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引用本文:陈衍景 欧阳自远. 关于太古宙—元古宙界线的新认识[J]. 地质论评, 1994, 40(6): 483-488
作者姓名:陈衍景 欧阳自远
作者单位:中国科学院地球化学研究所 贵阳(陈衍景,欧阳自远,杨秋剑),中国科学院地球化学研究所 贵阳(邓健)
摘    要:2500Ma作为太古宙-元古宙界线的提议被28届国际地质大会通过,但并不意味着2500Ma作为太古宙-元古宙界线是永恒的最佳选择。事实上,太古宙-元古宙界线划在何处还存在很多争论,现行的界线划分依据也期分期标准相悖。大量资料表明),2300Ma时曾发生全球地质环境的灾变,灾变前后的地质作用(尤其是表生地质作用),有明显变化,导致了太古宙与元古宙的一系列差别。该灾变与元古宙-显生宙,古生代-中生代,

关 键 词:太古宙 元古宙 界线 灾变事件 地质环境

Chen Yanjing,Ouyang Ziyuan,Yang Qiujian and Deng jian. A NEW IDEA OF THE ARCHEAN--PROTEROZOIC BOUNDARY[J]. Geological Review, 1994, 40(6): 483-488
Authors:Chen Yanjing  Ouyang Ziyuan  Yang Qiujian  Deng jian
Abstract:The proposition of taking 2500Ma B. P. as the age of the Archean-Proterozoic(Ar/Pt) boundary was accepted at the 28th IGC. But it doesn't mean that 2500Ma B. P. is always the best choice for the age of the Ar/Pt boundary.As a matterof fact, the Ar/Pt boundary has long been intensively controversial. The implicationof the current Ar/Pt boundary is not clear. The grounds for its establishment donot agree with those for the Proterozoic-Phanerozoic boundary and the importantboundaries within the Phanerozoic. Taking 2500 Ma as the age of the Ar/Pt bound-ary is a temporary agreement and was only supported by 78 percent ofvotes at the 28th IGC. Hence,the age,implication and establishment marks of theAr/Pt boundary should be further studied. It is likely that the current Ar/Ptboundary will be revised or replaced. A great deal of data indicate that a global catastrophe in geologic environmentoccurred at about 2300 Ma B. P. The atmosphere and hydrosphere turned oxidicfrom reducing; volcanics as the dominant component of the surficial rocks gaveplace to sediments. A great leap occurred in the evolution of life and stramatolitedeveloped in large amount. Climate got cold abruptly and the firsrt global glacialevent in the geologic history happened. In addition, phosphorite, evaporite,red beds, banded iron-formation of superior type etc. started to develop. Thecatastrophic event at 2300 Ma B. P. have many similarities to those at the Proter-ozoic-Phanarozoic, Paleozoic-Mesozoic and Mesozoic-Conozoic boundaries. It shouldbe the ideal mark for the Ar/Pt boundary. The catastrophe at 2300 Ma B. P. waswell recorded in the Precambrian of China.
Keywords:Archean-Proterozoic boundary  2300 Ma  catastrophic event  geologic environment  2500 Ma
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