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Phase Relations of an Armalcolite-Phlogopite Lamproite from Smoky Butte, Montana: Applications to Lamproite Genesis
Affiliation:1Department of Geology, University of Western Ontario London, Ontario, Canada N6A 5B7
2Department of Geology, Lakehead University Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada P7B5E1
Abstract:Suprasolidus phase relations at pressures from 8 to 30 kb andtemperatures from 950 to 1380C have been determined experimentallyfor a glassy armalcolite–phlogopite lamproite from thechilled margin of a medium–grained lamproite from SmokyButte, Montana: The armalcolite-phlogopite lamproite has microphenocrystsof olivine in a groundmass of phlogopite, sanidine, armalcolite,clinopyroxene, chromite, priderite, apatite, and abundant glass.The lamproite is SiO2-rich and has high F/H2O relative to lamproitesthat have been investigated in previous experimental studies.Our data show that with decreasing temperature from the liquidusat pressures above ~ 12 kb, melt coexists successively with:olivine; orthopyroxene + clinopyroxene; orthopyroxene + clinopyroxene+ phlogopite; clinopyroxene +phlogopite; and clinopyroxene +orthopyroxene + K-richterite. Below 12 kb, the assemblage successionis: olivine; olivine + clinopyroxene; olivine + clinopyroxene+ phlogopite; and olivine +clinopyroxene + phlogopite + armalcolite.The main difference from the natural paragenesis is that therock does not contain any orthopyroxene—a feature thatis rather remarkable inasmuch as it has ~16% normative hypersthene—andthe rock differs also in that it contains sanidine and priderite.In the experiments, sanidine is observed only as ghostlike domainsin some of the glass and appears to have formed during quenching. The solid phases crystallized experimentally are generally compositionallysimilar to the minerals in the rock. These similarities andthe experimental phase relations support the concept of a rapidinitial magma ascent with only a small temperature drop andcrystallization of olivine, but not of orthopyroxene. At lowerpressures, less than ~ 12 kb, it appears that the magma ascendedmore slowly with a larger temperature drop suggested by thesimilarity of the experimentally determined sequence of assemblagesto the paragenesis of the rock. No quasi-invariant multiphase-saturation point was found suchas might be indicative of pressure and temperature conditionsfor formation of the lamproite magma by eutectic-type partialmelting of a mantle source. The occurrence of olivine, orthopyroxene,and clinopyroxene near the liquidus, and the high proportionof normative hypersthene in the melt suggest that lherzoliteor harzburgite was probable in the magma source rock. The highSiO2 and MgO contents of the Smoky Butte lamproites may indicatethat orthopyroxene was a source mineral even though it did notcrystallize under near-surface conditions. The curve definingthe appearance of phlogopite appears at progressively lowertemperatures from the liquidus as pressure increases, so itwould appear that either phlogopite was not the mantle K-reservoir,or it was entirely consumed during the partial melting process.The composition of the near-liquidus glass in the experimentsis likely to be the composition of the bulk rock less the verysmall amounts of olivine + clinopyroxene + orthopyroxene crystallizedwithin a few degrees below the liquidus. From the inferred compositionof this glass, anhydrous phlogopite is a potential mineral.The principal variable that determines whether phlogopite crystallizesas a near-liquidus mineral is F/H2O; low values of this ratiopromote the presence of phlogopite as a near-liquidus mineralwhereas high values deter its crystallization. The common practiceof adding H2O but not F in experiments to compensate for degassingmay obscure the role of phlogopite in the evolution of lamproitemagmas.
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