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引用本文:毛景文,李红艳,B Guy,L Raimbault. 湖南柿竹园矽卡岩-云英岩型W-Sn-Mo-Bi矿床地质和成矿作用[J]. 矿床地质, 1996, 15(1): 1-15
作者姓名:毛景文  李红艳  B Guy  L Raimbault
摘    要:柿竹园钨多金属矿床由三个阶段不同成矿作用复合叠加而形成。它们分别与似斑状黑云母花岗岩、等粒黑云母花岗岩和花岗斑岩脉有着成因联系。第一阶段矿化包括含矿块状外质矽卡岩和含矿退化蚀变岩;第二阶段为云英岩矿化,在空间上叠加于块状矽卡岩及外部的大理岩;第三阶段为与锰质矽卡岩相伴生的铅锌银矿化。本文详细地描述了前两阶段矿化的地质和成矿地球化学特征,并探讨了其成矿过程。在此基础上,建立了柿竹园矿床的多阶段成矿模

关 键 词:矽卡岩 云英岩 矿床地质 钨 锡 多金属矿床

Geology and metallogeny of the Shizhuyuan skarn-gresen W-Sn-Mo-Bi deposit, Hunan Province
Abstract:The Shizhuyuan deposit is the largest of the economically important polymetallic tungsten deposits in China. The deposit occurs within the thermal aureoles of the Yanshanian felsic intrusion which was emplaced into Devonian carbonate and marls. The mineralization in the deposit can be divided into three stages, which are genetically associated with the three episodes of granitic rocks, i.e. pseudoporphyritic biotite granite, equigranular biotite granite, and granite porphyry. During the emplacement of the pseudoporphyroid biotite granite, metamorphism and subsequent skarnization were developed around the stock. The pure limestone was trans-formed to marble, and marls and argillite interlayers to a series of hornfels. Due to the strong subsequent skarnization, most hornfels were transformed into skarns in the Shizhuyuan area. The skarn mainly consisting of calcic skarn is distributed around the granite stock. The skarn exhibits massive structure and is mainly composed of garnet, pyroxene, vesuvianite, wollastonite and interstitial fluorite, scheelite, bismuthinite. The distribution, composition, mineralogy and relationships of alteration facies suggest that they were formed as a result of progressive reaction of an inflowing hydrothermal solution with a generally uniform lime-stone, and that the dominant effect of this interaction was the progressive removal of Ca and addition of other constituents to the altered rocks. Following the formation of primary skarn, skarn was destroyed by retrograde altered rocks including subsalite-magnetite-fluorite rock, magnetite-fluorite-actinolite rock, and chlorite-magnetite-fluorite rock. The retrograde alterations of the skarns are characterized by progressive addition of fluorine, alkaline components, silica, and tin, tungsten, molybdenum and bismuth. lt should be emphysized that a subsalite-magnetite-fluorite rock would be extensively developed at the stage of the transformation from primary skarn to actinolite-magnetite-fluorite rock. A zoning from garnet-pyroxene skarn or garnet skarn, subsalite-magnetite-fluorite rock, actinolite-magnetite-fluorite rock, to chlorite-magnetite-fluorite rock can be frequently recognized in the Shizhuyuan mine. Furthermore, all retrograde altered rocks contain scheelite, cassiterite, molybdenite and bismuthinite. During the emplacement of equigranular biotite granite, skarn veins several dozen millimeters wide were formed, comprising big grained garnet and vesuvianite, interstitial scheelite, wolframite, cassiterite, and molybdenite, but mineralization of this stage predominantly occurred as big or fine stockwork greisenization, which was superimposed on the primary massive skarn and surrounding marble. The W-Sn-Mo-Bi-bearing greisen can be divided into topaz greisen, protolithiolite greisen, muscovite greisen and margarite greisen. Meanwhile, a lot of calcic skarn veinlets, and manganese skarn veinlets consisting of thodonite, spessartine-almandine solid solution, spessartine, and helvite were developed beside the greisen veins. The greisenization is responsible for mineralization zonation, i.e. W-Sn-Mo-Bi, and Sn-Be-Cu-F zones from the contact outward in the deposit.
Keywords:skarn   greisen   polymetallic tungsten deposit   Shizhuyuan
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