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Metamorphic response in orogens of different obliquity,scale and geometry
Authors:Ben D Goscombe  David R Gray
Institution:1. Institute of Geophysics, Department of Geosciences, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH-Zurich), Sonneggstrasse 5, CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland;2. School of Earth Sciences and Resources, China University of Geosciences Beijing, No. 29 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100083, China;3. Department of Interdisciplinary Science, Faculty of Science, Kochi University, Akebono-cho 2-5-1, Kochi 780-8520, Japan;4. Karelian Research Center of RAS, Institute of Geology, Pushkinskaya St., 11, Petrozavodsk 185610, Karelia, Russia;5. Institute of Geology and Mineralogy SB RAS, Koptyuga Ave. 3, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia;1. Department of Geology and Environmental Earth Science, Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056, USA;2. State Key Laboratory of Continental Tectonics and Dynamics of China, Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing, China;3. Department of Earth Science & Centre for Geobiology, University of Bergen, Bergen 5007, Norway;4. Department of Earth Sciences, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Abstract:Investigation of material flow within transpressional orogens must involve integration of structural and metamorphic datasets. To illustrate the problems in documenting flow vectors we present integrated structural-metamorphic datasets from two transpressional systems; the Kaoko Belt in Namibia and the Kalinjala Shear Zone in South Australia. These orogens experienced widely differing metamorphic responses to transpressional deformation. Integration of kinematic and metamorphic datasets from the Kaoko Belt indicate shallow up-plunging extrusion trajectories in the orogen core, and show that the maximum stretching direction pattern matches the inferred flow vectors. High-grade domains (800–840 °C and 7.0–8.0 kb) in the orogen core developed low-angle upward-verging maximum stretching direction trajectories, whereas a low-grade domain (575–600 °C and 5.0–5.5 kb) in the orogen core has downward-verging lineation trajectories. The barometric differential between these high-grade and low-grade domains is entirely consistent with the angle of plunge of maximum stretching directions within the high-grade domains that were extruded obliquely, for the amount of lateral shear estimated for the orogen core. The Kalinjala Shear Zone in South Australia contrasts strongly with the Kaoko Belt. In this example, the high-grade and high-strain shear zone core of the orogen, experienced high-T/high-P metamorphism with low thermal gradients of 21–26 °C/km and steep decompressive PT paths. The lower-grade external domains experienced lower-T/lower-P metamorphism with high thermal gradients of 35–37 °C/km. Sub-horizontal maximum stretching directions do not match the vertical extrusional flow in the high-grade core that is indicated by the metamorphic data. This comparison shows that in general and on a gross scale, maximum stretching directions do not necessarily correlate with the real flow vectors experienced during orogenesis. In some cases maximum stretching direction recorded by deformation structures is to some degree decoupled from the vertical component of material flow. Consequently, information pertaining to flow is often partitioned into information derived from deformation structures and information derived from the metamorphic record. These two datasets must be used in concert to obtain realistic constraints on first-order material flow trajectories at orogenic scales. The horizontal component of flow is typically best recorded by structural fabrics (maximum stretching direction and sense of shear), whereas the vertical component is typically best recorded by metamorphic information, such as PT paths, temperature over depth ratio (G) and metamorphic field gradients (i.e. ΔT, ΔP and ΔG) across the orogen.
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