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通过引入模糊均值聚类(FCM)模型约束函数对电阻率与速度进行约束,开展二维直流电阻率法与地震初至波走时成像法联合反演研究.在地下浅层结构勘探中,通常低电阻率的地质体具有低速特征,较高电阻率的地质体表现为较高的地震波速度.直流电阻率法因为低电阻率区域吸引电流而对其敏感,地震走时成像法因为射线集中在高波速区而对高速体敏感,因此,两者联合成像能够大幅度提高反演效果.合成数据反演表明,直流电阻率法和地震初至波走时联合反演对于两类地质体的分辨能力均有提升,能够优势互补.尤其是引入FCM模型约束进行联合反演,根据已知物性进行监督学习,进一步提高了反演质量,改善了成像模型的分辨率.  相似文献   

三维电阻率探测反演存在着多解性的固有难题,增加已知数据和先验信息、施加先验约束是压制反演多解性的可行途径。针对该问题,将地质推断或其他地球物理勘探方法获得的确定性的异常体空间形态信息作为一种重要的已知先验信息,提出了一种基于异常体空间形态先验约束的三维电阻率反演成像方法,利用已知异常体边界的三个正交方向向量(法向量及两个切向量)及各向异性的权重系数来控制异常体边界区域的法方向及切方向电阻率差异程度,从而实现已知异常体边界空间形态的刻画及其先验约束的表征。将上述异常体空间形态先验约束施加到三维电阻率反演目标函数中,并建立了基于空间形态先验约束的三维电阻率反演成像方程。然后,开展了基于空间形态先验约束的数值反演算例,对三维电阻率反演方向向量及其权重进行了系统探讨,得到了方向向量权重合理的取值范围,验证了空间形态先验约束在降低多余构造,压制多解性方面的可行性和有效性。最后,将该方法用于广州地铁含水层探测中,将地质地雷得到的异常体空间形态施加到三维电阻率反演中,较准确的反演出地下含水层的位置和形态,通过与现场钻孔对比,可发现空间形态约束方法显著的压制了三维电阻率探测反演的多解性问题,具有良好的实用性。  相似文献   

电阻率法和背景噪声法是通过获得地下介质的电阻率和速度参数的分布来探究地球内部物质分布的非均匀性特征,联合反演可以有效地发挥两种方法的优势,减小反演多解性.本文采用有限内存拟牛顿(L-BFGS)算法实现了电阻率法和背景噪声法的单方法三维反演,然后基于电阻率和速度模型结构耦合约束,采用交替迭代方式实现了电阻率法和背景噪声法的三维联合反演.通过设计规则体组合模型和不规则体组合模型进行理论模型合成数据三维反演试算,结果表明:联合反演可以获得同时满足数据拟合差和结构更为相似的速度-电阻率模型;联合反演可以压制背景噪声单方法反演出现的假异常,获得更精细的速度结构;联合反演获得的电阻率模型对倾斜异常体、高阻覆层下方异常体、圈闭的高/低阻体等边界信息有明显的提升,有效克服电阻率法单方法反演的局限,提高深部电阻率的分辨率.  相似文献   

基于自适应遗传算法的MRS-TEM联合反演方法研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
地面磁共振法(MRS)因具有定性、定量分析地下水能力,而备受关注.传统磁共振地层含水量反演多采用均匀半空间模型,忽略电阻率分布信息对结果的影响.针对这一问题,本文基于多层电介质中磁共振响应理论,提出MRS与瞬变电磁(TEM)联合反演方法,通过电阻率分布信息对含水量反演过程的实时修正,提高了解释结果的准确度.反演算法采用自适应遗传算法(AGA)进行,基于繁殖规则,动态调整交叉概率和变异概率,解决了标准遗传算法易未成熟收敛而难以得到全局最优解问题.模型数据表明,含噪10%情况下,联合反演仍能较准确地反映地下含水单元模型结构,对比MRS单独反演优势明显.同时,内蒙古白旗野外观测数据联合反演结果与钻井资料基本一致,充分验证了AGA反演算法的实用性及MRS-TEM联合反演的实际意义.  相似文献   

重磁异常相关成像法是一种快速确定场源位置的有效方法,其相关系数极大值表征地质体中心位置.现有方法需已知地质体构造指数,本文提出重磁不同阶梯度比值的相关成像方法,可有效去除构造指数的影响,并讨论不同组合梯度比值的应用效果.对于磁异常数据,考虑到剩磁的影响,将采用解析信号及其梯度的比值来获取地质体的分布.通过理论模型试验,证明梯度比值相关成像法可以确定地质体中心位置,也具备良好的抗噪性.此外,解析信号二阶垂直梯度与解析信号比值的相关成像结果最稳定,精度和分辨率最高,为了降低噪声的干扰,在二阶及以上导数计算时采用Laplace方程来完成.将本文方法应用于埃及Hamrawien地区的实测磁数据的解释,反演获得地下异常体的深度在680 m和808 m.  相似文献   

探测孤石高阻体的跨孔电阻率CT水槽物理模拟实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用重庆奔腾数控技术研究所的WDJD-3型多功能数字直流激电仪,在电法实验室水槽内布设了探测孤石高阻体的跨孔电阻率CT法观测系统,进行了物理模型实验。物理模拟实验采用多种观测装置(二极、三极和四极装置),对采集到的数据进行反演成像,得到如下结论:①二极装置电阻率CT反演成像结果不能反映出高阻体的位置与大小;②三极装置CT反演成像结果能较好反映孤石高阻体的位置与大小;③四极装置电阻率CT反演成像也能反映出孤石高阻体的位置与规模,效果与三极装置基本相同。物理模拟实验结果表明:三极或四极装置的跨孔电阻率CT法可用于探测高阻体,它具有采集方式灵活、数据稳定可靠、成像结果直观清晰的优点。基于物理模拟实验的结果,采用电阻率CT法对地铁盾构隧道洞身范围内的孤石高阻体探测具有一定的指导意义。对孤石体的三维电阻率CT法物理模拟实验正在进一步研究中。  相似文献   

介绍了磁源瞬变电磁法(TEM)拟大地电磁法(MT)二维反演技术,总结出一套基于拟MT二维反演技术的磁源TEM实测资料处理流程,并对其关键流程进行了较为详细的介绍.对陕西某矿区磁源TEM实测资料进行拟MT二维反演,结果表明:反演结果对异常刻画的更加细致,反映出了近地表的低阻异常,深部的低阻异常范围也更加集中,优于视电阻率拟断面图结果;根据15、17和19线TE和TM联合反演的结果,推断了两条断裂F和F_1~2,F_1~2断裂与已知地层岩性分界面处的断裂相吻合,据此划分了勘探区的地层分布;结合矿区岩矿石电性特征、成矿构造特征和化探异常范围,推断反演结果中的低阻异常可能与成矿相关,为下一步地质下钻提供了物探依据.文章利用拟MT二维反演方法实现了磁源TEM实测数据二维反演解释,并取得了较好的地质效果,得出磁源TEM拟MT二维反演技术可在实际资料处理中予以推广使用的结论.  相似文献   

全通道电阻率层析成像是采用除去2个供电电极其余接地电极全部采集数据并参与反演计算的一种电阻率成像方法.相比较传统的对称四极测深、斯伦贝谢、偶极-偶极、单极-偶极、单极-单极等勘探方式来说,全通道采集得到的数据可以更好地覆盖目标地质体因此可以更准确地确定介质的电阻率.本文基于有限差分方法求解二维静电场方程和基于伴随方法计算非线性灵敏度矩阵,并利用牛顿共轭梯度反演方法实现全通道电阻率层析成像.理论模型的正演和反演表明了算法的可靠性.与常规四极电阻率法采集方式相比,全通道电阻率法具有更好的分辨率及更灵活的布极方式.在此基础上,着重分析了各种观测装置的有效勘探范围和成像分辨率.本文的研究可以有效指导电阻率法勘探观测装置形式的设计与选取,更好的解决实际工程地质问题.  相似文献   

定源回线装置的瞬变电磁法因其发射磁矩强,勘查深度大主要用于详查阶段来确定目标地质体的中心、埋深、边界以及倾角等几何参数.定源回线装置条件下一般测量三个分量的瞬变响应数据,而目前流行的解释方法仅为一维反演和视电阻率成像,并且大多只利用单个分量,还未充分利用三分量瞬变响应的有用信息.目前还缺少实用快速的实现三维三分量反演的有效方法.为充分利用实测三分量瞬变响应数据,并且获得更加可靠的目标地质体的信息,本文提出了基于等效电流环的三分量纯异常三维反演方法.理论表明受激发的导电体产生的涡旋电流早期分布在边缘或表面,之后向中心位置移动.即涡旋电流可以用不同时刻的等效电流环来等效,早期的电流环反映异常体的边界,而晚期的电流环主要反映异常体的中心.因此通过反演不同时刻等效电流环的几何参数,可以获得目标地质体的几何形态.本文给出了自由空间电流环产生的三个分量磁场的表达式,并利用计算得到的三分量磁场值同时拟合由实测数据提取的纯异常三分量数据,最终获得不同时刻的等效电流环的参数.理论模型和实测数据反演结果表明,等效电流环反演结果能够较好确定导电体的中心位置、半径、埋深、倾向、倾角等几何参数.本文提出的基于等效电流环的解释方法同时利用三个分量数据,计算快速、可靠、使反演结果更加合理,为定源回线装置瞬变电磁法提供了一种有效的解释方法.  相似文献   

为了提高对大地电磁三维反演结果的分析和解释能力,完成构造界面识别、异常构造刻画等地质和地球物理解释,本文提出使用非监督的聚类方法分析大地电磁反演结果.根据三维反演模型电阻率值的分布和各种聚类分析方法的特点,选择使用K均值聚类方法对反演模型电阻率值进行聚类分析.在K均值聚类分析过程中,本文采用了RS指数指导选择聚类数目, Kaufman法进行中心初始化.通过对东北地区大地电磁数据三维反演结果使用K均值聚类分析方法,得到了东北地区电性岩石圈的厚度估计,结果表明东北地区岩石圈底部聚类电阻率大约为339Ω·m,其中松辽盆地岩石圈最薄,约为60 km;大兴安岭地区最厚,约为150 km;佳木斯地体厚度约为100 km;而长白山地区岩石圈厚度不易确定,可能受新生代构造活动影响,电阻率明显减小.聚类方法能够有效地帮助对大地电磁三维反演结果中的地质构造进行识别和归类.  相似文献   

In this paper, we discuss the effects of anomalous out‐of‐plane bodies in two‐dimensional (2D) borehole‐to‐surface electrical resistivity tomography with numerical resistivity modelling and synthetic inversion tests. The results of the two groups of synthetic resistivity model tests illustrate that anomalous bodies out of the plane of interest have an effect on two‐dimensional inversion and that the degree of influence of out‐of‐plane body on inverted images varies. The different influences are derived from two cases. One case is different resistivity models with the same electrode array, and the other case is the same resistivity model with different electrode arrays. Qualitative interpretation based on the inversion tests shows that we cannot find a reasonable electrode array to determine the best inverse solution and reveal the subsurface resistivity distribution for all types of geoelectrical models. Because of the three‐dimensional effect arising from neighbouring anomalous bodies, the qualitative interpretation of inverted images from the two‐dimensional inversion of electrical resistivity tomography data without prior information can be misleading. Two‐dimensional inversion with drilling data can decrease the three‐dimensional effect. We employed two‐ and three‐dimensional borehole‐to‐surface electrical resistivity tomography methods with a pole–pole array and a bipole–bipole array for mineral exploration at Abag Banner and Hexigten Banner in Inner Mongolia, China. Different inverse schemes were carried out for different cases. The subsurface resistivity distribution obtained from the two‐dimensional inversion of the field electrical resistivity tomography data with sufficient prior information, such as drilling data and other non‐electrical data, can better describe the actual geological situation. When there is not enough prior information to carry out constrained two‐dimensional inversion, the three‐dimensional electrical resistivity tomography survey is the better choice.  相似文献   

高级  张海江 《地球物理学报》2016,59(11):4310-4322
在利用不同的地球物理勘探方法对地下复杂介质成像时,因观测系统的非完备性及数据本身对某些岩石物性的不敏感性,单独成像的结果存在较大的不确定性和不一致性.对于地震体波走时成像与直流电阻率成像,均面临着成像阴影区问题.对于地震走时成像,地震射线对低速区域覆盖较差形成阴影区,造成低速区域分辨率降低.对于电阻率成像,电场线在高阻区域分布较少,造成高阻区域分辨率较低.为了提高地下介质成像的精度,Gallado和Meju(2003)提出了基于交叉梯度结构约束的联合地球物理成像方法.在要求不同的物性模型拟合各自对应的数据同时,模型之间的结构要求一致,即交叉梯度趋于零.为了更有效地实现基于交叉梯度的结构约束,我们提出了一种新的交替结构约束的联合反演流程,即交替反演不同的数据而且在反演一种数据时要求对应的模型与另一个模型结构一致.新的算法能够更容易地把单独的反演系统耦合在一起,而且也更容易建立结构约束和数据拟合之间的平衡.基于新的联合反演流程,我们测试了基于交叉梯度结构约束的二维跨孔地震走时和直流电阻率联合成像.合成数据测试表明,我们提出的交替结构约束流程能够很好地实现基于交叉梯度结构约束的联合成像.与单独成像结果相比,地震走时和全通道电阻率联合成像更可靠地确定了速度和电阻率异常.  相似文献   

三维高密度电阻率E SCAN法有限元模拟异常特征研究   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
工程电法勘探中,常需要探测埋深不大、规模较小、分布复杂的目标体,对探测方法的精度要求较高.由于三维高密度电阻率法数据采集密度大,可对目标体进行多方位观测,是目前工程探测中常用的方法之一.本文对三维高密度电阻率E SCAN法的视电阻率异常特征进行研究.设计几种典型地质体模型,利用有限单元法进行正演计算,并分析其异常特征和分布规律.算例结果表明,E SCAN法对低阻体的分辨能力强于高阻体.无需对所有电极进行扫描供电观测,即可分辨地质体电性特征及水平位置,但观测结果难以分辨地质体纵向延伸.  相似文献   

在城市活断层调查中,利用电阻率二维层析成像测量方法,对郯庐断裂带山东潍坊段的地震活断层进行了探测试验,取得了较理想的勘探效果。沂水-汤头断裂、刘家庄断裂的二维电阻率反演结果表明,断裂带两侧的电性结构呈现出整体性的差异,正断层的上盘为低阻区和局部高、低阻扰动区;而断层下盘多为均匀的高阻区;断层为高角度断层。试验探测表明:在城市活断层调查中,选用合适的电极装置类型,电阻率层析成像是一种有效的勘探方法  相似文献   

井间电阻率层析成象的几个问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
井间电阻率层析成象是一种较新的高精度电法勘探方法,尚有许多问题需要探讨。本文针对平滑度约束反演算法,研究了平滑因子及迭代次数对成象结果的影响,给出了约束条件的施加方法。  相似文献   

全球地磁感应测深数据三维反演   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
全球地磁感应测深能获得地幔转换带及下地幔上部的导电结构.但目前稀疏的地磁台站分布及部分台站的观测数据稳定性较差,影响了三维反演对地下电性结构的分辨力和反演可靠性.为此,区别于传统的L2-范数反演方法,本文提出并实现了基于L1-范数的地磁测深响应三维反演技术.在反演中,利用L1-范数度量数据预测误差,降低"飞点"数据的影响,将相关系数较小的C-响应估计也纳入反演数据中.三维正演模拟采用球坐标系下的交错网格有限差分法,反演采用有限内存拟牛顿法.文中利用指数概率密度分布函数构造非高斯噪声的合成数据,并采用棋盘模型对反演方法的可靠性进行了验证.之后,我们将本文提出的三维反演方法用于全球129个地磁观测台站的C-响应数据反演,结果表明在地幔转换带深部,中国东北地区为高导电异常,南欧和北非则均为高阻;夏威夷在900km以下为高导;菲律宾海及以东地区在转换带表现为明显的高阻,这些结果与前人研究结果一致.由于采用了更多的台站数据,我们的反演结果还发现一些新的异常:南美洲南端,转换带表现为明显的高导;澳大利亚东南部,地幔转换带深部,也存在一个明显的高导异常,这些异常分布和地震层析成像的低速区一致.因此,L1-范数三维反演能够充分利用全球C-响应数据信息,提高地磁测深对地球深部电性结构的分辨能力,更好的研究全球地幔电性结构.  相似文献   

A new target-oriented parameterization scheme, named the object-based model, is suggested to represent man-made or natural targets as regular shapes embedded in a two-dimensional resistivity background. The numerical values of the target parameters (size, depth, location and resistivity) are estimated in three steps consisting of conventional regularized inversion, exclusion of anomalous regions and delineation of target bodies. The method produces sharp edges and sharp variation in intrinsic resistivity between the targets and background.The number of target objects is decided by the visual inspection of the 2D resistivity section derived from the application of a conventional cell-based regularized inversion. The 2D background is also extracted from the same section. A genetic algorithm approach is used at the final stage to test a large number of distinct models. Each test model consists of the same number of objects buried in the 2D background. The size, depth, location and resistivity of the targets are estimated from a class of models generated by the application of biological rules. The derived images of buried bodies have sharp edges and can then be understood by engineers and archeologists. However, if the hypothesis about the ‘conceptual model’ is very different from the geometry of the subsurface, the proposed approach will not be able to produce satisfactory results.  相似文献   

In order to interpret field data from small-loop electromagnetic (EM) instruments with fixed source–receiver separation, 1D inversion method is commonly used due to its efficiency with regard to computation costs. This application of 1D inversion is based on the assumption that small-offset broadband EM signals are insensitive to lateral resistivity variation. However, this assumption can be false when isolated conductive bodies such as man-made objects are embedded in the earth. Thus, we need to clarify the applicability of the 1D inversion method for small-loop EM data. In order to systematically analyze this conventional inversion approach, we developed a 2D EM inversion algorithm and verified this algorithm with a synthetic EM data set. 1D and 2D inversions were applied to synthetic and field EM data sets. The comparison of these inversion results shows that the resistivity distribution of the subsurface constructed by the 1D inversion approach can be distorted when the earth contains man-made objects, because they induce drastic variation of the resistivity distribution. By analyzing the integrated sensitivity of the small-loop EM method, we found that this pitfall of 1D inversion may be caused by the considerable sensitivity of the small-loop EM responses to lateral resistivity variation. However, the application of our 2D inversion algorithm to synthetic and field EM data sets demonstrate that the pitfall of 1D inversion due to man-made objects can be successfully alleviated. Thus, 2D EM inversion is strongly recommended for detecting conductive isolated bodies, such as man-made objects, whereas this approach may not always be essential for interpreting the EM field data.  相似文献   

Clay-rich till plains cover much of the UK. Such sites are attractive locations for landfills, since clay aquitards lower the risk of landfill leachate entering groundwater. However, such tills often contain sand and gravel bodies that can act as leachate flow routes. Such bodies may not be detected by conventional site investigation techniques such as drilling boreholes and trial pitting. A method of guided inversion, where a priori data are used to construct structural reference models for use in inverting electrical resistivity tomography data, was proposed as a tool to improve the detection of sand and gravel bodies within clay-rich till sequences.
Following a successful 2D guided inversion synthetic modelling study, a field study was undertaken. Wenner 2D electrical resistivity tomography lines, resistivity cone penetrometry bores and electromagnetic induction ground resistivity data were collected over a site on the East Yorkshire coast, England, where sand and gravel lenses were known to exist from cliff exposures. A number of equally valid geoelectrical models were constructed using the electromagnetic and resistivity cone data. These were used as structural reference models in the inversion of the resistivity tomography data. Blind inversion using an homogenous reference model was also carried out for comparison.
It was shown for the first time that the best solution model produced by 2D inversion of one data set with a range of structural reference models could be determined by using the l 2 model misfit between the solution models and associated reference models (reference misfit) as a proxy for the l 2 misfit between the solution models and the synthetic model or 'best-guess' geoelectrical model (true misfit). The 2D methodology developed here is applicable in clay-rich till plains containing sand and gravel bodies throughout the UK.  相似文献   

Electrical resistivity tomography is a non-linear and ill-posed geophysical inverse problem that is usually solved through gradient-descent methods. This strategy is computationally fast and easy to implement but impedes accurate uncertainty appraisals. We present a probabilistic approach to two-dimensional electrical resistivity tomography in which a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm is used to numerically evaluate the posterior probability density function that fully quantifies the uncertainty affecting the recovered solution. The main drawback of Markov chain Monte Carlo approaches is related to the considerable number of sampled models needed to achieve accurate posterior assessments in high-dimensional parameter spaces. Therefore, to reduce the computational burden of the inversion process, we employ the differential evolution Markov chain, a hybrid method between non-linear optimization and Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling, which exploits multiple and interactive chains to speed up the probabilistic sampling. Moreover, the discrete cosine transform reparameterization is employed to reduce the dimensionality of the parameter space removing the high-frequency components of the resistivity model which are not sensitive to data. In this framework, the unknown parameters become the series of coefficients associated with the retained discrete cosine transform basis functions. First, synthetic data inversions are used to validate the proposed method and to demonstrate the benefits provided by the discrete cosine transform compression. To this end, we compare the outcomes of the implemented approach with those provided by a differential evolution Markov chain algorithm running in the full, un-reduced model space. Then, we apply the method to invert field data acquired along a river embankment. The results yielded by the implemented approach are also benchmarked against a standard local inversion algorithm. The proposed Bayesian inversion provides posterior mean models in agreement with the predictions achieved by the gradient-based inversion, but it also provides model uncertainties, which can be used for penetration depth and resolution limit identification.  相似文献   

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