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Minéralogie et bilan de matière de l''altération supergène d''un basalte alcalin du Moyen Atlas Marocain
Authors:A Dekayir,M El-Ma  taoui
Affiliation:a Département de Géologie, Faculté des Sciences, BP 4010, Bni M'hamed Meknès, Maroc
Abstract:In the Middle Atlas of Morocco, alkali basaltic flows record successive weathering phases during the Quaternary. In fresh basalt interior and intermediate external zones, the first weathering stage is characterised by glass dissolution and the formation of a Si-Al poorly-crystallised product. Advanced weathering phases are characterised by 10 Å halloysite, kaolinite and goethite, located within the primary minerals or as secondary products in fissures. Olivine and iddingsite are transformed into Si-rich goethite, plagioclase into halloysite and pyroxene into a mixture of halloysite + geothite. Dissolution of Ti-magnetite and ilmenite yielded Ti-rich products. In these conditions, the weathering of basalts and development of a soil matrix are accompanied by the elimination of certain chemical elements, such as Si, Ca, Na and K, and the concentration of Fe and Al. In the soil, clay minerals such as illite and vermiculite, do not have any genetic relationship with weathered basalt and were probably introduced externally.
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