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引用本文:苏现波,黄津,王乾,于世耀. CO2强化煤层气产出与其同步封存实验研究[J]. 煤田地质与勘探, 2023, 51(1): 176-184. DOI: 10.12363/issn.1001-1986.22.11.0873
作者姓名:苏现波  黄津  王乾  于世耀
作者单位:1.河南理工大学 资源环境学院,河南 焦作 454003
摘    要:长期以来针对CO2-ECBM已做了大量研究工作,然而有限的工业试验没能达到预期目的,使得这一煤层气强化技术推广应用欠缺。近些年随着各国碳中和路线的制定,CO2封存逐渐受到重视,煤储层可否作为CO2的封存空间、可否实现CO2驱替CH4和封存同步进行,又重新回归人们的视野。为此,以新疆准南区块目标煤层样为研究对象,采用不同CO2与CH4混合比例气体进行煤的吸附/解吸实验,探索混合气体比例对CO2-ECBM和CO2吸附封存潜力的影响。结果表明,随着混合气体CO2比例减少,CH4驱替效果降低,其中40%CH4+60%CO2混合气体的CO2残余量最多,在解吸至0.7 MPa时已有83.05%的CH4产出,而83.62%的CO2吸附残余在煤中,表明其C...

关 键 词:煤层气  CO2-ECBM  CO2驱替CH4  CO2同步封存  吸附/解吸

Experimental study on CO2-enhanced coalbed methane production and its simultaneous storage
Affiliation:1.School of Resources and Environment, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454003, China2.Unconventional Gas Research Institute, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454003, China3.School of Earth Resources, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), Wuhan 430074, China4.Collaborative Innovation Center of Coalbed Methane and Shale Gas for Central Plains Economic Region, Jiaozuo 454003, China5.State Key Laboratory Cultivation Base for Gas Geology and Gas Control, Jiaozuo 454003, China
Abstract:Abstract: Experimental study on CO2-enhanced coalbed methane production and its simultaneous storage Abstract: For a long time, a lot of work has been done on CO2-enhanced coalbed methane (CO2-ECBM), but the limited industrial trials failed to achieve the expected purpose, which prevented the promotion and application of CBM enhancement technology. In recent years, with the establishment of carbon neutrality routes in different countries, CO2 geological storage has gradually gained attention, and the questions of whether coal reservoirs can be treated as CO2 storage space and whether simultaneous CO2 displacing CH4 and storage can be achieved have returned to the spotlight. In this study, using the coal samples from Xinjiang Zhunnan coal region, the adsorption/desorption experiments of coal were carried out with different mixture ratios of CO2 and CH4 to explore the effects of gas composition on CO2-ECBM, as well as CO2 adsorptive storage potential. The results show that, the CH4 displacement effect decreases as the CO2 ratio of the mixed gas decreasing, among which the CO2 residual volume of 40% CH4+60% CO2 mixture is the highest, corresponding to 83.05% CH4 production and 83.62% CO2 storage by adsorption as the experimental pressure drops to 0.7 MPa during desorption processes. This indicates that its CO2 adsorptive storage potential is the best. The desorption volume and rate of each mixed gas during different depressurization and desorption stages were calculated according to the Dalton’s law for partial pressure and partial volume, as well as the Langmuir’s equation. The results indicate that, as the CO2 ratio of the mixed gas decreases, the CO2 residual rate and volume, as well as the final CH4 desorption rate, were decrease. The predicted trends of CH4 desorption rate and CO2 residual volume with gas mixture composition are generally consistent with those obtained by the experiments, indicating that high proportion of CO2 in the gas mixture enhances CH4 recovery, as well as CO2 adsorptive storage potential of the coal reservoir. This study can provide not only theoretical basis for the field application of CO2-ECBM and CO2 storage, but also experimental supports for the promotion of this technology. 
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