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引用本文:高翔,徐华清. “经济大国能源与气候论坛”进展及前景展望[J]. 气候变化研究进展, 2010, 6(4): 301-306
作者姓名:高翔  徐华清
摘    要:"经济大国能源与气候论坛"在推动全球主要国家就应对气候变化主要议题达成一致方面取得了进展,已初步显示出其作为联合国气候谈判晴雨表的特征。该论坛的实质是主要发达国家为转移减排责任和压力,降低减排成本,绑架主要发展中国家在全球应对气候变化领域实施的集体强权政治。论坛的核心目标在于推动全球量化减排,目的是借全球量化减排,营造低碳和气候友好技术的广大市场,使得具有技术优势的这些经济大国拥有新的主导全球经济的力量。我国应坚持"共同但有区别的责任"原则,联合与会发展中国家强调气候变化的历史责任,反对为全球温室气体排放设限等不公平提议,团结广大发展中国家,同时抓住论坛力推低碳经济和低碳技术发展的机遇,使我国站在全球新一轮技术革命的前沿。

关 键 词:经济大国能源与气候论坛  强权政治  应对策略

Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate and Its Progress and Perspective
Gao Xiang,Xu Huaqing. Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate and Its Progress and Perspective[J]. Progressus Inquisitiones DE, 2010, 6(4): 301-306
Authors:Gao Xiang  Xu Huaqing
Abstract:Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate (MEF) has made significant progress in achieving agreement on key global climate change issues, which shows its characters as the weatherglass for UN climate negotiation. However, the substance of MEF is for the developed countries to distract their greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation obligations and international pressure, thus reducing their cost for mitigation actions, by kidnapping the major developing countries, to promote the group-hegemony on global climate change issues. The hardcore of MEF is global emission mitigation, its aim is to create the global market for low-carbon and climate-friendly technologies, so that these major economies with advanced technology would expand the power of dominant position in the world. China should stand with the participating developing countries to insist on the principle of "common but differentiated responsibilities" to resist motions that would harm the sustainable development of developing countries from unfair base, such as capping for global GHG emission. Moreover, China should take hold of the chance that MEF is pushing on low-carbon development and low-carbon technologies, in order to make itself at the front of the new technology revolution.
Keywords:Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate  group-hegemony  strategy
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