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Synoptic-scale reversal of dipole surface temperature anomalies over East Asia and Central Siberia in November 2021
Affiliation:Collaborative Innovation Center on Forecast and Evaluation of Meteorological Disasters/Key Laboratory of Meteorological Disaster, Ministry of Education, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, Nanjing, China
Abstract:In early-to-mid November 2021, a pronounced reversal of surface air temperature (SAT) anomalies (SATAs) occurred over East Asia and Central Siberia, with extreme SATAs that reached up to about 10 °C. Such a synoptic-scale reversal of SATAs was characterized by the alternate emergence of the “colder Central Siberia–warmer East Asia” pattern and the “warmer Central Siberia–colder East Asia” pattern in November 2021. Coinciding with the reversals of the meridional dipole SATAs, large-scale atmospheric circulation anomalies experienced reversed changes. The development of the anomalous cyclonic (anticyclonic) flow over East Aisa (Central Siberia) was crucial for the occurrence of the “warmer Central Siberia–colder East Asia” pattern. Moreover, as the leading mode of daily SAT variability in approximately 56% of the Novembers during 1979–2021, the meridional dipole pattern of warmer (colder) anomalies over Central Siberia and colder (warmer) anomalies over East Asia may be one of the dominant modes of November SAT variability over Eurasia on the synoptic scale.摘要2021年11月, 东亚与中西伯利亚经历了相反的冷暖异常转换, 表现为“中西伯利亚偏冷, 东亚偏暖”与“中西伯利亚偏暖, 东亚偏冷”的交替出现. 该偶极型气温异常的天气尺度反转伴随着大尺度大气环流异常的反转. 进一步分析表明, 东亚与中西伯利亚的偶极型气温异常反转是1979–2021年期间11月欧亚气温日变化的主导模态之一(发生概率超过56%).
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