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引用本文:方创琳,宋吉涛,张蔷,李铭. 中国城市群结构体系的组成与空间分异格局[J]. 地理学报, 2005, 60(5): 827-840. DOI: 10.11821/xb200505014
作者姓名:方创琳  宋吉涛  张蔷  李铭
作者单位:中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京 100101
摘    要:中国城市群结构体系是由不同发育程度、不同等级、不同行政隶属关系、不同成因和空间区位的城市群,通过各种物质流、能量流、信息流和知识流有机耦合而成的空间聚合体和综合集群体。通过对国内外有关城市群结构体系的综合分析,得知世界城市群结构体系正在形成,城市群间的等级职能正在参与新的国际劳动地域分工进行重组,中国城市群结构体系由28个大小不同、规模不等、发育程度不一的城市群组成,目前尚处总体发育雏形阶段,但却是中国未来经济发展格局中最具活力和潜力的战略支撑点和增长极点,主宰着国家经济发展的命脉。根据城市群发育程度指数模型计算结果,将中国城市群划分为三个等级,其中一级城市群包括长江三角洲城市群、珠江三角洲城市群和京津冀都市圈3个城市群,二级城市群包括山东半岛城市群、成都城市群、武汉城市群等11个城市群,三级城市群包括滇中城市群、天山北坡城市群等14个城市群。进一步分析发现,中国城市群总体发育程度低且差异很大,这种差异具有一定程度的合理性,并呈现出发育的阶段性、总体分布的不平衡性、空间分异的规律性、内部集聚的异质性和明显的分化性等空间分异特征。在未来的发展中,应加强对中国城市群结构体系理论的多维性、规律性和阶段性研究,加强对中国城市群结构体系形成发育的差异性、异质性和竞争性研究,加强对中国城市群结构体系的国际化、全球化与动态监测研究。

关 键 词:城市群结构体系  构成与发育  等级划分  空间分异特征  中国  

The Formation, Development and Spatial Heterogeneity Patterns for the Structures System of Urban Agglomerations in China
FANG Chuanglin,SONG Jitao,ZHANG Qiang,LI Ming. The Formation, Development and Spatial Heterogeneity Patterns for the Structures System of Urban Agglomerations in China[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2005, 60(5): 827-840. DOI: 10.11821/xb200505014
Authors:FANG Chuanglin  SONG Jitao  ZHANG Qiang  LI Ming
Affiliation:Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China
Abstract:The Structures Systems of Urban Agglomerations (SSUAs) in China are the spatialand synthetic polymers coupled organically by Urban Agglomerations with differentdevelopment degrees, grades, political relationship, formative reasons and spatial locationsthrough various flows of substance, power, information and knowledge. Based on the syntheticanalysis of the SSUAs at home and abroad, it is found out that world SSUAs are in theprocess of formation, the functions with different grades for Urban Agglomerations arefabricating profoundly now through new international division of labor and region, and at thesame time, although Urban Agglomerations are in the incipient phase as a whole, they are themost vigorous strategic strong point and growth pole with the greatest potential in theeconomic development framework in the future, and they will dominate the economicdevelopment orientation in China. The paper identifies three grades according to thecalculating results using of model subject to the index of development degree for UrbanAgglomerations in China. The first grade group constitutes Urban Agglomerations on theYangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and of capital Metropolitan Coordinating Region. Thesecond grade consists of 11 Urban Agglomerations in Shandong Peninsula, Chengdu andWuhan metropolitan coordinating regions. The third grade group is composed of 14 UrbanAgglomerations in the central Yunnan Province and the north Tianshan Mountains. Furtheranalyses indicate that there are great differences among the 28 Urban Agglomerations, butsuch differences are reasonable to some degree. They have showed some characteristics ofregional heterogeneities including different development phases, non-equilibrium in overalldistribution, regularities in regional heterogeneous pattern, distinct disintegration andheterogeneity in inter-conglomeration. Based on the above analyses, the paper suggests thatfuture studies should focus on the theoretical studies of the multi-dimension, regularity andphase subject of the SSUAs in China, enhance studies on the differences in heterogeneity andcompetitiveness in the formation and development of the SSUAs and reinforce research ontheir internationalization, globalization and dynamic monitoring.
Keywords:Structures System of Urban Agglomerations  formation and development  classification of grade  characteristics of spatial heterogeneity  China
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