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引用本文:曾庆存,张邦林. 大气环流的季节变化和季风[J]. 大气科学, 1998, 22(6): 805-813. DOI: 10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.1998.06.01
作者姓名:曾庆存  张邦林
作者单位:中国科学院大气物理研究所,北京 100080
摘    要:利用多年平均气候资料计算了全球各地和各等压面上的大气环流季节变率(即冬季和夏季环流之差或者1月和7月环流之差再除以年平均),发现在对流层低层环流有5个很突出的季节变率极大值的区域,分别位于热带和南北两半球的副热带和中-高纬度带(温-寒带),它们分别对应于经典所谓的热带季风区,太平洋、印度洋和大西洋的副热带高 压季节性移动区域,以及温-寒带气旋的风暴轴线区域。这5个区域也可分别称为热带季风区、副热带季风区和温-寒带季风区。季节变率带有鲜明的斜压性:在对流层低层热带季风和副热带季风虽相互连接然而仍然明显可分,但越往上,副热带季风一支就越往低纬移动,结果在200 hPa处与热带季风混合为一,形成为斜交赤道的带,和所谓的行星季风区相对应;再往上,在平流层上层,则南北两半球各在中纬度带有一完好的非常鲜明的季节变率极大值带,它们与黑夜急流的维持和崩溃有关。此外,文中还探索了各季节来临的时空分布以及年际变化等问题。

关 键 词:季节变率   季节   季风   年际变化

On the Seasonal Variation of Atmospheric General Circulation and the Monsoon
Zeng Qingcun and Zhang Banglin. On the Seasonal Variation of Atmospheric General Circulation and the Monsoon[J]. Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 1998, 22(6): 805-813. DOI: 10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.1998.06.01
Authors:Zeng Qingcun and Zhang Banglin
Abstract:By using the global wind data for 1980-1991, the seasonality, difined as the root mean squared of the difference between summer and winter (or the January and July) and divided by the climatological annual mean, has been calculated. It is discovered that in the lower troposphere there are five regions with pronounced large seasonality: one is located in the tropical zone, two in subtropical zones (one in the Northern Hemisphere and one in the Southern Hemisphere), two in middle-high latitudes (one in each hemisphere). They are respectively coincident with the classically tropical monsoon region, regions accupied by the seasonal migration of subtropical high over Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Ocean, and regions associated with the storm tracks of westerly line. Therefore, they can be called the tropical monsoon region, (two) subtropical monsoon regions, and (two) middle-high latitude monsoon regions respectively. Second, the seasonality possesses baroclinity in the vertical structure: in the lower traposphere the tropical monsoon and subtropical monsoon are two separable systems (although connected to some extent), but the subtropical monsoon is shifted to the low latitudes in the vertical and eventually combined with the tropical monsoon as a whole nonseparable planetary monsoon system which possesses some cross-equator component of wind, and there exists in the middle-upper stratosphere one zone in each (Northern/Southern) Hemisphere with very pronounced large seasonality in the middle latitudes and is associated with the maintainence and breaking down of the night jet stream. Besides, some other problems such as the division of seasons, the spatical-temporal structure of their onset times and the interannual variabilities are also discussed in the paper.
Keywords:seasonality season monsoon interannual variability
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