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Adaptive Optics on Large Telescopes
Authors:A. Glindemann  S. Hippler  T. Berkefeld  W. Hackenberg
Affiliation:(1) European Southern Observatory, Garching, Germany;(2) Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie, Heidelberg, Germany;(3) Max-Planck-Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik, Garching, Germany
Abstract:Observations withground based telescopes suffer from atmospheric turbulence.Independent of the telescope size the angular resolution inthe visible is equivalent to that of a telescope with adiameter of 10–20 cm. This effect is caused by the turbulentmixing of air with different temperatures in the atmosphere.Thus, the perfect plane wave from a star at infinity isaberrated before it enters the telescope. In the following,we will discuss the physical background of imaging throughturbulence, using Kolmogorov statistics, and the differenttechniques to sense and to correct the wave-front aberrationswith adaptive optics. The requirements for the control loop ofan adaptive optics system are discussed including formulas forthe limiting magnitude of the guide star as a function of thewave-front sensing method, of the quality of the wave-frontsensor camera, and of the degree of correction. Finally, ashort introduction to deformable mirror technology will begiven followed by the presentation of a new method to measureand to distinguish individual turbulent layers in order toincrease the isoplanatic angle.
Keywords:adaptive optics  laser guide star
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