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Raft-like Metabasaltic Inclusions in the Fongen-Hyllingen Layered Intrusive Complex, Norway, and their Implications for Magma Chamber Evolution
Affiliation:Geologisk Institut, Aarhus Universitet 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
Abstract:The Hyllingen Series comprises the southern part of the Caledoniansynorogenic Fongen- Hyllingen layered mafic intrusion, whichoccupies an area of 160 km2, southeast of Trondheim, Norway.Large, raft-like inclusions form an important part of the HyllingenScries. Most of these are of fine-grained, equigranular rocksof basaltic composition with lithologies matching those of theadjacent country rocks. The rafts, which compose up to 22% ofthe lower part of the Hyllingen Series, are broadly concordantwith modal layering in the host gabbroic rocks. Individual bodiescan be up to 1500 m long and over 100 m thick. Some of the raftsare branching, and appear locally to form a threedimensionalnetwork. Impact structures are associated with small metabasicinclusions but not with the large rafts. The Hyllingen magma chamber is believed to have developed asa southerly expanding, thin wedge, forming the upper part ofthe Fongen chamber. The magma was compositionally zoned andcrystallized along the inclined floor of the wedge-shaped chamber.The wedge expanded as a result of the influx of dense, primitivemagma in the northern part of the chamber. The highly evolvedmagma at the top of the chamber penetrated along fractures inthe roof and spread laterally to form sill-like bodies. Theroof zone consisted of a network of veins and sills penetratingan interconnected framework of metabasic hornfels. Continuedcrystallization at the floor, while the magma chamber expanded,finally resulted in the interconnected rafts being engulfedby the crystallization front. Fragments detached from the roofsank to the floor to cause the observed impact structures. Thelarge, raft-like, fine-grained, granular, gabbroic bodies areconsidered to be in situ country rock inclusions. Reprints available from J. R. Wilson
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