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Petrogenetic Evolution of the Torfaj?kull Volcanic Complex, Iceland I. Relationship Between the Magma Types
Affiliation:1Environmental Science Division, University of Lancaster Lancaster LA1 4 YQ, UK
2 US Geological Survey, 2943-c Fulton Avenue, Sacramento, California 95821
3Department of Earth Sciences, The Open University Walton Hall, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA, UK
Abstract:The Torfaj?kull volcano, Iceland's largest silicic centre, issituated close to the junction of the active, southerly propagatingEastern Rift Zone and the South Eastern Zone, an older crustalsegment. This paper provides major, trace, and some Sr isotopedata on postglacial (<10000 y) rocks, i.e., tholeiitic magmasof the Eastern Rift Zone and transitional basalts, icelandites,and rhyolites of the Torfaj?kull centre, and assesses the relationshipsbetween the magma types in terms of the development of the Icelandiccrust. Tholeiitic magmas from the Eastern Rift Zone are LILE-enrichedrelative to MORB. They have undergone extensive olivine-plagioclase-clinopyroxenefractionation at low pressures. Compared with the tholeiites,Torfaj?kull transitional basalts show LILE/HFS enrichment andhigher (87Sr/86Sr)1 ratios. They define several magmatic lineagesand have equilibrated over a wide range of pressures. Both basalttypes were derived by very small degrees of partial meltingof compositionally similar mantle sources, the main differencebeing that the tholeiites were generated in the spinel Iherzolite,and the transitional basalts in the garnet lherzolite, stabilityfields, a conclusion previously reached by Meyer et al. (1985).The mantle sources may have contained LILE-enriched streaks. Low-pressure differentiation of Torfaj?kull transitional basaltproduced an iceiandite to sub-alkaline rhyolite sequence bycrystal fractionation, the rhyolites representing >90% crystallizationof parental basalts. The rhyolites were emplaced as nine separatelava fields, formed during 11 eruptive episodes. The compositionalrange within each field is limited, and, although similar, theranges define several magmatic lineages. Continued fractionationof plagioclase-alkali feldspar-clinopyroxene-magnetite-apatite-zirconassemblages generated peralkaline rhyolites in certain post-glacialeruptions. Chemical variations in the deposits from the Hrafntinnuskerperalkaline eruption were related predominantly to alkali feldsparfractionation, and the melts were erupted from a zoned magmachamber. All postglacial volcanic rocks at Torfajokull havebeen mantle derived and thus represent new additions to theIcelandic crust.
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