投机需求切割开,建立单独的供应体系。比较好的办法是大力发展住宅合作经济。  相似文献   

针对中低收入家庭的住房保障这一重大社会问题,研究保障性住房设计,已成为建筑师所面临的现实任务。方案"民居·庭院·住宅",以弘扬民居传统文化为设计理念,提出创造以人为本、融入自然、高科技含量、低成本高质量的特色时代住宅,进而保障中低收入家庭平等的居住权利。  相似文献   

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