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引用本文:段东平. 大风山天青石矿深加工路径的机理剖析[J]. 盐湖研究, 2015, 0(4)
摘    要:本研究在掌握大风山天青石矿特性的基础上,对其深加工路径的选择和机理进行了分析,提出了火法-湿法联合冶金制备氢氧化锶的新工艺,并通过实验进行了验证。实验结果表明:通过集成“转底炉高效还原天青石、高压釜浸取耦合分离单质硫、重结晶提纯氢氧化锶”等技术能够实现天青石至氢氧化锶的高效、高纯、零污染生产,SrSO4到SrS的转化率能够达到95%以上,氢氧化锶纯度达99.5%以上,氢氧化锶的综合产率达到90%以上。本研究为合理高效地利用大风山天青石资源生产氢氧化锶奠定理论基础和技术依据。

关 键 词:天青石  回转窑  转底炉  H2S

Mechanism Analysis of Deep Processing Technology about Dafeng Mountain Celestine
Affiliation:Qinghai Institute of Salt Lake, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Abstract:In this study, physical, chemical and microscopic characteristics of celestine in Dafeng Mountain were investigated firstly. Then the technical superiority and mechanism of deep processing path were analyzed. Based on which, an innovation process of high-purity strontium hydroxide production was put forward. And the experiments were studied. The results showed that it is feasible to deal with celestine by innovation process. By integrating the technologies of "high effective reduction of rotary hearth furnace, leaching and separating of autoclave, recrystallization", strontium hydroxide production of efficient, high-purity, zero pollution can be realized. The conversion rate of SrSO4 to SrS can reach 95%, the purity of strontium hydroxide can reach 99.5%, and the yield of strontium hydroxide can reach 90%. This study can provide theoretical and technical basis on economical and rational use of Celestine in Dafeng Mountain.
Keywords:Celestine   Rotary Kiln   Rotary Hearth Furnace   H2S
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