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Chemical evolution of the Mt. Hekla,Iceland, groundwaters: A natural analogue for CO2 sequestration in basaltic rocks
Authors:Therese K. Flaathen,Sigurð  ur R. Gislason,Eric H. Oelkers,Á  rný   E. Sveinbjö  rnsdó  ttir
Affiliation:1. Université de Toulouse; UPS (OMP); LMTG; 14 Avenue Edouard Belin, F-31400 Toulouse, France;2. CNRS; LMTG; F-31400 Toulouse, France;3. IRD; LMTG; F-31400 Toulouse, France;4. Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland, Sturlugata 7, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland
Abstract:A detailed study of the chemical composition of the groundwater surrounding the Mt. Hekla volcano in south Iceland was performed to assess fluid evolution and toxic metal mobility during CO2-rich fluid basalt interaction. These fluids provide a natural analogue for evaluating the consequences of CO2 sequestration in basalt. The concentration of dissolved inorganic C in these groundwaters decreases from 3.88 to 0.746 mmol/kg with increasing basalt dissolution while the pH increases from 6.9 to 9.2. This observation provides direct evidence of the potential for basalt dissolution to sequester CO2. Reaction path calculations suggest that dolomite and calcite precipitation is largely responsible for this drop in groundwater dissolved C concentration. The concentrations of toxic metal(loid)s in the waters are low, for example the maximum measured concentrations of Cd, As and Pb were 0.09, 22.8 and 0.06 nmol/kg, respectively. Reaction path modelling indicates that although many toxic metals may be initially liberated by the dissolution of basalt by acidic CO2-rich solutions, these metals are reincorporated into solid phases as the groundwaters are neutralized by continued basalt dissolution. The identity of the secondary toxic metal bearing phases depends on the metal. For example, calculations suggest that Sr and Ba are incorporated into carbonates, while Pb, Zn and Cd are incorporated into Fe (oxy)hydroxide phases.
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