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摘    要:像其他海洋生物的生长一样,贻贝(Mytilus edulis L.)也是因海区或生境不同,养殖方法不同,季节不同,生长状况也不同。研究殆贝的生长规律,无疑对判断养殖效果、确立养殖程序等是十分重要的;同时在生态学研究中,对分析种群结构及推断某些生物学特点等,也是不可缺少的。 关于贻贝的生长过去虽有一些记载,但是较系统的材料,现在还不多见。随着生产发展及调查研究的需要,对这个问题我们必须做到胸中有数。为此,我们于1972-1973年结合人工育苗工作,对烟台沿岸的贻贝,自受精卵开始至成贝收获的全部生长过程,进行了较系统的调查研究。除贝壳生长的材料外,还测定了养成时期的肉质部生长的材料。对自然苗的生长情况也作了一些记录。关于春苗的幼虫期及幼苗期的生长情况,我们过去已较详细地报告过1],此处不再赘述;仅对生产意义更大的人工秋苗的生长状沉予以论述。

关 键 词:贻贝  烟台

Abstract:Reared Spring Spats The reared spring spats fertilized on April 19, 1972 grew to commereial sizes in August the next year with a shell length averaging 70 mm and a body weight 27.1 g.The growth of shell length was faster in the first year than in the second year. The increase of shell length reached as high as 0.358mm per day and the maximum daily growth rate was 6.3%. The inerease in shell weight was also greater in the first year than in the second but its rate. however. was smaller Generally speaking, the second year ean still be regarded as blooming period for the growth of mussels. In the winter of the first year when the temperature was very low, the shell part virtually ceased to grow while the soft part continued to inerease in weight.In the spring of the next year (from April to July) as a result of breeding the soft part undergone several times of monthly cyclical weight reduction, the aggregate loss of weight often amounted to 1.2 times the weight of the soft part itself. The greatest reduction in weight (60%)was recorded during breeding period from late April to early May. Reared Autumn Spats The reared autumn spats fertilized on October 5,1972 grew to an average shell length of about 10 mm in June the next year which were then available for produetion purpose. Natural Spring Spats In the last ten days of August, the average shell length of natural spring spats was about 10 mm(the bigger ones measured 26 mm)and were good for attachment in flowing water. In mid-september, many individuals grew to a shell length of 15 to 25 mm(the bigger ones reached 36 mm), which were good for reattachment by binding them to new ropes with netting. The natural spring spats attached to the wharves of Yantai port and those growin on the reefs were much smaller in size than those on the cultured rafts. As to those spats growing on the cultured rafts at Jingou Bay, those nearer the site from the seashore were bigger in size than those at the farther site.
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