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Variations of the geomagnetic field at the time of reversals
Authors:Alois Ko?í  Reviewer A Janá?ková
Institution:(1) Geophysical Institute, Czechosl. Acad. Sci., Prague
Abstract:Summary Paleomagnetic investigations of sediments from the Early Quaternary enabled the variations of the geomagnetic field during reversals to be studied. Regularities in the motion of the virtual geomagnetic N paleopole and the related changes in the intensity of the geomagnetic field were determined. The initial phase of the reversal, which took place in the Eastern Hemisphere, is accompanied by an increase in the intensity of the geomagnetic field. A strong decrease occurred at the time the N paleopole was moving around30°N geographic latitude. After the irreversible reversal had been concluded, the intensity of the geomagnetic field stabilized at values corresponding to the field intensity prior to the reversal. The reversible reversal is accompanied by an repeated increase in the itensity of the geomagnetic field.
Rcyiecyzcyyucymcyiecy Acyncyalcyuzcy nalcyiecyocymcyagcyncyumncyycykhcy ¶rt;ancyncyycykhcy nocylcyucychcyiecyncyncyycykhcy nocy uzcyucychcyiecyncyuyucy ocyscya¶rt;ocychcyncyycykhcygcyocyrcyncyycykhcy nocyrcyocy¶rt; chcyiecymvcyiecyrcymuchcyncyocygcyocy niecyrcyuocy¶rt;a nocyzcyvcyocylcyulcy ocynrcyiecy¶rt;iecylcyumsoftcy vcyarcyuyacytscyuu mcyagcyncyumncyocygcyocy nocylcyyacy Zcyiecymcylcyu vcy ocymrcyiecyzcykcyiecy vcyrcyiecymcyiecyncyu1,1–0,7×10 6 lcyiecym. Bcyycylcyu ocybcyncyarcyucyzhcyiecyncyycy mrcyu uncyvcyiecyrcyscyuugcyiecyocymcyagcyncyumncyocygcyocy nocylcyyacy u uncymiecyrcyvcyalcy kcyocylcyiecy¶rt;ancyuubreve nocylcyyacyrcyncyocyscymu nocylcyyacy. Pcyiecyrcyiecymcyiecyshchcyiecyncyuiecy VcyGcyPcy vcyocy vcyrcyiecymcyyacy uscyscylcyiecy¶rt;ocyvcyancyncyycykhcy uncyvcyiecyrcyscyuubreve scyvcyyacyzcyancyocy scy uzcymcyiecyncyiecyncyuyacymcyu nalcyiecyocyncyanrcyyacyzhcyiecyncyncyocyscymugcyiecyocymcyagcyncyumncyocygcyocy nocylcyyacy.
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