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Progressive and polyphase deformation of the Schistes Lustrés in Cap Corse, Alpine Corsica
Authors:Lyal Harris  
Affiliation:Centre Armoricain d''Etude Structurale des Socles (CNRS), Université de Rennes, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France
Abstract:In Cap Corse, progressive deformation during Late Cretaceous obduction of the ophiolitic Schistes Lustrés (sensu lato) as a pile of imbricate, lens-shaped units during blueschist facies metamorphism was non-coaxial. Two zones are recognized: a lower series emplaced towards the west is overlain by a series emplaced towards the south-southwest in Cap Corse. Equivalent structures (differing only in orientation) occur in both zones. The change in thrust direction was responsible for local refolding and reorientation of previously formed structures, parallel to the new stretching direction immediately below the thrust contact between the two zones, and within localized shear zones in the underlying series.Both zones are refolded about E-overturned F2 folds trending between 350 and 025°. Local minor E-directed thrusts occur associated with the F2 folds. This second deformation of Middle Eocene age is considered to be related to the backthrusting of an overlying klippe containing gneisses of South Alpine origin, and is followed by a third Late Eocene phase of upright 060°-trending F3 folds accompanied by greenschist facies metamorphism.
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