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Carbon sinks/sources in the Yellow and East China Seas—Air-sea interface exchange,dissolution in seawater,and burial in sediments
摘    要:The sinks/sources of carbon in the Yellow Sea(YS) and East China Sea(ECS), which are important continental shelf seas in China, could exert a great influence on coastal ecosystem dynamics and the regional climate change process. The CO_2 exchange process across the seawater-air interface, dissolved and particulate carbon in seawater, and carbon burial in sediments were studied to understand the sinks/sources of carbon in the continental shelf seas of China. The YS and the ECS generally have different patterns of seasonal air-sea CO_2 exchange. In the YS, regions west of 124°E can absorb CO_2 from the atmosphere during spring and winter, and release CO_2 to the atmosphere during summer and autumn. The entire YS is considered as a CO_2 source throughout the year with respect to the atmosphere, but there are still uncertainties regarding the exact air-sea CO_2 exchange flux. Surface temperature and phytoplankton production were the key controlling factors of the air-sea CO_2 exchange flux in the offshore region and nearshore region of the YS, respectively. The ECS can absorb CO_2 during spring, summer, and winter and release CO_2 to the atmosphere during autumn. The annual average exchange rate in the ECS was-4.2±3.2 mmol m~(-2) d~(-1) and it served as an obvious sink for atmospheric CO_2 with an air-sea exchange flux of 13.7×10~6 t. The controlling factors of the air-sea CO_2 exchange in the ECS varied significantly seasonally. Storage of dissolved inorganic carbon(DIC) and dissolved organic carbon(DOC) in the YS and the ECS were 425×10~6 t and 1364×10~6 t, and 28.2×10~6 t and 54.1×10~6 t,respectively. Long-term observation showed that the DOC content in the YS had a decreasing trend, indicating that the "practical carbon sink" in the YS was decreasing. The total amount of particulate organic carbon(POC) stored in the YS and ECS was10.6×10~6 t, which was comparable to the air-sea CO_2 flux in these two continental shelf seas. The amounts of carbon sequestered by phytoplankton in the YS and the ECS were 60.42×10~6 t and 153.41×10~6 t, respectively. Artificial breeding of macroalgae could effectively enhance blue carbon sequestration, which could fix 0.36×10~6–0.45×10~6 t of carbon annually. Organic carbon(OC) buried in the sediments of the YS was estimated to be 4.75×10~6 t, and OC of marine origin was 3.03×10~6 t, accounting for5.0% of the TOC fixed by phytoplankton primary production. In the ECS, the corresponding depositional flux of OC in the sediment was estimated to be 7.4×10~6 t yr~(-1), and the marine-origin OC was 5.5×10~6 t, accounting for 5.4% of the phytoplankton primary production. Due to the relatively high average depositional flux of OC in the sediment, the YS and ECS have considerable potential to store a vast amount of "blue carbon."

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