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引用本文:杨磊, 才奎志, 孙丽, 陈宇, 张岳. 2020: 基于葵花8号卫星资料的沈阳两次暴雨过程中对流云特征对比分析. 暴雨灾害, 39(2): 125-135. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2020.02.003
作者姓名:杨磊  才奎志  孙丽  陈宇  张岳
作者单位:1.中国气象局沈阳大气环境研究所, 沈阳 110166;2.辽宁省气象灾害监测预警中心, 沈阳 110166;3.辽宁省人工影响天气办公室, 沈阳 110166;4.中国气象局科技与气候变化司, 北京 100081
摘    要:

应用葵花8号卫星资料,结合NCEP FNL再分析、GNSS遥感水汽、风廓线雷达、全国智能网格实况融合分析资料,对2017年7月14日和2018年8月7日沈阳两次暴雨过程(分别简称过程Ⅰ和过程Ⅱ)中对流云特征进行了比较分析,重点探讨了对流云的触发维持机制与影响降水特征差异的因素。结果表明:(1)两次过程分别为局地突发暴雨和区域性极端暴雨,沈阳市区暴雨均由两个对流云团引发,对流云团合并使得降水持续。过程Ⅱ云团合并发生在其移动方向的后侧,具有后向传播特征,合并云团沿其长轴方向移动影响沈阳市,使降水时间延长。(2)在降水前至降水初期,过程Ⅰ对流云顶和水汽层顶快速上升且云顶迅速超过水汽层顶,而过程Ⅱ亮温下降缓慢。短时强降水发生前红外和水汽亮温同步快速降至-60℃,可作为提前预判对流云团产生短时强降水的参考指标。10 min雨量大于10 mm的对流云云顶集中分布在红外亮温低于-55℃、亮温差为-5~0℃的范围。(3)两次过程中,沈阳市分别位于东北冷涡后部和副热带高压北缘。过程Ⅰ,探空曲线呈“X”型,CAPE高达2 584 J·kg-1,造成对流云深厚,云底以下干层导致雨滴蒸发,使降水强度减弱,该过程高强度降水仅发生在对流云团合并加强阶段。过程Ⅱ,云底到地面湿层明显,保证了雨滴降至地面,产生相同量级降水的云团的TBB比过程Ⅰ高。(4)强降水发生前,地面风场存在明显辐合,当大气可降水量2 h内跃增8 mm时,站点出现强降水;局地水汽跃增可能是低空西南气流偏南分量增大或偏北冷空气侵入到暖湿空气中所致。

关 键 词:暴雨  对流云  触发机制  大气可降水量  葵花8号卫星

A review for forecasters on the application of hodographs to forecasting severe thunderstorms
YANG Lei, CAI Kuizhi, SUN Li, CHEN Yu, ZHANG Yue. 2020: Comparison of convective cloud characteristics during two torrential rain events in Shenyang based on Himawari-8 satellite data. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 39(2): 125-135. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2020.02.003
Authors:YANG Lei  CAI Kuizhi  SUN Li  CHEN Yu  ZHANG Yue
Affiliation:1.Institute of Atmospheric Environment, China Meteorological Administration, Shenyang 110166;2.Liaoning Meteorological Disaster Monitoring and Early Warning Centre, Shenyang 110166;3.Liaoning Weather Modification Office, Shenyang 110166;4.Science and Technology & Climate Change Department, China Meteorological Administration, Beijing 100081
Abstract:Using NCEP FNL reanalysis data, GNSS retrieved water vapor, wind profile radar products and the national intelligent grid real-life live fusion analysis data, we have conducted a comparative analysis of the convective cloud characteristics during two torrential rain events occurred in Shenyang on 14 July 2017 (event Ⅰ) and 7 August 2018 (event Ⅱ), with focus on the trigger and maintaining mechanism of convective cloud and their difference in affecting precipitation. The results are as follows. (1) The two events are local abrupt heavy rain and regional extreme rainstorm events, respectively. Both torrential rain events that occurred in Shenyang urban areas were induced by two mesoscale convective cloud clusters, whose merging made precipitation continue. During eventⅡ, the merging of cloud clusters occurred on the rear of their moving direction, with back propagating feature. The merged cloud clusters moved along its long axis and affected Shenyang, leading to a long precipitation time. (2) Before and at the initial stage of precipitation, both the convective cloud top and the water vapor layer top rise rapidly and the former exceed the latter quickly during eventⅠ, while during eventⅡ the brightness temperature decreased slowly. Before the short-term heavy precipitation in the two events, the simultaneous and rapid decrease of brightness temperatures to -60 ℃ at the infrared and water vapor channels is used as a reference indicator for the forecast of short-term heavy precipitation in advance. The top of convective cloud that caused 10-minute precipitation being greater than 10 mm concentrated in the areas with infrared brightness temperature below -55 ℃ and the brightness temperature difference between -5 ℃ and 0 ℃. (3) Shenyang is located in the rear of the northeast cold vortex and the north edge of subtropical high during the two events. During eventⅠ, the radiosonde curves show the shape of
Keywords:torrential rain  convective cloud  trigger mechanism  PWV  Himawari-8 satellite
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