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Entrainment Processes in the Convective Boundary Layer with Varying Wind Shear
Authors:Si-Wan Kim  Soon-Ugn Park  Chin-Hoh Moeng
Affiliation:(1) The National Center for Atmospheric Research, USA;(2) School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Seoul National University, San56-1 Shinlimdong Kwanakgu, Seoul, 151-742, Korea;(3) The National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado, 80307, U.S.A
Abstract:Large-eddy simulations (LES) are performed to investigate the entrainment andthe structure of the inversion layer of the convective boundary layer (CBL) withvarying wind shears. Three CBLs are generated with the constant surface kinematicheat flux of 0.05 K m s-1 and varying geostrophic wind speeds from 5 to 15m s-1. Heat flux profiles show that the maximum entrainment heat flux as afraction of the surface heat flux increases from 0.13 to 0.30 in magnitude withincreasing wind shear. The thickness of the entrainment layer, relative to the depthof the well-mixed layer, increases substantially from 0.36 to 0.73 with increasingwind shear. The identification of vortices and extensive flow visualizations nearthe entrainment layer show that concentrated vortices perpendicular to the meanboundary-layer wind direction are identified in the capping inversion layer for thecase of strong wind shear. These vortices are found to develop along the mean winddirections over strong updrafts, which are generated by convective rolls and to appearas large-scale wavy motions similar to billows generated by the Kelvin–Helmholtzinstability. Quadrant analysis of the heat flux shows that in the case of strong windshear, large fluctuations of temperature and vertical velocity generated by largeamplitude wavy motions result in greater heat flux at each quadrant than that inthe weak wind shear case.
Keywords:Entrainment  Kelvin–  Helmholtz instability  Large-eddy simulation  Vortex  Wind shear
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